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13 minutes ago, CrispyChicken said:

obviously it was just laziness not reading through skylords backend and just copy / pasting smj2.herokuapp table 😜
Thanks for the Link! Verry helpful, fast and easy to fetch!

these might also interest you then: 🙂

https://smj.cards/api/buyouts (current buyouts by card)

https://smj.cards/api/details   (current details by auction)

the full data from the details api will be used by the reinstation of the deals page once it's done, but currently it is only used by the current auctions at the bottom of each card page 🙂


13 minutes ago, CrispyChicken said:

Just recognized that your webserver (or any webserver) dislikes nox troopers https://smj.cards/404

lol, didn't notice that, but yeah sucks to be nox trooper xD Luckily there is at least no card with 500 as the id, xD

I should be able to change that, but I don't think that many people look for nox trooper by it's official id either way. xD

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10 hours ago, Maze said:

these might also interest you then: 🙂

https://smj.cards/api/buyouts (current buyouts by card)

https://smj.cards/api/details   (current details by auction)

the full data from the details api will be used by the reinstation of the deals page once it's done, but currently it is only used by the current auctions at the bottom of each card page 🙂


lol, didn't notice that, but yeah sucks to be nox trooper xD Luckily there is at least no card with 500 as the id, xD

I should be able to change that, but I don't think that many people look for nox trooper by it's official id either way. xD

true, pretty shure barely anyone will use Official-ID and your ID is working fine.
Many thanks for the API links I'm going to take advantage from!!

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8 hours ago, CrispyChicken said:

Hey Maze,

you have any json including all official card id's? I'd like to match your id to official id by cardslug or id in some way instead of building compatible card names for allocation?

yes I have, I just forgot to expose it through an api 🙈 (the cards have my own enums though, so not sure how usefull that will be for other people)

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8 hours ago, CrispyChicken said:

I'd like to match your id to official id by cardslug or id in some way instead of building compatible card names for allocation

my cardSlug is also just generated with this as a basis: https://hub.backend.skylords.eu/api/auctions/cards?id=all

just make everything lower-case, add "-promo" if it's a promo, add "-r"/"-p"/"-g"/"-b" for the respective affinities and in case of Protector's Seal add either "-tl" or "-ls". but if there would ever be a card that needs all 3 different extensions I would probably go with the order: color -> promo -> affinity, just as a suggestion. 🙂


44 minutes ago, CrispyChicken said:

ok, not a big deal.. i can go the indirect way..

I will expose it in the next patch (hopefully before this sunday), then you can use it for your mapping. I only created enums for most of the static card data (like color, rarity, edition, affinity), but my ID, cardSlug, cardName and official card ID is in all of them.

I use cardSlug for the mapping most of the time, since all my data objects are set up to always have a cardSlug, but in theory I could just get rid of the cardSlugs and replace it with my own ID everywhere, but having it readable if I need to look something up helps and also sometimes there is more than one instance of a card, like in the details. so I only use my ID, in cases where there is only one instance of a card, like with buyouts, notables, or the static data, as the _id should never change. I used the cardSlug for that in the beginning, but then Lord Cyrian changed, so I switched to the official id, but then Plague changed. xD

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43 minutes ago, Maze said:

my cardSlug is also just generated with this as a basis: https://hub.backend.skylords.eu/api/auctions/cards?id=all

just make everything lower-case, add "-promo" if it's a promo, add "-r"/"-p"/"-g"/"-b" for the respective affinities and in case of Protector's Seal add either "-tl" or "-ls". but if there would ever be a card that needs all 3 different extensions I would probably go with the order: color -> promo -> affinity, just as a suggestion.

already coded it like that and not to forget the backend "bug" with sandstorm-r which was changed to -b 😂
Thank you!


