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  1. Bkingn liked a post in a topic by Cocofang in QOL and multiple accounts   
    The current system is meant to reward players with more BFP for playing after quests. But without enabling the possibility of more time investment resulting in insurmountable advantages for progression.
    How would you design a system that rewards players for playing more without having it feel exhausting, mandatory or it resulting in massive advantages for people that play more, making everyone who doesn't have as much time, feel like their efforts are meaningless? Which boundaries would you set so that people can't exploit the system by simply artificially stretching their in-game time?
    Which achievements in particular? And how would you stagger them so people don't just do them early on and then still have none to do later?
    How would you design the dailies so that PvE players don't feel forced to participate in PvP in order to have good progression even though they don't enjoy it? Otherwise this would result in people cheesing PvP missions with faux matches where players search each other out to complete the quests. Which is more tedium and helps nobody.
  2. Bkingn liked a post in a topic by Xanatoss in How to make PvP more attractive (Discussion)   
    I disagree that the solution to pvp attraction is "obviously and simply" more rewards, because if that would be the case, devs would have amped it up already (and gladly i guess).
    The main issue is, that pvp for many players is stressful, especially 1v1 because it puts you on the spot. Nobody to blame (except balance :>, though devs doing a great job of improving it) and your opponent preys on your errors unlike the AI in PvE. As I read though, there are PvP-Modes in development which are more like Arcade (like Deathmatch Arena) and therefore less stressful. I think that is a step in the right direction.
    There was a chat-discussion recently where players interested in pvp argued that they would get roflstomped by veteran players if they would queue up. I responded that if at least two of those rookie players teamed up, they could play sparring games against each other instead of feeding their ladder points.
    Following that thought, I started a format this evening called the "Rookie-Fightclub"  (shameless copycat) and repeatedly invited players via chat to join my spectator 1v1-lobbys to either play, observe or discuss pvp-questions. Main issue so far was driving out the seasoned players who would "just watch"; but by doing so blocked the lobby and startled the rookies away.
    Nevertheless my first attempt went promisingly and I am going to continue this format during the next weeks. 
  3. Bkingn liked a post in a topic by RadicalX in Wintertide Red: What were you guys thinking?   
    The removal of Wintertide reflect damage opens up many ways of changing Frost towards better design as a PvP faction (map changes already helped here and you can expect more in the future). I can see that people consider the new Wintertide mechanic as uninteresting. But to give you an idea about our thought process and reasoning for this change: Essentially we temporarly "sacrifice" a really poorly designed PvP card with no playrates or strong usecases in PvE to make room for faction improvements and I personally think it pays off so far as the balance in PvP has improved on several aspects. 
    I am not opposed to the idea of making Wintertide more useful again by redesigning it towards the PvE side at some point, but that decision is up to the PvE faction designers as they also need to set their priorities when it comes down to impactful changes (there already are plans, that are going to affect Frost T1). 
    If you have any ideas to submit, feel free to share them in the forums or go to the balancing discord and discuss them in the respective channel. Just keep in mind, that we have no intentions of keeping that card as a core option in PvP decks right now (If you want to receive a more detailed reasoning for that decision from the PvP side, feel free to ask).
  4. Majora liked a post in a topic by Bkingn in Community update #7 - July 17th 2021   
    Wow! Massive update, and I love it!! Im a pure Frost player and I rly like the changes! Im impressed by you guys, also the dmg increase for Ironclad is very much needed he feels so underwhelming on rpve but he is such a unique and cool card, bring him some love! Avatar feels amazing broken shields genius idea, and for the Dreadnought these abilities are perfect I always wanted a bit of healing after a huge fight. Im a bit scared about the new aoe spell shield spell doesnt it make the winter witch a bit useless anyway I will still use her as my main shield maker keep up the good work im amazed by u guys!!!!
  5. Ultimatecomicsman liked a post in a topic by Bkingn in Forest Elder fanart   
    Cool art! It seems like a young Forest Elder :D
  6. Bkingn liked a post in a topic by Minashigo Hiko in Official PvE Contest#2 Back to the roots - Slave Master UNTIL 28.07.2021   
    In this case,the sole purpose of this card is to deal damage, so an offensive spell.
  7. Bkingn liked a post in a topic by WatcherOfSky in Ironman mode/ solo mode   
    Should also disable purchasing card upgrades with gold. Force people to only be able to unlock them from their specific campaign loot. That's sounds pretty hard-core too.
  8. Metagross31 liked a post in a topic by Bkingn in The rpve Willzapper   
    Forsaken,Skeleton Warriors,Life weaving,Offering(G),Motivate,Soul Splicer(G),Darkelf Assassins,Furnance of Flesh,Resource booster,Shadow phenix, unholy power, unholy hero, blood healing, cultist master,frenetic assault(g), satanael(r),death ray,overlord,shadow worm,rifle cultist
    This is my deck, it still needs some adjustments like using one nether warp its easier to get the worms into the middle also im using 1 death ray with unholy hero to burst dowm big buildings. Its more like a unit spam deck i usually end up with 6-7 worms and 5 overlords. Its really fun, but you need to build up your army first then engage. Blood healing with unholy power/life weaving is an amazing tool to save the worms or even use the overlords heal. Recently i love playing with this deck super fun at rpve9. Give it a try
  9. Bkingn liked a post in a topic by shroomion in The rpve Willzapper   
    swarm the fucker with snapyaw-summons from satanael if you want to keep your pure shadow deck..that and necrofury-siege and frenetic assault green are the only simple solutions that come to mind for pure shadow. there are smarter people than me, who would propably send one unit into range, as soon as it is petrified, use nether warp to gang the willzapper with the rest of their army before its next attack interval. sometimes i do this accidentially and it seems to work...but also sometimes there are two willzappers =_=
  10. Bkingn liked a post in a topic by Dallarian in The legendary forum game "count"   
    I always liked that "Say something about person above you" had significantly more posts than this one across 2015-2018, even if this thread is aimed at largest number of replies.
    It reverted now, though.
    @Bkingn You deserve a separate place in hell.
  11. Bkingn liked a post in a topic by WatcherOfSky in The legendary forum game "count"   
    Nobody saw that.
  12. Dallarian liked a post in a topic by Bkingn in The legendary forum game "count"   
    2930 - what if...
  13. Metagross31 liked a post in a topic by Bkingn in Choosing Daily Missions - Tired of the chores   
    Yo what about removing quests? Who will be the first crying? Those guys who cry for easy bfp. You dont have enough time to do all the quests? Wow just dont do them then. The game is alive theres no rush if you play it for fun then why the constant crying about quests which are a comple new additions to the Game. Enjoy it ffs. We have been waiting for the game to be playable for yeeeears and finally i can enjoy it. But there are ppl always hating additions which makes the game more playable.
  14. Loriens liked a post in a topic by Bkingn in Choosing Daily Missions - Tired of the chores   
    Yo what about removing quests? Who will be the first crying? Those guys who cry for easy bfp. You dont have enough time to do all the quests? Wow just dont do them then. The game is alive theres no rush if you play it for fun then why the constant crying about quests which are a comple new additions to the Game. Enjoy it ffs. We have been waiting for the game to be playable for yeeeears and finally i can enjoy it. But there are ppl always hating additions which makes the game more playable.
  15. Bkingn liked a post in a topic by InsaneHawk in Frequent disconnects while playing   
    Alright, let's clear things up a bit. First of all, you're making assumptions in your entire post, I'm not even sure on what you're basing those, but most of them are entirely wrong, the fact that you're calling our servers 'trash' when most of our playerbase is currently having no issue whatsoever, isn't the correct way to tell things I'd say. You're having issues? That's totally fine and we're open enough to collect everyone's feedback, logs, and comments of your game experience with our services, but you need to do it the correct way. As far as I can see you've never sent us any messages or logs on the issues you've been facing. We've had in the last few days some issues with our servers, which we've been monitoring and fixing over the days, we're keeping everyone informed over our Discord.

