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CCC #12 - Say Goodbye To One - UNTIL 31.08.2023


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Hello Skylords, Skyladies, and other Skybeings; Welcome to CCC #12 – the twelfth Crappy Community Contest!


If you want to check out the winners, CLICK HERE. If you are just here to grab the code, there you go: CCC1-2BYE-TOTH-EONE



What are “Crappy Community Contests”?

CCC's are meant to be small-scale contests with weird challenges, hopefully luring you away from well-trodden paths. They are small-scale on the organizers side too: usually there will be no stream, video, or event announcing the winners. What's special about these contests is a participation prize for the whole Skylords community.

What, when, where, how?

Say Goodbye To One

The famous difficulty rPvE 1 will leave us soon.

This challenge is to win the current
1-player rPvE difficulty 1 Map of the Month
in the fastest time without using
Fire orbs.

As the very first Crappy Community Contest, we had a rPvE 1 challenge, which was a lot of fun... and many, many people asked when I will do this again - but usually repeating something isn't that appealing. Unless it's the last chance to do so! As you may have noticed, the July Community Update announced that some of the difficulties will be changed to create a smoother scale, and along those lines difficulty 1 will be removed. (see picture).

But this time, to mix things up, the use of Fire orbs is banned. (This is totally because It's hot outside, not because Fire dominated the CCC#1. 🔥)

How to enter:

Battleforge automatically saves a replay file of the last match you play, named autosave.pmv.  After playing the map, rename this file, so it doesn't get overwritten. You can find your replays here: Documents => Battleforge => replays.

The contest has started with the release of this post – submit your replay through Discord (DM to Kapo#0116) or the Skylords Forum (DM to @Kapo) until 31.08.2023 23:59 CET  (= 11 days time total). You can submit multiple times, but only your last entry will count. Please note that any submitted replays may be posted here in the forums.

To lessen my workload, please rename your replay to the following format: CCC12_<your-time>_<your-name>.pmv  (e.g. CCC12_02_11.23_Kapo.pmv)



What's the prize pool?

Since this is not just a crappy contest, but a Crappy Community Contest, you may help with your participation to earn a prize for the whole community. If we reach more than 25 participants (unique players, not entries), we will unlock a Mini-Booster code for the entire Skylords community. If more than 40 participants enter, the code will be upgraded to a Booster instead of a Mini-Booster. So tell your fellow Skylords to try this challenge – it's an occasion to try something completely new, and it raises our chances to hand out a code for everybody. 

Of course, the top ranking Skylords will get prizes too, sponsored by myself, the Community and the Skylords Reborn Team:

1st place               5 General Boosters + Promo Swamp Drake + Lost Warlord (B) + Mana Wing
2nd place             4 General Boosters  + Harvester + Lost Warlord (B) 
3rd place              3 General Boosters + Spitfire + Lost Warlord (B)
4th place              2 General Boosters + Shadow Worm + Lost Warlord (B)
5th place              1 General Booster + Wrathgazer + Lost Warlord (R)
6th place              Shadow Worm + Gravity Surge (P) + Mana Wing
7th place              Wrathgazer + Evocators Woe (P) + Worldbreaker Gun
8th place              Tortugun (B) + Giant Slayer + Brannoc
9th place              Tortugun (R) + Shadow Mage + Juggernaut
10th place            Nox Carrier (P) + Fallen Skyelf +Shrine of Martyrs
11th place            Fire Worm + Corsair (G) + Ravenheart
12th place            Cultist Master + Lost Grigori (P) + Ice Tornado
13th place            Soul Splicer (G) + Crystal Fiend (G) + Mortar Tower
14th place            Ward of the North + Mark of the Keeper
15th place            Mind Control + Lost Banestone (B)

Newcomer Challenge:  The fastest player of Bronze or Silver Rank will receive a Promo Snapjaw.

Secret AchievementsYou have a chance for bonus-prizes - the achievement name may or may not give a hint on what to do:

  • "Overload" - 1x Nox Trooper
  • "Better safe than sorry" - 1x Defenders
  • "Cheater" - 1x Easter Egg

For participation, there is a random chance to win one of the following prizes out of a large pool:

Random Draws          5x1 General Booster, Enlightenment, Infect, Cluster Explosion (R), Avatar of Frost, Shadow Worm (x2), Harvester, Wrathgazer (x2), Lost Warlord (B) (x2), Lord Warlord (R), Nox Carrier (P), Nox Carrier (R) (x3), Evocators Woe (P), Gravity Surge (P), Tortugun (B), Tortugun (R), Raven Archwalker, Mana Wing, Colossus, Bloodhorn (P), Matter Mastery (G), Motivate, War Eagle, Lifestream, Sanctuary (B), Giant Slayer, Shrine of Martyrs, Revenge, Nightshade Plant (P), Mark of the Keeper, Mountain Rowdy (B), Mind Control (x2), Aura of Corruption, Rocket Tower, Ashbone Pyro, Shadow Mage (x2), Shrine of Greed, Soul Splicer (G), Twilight Pestilence (R)


If one or more mighty Skylord(s) decides to sponsor this event, please contact me - community contest prizes are meant to be from the community, for the community. I would be more than happy to beef up or even expand the prize pool to more ranks, add additional random draws, add cards for newcomers, set special bounties or any other upgrades to the prize pool you can think of. 

