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Metagross31 liked a post in a topic by Loriens in Rewards for PvE Leaderboards
Good point. I proposed in Discord mini booster for every next map.
Small, but makes different feelings.
Loriens liked a post in a topic by RadicalX in Remove the BG10 achievement please
As the person, who is mainly responsible for PvP changes, I disagree with this. Fire is considered the best starting faction in rPvE 10, yet cards like Nomad or Mine are not even viable in PvP. While the impact on different game modes might lead to change restrictions towards a specific card, there are almost no limitations in terms of what can be done for a faction as a whole.
To give a super oversimplified example: Add a 90 energy spell that destroys a building with 1200 or less hp (not castable on power wells/orbs). Put this on any T1 faction and it would be highly valued in rPvE 10 immediately with zero impact on PvP.
Loriens liked a post in a topic by DieToPlay in Remove the BG10 achievement please
This^, but aren't you guys bored of the same default decks?
t1 fire > shadow phoenix > double shadow for frenetic spells and infect
t1 shadow > resource booster > double shadow for frenetic spells and infect
Hopefully it's going to change soon, and not by nerfing the current combos but rather adding more good and strong cards.
Metagross31 liked a post in a topic by Loriens in Community Update - March 2023
Why not just make passive - Wormkind - not possible to be placed on wall, until solution will be found.
Loriens liked a post in a topic by WatcherOfSky in Community Update - March 2023
Full visibility for card upgrades is probably one of the best quality-of-life implementations since skylords reborns' inception. Extremely excited to see it implemented and save space on my chrome tabs! 😄
Fire Worm squad looks quite cute too 🙂
Loriens liked a post in a topic by Kapo in CCC #10 - Ashbone Pyro vs. Magma Hurler - UNTIL 12.03.2023
all we can hope for is some technical support guy to arrive, since I'm unable to contribute / analyze anything whats going on 😞
Loriens liked a post in a topic by DieToPlay in Rewards for PvE Leaderboards
I think the rewards should be reworked.
Feels not satisfying being limited to only get Top 1 once per month.
Currently there's no difference if I'm rank 1, 2 times or 10 times.
Loriens liked a post in a topic by Zyna in Patch #400040 - 27 February 2023
Patch #400040
We're excited to bring you a new update that addresses some recent issues. Specifically, we've tackled some bugs related to our leaderboard achievements, which now properly use the current month's data. Any rewards you may not have received were rolled out retroactively. Additionally, we've fixed the forge lags that were causing performance issues for some players. Thank you for your patience, and we hope you enjoy this update!
General Changes
Added an option for players to re-roll the same quest multiple times. The minimum quest reward after re-rolls is now 50 BFP. If a player has excess quests, the quest with the most re-rolls will be reset to zero. The achievements "A Need For Speed" and "Gotta Go Fast" now display the seconds for best time in their tooltips. A new type filter for achievements has been added, with options "All", "One Time", and "Endless". The "Endless" checkbox has been replaced with this new filter.
General Fixes
Leaderboard achievements now use the current month's data, rather than last month's. Last month's rewards will be granted retroactively on March 1st. The leaderboard reward period now starts at 00:00 UTC on the 1st of each month, instead of the 31st of each month. The achievement for completing rPvE quickly now completes correctly after reaching the last milestone. The context menu now appears when right-clicking on all areas of a player banner. The name tooltip for players in the leaderboard now updates correctly when changing pages. The achievement "Too Heavy to Carry" now has a description in Russian. Fixed lag in the Forge that was causing performance issues.
Post-Patch Fixes - 31 March 2023
The promo version of Worldbreaker Gun now also counts for the "The Tools of Ultimate Destruction" achievement.
Loriens liked a post in a topic by Lans in BFP #1 - Bounty for Pro's - Bad Harvest Solo - CLAIMED by Hirooo
Despite being around for a while now, I don't feel a pro but... I am anti-social enough to at least die trying. 🙂
Loriens liked a post in a topic by Mynoduesp in Quest & Achievement Suggestions - Megathread
A Mediocre Challenge
Win 20 campaign scenarios on advanced difficulty or higher without playing any units except for units of size M.
Titel "Perfect Mediocracy"
Portrait "Mauler (promo)"
Loriens liked a post in a topic by Xanatoss in Updated: BattleForge PvP Guide - by Hirooo & RadicalX 2.0
Out of interest, I have tried to visualise this large amount of ordinal evaluations. Here are my results:
Each line contains the ratings of the guide, weighted by the categories "favourable / skill / difficult matchup" (see legend below right).
In each column, this results in the additional perspective "How does every other deck perceive the strength of this deck?"
From this, a total value can be aggregated column by column, which I then scaled, once against the deck with the highest value (Stonekin; line 13) and once against the theoretical maximum value (line 14).
Column L also describes the distance to the theoretical maximum value or "How much better would the deck have to be for each matchup to be favourable?".
For comparison, I have also included the guide ratings for the overall decks and NPEs.
