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Important: Open Beta Status Announcement


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I have monitored this project for a long time now and joined the community a few days ago. I have to say i'm super excited about Skylords and beg to the Devs to take their time. We waited a long time now and we can wait a few more weeks or months. If they rush for release nobody will be happy. The game will be buggy, players will leave the project, the Devs will become frustrated and Skylords will die. Better to wait a little longer and get a proper game. ; )

Edited by FoxGold
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The only thing I concern about right now are servers capacity. All the matches will be stored on servers (queues, lags) or PCs of those who set up the lobby will work as individual servers? I ask, because a lot of games, even from very big producers, had issues with server limits during game start.

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2 hours ago, Volriker said:

The only thing I concern about right now are servers capacity. All the matches will be stored on servers (queues, lags) or PCs of those who set up the lobby will work as individual servers? I ask, because a lot of games, even from very big producers, had issues with server limits during game start.

Every connection to the game will have to be done through the centralized server, even single player PVE

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Hello There , my name is Eviatar , former player of battleforge by EA , was one of my favorite games EVER.
Now I would like to ask you a question friend , 
this Method of you guys , is that look normal to you pal ? 
Have you ever seen a game , promised to release a month after a month and constently and repeatedly fails its fans down?
I can tell you i have never encountered anything like that anywhere else , I rarly knew few games that delayed their release dates ONCE , not more .
Dont get me wrong pal , its not the programming part that i judge you guys about , no no , I had experience with programming before , I know how difficult and hard it can be , in that part you have my tottal understanding , 
so please dont take me for a fool .
the part i judge you guys about is the dates , as i sayd ive never seen anything like this , this is just a torture for some people , delaying again and again and again each time posting another heartbreaking post about the problems of the servers and how much you guys want to make this succeed , i think the people know you want to make it succeed , so do they .
Please , stop making false dates , i think it pisses so many people off (me included) , its really not providing anything.
In my opinion a true date , even a one people may not like , would be batter , even if you talled me now : "something exploded in the game , alot of unexpected problems , the game will release in 3 years" , 
I would still appreciate it more then each month having people waiting in patience and failing them each time.
I want to remind you man that i still appreciate your work guys and i believe you do your best ,as i always did , i just wanted to express my opinion here.
Thank you for your time , have a good day.

this is a latter i wrote to MrXLink , he read it and did not responded.

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10 minutes ago, Eviatar10 said:


Hello There , my name is Eviatar , former player of battleforge by EA , was one of my favorite games EVER.
Now I would like to ask you a question friend , 
this Method of you guys , is that look normal to you pal ? 
Have you ever seen a game , promised to release a month after a month and constently and repeatedly fails its fans down?
I can tell you i have never encountered anything like that anywhere else , I rarly knew few games that delayed their release dates ONCE , not more .
Dont get me wrong pal , its not the programming part that i judge you guys about , no no , I had experience with programming before , I know how difficult and hard it can be , in that part you have my tottal understanding , 
so please dont take me for a fool .
the part i judge you guys about is the dates , as i sayd ive never seen anything like this , this is just a torture for some people , delaying again and again and again each time posting another heartbreaking post about the problems of the servers and how much you guys want to make this succeed , i think the people know you want to make it succeed , so do they .
Please , stop making false dates , i think it pisses so many people off (me included) , its really not providing anything.
In my opinion a true date , even a one people may not like , would be batter , even if you talled me now : "something exploded in the game , alot of unexpected problems , the game will release in 3 years" , 
I would still appreciate it more then each month having people waiting in patience and failing them each time.
I want to remind you man that i still appreciate your work guys and i believe you do your best ,as i always did , i just wanted to express my opinion here.
Thank you for your time , have a good day.

this is a latter i wrote to MrXLink , he read it and did not responded.

I dont think he has to respond to every message he gets, also they stated already that they now realize that it was a mistake to Keep the People hyped with new ETAs. they just wanted to be as positive as it could be and didnt see that huge outrage coming by frustrated People.