43 minutes ago, Maze said:

I use cardSlug for the mapping most of the time, since all my data objects are set up to always have a cardSlug, but in theory I could just get rid of the cardSlugs and replace it with my own ID everywhere, but having it readable if I need to look something up helps and also sometimes there is more than one instance of a card, like in the details. so I only use my ID, in cases where there is only one instance of a card, like with buyouts, notables, or the static data, as the _id should never change. I used the cardSlug for that in the beginning, but then Lord Cyrian changed, so I switched to the official id, but then Plague changed. xD

hmm.. yea ID's should never change but in case of plague.. irony 😉

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I decided to implement a few additional feature that were suggested, and were on my list in some way anyway, so I just went ahead and coded them up. But keep in mind that they are only in a preliminary state and layout changes are highly probable. It was surprisingly fast to code with 2 long evening sessions. xD

Anyway, the features are:
- add cards to a favorites list that is stored locally in your browser
- filter the cards on the main page with your lists or a List Code
- copy the List Code of the currently filtered cards
- set the favorites list with a List Code so you don't need to click on the favorite button for every card
- copy the current favorites List Code so you can store it in a textfile or somewhere else in case you want to switch browsers or devices
- calculate the total amount of gold to upgrade a list/all cards and how much bfp it would cost to complete your collection with some additional adjustable settings (filtering is done with a List Code)


You are now probably wondering what a List Code is, it's simply a string of SMJ ids that are joined together.
Example: "A1A2A3A4A5A6A7" is a list of all the newest cards (the order doesn't matter). The List doesn't have a maximum size, so go crazy with it. xD

You can also place as many commas or spaces in the string if that helps you with readabiliy, but they are removed when stored in the localStorage, it also removes duplicate ids and sorts the ids for better readability when you copy it again.

I set it up to allow the addition of other personal lists in the future, but I haven't coded that yet. Nonetheless, you should be able to adjust the value of the "lists" key in your localStorage to manually add another list and use it on the main page. 🙂


I haven't tested every little detail yet, so please tell me if you notice any weird behavior/have problems with the usability and have a better suggestion.

On a side note, I also fixed a few bugs (Mini Booster values were wrong, Card Auction Details didn't change when the card changed) and added some tooltips here and there.

Next I really have to fix the prices, since the Long Term and Notables data haven't updated for a few days and the I should finally migrate the old data from before the patch 🙈


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  • 2 weeks later...
7 minutes ago, Kaldra said:

Really great site!

Only thing I was wondering:

Are sorting options for prices missing? Sorting by difference would be really interesting to see market manipulation.


Sorting by price is planned and one of the things I will work on next, I just haven't gotten around to implementing it yet. 🙂

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  • 2 months later...
  • 6 months later...
23 hours ago, Vultagx said:

Are there any updates about one of the SMJ pages? Sometimes it´s difficult to know all the prices.

I am actually currently reworking a lot of things behind the scenes and adding the newer cards to the site and the bot. No promises, but expect to see the new iterations up and running again some time next week. 🙂

Sorry that it took so long for me to finally fix the issues. 🙏

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5 hours ago, Maze said:

I am actually currently reworking a lot of things behind the scenes and adding the newer cards to the site and the bot. No promises, but expect to see the new iterations up and running again some time next week. 🙂

Sorry that it took so long for me to finally fix the issues. 🙏

will be awesome to have it back on track, especially for never players. 🙂

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The new iterations of the website and bot are online, go check them out. 🙂

Since I changed the data schema again to be more future proof, there won't be any notable prices or long term ohcl prices at first and since they require more intensive calculations than my simple server can handle at the moment, I will have to add them manually once enough data is in the database again for it to be relevant.

I don't plan to add past short term data at the moment, but I may add past long term ohcl data in the next few weeks or so.


I am sorry again, that it took so long for me to fix the issues. 🙏

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Hey everyone,

I am here to tell you that there are two new features available on the website and I hope you will like them. 🙂


Lists and Decks: (https://smj.cards/lists)

With this feature you are able to create custom lists and decks, as well as rename and edit them as you like.

Both work in an identical manner, with the only difference being that a deck is limited to 20 cards. There is one special list named "Favorites" and one special deck named "Current". In the table view on the main page it is currently only possible to add new card to these two special lists.