Loriens liked a post in a topic by Mynoduesp in Remove the BG10 achievement please
I'll be frank, maybe you guys need to select your team members properly instead of complaining to lose with strangers in the hardest content the game has to offer.
Random rPvE 10 is the highest difficulty content. Preparations have to be done, be it on a personal level or a party leader level. The same applies for expert maps like Ascension or Titans. As a party leader, you can lay out the goals of the attempt. If you cannot afford to lose, make sure your team is up for the task.
Yes the gap between 9 and 10 is big, SR tries to close this gap, but the players also have to act according to the content.
Edit: I'm just saying, if you trust random, expect random results.
As a party leader you have always the option to kick players you don't trust. And if you're the one joining a random group, you have to account for you having other expections than the rest .
Loriens liked a post in a topic by LEBOVIN in Oracle - Discussion Thread
I do get that this randomness is annoying because it is only discovered later where these locations are.
I could imagine we can briefly reveal them for 0.1 seconds at the start of the game and hide them right afterwards again. This should leave a visual clue of removed fog of war on the minimap where to expect them, allowing for instant restarts.
Loriens liked a post in a topic by JarodDempsey in Community Update - February 2023
will be fun to amass an army of willzappers to use against twilight
Loriens liked a post in a topic by Mynoduesp in Advanced Filtering - collection sorting with search bar commands
MYNODUESPs Custom Filter Extension
NOTE: This is my personally used custom filter extension as an example of what one could do with custom filters.
If you end up liking it, feel free to use it and make your personal adjustments and additions to unlock their full potential!
If there are any specific questions about custom filters and custom filter extension, you can ask on the forum (in this thread) or on Discord. We'll try to improve user friendliness according to the feedback we get.
Filter Collection Exposition
DISCLAMER: You should really use a custom filter extension instead of copy-pasting these filter strings. 🙂
Unowened Cards (can only be used in the Marketplace) - *unowned*
Chargeable Cards - *charge*
Collection Completion (should be used in the Marketplace) - *collection*
Trade / Duplicates - *trade*
Reforge (4x duplicates) - *reforge4*
Reforge (3x common + 1x uncommon) - *reforge3c*
Reforge (3x uncommon + 1x rare) - *reforge3uc*
(((charges=0&copies>6)|(charges=1&copies>5)|(charges=2&copies>4)|(charges=3&copies>3))&rarity=uc)|(((charges=0&copies>4)|(charges=1&copies>3)|(charges=2&copies> 2)|(charges=3&&copies>1))&rarity=r)
Reforge (3x rare + 1x ultra rare) - *reforge3r*
Bandit Faction - *bandit*
Stonekin Faction - *stonekin*
Amii Faction - *amii*
Lost Souls Faction - *lost souls*
Post Change Log
2023/01/18 - updated/clean-up custom_filter_extensions.json
2023/02/03 - updated/fixed custom_filter_extensions.json
2024/07/17 - added filternames & faction filters
Loriens liked a post in a topic by Sacriefice in Map-wide Buffs
Would it be possible to remove duplicate buff icons, or giving temporary buffs priority?
Every time someone places wheels in rpve my SoW activation suffers from it, because I don't see when it runs out, instead wheels unnecessarily take up every single icon slot.
Loriens liked a post in a topic by itap in Patch #400035 - 14 September 2022
Hey guys, HUGE Patchnote.
Only one question.
You remove the time cap on Crusade.
Is there a reason why you didn't remove the time cap on Siege of Hope(almost 100 players have the same time) and Defending Hope (where there is no need to rush to Rogan, because the time doesn't start at the point you saved him, the only diffrence is how you kill the first 4 units)
Anyways, awesome work guys.🤗👌🏼
Loriens liked a post in a topic by Metagross31 in Patch #400039 - 14 January 2023
Strikers were off-meta in old EA days, but after the Thugs nerf, people figured out how broken Strikers were and there was a short period, were the whole T1 meta was focused arouns them and it was completely ridiculous.
Pure decks also received attention in PvP. Fire even got a whole new card in Burning Spears, Frost received buffs to White Rangers and Mountain Rowdy and Pure Nature received a massive overhaul with buffs/reworks to many cards, including Parasite, Parasite Swarm, Deep One, Ghostspears etc.
Furthermore, splash decks have also been hit with nerfes, e.g. Mountaineer, Ghostspears being made pure nature and Nerfs to Stonekin units such as Stone Tempest.
In fact, the team managed to give each faction more of an individual identity and more playstyle options than ever before.
The PvP balance developers in our team are also some of the best players there are and saying they never play PvP is just completely wrong.
Loriens liked a post in a topic by Kubik in Patch #400039 - 14 January 2023
no it is 0.05 s shorter delay (on average), so faster. And most importantly it is consistent, so if two players spawn same squad, they have same "power", instead of one being better, because of being spawned at different time.
Loriens liked a post in a topic by Hrdina_Imperia in Community Update - January 2023
All the artworks are amazing.. but I guess the upcoming promo Worldbreaker Gun is just goddamn awesome.
Promo Juice Tank when?