They said they want to avoid exact Dates and rather give out a large timespan in which it could be possible to release open beta. So i think they know how to Keep it going in the future.

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13 minutes ago, Eviatar10 said:

Please , stop making false dates , i think it pisses so many people off (me included) , its really not providing anything.


the nice opinion: Obivously they didn't do it on purpose and I'm sure they learned from their mistakes and will not do something like this again.

My opinion: They are amateurs, end of story. What do you people expect. 

Edited by BlackPatz
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3 hours ago, Eviatar10 said:

Now I would like to ask you a question friend , 
this Method of you guys , is that look normal to you pal ? 
Have you ever seen a game , promised to release a month after a month and constently and repeatedly fails its fans down?

Are you serious? I mean, I would've laughed at this statement 10 years ago, but now? Really? The age of "early access" aka we promise we'll finish the game you paid us for someday, honest. Hell yes this happens all the time to far more professional studios.

3 hours ago, Eviatar10 said:

the part i judge you guys about is the dates , as i sayd ive never seen anything like this , this is just a torture for some people , delaying again and again and again each time posting another heartbreaking post about the problems of the servers and how much you guys want to make this succeed , i think the people know you want to make it succeed , so do they .
Please , stop making false dates , i think it pisses so many people off (me included) , its really not providing anything.

Now, this part I don't disagree with you on, but apparently nor do the devs, hence them stating after the last delay that they will not give estimated release dates any more. I'm sure it upsets them at least as much as it does us for them to feel like they are telling thousands of people "we let you down". The dates are obviously never intended to be "false", bad things happen unexpectedly. I should've gotten to work at 8:30am this morning but somebody crashed their car so I didn't.

3 hours ago, Eviatar10 said:

In my opinion a true date , even a one people may not like , would be batter , even if you talled me now : "something exploded in the game , alot of unexpected problems , the game will release in 3 years" , 

Well, the game will be out in 3 years for sure, 3 months probably - take a breath, come back later, or enjoy just being part of the community in the run up.

3 hours ago, Eviatar10 said:

this is a latter i wrote to MrXLink , he read it and did not responded.

Nor would I, would you? What does one respond to that? They've already taken on board your suggestion, surely that's better than a response?

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6 hours ago, Eviatar10 said:


In my opinion a true date , even a one people may not like , would be batter , even if you talled me now : "something exploded in the game , alot of unexpected problems , the game will release in 3 years" , 

this is a latter i wrote to MrXLink , he read it and did not responded.

You know there is no release date now? And I'm pretty sure the dates devs gave were true to them at that time. Maybe he didn't respond because you wrote nothing new for him, not sure what replay you expct. "I know right"? I bet everybody knows some people are pissed about the delays.

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I think it's the right decision to delay the release and you're apologizing more than is nesecarry. Make it run and then release it, there's nothing wrong with that. But add those 3-4 weeks to any and all deadlines you set for yourself in the future. 

Sorry for the bad English.

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13 hours ago, Eviatar10 said:


Hello There , my name is Eviatar , former player of battleforge by EA , was one of my favorite games EVER.
Now I would like to ask you a question friend , 
this Method of you guys , is that look normal to you pal ? 
Have you ever seen a game , promised to release a month after a month and constently and repeatedly fails its fans down?
I can tell you i have never encountered anything like that anywhere else , I rarly knew few games that delayed their release dates ONCE , not more .
Dont get me wrong pal , its not the programming part that i judge you guys about , no no , I had experience with programming before , I know how difficult and hard it can be , in that part you have my tottal understanding , 
so please dont take me for a fool .
the part i judge you guys about is the dates , as i sayd ive never seen anything like this , this is just a torture for some people , delaying again and again and again each time posting another heartbreaking post about the problems of the servers and how much you guys want to make this succeed , i think the people know you want to make it succeed , so do they .
Please , stop making false dates , i think it pisses so many people off (me included) , its really not providing anything.
In my opinion a true date , even a one people may not like , would be batter , even if you talled me now : "something exploded in the game , alot of unexpected problems , the game will release in 3 years" , 
I would still appreciate it more then each month having people waiting in patience and failing them each time.
I want to remind you man that i still appreciate your work guys and i believe you do your best ,as i always did , i just wanted to express my opinion here.
Thank you for your time , have a good day.

this is a latter i wrote to MrXLink , he read it and did not responded.

