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CCC #6 - Back to the Roots UNTIL 24.07.2022


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Hello Skylords, Skyladies and other Skybeings; and welcome to CCC #6 – the sixth Crappy Community Contest!


To see the winners, CLICK HERE. If you are just here to grab the booster code, there you go:  CCC6-TUTO-RIAL-DECK



What are “Crappy Community Contests”?

CCC's are meant to be small-scale contests with weird challenges, hopefully luring you away from well-trodden paths. They are small-scale on the organizers side too: there will be no stream, video or event announcing the winners. What's special about these contests is a participation price for the whole Skylords community.

While the first CCC was a small event, some CCCs have developed into a quite laborious undertaking - and this one especially. @LEBOVIN has poured dozens and dozens of hours into this contest's map, so we are at a point where the "crappy" is undeserving.

What, when, where, how?

While the last CCC was with unlimited amounts of resources, this CCC will be about a very special map with a harsh deck limitation:

Back to the Roots

New Skylords have conquered these lands to learn from Moon about the powers of the Forge.
Now it is upon you to take the forces of Nature and Shadow to these lands to bring peace once more.

This challenge is to win the Custom 1-player-map “CCC #6 - Back to the Roots”
on Standard difficulty with a predetermined deck as fast as you can.

This custom map is a copy of the Introduction map with a few new jumps and turns. To participate, you will have to use the following mirrored tutorial deck:

  • Forsaken
  • Skeleton Warriors
  • Surge of Light
  • Burrower
  • Stone of Torment
  • Thornbark
  • Mutating Frenzy

Fear not - we removed as many ultra-long explanations as possible from the map. But, if you have some spare time, it is nice to check out the original tutorial before diving into this one - you will enjoy and appreciate the map a lot more if you can see what has been altered. Playing a disallowed card or playing it on any other difficulty than Standard will result in disqualification. Upgraded cards are allowed, you don't need to make a real tutorial deck out of it.

The contest has started with the release of this post – submit your entry through Discord (DM to Kapo#0116) or the Skylords Forum (DM to @Kapo) until 24.07.2022 23:59 CET  (= 9 days time total). You can submit multiple times, but only the fastest will count. Please note that your submitted replay may be posted here in the forums.

Battleforge automatically saves a replay file of the last match you play, named autosave.pmv.  After playing the contest map, rename this file, so it doesn't get overwritten. You can find your replays here: Documents => Battleforge => replays. To reduce my workload, you may rename your file to CCC6_<Time>_<IGN>.pmv (e.g. CCC6_15.53.9_Kapo.pmv).

There is some minor, unavoidable problem that it might appear in the lobby as a two-players-map - of course you have to play it alone.



Community Maps

How to access the map:


To access the map for the contest (or any community map), select the blue icon in the far lower right corner:


Select standard difficulty, then scroll down to “CCC#6 - Back to the Roots / Wieder zum Anfang / Retour en force / К истокам" and click continue - the map will download automatically. After the map has downloaded, you will find it in the top section of already downloaded maps.



What's the price pool?

Since this is not just a Crappy Contest, but a Crappy Community Contest, you may help with your participation to earn a price for the whole Community. If we reach more than 20 participants (unique players, not entries), we will unlock a Mini-Booster code for the entire Skylords Community. If more than 35 participants enter, the code will be upgraded to a Booster instead of a Mini-Booster. So tell your fellow Skylords to try this challenge – it's an occasion to try something completely new, and it raises our chances to hand out a code for everybody. 

