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  1. Fimion


    Yeah maybe i am but that would be one more reason to upload videos of you playing Expert+ with amii decks to show noobs like me how you do it.
  2. Fimion


    First of all i cant even watch those videos because they are private but i guess you did some testing in the Forge which proves absolutely nothing. Actually you have to clear bases alone all the time in rPvE Expert+ especially when you have bad teammates or when youre playing 2 player mode if youd play Expert+ alot you would know that.
  3. Fimion


    Claiming that amii decks are the new meta for high tier rPvE(i suppose you mean Expert+) is just insane there is no point in even discussing that its just blatantly wrong. Those decks may work well in easy situations but in difficult situations you will always lose. You cant even Netherwarp Energy Cores into LS bases with Banestones or Nature bases with Mark of the Keeper. Amii Sentinel is pretty underwhelming i tried him a while ago he is basically just a weak Batariel. You cant build a Sentinel army because Sentinels would damage eachother and a single Sentinel just doesnt do enough damage and dies too fast he will also get disenchanted by Fiend of Fire and Lost Spellbreakers. Please upload some replays of you defeating enemies like Abaddon, Fiend of Fire or Twilight Bases with tons of Evil Eyes + Wilzappers or Lost Souls bases with 2 Banestones + 2 Archfiends without the help of a teammate i would be very interested in seeing that. If you wanna play some Expert+ let me know we will restart until we get difficult enemies and then you can show me how good Amii decks are.
  4. Fimion


    lvl 8 is not made for casual players it's made for good players who want a challenge if you just want rewards grind lvl 6 or play Map of the Day. As long as you have a good team you can win over 80% of lvl 8 maps without spawntrapping and even without players supporting eachother in fact i tell people not to support me all the time because i want it to be as challenging as possible for me. The problem with lvl 6 is that enemies there are so weak that any good card and strategy is kind of OP.
  5. Fimion


    Good question, i dont think it really helps people move from lvl 6 to lvl 8 there are alot of lvl 8 maps that arent much harder than the average lvl 7 map but it doesnt prepare people for difficult lvl 8 maps. For example 90% of players have no idea how to deal with Lost Souls with Vigils at T2 they usually attack way too early or go scouting and pull enemies to their T1 or think that Makeshift Towers are a good defense vs Vigils Treefiends and Spellbreakers. Makeshift Tower is a particularly bad card that even alot of players with higher ranks use to defend their T1 with but on difficult maps you either have to kill powerful enemies as fast as possible with Eruption or Mine or you spawntrap by placing a Blaster Cannon in front of your monument so it can't kill the enemy or vs Lost Spellbreakers you spawn an S squad and let it get knocked back and press hold. Makeshit Tower won't save you in difficult situations and in all other situations it is ineffective at best. Another thing that lvl 7 doesnt prepare people for are T3 spawners which can be a big problem when your T2 is close to T3 especially on 2 player maps where you have to clear T3/4 (which are in the same place) alone. Lets say you face Bandit/Stonekin with 2 Windhunters 2 XL units + a spawner at T3/4 even if you can build your T2 the spawn wave will pull the entire camp to your T2 and there is nothing you can do to defend it. In a situation like this your only option is to spawntrap. But if the T3/4 is so close to your T2 that you cant even build it then it gets difficult first of all you need to destroy the spawner(the right one not the dummy) by running into the base with Nomads and erupting it 4 times which will trigger spawn waves from camps next to it then you need to spawntrap those waves and then you first have to build Blaster Cannons to take out the Windhunters and then either kill the XL units with Mines and Eruptions or if you're lucky you can build your T2 and get Shadow Phoenixes or Skyfire Drakes(which are better than Gladiatrixes especially vs Bandit Walkers)+Oink and Surge of Light if you play nature T2. I don't think playing lvl 7 prepares people well for lvl 8 you can only get good at it by playing it and taking advice from experienced players. lvl 6 is by far the most common rPvE lvl and i don't think that adding lvl 7 has had a big impact on that lvl 8 is only popular when the map of the month is an easy bandit map. Bandits should either get a massive buff or be removed from lvl 8 in my opinion but that's another story.
  6. Fimion


    I'm talking about Lost Souls maps where you have Lost Vigils at T2 this is pretty much the hardest start and it takes alot of time to get to T4 and then you usually only have 5-8 minutes left and later you will encouter massive bases with 2 Banestones + 2 Archfiends. You will need a deck with a T4 that does massive damage +1000 HP and slow regeneration is nothing in a situation like this. Another example would be twilight maps with multiple Willzappers and lots of Evil Eyes. So i guess you mostly play Advanced++(lvl6) compared to difficult lvl 8 maps that is not even tutorial level Skydancer would need a massive buff to become a viable choice for lvl 8.
  7. Would be interesting to take a look at the patch notes from original BattleForge but i'm afraid that information was lost when EA shut down the BattleForge Forum.
  8. Fimion


    May i ask which PvE modes you play and at which difficulty level? I almost exclusively play rPvE Expert+(lvl8) and there Skydancer is not OP its not even a viable choice it may be ok for easier maps but when you get a difficult map Lost Souls with Vigils at T2 for example every second counts and with a Skydancer deck you will most likely not win.
  9. I'm pretty sure it was like that in in the early days of Battle Forge in 2009 or 2010 i never played much PvP but i remember people complaining about Root Network decks being extremely OP in PvP.
  10. Without Glaciation that wouldnt work the wall would get destroyed before Burning Spears could do any real damage.
  11. You got some good points but i still believe this would be a bad idea because it would probably take alot of time to implement such a mechanic and im sure nobody would make use of it then because even with Glaciation this wouldnt be a viable choice. On Bad Harvest expert at position 3 for example you have to defend your wall against 1 XL unit 2 L units and some S M and flying units. The only unit than can be attacked by units with spears would be the XL unit and only 1 maybe 1.5 squads could attack it even with red glaciation that wouldnt work well. And even if youd manage to kill the XL unit youd still need ranged units to kill the other units. I always thought it looked stupid how S melee units attack XL units and of course a rooted grinder should be able to attack spear wielding units but in my opinion it would look even more ridiculous if units armed with spears could attack XL units from walls. A solution to this could be to change the textures of all spear units and make their spears longer but like i said that would be a waste of time because nobody would make use of that new mechanic anyway. btw sry if my first post sounded a bit rude i had a pretty bad day
  12. Why didnt you just show us an enemy Grinder attacking the wall? Why? Because it would look like this: If units with spears could attack XL units it wouldnt look more natural and dynamic at all they would just stab air while the XL units take damage. Why would an XL unit espacially one with an axe get so close to a wall that it could get stabbed to death by melee units? That makes no sense to me.
  13. By "you" i meant the skylords team not you personally. Most definitly the majority of players opinion but we will never find out since they were never asked.
  14. You are just doing what you and a bunch of other people on Discord want and of course you cant please everyone but you should at least try to please the majority of players remember you work for the players and not for yourself or at least thats how it should be. Just like the absolutely unnecessary Decomposer and of course the Batariel nerf only you and a bunch of other people wanted that but definitly not the majority. One man army Batariel decks are ruined nobody uses them anymore at least not on Expert+ and the Decomposer nerf was also a horrible decision people made alot of good suggestions but you only did what you wanted.
  15. It wasnt doing better or worse than SkylordsReborn EA just decided to shut it down because it wasnt profitable enough. Arent the player numbers of SkylordsReborn declining too?
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