If you're heartbroken about the game being delayed you honestly NEED to unplug from the PC and get some fresh air. I'm not saying this to be a butt, but more as a healthy life-tip. You should never ever ever have your happiness depend on something material like this... 

On a side note.. I'm not sure why you felt it was necessary for you to share this letter with the rest of the community. You sent it to the devs; i'm sure they've read it.. and they've already replied to this... by making this post in the first place. Posting it in this forum just makes it seem like you're trying to get attention, which honestly grabs me the wrong way. 

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22 hours ago, Eviatar10 said:


Hello There , my name is Eviatar , former player of battleforge by EA , was one of my favorite games EVER.
Now I would like to ask you a question friend , 
this Method of you guys , is that look normal to you pal ? 
Have you ever seen a game , promised to release a month after a month and constently and repeatedly fails its fans down?
I can tell you i have never encountered anything like that anywhere else , I rarly knew few games that delayed their release dates ONCE , not more .
Dont get me wrong pal , its not the programming part that i judge you guys about , no no , I had experience with programming before , I know how difficult and hard it can be , in that part you have my tottal understanding , 
so please dont take me for a fool .
the part i judge you guys about is the dates , as i sayd ive never seen anything like this , this is just a torture for some people , delaying again and again and again each time posting another heartbreaking post about the problems of the servers and how much you guys want to make this succeed , i think the people know you want to make it succeed , so do they .
Please , stop making false dates , i think it pisses so many people off (me included) , its really not providing anything.
In my opinion a true date , even a one people may not like , would be batter , even if you talled me now : "something exploded in the game , alot of unexpected problems , the game will release in 3 years" , 
I would still appreciate it more then each month having people waiting in patience and failing them each time.
I want to remind you man that i still appreciate your work guys and i believe you do your best ,as i always did , i just wanted to express my opinion here.
Thank you for your time , have a good day.

this is a latter i wrote to MrXLink , he read it and did not responded.

Dude, honestly i dont understand this bullshit at all.... DO you really think they gave dates just to fool us ?? No, they though they will be finish in this time.. but they faced some unforeseen problems so it took longer then expected. These guys work day in and day out and pretty much fk on their on health to get this project done and u have nothing else to do then complaining?? Keep in mind.. that they arent a professional buisness with many of ppl who works on the same project... they are, if i am not wrong, only 3 ppl. 3 Ppl for a game like this, isent much in my oppinion. I really appreciate that they do it... they do it for free and just finance all the stuff by donating no payments. It is maybe sad that they couldnt do it in time like they wanted.... But this shitstorm is totally unfair nobody of u... would take the work on himself and would rebuild/reborn the game.

Its sad and horrific how ppl are complaining soo much about it... we all waited like years... now they are close to be finish with the game and u guys just hate them because they didnt finish it on the date they said.

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Actually I think this has been a subject of discussion more than enough and normally I don't join such shitstormlike structures on principle, but this sentence makes me think you're stupid, so I need to inform you:

23 hours ago, Eviatar10 said:

Have you ever seen a game , promised to release a month after a month and constently and repeatedly fails its fans down?

  1. First of all Duke Nukem Forever: 14 Years delay... you wouldnt have said that if you had been waiting for that game :D
  2. Age of Empires - Definite Edition: Six days b4 release in October 2017, delayed to 2018
  3. Dead Island 2: Release date 2015 - not released yet as far as i know
  4. Zelda - Breath of the Wild: Release date: 2015, came out 2017
  5. South park - the fractured but whole: 2016 -> 2017
  6. Mass Effect Andromeda: 2016 -> 2017
  7. Horizon Zero Dawn: 2016 -> 2017
  8. ... I could continue this list till "1000."