Of course, the fastest Skylords will get prices too, sponsored by myself, the Community and the Skylords Reborn Team:

1st place               5 General Boosters + Promo Mana Wing + Juice Tank (x4)
2nd place              4 General Boosters + Promo Rogan Kayle + Nether Warp (B)
3rd place              3 General Boosters + Promo Fallen Skyelf + Grinder (R)
4th place              2 General Boosters + Dreadnought + Matter Mastery (P)
5th place              1 General Booster + Avatar of Frost + Gravity Surge (B)
6th place              Primeval Watcher + Banzai (P)
7th place              Nether Warp (G)+ Banzai (G)
8th place              Cluster Explosion (R) + Bloodhorn (P)
9th place              Amii Monument + Bloodhorn (R)
10th place            Skycatcher (G) + Shrine of Memory
11th place            Forest Elder (P) + Grinder(P)
12th place            Church of Negation
13th-16th place   Bandit Minefield (x1 each)

Last place              Juice Tank (x5) + 500BFP

For participation, there is a random chance to win one of the following cards:

Random Draws          5x1 General Booster, Ironclad (R), Dreadnought, Wheel of Gifts, Core Dredge (R), Church of Negation, Moloch, Timeshifter Spirit, QueekQueek, Disenchant (P), Backlash, Disenchant (P), Gravity Surge (P), Oracle Mask (G), Shrine of War, Infect, Enlightenment, Abyssal Warder(R)

This CCC has a new feature for beginners, the Newbie Card Pool. By participating, players of Bronze or Silver Rank will automatically receive an uncommon random card sponsored by @THE_BIG_WET. Of course, you may also win other random draws additionally if you are lucky. The Newbie Card Pool contains the following cards:

  • Burning Spears
  • Shaman
  • Lost Spirit Ship (R)
  • Lost Spirit Ship (G)
  • Grimvine
  • Frost Mage
  • Coldsnap
  • Skyfire Drake
  • Fire Dragon
  • Shadow Phoenix
  • Thunderstorm
  • Ensnaring Roots
  • Soulhunter (P)
  • Soulhunter (B)
  • Construct

Should we get more entries than 15 Bronze/Silver, the pool will be expanded, so every newcomer will receive a card. Those expansion cards will be rare cards (instead of more uncommons) sponsored by @Vysnia, so tell your fellow beginner to participate!


If one or more mighty Skylord(s) decides to sponsor this event, please contact me. I would be more than happy to beef up or expand the prize pool beyond the 10th place, add additional random draws, special bounties or any other upgrades to the prize pool. 

The following prices have been sponsored so far:

Skylords Team          General Boosters (x20), Community Booster Code
@Kapo                Promo Mana Wing, Promo Fallen Skyelf, Promo Rogan Kayle
@Simplifying*       Skycatcher (B), Nether Warp (G), Primeval Watcher, Cluster Explosion (R), Ironclad (R), Forest Elder (P), Church of Negation, Moloch, Timeshifter Spirit, QueekQueek
@THE_BIG_WET     Newbie Card Pool (see above)
@Metagross31     Grinder(R), Matter Mastery (P)
@Donaar             Juice Tank (x9)
@Trando             Dreadnought, Core Dredge (R), Gravity Surge (P), Gravity Surge (B), Oracle Mask (G), Backlash, Disenchant (P), Nether Warp (B)
@Sylar                Avatar of Frost, Dreadnought, Wheel of Gifts, Bandit Minefield (x4), Bloodhorn (P), Bloodhorn (R), Banzai (P), Banzai (G), Shrine of War, Shrine of Memory
@Kemek             Infect, Enlightement, Amii Monument
@Prajoss            Church of Negation, Abyssal Warder (R), Grinder(P)
@Vysnia             5000 BFP (Last Place BFP + Newbie Card Pool Rare Cards)

* Simplifying, a player who stopped playing, also donated his complete account. This is the fourth (and last) contest his collection is sponsoring - he expressed how nice the community is, and he wanted to give something back through the CCC.


Special thanks and Conclusion

My very special thanks goes out @LEBOVIN, who created this awesome map and introduced many surprising new features never seen to Battleforge before, also @Hodron who helped with the special camera sequence, and the Skylords Team in general who really went out of their way to support the creation of the map.

I hope you are having fun with the map, and I hope to see some awesome replays from our many Skilllords that have to work and think hard with the limited possibilities due to the deck.

Good luck, I hope you enjoy this twisted version of the Introduction!