To add cards to a different deck/list simply rename "Current" and/or "Favorites" in the lists tab to something else. You are also able to add specific cards to existing lists while editing them, but this currently only works with SMJ Card Ids. I know this is not quite ideal, but I will probably change things to make it more convenient in the future.

All your set lists and decks are stored in your browser, if you want to migrate to a different computer/browser, simply export the data to a JSON file and import it again when and from whereever you like. You can also share SMJ and base64 codes of specific lists/decks for others to add them to their lists.

I plan to add overviews and more features to the seperate lists, like total costs and more in the near future, which is technically already possible by selecting the respective list and clicking "Display Totals" on the main page, but still.


Card Creator: (https://smj.cards/creator)

With this tool you are able to generate custom card images, like this one:


I left the options quite flexible, but there are some restrictions for input convenience.

Restriction Example: Orbs 1,2 and 4 set and 3 left unset will cause Orb 4 to be pushed to the slot of Orb 3 (same goes for abilities)

Please let me know if you would like me to remove those restrictions.

You are able to upload an image to be used as the artwork and to prevent distortions I recommend using an image with an aspect ratio of 1:1.

There are also some things that still need work, like the coloring of the damage and health symbols, which I will fix at a later date.


I have a few more features planned for these new tools, so stay tuned. 😉


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There is a tiny bug with the stars placement of Ability 2 if no Ability Type is selected while one is selected for Ability 1 and vice versa. This will be fixed in the next update. For now I recommend using Ability settings 1, 3, 4 and 5. 🙂

EDIT: fixed

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The lists received an update so you can add cards to a list by fuzzy searching for and selecting them in the improved card add input field. Deletion method of cards from list was also changed to deleting by right clicking on the card, same will be implemented for the mini deck builder on the main page at a later date. The option to copy the list by its official ids and also adding a new list or deck by its official ids was added.

Hope you like these small changes. 🙂


EDIT: This update also included the correction for the reforging average calculation, which was not only changed recently, but also had a wrong calculation formular for neutral and hybrid cards. The average value of the forged card when destroying 4 of the same card should now show the correct average. 🙂

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newest updates:

- custom cards now have colored damage and health icons (doesn't seem to work for the general card images, I think that is due to them being generated on my server and then exposed through the api instead of them being generated in your browser)

- mini deck builder on the main page now also has the delete by right clicking functionality

- sort by prices was moved to the start of the sorters list

- main page window size was increased to be more user friendly on larger screen sizes

- some list name restrictions and auto adjustment was put in place, like trimming spaces and more (note that there is no check in place if a list/deck name already exists and will replace any list/deck of the same name, when adding and editing!)

That should be all changes.

I thought of maybe doing these smaller patch notes from now on when there are changes that affect users, not sure if they are of use to you, but I felt like keeping you all in the loop of changes a bit more. 🙂

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- switched to generating the general card images in your browser for the symbol coloring to work, until I figure out how else to do it

- added symbol color modifier to the creator for those that like the plain black and white symbols more

- adjusted style of some elements that are drawn on the image (element positioning and style should now be finalized)



- switched back to api generated general card images, as load times were just too big and images didn't change when switching to another card, will have to make the symbol coloring work some other way (font also doesn't seem to be correct when generating the images on the server)

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- decided to improve generated image styles a bit more, to be closer to the ingame styles and colors (now it should really be final)

- added a button that let's you switch between displaying sever generated and locally generated general card images, with a tooltip clarifying the differences


EDIT: I think I know the reason for the wrong font on server generated images, same happens as well on mobile with the creator. I will look into it next, but I don't think it will fix the symbol coloring, sadly.

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- removed Ability 5 Slot from the creator modifiers to avoid confusion (was put in place to be able to write in a 5th line when recreating long card upgrade texts)

- added card preset option to the creator, with which it is possible to automatically preset all relevant modifiers:
while there is an active card preset (name visible in the card preset input field), changing upgrade/charges while the preset is a non-promo card will result in the automatic adjustment of relevant modifiers. if the preset is a promo card and the upgrade/charges are changed or any modifier are changed while any preset card is selected will result in you being able to adjust the image from what it was set to and the modifiers not changing automatically anymore.

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