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[Important] Open Beta Delayed


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Working in IT and leading throughout my career, many projects; I completely understand and can relate to what you're experiencing. Sometimes you need to focus on yourself and your personal life to enhance the quality of your work. Making yourself ill isn't great but I'm sure everyone else will agree in saying we thank you for such dedication. Please take the time to refocus your efforts and resolve your personal issues first. I still eagerly await the open beta and further updates! Thank you for all your hard work and effort! 

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Jeez guys you scared me, first thing that crossed my mind is that you were stopped by someone or something alltogether:D we waited how many,  4-5 years, a month or 8 won't matter.  Good luck with all the stuff and thank you very much for doing what you do. 

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We have waited over 2 years already, another month or two won't hurt anyone :) Plus Fiki's health is more important! Take your time and just release it 'when it is ready', we're all still in support of this voluntary project. Good luck!

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46 minutes ago, fiki574 said:

Sorry, people :(

No need to read any more of this post, Fiki (and the rest of the team), this is just a game. No matter how much we love it, it's not worth damaging your own health, education, income, etc over. Good choice even if it's sad circumstances, hope you all get some time to breathe and continue making this the best possible re-launch it can be.

Edit: Oh, I too have slight concerns over the boosters, but I'm guessing that's just for beta to kickstart drop ratio tests and wouldn't happen at full release?

Edited by Archeon
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Hey guys it's fine, the health and well-beeing of the developers sure is the most important. I'm sad I cannot play the game as soon as I wanted to but this one more month will not kill me. Thank you very very much for this project. It is not taken for granted you put in a lot of your free time voluntarily to bring this game back to life. Also I wish your developers the best success in their finals.


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2 hours ago, InsaneHawk said:

Hello Skylords,

So now, let's talk about what we're going to do after all you will have to wait a bit longer, and please forgive us for this delay.

We have decided on a few things:

  • Everyone will receive 2 boosters once the game will be in open beta (you'll still get them even after a potential reset)
  • From the 1st of February and until the Open beta, we'll invite some players everyday to the closed beta, to increase the amount of players, progressively (Giveaways will happen anytime during the day, morning, afternoon, evening ..)
  • You'll be able from now to pre-download the client, and we finally after a lot of discussion decided to give the client here on the forum ourselves. Want to pre-download it ? Click here

INFORMATION : Giveaways for the Closed Beta will resume! These giveaways will mainly be held on Discord, but it may also happen on the forum, so keep following these two closely!

Discord : https://discord.gg/0y3WGMGXhd5q2lXA

With kind regards and apologies for any inconvenience caused,

The Skylords Reborn Team

i have a question about those 2 free Boosters:

What about Multi Accounting? People can just make alot of accounts and send the Cards to their main account and get all Cards in no time.

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23 minutes ago, Fimion said:

i have a question about those 2 free Boosters:

What about Multi Accounting? People can just make alot of accounts and send the Cards to their main account and get all Cards in no time.

We already have a lot of ideas on how to counter those abuses, don't worry, we're handling it!

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Hey guys, I have really been looking foreward to this for at least a year, so a month more or less will not make a difference. Especially not considering the reasoning!
So good luck to the test-takers, eat enough :-D and I'll see you ingame, when you guys decide to release. Take your time! We all understand you!

Thank you for your wonderful effort!

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