    Now, let's talk about the rest of your message, as fiki mentioned, our hardware is absolutely fine, we're not even using half of its current capabilities, so this is out of the equation, what could be involved in your crashes is a software related issue, could be related to our proxy/launcher, could be related to our server code, but we're not magicians, if you don't send us logs, your problems won't be solved easily, or fast.

    I'm not sure where you're from and what's the ping you're currently experiencing, but having multiple game servers to host games spread over the entire globe, won't be a viable solution for us, we have very limited funds, and even tho we're getting more and more patrons everyday since release, we're being really cautious with how we spend that money, but the survival of this entire project depends on it. Also this may not solve any issue you're facing at all, Battleforge is a very old game from 2009 and you have to remember this, we didn't make this game and its logic, there's not such thing as reconnection system within the game, so the small instability from your connection, can lead to instant disconnect, it could be related to your internet provider, jitter, ping, packet loss.. Anyway, having different games server around the globe might help with ping related issues, if they're even related to these disconnects you're having, and that we currently can't confirm it is.

    But again, calling our servers (and implying many things with it) trash, sucks, are pointless etc.. etc.. isn't the right way to proceed. You have the right to be mad at something, but try to not make false assumptions and direspect this team's work, which we've been doing for free, on our freetime, for over 5 years now, especially when you have no clue how our infrastructure, code or hardware, looks like.

