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Community Update - September 2023


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Greetings Skylords!

A new month; a new Community Update! It's time to bring you up to speed with everything going on in Skylords Reborn!


 Yearly Survey Results

Once more, a huge thank you to everyone who took part in our 2023 Survey. This year, more than 1700 of you generously shared your feedback on a wide array of topics, ranging from general perceptions of the project to thoughts on balance and upcoming features. As always, your insights will be instrumental in shaping our future updates and guiding our areas of focus. Just like last year, we have gathered all the responses and condensed them into a brief presentation.




 New Card Reveal - Tectonic Shift

Today we have an exciting upcoming Stonekin card to show you, first teased in our Stonekin Deep Dive. Take a look at Tectonic Shift!

Tectonic Shift.png


Terrestrial Gate
Grants the targeted friendly Stonekin building the ability to relocate to another spot within a 100m range. After the relocation, the building will be more vulnerable, taking 50% more damage for 20 seconds. Reusable every 20 seconds.


Please note: We are still testing the card. While we are generally happy with it, numbers, effects and artwork might still change before release. 

By casting this spell on your Stonekin building, you grant it a permanent teleportation ability, akin to the mechanics of the Phase Tower. Once the spell is cast, you'll have the liberty to teleport the building multiple times throughout the match at no additional cost. It's worth noting that the teleportation range spans an impressive 100 meters, which is twice the distance covered by the Phase Tower (50 meters)

Tectonic Shift is meant for the building-focused Stonekin archetype. If you are interested in more information about this archetype, please take a look at our Stonekin Deep Dive

Below, you can see the teleport effect in all its glory:


Casting Tectonic Shift on a friendly Stonekin building grants a new ability to the building, allowing it to teleport at will. 
Please note: this test footage was recorded before the artwork was finished.


 Voice Acting – Update

We have successfully completed our search for voice actors to bring our upcoming new cards and characters to life!

The next steps will be to finalize the scripts and get the voice actors to record their lines. We are very happy about the chosen candidates, and can't wait to show you more in the future. 

Everyone who applied as a voice actor should have received an e-mail about the results of their trail take. If, by any chance, you haven't received this email, please don't hesitate to reach out to me (Majora) directly via Discord or by sending a direct message on the Forum.

Thank you, and to be continued!



In between our monthly Community Updates, we host various events and tournaments, so be sure to keep a close eye on the in-game event tab and the forum calendar to stay informed and not miss out on any exciting events!


image.png• FINISHED - CCC #12 - Say Goodbye To One
This CCC was a throwback to the very first CCC, where Skylords had to complete rPvE on difficulty 1 as fast as possible. Enough players participated to unlock a scratch code for the whole community! More information.


• Host your own tournament / event
Want to host a tournament or event? Please reach out to our other Event Organizers, @Metagross31 or @Minashigo Hiko. We can help you out with various topics and are glad to discuss potential ideas. We can also sponsor the prize pool for your event. If you have a cool idea for a PvE event, or want to host a PvP tournament, please don't hesitate to reach out to us, we will gladly assist you.

 Gameplay Trailer

Continuing from our cinematic trailer, we're thrilled to present a fully voiced gameplay trailer for the game! We extend our heartfelt gratitude to Dreamlord for once again lending their voice to this project. We are already seeing an increase in new Skylords finding out about the project after watching the trailer, which is lovely to see!

As a volunteer project, we are very limited to what we can do on the marketing side, so this trailer reaching the masses is super important for us. Please help us out by liking and sharing the trailer! As a thank you, we have also added a scratch code in the comment section of the video. Please don't share this code with other players directly, but point them towards the trailer instead!

We hope the community can come together to make this trailer a great success!

As a labor of love carried out by volunteers, Skylord Reborn's growth has been dependent on word-of-mouth recommendations and reconnecting with BattleForge's former playerbase. With over 130,000 registered accounts, we've been pretty successful in doing so. However, we remain convinced that there is still a lot of untapped potential. While a substantial portion of our player community comprises BattleForge veterans, there exists a vast expanse of real-time strategy (RTS) and trading card game (TCG) enthusiasts who are yet to discover this unique blend of genres. The above trailer was created with this in mind, showcasing the game for what it is in a way that does not require BattleForge knowledge. The next step is to actually reach those players, which brings us to....


 Contribute - Spotlight

There are two roles in specific we would like to highlight this month.

First off, we are looking for an active and passionate outreach coordinator, helping us reach new Skylords by contacting streamers, influencers, media, and other potential parties. This role can make a drastic impact for Skylords Reborn, so please consider applying.


• Marketeer / Outreach Coordinator
As a Marketeer / Outreach Coordinator, you are responsible to spread the word and create awareness about Skylords Reborn, attracting veteran and new players alike. 

Your tasks will include actively researching and reaching out to potentially interested streamers, YouTubers, Discord channels, game magazines, among others. You will be responsible for the communication to and from interested parties and for any promotion deals (for example involving scratch codes). Please note that Skylords Reborn cannot do any paid promotions. 

More information. 