Future Events - get involved!

If you are interested in helping with these (or better) kinds of events for the community, or want to host one yourself, don't be afraid and simply reach out! Contact our beloved Event Managers @Minashigo Hiko and/or @Metagross31 on the forums or discord. They are happy to assist you with upcoming events and with sponsoring your prize pool!

If you especially like this small-scale-format, and you have an idea for it, you may also contact me directly to discuss your idea and host your own Crappy Community Contest.

Edited by Kapo
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  • Kapo changed the title to CCC #6 - Back to the Roots UNTIL 24.07.2022

I'm ace at the tutorial, but speed is not my style, will do this one

Tiny bit confused cause I'm dumb, so do you use the tutorial deck with them added cards or just them cards? 


Skeleton Warriors

Surge of Light


Stone of Torment


Mutating Frenzy

Tiny bit confused cause I'm dumb, so do you use the tutorial deck with them added cards or just them cards? 


Skeleton Warriors

Surge of Light


Stone of Torment


Mutating Frenzy



Wait a second, I somehow don't own Skeleton warriors wtf game 


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1 hour ago, ThomasMann said:

Tiny bit confused cause I'm dumb, so do you use the tutorial deck with them added cards or just them cards? 


Skeleton Warriors

Surge of Light


Stone of Torment


Mutating Frenzy



Hey, to participate you must only used the named shadow/nature cards, not the frost/fire ones.

If you play a disallowed card, the map will tell you that you are disqualified.

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5 minutes ago, ThomasMann said:

Well I have to now buy Skele warriors so thats great 

You may use them, but you are not obliged to. If you think you will not need them, you don't have to buy them to participate 😃

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3 hours ago, Zizizi said:

Hello, will there be a leaderboards during tournament or we will see others times at the end?


With contests, it is the usual practice that everything stays secret and nobody knows where they stand. Of course, many communicate with other Skylords to get at least a rough gouge if their time is good or not, sometimes even in public like the Discord server.

Additionally, with a new custom map, it has a special appeal that there is no history, so this is one of the times even the top speedrunners have no idea what's possible and there is no ingame leaderboard - so everyone is in the dark.

Just give it your best shot and in the final reveal you will see where you land at 🙂

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24 minutes ago, TigerMan said:


got disqualified yesterday for usuing an illegal card.

but i used only the cards that you mentioned here...

interesting. can you post a screenshot of the deck you used?

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I think event like this should have been done with cards what everyone have access. Right now I am missing 3 cards and all of them have skyrocket in price, they are like 50 or near each. Even skeleton warrior.

Or you guys should have at least give out code what gives thouse cards...


I am old veteran, played game when it was official and just started to play again like 3 weeks ago. Even that I don't have much experience of game economy, but what I remember in past, there was lot of common cards on sale. Now there isn't what push prices. If I do quick search on market:

- Common 882 cards

- Uncommon 998 cards

- Rare 1006 cards

- Ultra Rare 351 cards


Not sure if it's card reforge to put blame on this? Does people just trash all extra to reforge? idk.. But this doesn't help new players because it's difficult to get charges even for most basic cards.

At least for me it's worries little that market have more rare cards than common and uncommon.


Edited by JiiPee
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This is moving slightly off-topic here. But a couple things.

These in-the-moment numbers aren't all that meaningful. Literally checked them this very moment and got C 1003, UC 1057, R 1087, UR 350. Check them again in a few days and they might be drastically different once more.

One of the effects that Reforging has is more evenly distributing the value contained within a booster. Before you had pretty much guaranteed 6 cards that weren't even worth putting into the AH because it was over-saturated. Utterly worthless filler cards that just sat there rotting in the inventory. The last two cards dictated if the booster was worth anything at all. And you mostly relied on the massive big-ticket pulls to compensate for all the boosters containing only crap. Not to mention that sooner or later the endlessly piling up cards would impact on performance. That's how it was pre-Reforging.