Last but not least: Gothic 3, released on time in 2006 -> most awefull stupid unplayable buggy game I've ever played, not even working properly and lagfree today on highend 2018 computers (without community-patch)...

So please inform yourself of things b4 you reveal your immature anger about non-professional freetime developers next time :P

Furthermore I can recommend this article warmly to you. Maybe then you will understand that an early release is not the most important thing in your life right now.

Edited by Luki
due to spelling mistakes
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i think this community understands that game development takes time and i cannot speak for others but i just want a great game like it used to be if it has to take a lot of time that okay. my own worst fear is that some company will take this down due to copyright like ea did to battlefield heroes reborn

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if there will be a Open Beta Status Announcement in here then i guess they will edit the start topic. every date that doesnt com from a autorized user (color) is to be handled as false information.


and just a request to all that quote, there is realy no need to post the full quote every single post. from the poster to this post 4 peoples did just quote all text. just saying

Edited by Asraiel
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no need to apologize, i could wait another year  just 2 see this game come to life again
and its better to take time for what your doing unless you want it to end in an disaster

for example i like to draw but i would never rush a drawing, because is would look probably awfull and i would disappoint myself

  and thx for your efforts


Edited by Areamis
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Echoing everyone else's positive sentiments.  Please don't stress, do not rush. Take your time, enjoy your lives. Take time for your families, etc! We've waited a long time for the opportunity, we can wait some more!  There are some great free games out there to play, and some cheap ones.  That will make them easy to drop when we finally re-engage with the wonder that is BattleForge, I mean Skylords Reborn! :)

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Dear Devs and Mods

Pls dont just change in the Announcment the time 3-4 weeks to 6-7 weeks. Its a bad move. Just go straight with us and do a new Announcment.

We all are stand behind you and will keep up the :hype:. But just be real to us.


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As @Skhan and others already noticed and pointed out, @fiki574 had made an edit to the first post in this topic with a different estimation. As you all know, Fiki is always hyped and invested in the project and really wants to give you all estimations of when he's done, often not foreseeing possible consequences and further postponing, and especially missing the impact this can cause for all of you Skylords. The edit was made without the team's consent or knowledge in an attempt to clear things up for you all; he meant well, but the way he handled the situation was no less than inappropriate and unacceptable behaviour towards the community. 

We deeply apologise for the conflict and confusion this has caused, and it has turned us to more strongly abide by the statements we made in the first post of this topic. We are no longer providing you with release dates. We truly are of mind that it upsets and overhypes more community members to an unhealthy extent, than it is actually helpful and supportive towards the community. While I admire your loyalty and steadfastness (I have seen absolutely no community with this much dedication), it is absolutely unfair to have to keep disappointing you, making promises the programmers can't adhere to, and getting you all ready and excited for something that might not even come at said date. 

I would like to reassure you all, Skylords, that we will never sneak edit something into an announcement to change something important or groundbreaking. We have taken measures to prevent this incident in the possible future, and we will always keep you updated on any definitive information on progression and release estimations as soon as we know it. There will be no estimated dates on the forums or on the devplatform unless we are utterly and absolutely sure we will be able to adhere by these dates, for example if everything runs well and is basically ready for testing, but there are still some tiny, not completely intrusive bugs we need to iron out.

Once again, we deeply apologise for what happened here, and we have dealt with the situation.
Please do not fret about the lack of release dates; we promise that Open Beta is well underway and we are working as hard and fast as we can to bring it to you as soon as possible. Our beta testers can confirm that we're actually progressing, and we will keep progressing for you all!

Apologies, sincerely, and on behalf of the SR Team,
MrXLink, Community Manager

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