Second, we are looking for someone to help us in the Event Department. Where an Outreach Coordinator draws in new players, Event Managers try to keep them invested by providing fun events to participate, either by hosting them or supporting community members in doing so.


• Event Manager / Organizer
As an event organizer, you are responsible to design and organize official events and tournaments from start to finish. This process includes research for new and fun event ideas, design the event and rewards, promote and organize the event and ensure it runs smoothly as a whole. 

Furthermore, you will also be responsible for the communication from and to the community for anything event and tournament related and to guarantee all rewards are handed out accordingly. Lastly, as an event organizer, you are also the contact person for unofficial community events and tournaments seeking for sponsorship from the project. 

More information.

But there are more roles available. Below, you can take a look at all our open positions. 

Skylords Reborn is a community-driven project fueled by the passion and dedication of over 45 volunteers. We are always on the lookout for like-minded individuals. If you have a passion for gaming, programming, design, or marketing, we invite you to take a look at our open positions!



New Team Members

We had five new members join the project the past month!

We have two new moderators;
Linkx is our new Discord Moderator, while Vultagx is our new Global Moderator. Feel free to contact them if you have a question or run into any issues in the game or on our Discord.

We also have two new developers; Pierakor is our new Tool Developer. His initial focus will be on the Special Effects Editor, which we use for editing and creating new special effects in-game. He will work closely with our two Tech Artist to improve our tool according to their needs. Lucas Ansei is our new Web Developer. He will be working with our other developers on the internal web-interface.

Last but not least, Kayrie has joined the team as a Map Artist. He will help out the Map Department who are currently working on new Campaign Maps, making sure they will look visually appealing. 


 In Conclusion

That's all for this Community Update! We appreciate you taking the time to read through it.

As is tradition, we're including a scratch code as a small token of our appreciation for your support.
The code will reward you with a Stonekin booster: 

The code is valid until October 1st, when we will bring you another Community Update. 

We're always looking for ways to improve and value your feedback. If you have any questions, comments, or suggestions, please don't hesitate to share them with us. We'll be back next month with more updates on our ongoing projects and upcoming features. You can also sign up to our e-mail newsletter here. 

Community Update footer.png

Skylords Reborn Documents (Deep Dives, Behind the Scenes, PvP Guide)  
Overview Community Updates
Community Update August 2023

Zeroo, RadicalX, Metanolo and 4 others like this
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I'd like to say a couple of things.

First of all, the animation for that new stoneskin speel is absolutely awesome! Whoever came up with this, great work!

Second, when it comes to events, i would simply like events that involve minor changes on the pve missions, for example a temporary new option when you go into a mission like encounters with twilight and you select the event option, something like "all your cards cost 100% more but you will get 100% more gold for completing it. I know some people also already mentioned mutations like in starcraft and i also believe its a cool idea, but probably tough to implement. But maybe something like the treasure goblins from Diablo would work here. That everyday you can find one, lets call it a thief, who randomly spawns on the map (except for boss and starting areas) he will be tough to kill cause he might be very fast in running away, but if you kill him you get a nice pile of gold.

Third, i really like the gameplay trailer, super well done. The only thing that i think was missing is that when he mentioned that there are also completely new cards here they should have shown one, like the Wasteland terror for example.

Fourth, I wish the new team members all the luck and fun in the world, hope you will have a great time! @Linkz @Vultagx @pierakor @lucas_ansei @Kayrie

Fifth, great community update as always, the survey overview was really nice, thanks everyone once again for this incredible accomplishment! Skylords Reborn is a f**king gem!!!

Volin, Metagross31, Majora and 3 others like this
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1 hour ago, Lobo23 said:

To be fair I would change the "forever with no cost" of the spell, to a 1 use but not limit it to stonekin buildings

The limit to Stonekin buildings was put in place after technical issues. We hope you will still enjoy the card 🙂

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20 hours ago, Bini Inibitor said:

Turned out quite well, although I think the shard effect could be a bit more "static". Looks a bit odd, when the stone fragments move up slightly after they emerge.

The idea was to convey the feeling of the stone plates colliding and ricocheting off of one another. Similar to how the wall-gates in the game have a slight bounce to them when you open and close them.

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3 hours ago, Cocofang said:

The idea was to convey the feeling of the stone plates colliding and ricocheting off of one another. Similar to how the wall-gates in the game have a slight bounce to them when you open and close them.

I see, hmm but then it looks a bit too gentle to me.

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Technical limitations in the editor made an exact replication of that type of movement unfeasible.

On 9/1/2023 at 3:31 PM, Lobo23 said:

To be fair I would change the "forever with no cost" of the spell, to a 1 use but not limit it to stonekin buildings

When a building with multishot teleports it crashes the game. No way to fix that right now so it has to be Stonekin exclusive.

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5 hours ago, Cocofang said:

Technical limitations in the editor made an exact replication of that type of movement unfeasible.

When a building with multishot teleports it crashes the game. No way to fix that right now so it has to be Stonekin exclusive.

It's a shame, but even so, the spell is still an improvement for Stonekin lineup. The faction can be quite 'static'. I will see myself out. 

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