Post-Reforging, obviously what value you gain from boosters is still highly volatile, that's the nature of the beast and very much intended. Nonetheless, currently there is even some value in the 6 C and UC cards. So the floor was raised. Economically, it also means that lower supply (for example if tons of Cs get reforged) means higher prices. So the next time a booster is opened, it offers even higher value until the price for Cs drop low enough for it to be more suitable reforge material again. There can be an equilibrium of cards either being cheap enough to use as material OR being valuable enough for the AH.

To relate it back to this contest: Right now the cards used here are higher value pulls from boosters than normally. Which means it's worth it to put them in the AH. Until demand dies down and prices drop with it.

I also don't think giving out free cards to participate in contests is necessary. There is already a certain barrier of entry inherent to contests because you always have to have the most suitable cards to achieve a high rank. For example, if part of the contest rules states that you must use a pure-nature deck yet you do not own good nature cards then you won't be able to achieve much and probably have to sit that one out. Compared to that, requiring 6 specific C and 1 UC cards that, at the end of the day, still have quite low BFP value isn't much to manage. The economical impact of making these cards more desirable (because people want to participate) has to be kept in mind, of course. But the low rarity cards were chosen for a reason, it's not like you're expected to run Infect and Harvester.

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13 hours ago, TigerMan said:

happed to me again right now,

pretty sure there is a problem using thornbark😢


I see the problem - the card screenshot in the post is just for visuals comparing the original tutorial deck (fire/frost) with the "mirrored tutorial deck" you have to use for this contest.

long story short: you are only allowed to use the shadow/nature cards, not the fire/frost ones.

(thornbark is no problem, many played it already and it works fine.)

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3 hours ago, Cocofang said:

I also don't think giving out free cards to participate in contests is necessary. There is already a certain barrier of entry inherent to contests because you always have to have the most suitable cards to achieve a high rank. For example, if part of the contest rules states that you must use a pure-nature deck yet you do not own good nature cards then you won't be able to achieve much and probably have to sit that one out. Compared to that, requiring 6 specific C and 1 UC cards that, at the end of the day, still have quite low BFP value isn't much to manage. The economical impact of making these cards more desirable (because people want to participate) has to be kept in mind, of course. But the low rarity cards were chosen for a reason, it's not like you're expected to run Infect and Harvester.

It's perfectly fine that you need to sit out if contest is made that way. But this seems to be more focused to new players/all players, however when you don't have all the cards what can be used, your not in equal position.

But in the end it doesn't matter me that much. Contest is perfect and economy is perfect so lets move on.

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6 hours ago, JiiPee said:

Or you guys should have at least give out code what gives thouse cards...

Keep in mind this event is made by a community member, not someone that is part of staff (so no official event). Therefor he is not able to just give out codes for these cards. 

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6 hours ago, JiiPee said:

I think event like this should have been done with cards what everyone have access. Right now I am missing 3 cards and all of them have skyrocket in price, they are like 50 or near each. Even skeleton warrior.

There is a balance you have to strike when hosting a contest between accessibility and creativity/fun/keeping it fresh.  I knew beforehand that such a limited deck could interrupt the market a little, especially on the uncommon cards, maybe even attract some traders who start in price gouging.

You have to take into account that on all other contests you can usually use any cards you want. This is the one contest where there is a heavy deck limitation, but that limitation is a consequence of the idea to play on the introduction map in a twisted way. So, while I understand that can cause some frustration when you see skeleton warriors at a high price, it would make for a way less interesting contest if we do it the same way every time and kill the creative process of a cool challenge just because the way some try to take advantage of it.

Nature card prices also exploded when the nature achievement was introduced. That's just how the market works.

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1 hour ago, Kapo said:

I see the problem - the card screenshot in the post is just for visuals comparing the original tutorial deck (fire/frost) with the "mirrored tutorial deck" you have to use for this contest.

long story short: you are only allowed to use the shadow/nature cards, not the fire/frost ones.

(thornbark is no problem, many played it already and it works fine.)

kk ty

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