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About Readymade

  • Birthday 06/14/1991

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    West Germany ;)

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  1. NAME: Game crashed during Soultree mission without error message DESCRIPTION: just started the mission, played some time and summoned breeding grounds before the game crashed REPRODUCIBILITY: not tried yet SCREENSHOT/VIDEO: well a blac black screen wouldn't help you LOG: Proxy log is bigger tha 4 MB, just send a PM and I'll send it to you log_gd.txt
  2. NAME: Regrowth lasts only for 3 seconds instead of 30 SEVERITY: 1-2 LOCATION: rPvE Battleground 9 (did not tried other matches yet) REPRODUCIBILITY: Always DESCRIPTION: Everytime I use Regrowth it ends after 3 seconds and heals only a spare amount of what it should do... SCREENSHOT/VIDEO: PM me for replay ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: -
  3. NAME: Loading screen freeze/match doesn't start SEVERITY: 1LOCATION: (End of) Loading Screen, PvE random; also every other match (Battleground lvl 5 1 player)REPRODUCIBILITY: ALWAYSDESCRIPTION: Every time I start a new match, the loading screen does not finish to load as you can see on the screenshots below. This error started on both, my laptop and my PC about 1-2 hours ago. SCREENSHOT: ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: Might have to do with the latest updates?
  4. Thanks for the replies. Of course they are not final yet and I just wanted to give a feedback here, so that the team can balance rewards and all the stuff later based on feedback and testing. I got a good internet connection but that should not affect the login chances. It's pure luck maybe
  5. Hello everyone, I just had the pleasure to complete some maps and get some boosters via archivements and the daily quests. And i came to the point, that the economic system in Skylords Reborn will crash really fast with that many booster and possibilities to get rare and uncommon cards so fast. Maybe you should think about the following changes in future, as soon as the server runs and you got time for stuff like that: - More quests that will reward you with special cards or even with the normal commons - it is hard to get even normal common cards - enable the mini booster again so that people can get more commons/uncommons faster and build up their decks - enable the tokens to buy upgrades instead of gold. I've finished some lvl 5 PVE Maps and got 1250 Gold from every map - so i can upgrade almost 8-10 cards to level 1 by simply finish one map with a noob deck. Thats too easy. With tokens I've spend hours on grinding them to upgrade my cards and there is no reason for me to complete normale campaign maps to gain my upgrades - instead of upgrade cards you should maybe think about deck cards which can be looted on normal maps with a small chance I think that everyone will own a full upgraded deck within some weeks, once the server is running with a massive amount of rares and just upgrade lvl 3 cards. It's not a challenge anymore to gain your upgrades because of the massive amount of gold everyone can earn with pve maps. What are your thought folks? Let me know! Thx again to the devs and I know that we are still in a really early phase of the game and the dev and that we got some other problems atm which are more important but we should not forget about stuff like I've mentioned above
  6. you've got an upvote for the demand for the downvote button!
  7. Does anyone know on which server skylords is currently running, how many ppl. can be logged in at the same time and how much the operating costs are? Also i would like to know what kind of server we probably need to run this project smooth and for ~3000 ppl at the same time. Don't get me wrong with this post - i don't want to complain or whinge - I just want to get some more hard data
  8. I Hope so because I liked the content of FarRockBF. Don't feed the troll
  9. You joined the community about 2 days ago and we all waited for this for years and your are complaining, that it was a waste of time... dude just leave this forum and uninstall the game and btw: yes i know that you played BF before and that you uploaded a lot of content on youtube but you don't deserve to play here with such bad manners
  10. Played my first match since EA shutdown and it's time to thank you! To all other players: just be patient - you'll get your lucky login
  11. Welcome to the team and congratz to the huge progress :)
  12. here's a better solution: Hack the offical ea server with the BF stuff on it and grab everything you can get.... but it's down so just go find it and steal it... :D
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