Hello I am a big battlearena enjoyer since original release actually back in the EA era of this game.
I think the mode is great main problem being some cards and some spells that needs to be looked into...
For example gravity surge is very situational most of the time and kinda forces you to use whatever 2nd ability you have which happened to me a couple of time with the nasty surprise as a 2nd ability when i have good t1 t2 or t3 units like frost sorceress or mountaineer avatar(most hp comes from shields) which can stay alive for a while and you dont really want to nasty.
I dont think nasty or gravity surge should be removed but maybe a recycle button for your spells that will put the tower on cooldowns would be a good addition because sometimes the spells can do more harm than good.
I think lost warlord atm needs nerf specificly in battlearena(kind of like Ravenheart is nerf specifically for this mode) he gurantees 4 units on the field(himself,his ability,his resurrected self and his resurrected self ability) way too much power for 1 unit.
Spore launcher is the opposite for example if the enemy team is in the lead and they happen to get spore launcher me and my teammate usually dont attack it and let him sit there while we 2v1 the other guy until the other user catches on and self kill his own unit.(idk if that is something you want to happen in the mode where it is better to kill own unit then to fight and die with it but just to let you guys know)
Those are all my personal issues with the mode atm I do think units like Avatar and Grigori are very powerful but they are on the line of healthy powerful for me since Avatar you kinda need to work as a team with spells and units to take down and focus fire...
And Grigori is a power house if he uses tainted attraction on someones spawn point but again manageable to take down
The Snapjaws ability in the spell towers is bugged but im pretty sure devs are aware and working on fix...
Overall I think the mode is very fun been getting way more matches faster on battlearena this patch than ever before I hope this feedback helps thank you guys for taking the time to polish this mode up to the state it is in today ❤️