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Beta Tester
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About Theprior

  • Birthday 12/03/1993

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    England, United Kingdom
  • Interests
    Battleforge ;)

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  1. I have a strong feeling that this isn't the real FarRockBF from YouTube, there's no way he would act like that about this game and not have the common sense the understand what a stress test is. Probably a troll trying to give the real FarRockBF a bad name.
  2. No one from the staff has said it will be released on Feb 28th. It says on the front page 'best case scenario', it's better to not expect and just be patient. They will release the open beta when it is ready to be released, hopefully at the end of february yes, but it may be March, or even April. Who knows? It doesn't sound like there is many bugs or problems left to fix, but new ones could pop up at any time.
  3. We have waited over 2 years already, another month or two won't hurt anyone Plus Fiki's health is more important! Take your time and just release it 'when it is ready', we're all still in support of this voluntary project. Good luck!
  4. 2303 Shamans! "Potions, Trinkets, Charms..."
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