    And last but not the least, no, we don't have any player limit on the server, and we're not kicking players randomly when that non-existing limit is reached, I have no idea why you'd think we would do that in the first place.
  16. Bkingn liked a post in a topic by hall9000 in Defensive Mode for RPVE   
    I would love this feature.
    Either for 1 , 2 or 4 player!
    It shuld be REAAAAALY fun
  17. Bkingn liked a post in a topic by Ladadoos in Didnt get my Booster Packs   
    Your account has never received enough BFP to be able to buy 4 booster packs. 2021-01-14 04:46:30 UTC was the only time you bought a booster pack.
  18. xs0ulLess liked a post in a topic by Bkingn in Booster Prices going up soon?   
    Dude crying about free bfp quests imagine playing OG BF when u got daily 1 bfp xdddd
  19. Bkingn liked a post in a topic by Chibiterasu in Tortugun   
    One of the most important things in a deck involving Tortugun is that you have a very good way to get back your energy. You need either shrine of war or fof with cultist master since those turtles will die very often. And therefore you definitely need offering as well.
    The strategy I use with them is quite simple: Every time a Tortugun would get hungry, you have two options: Either let another Tortugun eat it or use cards like offering or sometimes motivate on it. You just need to pay very close attention to their hunger bar and which tortugun is about to become hungry and tell them the target to eat early enough. Else you could end up with two tortuguns eating the other two you just played and since they get hungry very quickly after eating an undazed Tortugun, they will then eat each other so instead of having 3 full tortuguns, you only have 1 which may even be at low life. Also, keep in mind you can't use offering or motivate on Tortuguns once they are in the amok state. So from that point on you either have to feed or eat them (You can also tell them to move right before they get in the amok state and they will walk to their destination even though they switch to amok state right away. That gives you plenty of time to pick another Tortugun and let that one eat the one in amok state. Another method is using the spell amok. As long as they are affected by amok, they won't eat your units).
    Another little trick to that strategy: use both variations of tortugun and always play them in pairs. This way they get hungry simultaneously and you can tell one of them to eat the other. It's way easier to handle them like this.
    Oh and it's very important to upgrade them to at least U2. You not only need the lower consumption of food but also the charges.
    There are so many more things I could tell you about this unit but I think I covered the most important things.
    Anyway. If you play Tortugun correctly, you will have lots of fun with that unit. The hunger bar is one of the most unique abilities in the game and that's why I'm highly against a major change to it.
    I agree with the complaint about the animation though. It takes so long and because of that, it's barely useful to eat smaller units like Nightcrawlers from infect or the crawlers from Grim Bahir. A change I see fitting for Tortugun is to pause their hunger bar for a few seconds after they eat something. That would not only encourage people to play them the way it's intended, but it will also make up for the long eating animation.
  20. Bkingn liked a post in a topic by Volin in All cards and gold and BF coins are missing!   
    We'd like to give that insulting question back to you
    There was/is a thread that says: Read me and get all to know what you need to know. I find it unbelievable how many have not read this text and then get upset about the (always announced) wipe...
  21. Bkingn liked a post in a topic by Zyna in All cards and gold and BF coins are missing!   
    We've been saying from the start that there will be a reset when the game releases. Thousands of players were waiting for that reset, since they didn't want to lose their progress. Our previous phase was called the "Open Stress Test", where even the name indicates that it's just a test phase. If you wish to delete your account, please confirm your request by sending me a DM.
  22. Bkingn liked a post in a topic by Horja in Patch #400022 - 01 January 2021   
    Why the Treespirit nefr? he was not so strong due to the low mobility and slow attacks already, compared to a WW start.
    It just lowers the intention to use anything else but ww on t1
  23. Bkingn liked a post in a topic by Toggy in Skylords Open #1 03.01.2021   
    Format Update: Since an overwhelming number of participants entered the tournament (you rock) the format will be best of one (one match) in round 1-5 and then return to the regular best of 3 (2-3matches) in the winner bracket. The lower bracket will be played best of one round 1-7.
    If you are unsure about the rules, maps played or how to change your name in Challonge contact me or a mod. The stream will go online 30min before the tournament starts going over format and rules again. See you guys later.
  24. Bkingn liked a post in a topic by Dallarian in Skylords Open #1 03.01.2021   
    Toggy may consider change, but right now he said he predicts the tournament to last ~6 hours.
    Perhaps it could be Bo1 in first three rounds, and after half of players are gone, then it could be Bo3.
    But yes, you did understand correctly.

    Also rule: "disconnection during game is automatic lose" give us real mathematical probability, that all top players will be out of tournament ^^
  25. Bkingn liked a post in a topic by LEBOVIN in Buff promos   
    I would prefer quite the opposite to get rid of those slight existing differences and indeed have promos only as skin. This opens up adding future promos without having any balancing issues to consider.
    If you have followed the path the project is heading towards, the apparent goal is to make the game more beginner-friendly and keep competitive pvp at a fair balance. That's why changes like the card charges or the upgrade requirements have been made, so to make the difference between players of varied time spent ingame less pronounced. A change purposely designed to disrupt that chosen balancing path of the devs and team sounds unreasonable to me. 
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