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Everything posted by Hoobs

  1. NAME: Disconnect from Server when Loading Encounters With Twilight SEVERITY: 1LOCATION: (End of) Loading Screen, ForgeREPRODUCIBILITY: 6/6 attempts (2 Standard, 2 Advanced, 2 Expert)DESCRIPTION: Every time I try to load into EWT, it disconnects me from the server and I have to relog. SCREENSHOT: Attatched (Sorry for crappy cellphone picture, my computer cant screenshot the game for some reason)ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: I was attempting to smash through a quick EWT for daily quests when I discovered the bug. I have a very good computer with solid internet connection, so I do not think it is something on my end. I usually load into a map in under 10 seconds, but the bar here goes to 100% in about 5 seconds, then there is about a 20-25 second delay before it disconnects me from the server. Prior to this, I had completed Oracle and Ocean with no issues whatsoever. I also noticed in the chat that some other people were having issues loading into other Single player maps (Not specified, and I didn't take screenshots I'm sorry). So it is possible that it isn't just me.
  2. I've been waiting for 4 and a half years, another few months is nothing. Love you guys for this!
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