Alright, I have a lotta time and really nothing else to do at the moment so I'm going to try jumping to a lot of assumtions.
Firstly, the grammar and the language of the post would initially give off the vibe that he/she is not common with the english language, however the implication that he's/she's completed college and the really simple mistakes from "i back collage" and pretty much the whole post gives doubt to real age and occupation.
Secondly, if the person consistently watches their work then he/she should already know that the site/group has a patreon he can donate to. His request for "a chance" to beta test also shoots doubt in that he hasn't come across the beta tester applications thread.
For me, the real question is why are there 3 accounts without any posts upvoting/downvoting this comment
Although the accounts are made at different dates which hinders an argument that the accounts aren't under one person, it still doesn't counter the part in considering 3 silent accounts decide to upvote/downvote 1 single comment.
I really just want something to spark on this forum, that would incite some more activity. I'm open to suggestions