The following prizes have been sponsored so far:

Skylords Team          General Boosters (x20), Community Booster Code
@Kapo                  Promo Swamp Drake, Enlightenment, Infect, Cluster Explosion (R), Avatar of Frost, Lost Banestone (B)
@Ultralord            Spitfire
@ElementG           Shadow Worm (x4), Wrathgazer (x3), Harvester (x2), Shadow Mage
@Trando               Lost Warlord (B) (x6), Lost Warlord (R) (x2), Nox Carrier (P) (x2), Nox Carrier (R) (x2), Evocators Woe (P) (x2), Gravity Surge (P) (x2), Tortugun (B) (x2), Tortugun (R) (x2)
@RadicalX            Shadow Mage, Mortar Tower, Motivate, Cultist Master, Giant Slayer, Soul Splicer (G), Fire Worm, Rocket Tower, Ward of the North, Mountain Rowdy (B), War Eagle, Colossus, Shrine of Martyrs, Mind Control, Lifestream, Sanctuary (B), Nightshade Plant (P), Twilight Pestilence (R), Corsair (G), Lost Grigori (P), Bloodhorn (P), Matter Mastery (G), Crystal Fiend (G)
@Bonobobobo      Soul Splicer (G), Nox Carrier (R), Shrine of Greed, Fallen Skyelf, Shadow Mage, Ashbone Pyro, Juggernaut, Aura of Corruption, Mind Control (x2), Mana Wing, Ice Tornado, Mark of the Keeper (x2), Worldbreaker Gun, Revenge, Shrine of Martyrs, Ravenheart, Brannoc, Raven Archwalker
       Nox Trooper(s), Easter Egg(s), Defenders
@Majora              Mana Wing (x2)

Thanks to the sponsors that support the contest! ❤️


I think the removal of some rPvE difficulty is well-warranted, but before it goes, let's have some fun with it. Good luck to all of you, and look forward to the strategies that appear!



Future Events – get involved!

If you are interested in helping with these (or better) kinds of events for the community, or want to host one yourself, don't be afraid and simply reach out! Contact our Event Manager @Metagross31 or @Minashigo Hiko on the forums or discord. They are happy to assist you with upcoming events and with sponsoring your prize pool!

If you especially like this small-scale-format, and you have an idea for it, you may also contact me directly to discuss your idea and host your own Crappy Community Contest.

Edited by Kapo
Kamelot, n3tax, Metagross31 and 4 others like this
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  • Kapo changed the title to CCC #12 - Say Goodbye To One - UNTIL 31.08.2023
  • Kapo featured and pinned this topic

For anyone interested here are my best attempts I've had with this event.

Deck details : 
3:16.9 || Shadow -> Witchclaw + Motivate
2.50.8 || Nature -> Werebeasts + Amazon(Green) + Swiftclaw + Surge of Healing

I do think Amazons are a must for the 4 insect creatures on the map. I'd love to hear anyone's thoughts or speculations as well ^^.

CCC12_02_50.8_AAA.pmv CCC12_03_16.9_AAA.pmv

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5 hours ago, Quivun said:

Deck details : 
3:16.9 || Shadow -> Witchclaw + Motivate
2.50.8 || Nature -> Werebeasts + Amazon(Green) + Swiftclaw + Surge of Healing

Damn, I gotta revisit my run. I used almost the same set up with Nature, but I see there is a lot of time to be gained. 

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Due to generous sponsors, the Price Pool has significantly increased, expanding the Ranks to 15 and providing loads of random prizes - cheers! 😃

Edit: Also some bonus achievements have dropped 🙂

Edited by Kapo
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On 8/30/2023 at 9:00 AM, Kapo said:

hey, I just checked the replay and it looks like its a replay of "Encounters with Twilight" (and not rPVE 1); also not of this patch cycle: 


most likely you renamed and sent the wrong file?

it was the only file that I had in the folder right after I finished the rPVE, weird. I did another run, thanks for the information 🙂



Edited by asperatus
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  • Kapo unpinned and unfeatured this topic

Great job for everyone, thats a lot of entries. Happy I got into the ranks  :^)

It completely eluded me, that the Amazons can take over the bugs. Thats some nice thinking there for nature run.
As for the fastest run, I expected it to be the Witchclaws. I tested them myself, getting to the second last camp around 2 minute mark, but my execution was bad and never finished a run 😄

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