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Skylords Reborn Official Loot List


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Greetings, Skylords, Skyladies, and Skyfolks!

Several years ago, I have asked you all for feedback on integrating a new Loot List (Where upgrades drop) in the game in this thread: 


Giving the community 4 different options, it's impressive to say that almost 75% of the community wants different loot lists, so I have heeded your words and compiled a new list, based on the following regulations:

  • Due to popular demand, the main priority of the loot is thematic value; Loot will drop as much as possible in maps where you'd expect them to drop, and where it would make sense. This means a ton of lost units drop in Empire, and a lot of bandit units can be found in Blight, for example.
  • Secondly, rare rewards are more likely to be found in more difficult maps (think Behind Enemy Lines, Guns of Lyr, Dwarven Riddle, etc.)
  • Starter Deck card upgrades will drop in earlier maps, so that you don't have to unlock an entire sequence of maps in order to get a few starter cards upgraded.
  • Wherever possible, I have tried to take map popularity into account, but due to lesser votes, this has not been the priority
  • Rarity distributions per map are completely disregarded. The community has voted for thematic value and popularity, so it could very well be that some maps are way more rewarding than others.
  • 12-Player maps will be completely removed from the loot system and reward gold only. Tutorial does not award any upgrades.
  • Aside from the Advanced/Expert-only maps, All upgrades will drop consistently on the same map. Advanced/Expert only maps have their U1 upgrades scattered across other Standard maps, but all other maps will have the same loot no matter the difficulty.

The loot list is currently set and is very unlikely to be subject to change anytime soon. If it changes in the future, we will let you know!

You can find the current loot list over here:

Thank you all for your help in suggesting loot list improvements, and I hope you can all have a new, fresh experience with new upgrades to get in new ways!

EDIT: This loot list is still up-to-date and now contains upgrade drops for Lord Cyrian.

Edited by MrXLink
Updated Loot List
Jack77, Strek0za, Treim and 5 others like this
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Very nice list but I found a few mistakes:

- Lightblade (Shadow) is missing, instead there are 2 Lightblade (Fire) listed (Convoy and Blight)
- Decomposer is completly missing
- Nox Carrier (Fire) is missing while Nox Carrier (Frost) is listed which is non-existent (Bad Harvest)
- Stone Tempest (Frost) is missing while Stone Tempest (Nature) is listed which is non-existent (Convoy)
- Dying Breed (Nature) is listed two times (Sunbrige and Nightmares End) [Edit]


For the following cards only u2 and u3 are avaiable on Advanced only Maps but the u1 on other maps are missing:

- Frost Shard
- Lost Vigil (Shadow)
- Lost Spirit Ship (Nature)
- Sylvan Gate (Frost)
- Evocator's Woe (Shadow)
- Soulshatter
- Grim Bahir (Fire)


Last thing is that you have a copy of the 4 player maps list in the sheet in colums Q:X which does nothing.


Thank you for your effort and see you in the forge :hype:

Edited by Urgonar
forgot one
piersonmp3 and MephistoRoss like this
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19 minutes ago, Urgonar said:

Very nice list but I found a few mistakes:

- Lightblade (Shadow) is missing, instead there are 2 Lightblade (Fire) listed (Convoy and Blight)
- Decomposer is completly missing
- Nox Carrier (Fire) is missing while Nox Carrier (Frost) is listed which is non-existent (Bad Harvest)
- Stone Tempest (Frost) is missing while Stone Tempest (Nature) is listed which is non-existent (Convoy)


For the following cards only u2 and u3 are avaiable on Advanced only Maps but the u1 on other maps are missing:

- Frost Shard
- Lost Vigil (Shadow)
- Lost Spirit Ship (Nature)
- Sylvan Gate (Frost)
- Evocator's Woe (Shadow)
- Soulshatter
- Grim Bahir (Fire)


Last thing is that you have a copy of the 4 player maps list in the sheet in colums Q:X which does nothing.


Thank you for your effort and see you in the forge :hype:

I'll make sure to look into that soon, thank you for spotting those!

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 9/10/2018 at 3:31 PM, Urgonar said:

Very nice list but I found a few mistakes:

Here's an update:

  • Lightblade (Shadow) was a typo and has been assigned to Blight
  • Decomposer has been added to Convoy (all difficulties)
  • Nox Carrier (Frost) was a typo and has been changed to Nox Carrier (Fire)
  • Stone Tempest (Nature) was a typo and has been changed to Stone Tempest (Frost)
  • Frost Shard U1 has been assigned to Oracle - Standard
  • Lost Vigil (Shadow) U1 has been assigned to Blight - Standard
  • Lost Spirit Ship (Nature) U1 has been assigned to Raven's End - Standard
  • Sylvan Gate (Frost) U1 has been assigned to The Treasure Fleet - Standard
  • Evocator's Woe (Shadow) U1 has been assigned to Nightmare's End - Standard
  • Soulshatter U1 has been assigned to Nightmare Shard - Standard
  • Grim Bahir (Fire) U1 has been assigned to Convoy - Standard
  • Dying Breed (Nature) was a typo and has been assigned to Nightmare's End

Loot list sheet has been updated accordingly.


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23 hours ago, MrXLink said:

Dying Breed (Nature) was a typo and has been assigned to Nightmare's End 

@MrXLink There is still a mistake regarding Dying Breed, it is listed 3 times at the moment:

  • Dying Breed (Nature) under Sunbridge
  • Dying Breed (Fire) [doesn't exist] under Nightmare's End
  • Dying Breed (Shadow) under Slave Master

You should maybe look into that again, but thanks for updating the Loot List nonetheless.

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  • 3 weeks later...

While playing the game it freezes suddenly then catches up to where its supposed to be a couple of seconds later. this happens about every 5 - 6 seconds.

everything is fine when i'm just messing around in the lobby but as soon as i enter any of the campaign missions it immediately starts again....

how do i fix this.....  

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1 hour ago, Albion said:

While playing the game it freezes suddenly then catches up to where its supposed to be a couple of seconds later. this happens about every 5 - 6 seconds.

everything is fine when i'm just messing around in the lobby but as soon as i enter any of the campaign missions it immediately starts again....

how do i fix this.....  

This is caused by a unstable / slow connection. Are you on a public/slow wifi for example or on a slow internet connection on the other side if the world (server is in EU)?

I had the same when I tried to play on a hotel wifi, but at home it works fine. 

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • Zyna unpinned this topic

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