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Status Updates posted by BionicReaper

  1. Happy birthday Shotty! :ladadoos: (It's not a cake but it will do :kappa:, unless your prefer :watermelon:)

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Deadman


      Happy Birthday yah Weeb :kappa:

    3. Shotty


      Thanks very much guys, means alot~

    4. sylvix95


      oh shit, I couldn't connect.

      HBD man

  2. Whats with the member count goin up and down? O.o

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Ultrakool


      @Tiberium Tmw you realise over 10k is still over 9k :kappa: 

    3. Tiberium
    4. BionicReaper


      @Ultrakool @Tiberium Dammit I was gonna tell him its over 9k I well xD

  3. YASH! I REACHED 100 REP! Next milestone is :ladadoos::kappa: 

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. anonyme0273
    3. Eddio


      We could also just never give him any rep every again. :kappa:

    4. Ultrakool
  4. So for April Fools I considered posting a link to this video: 

    Through a shrinked google link and claiming to be open beta, but I didnt in the end since I thought people would be more offended than happy. Do you think I should have done it?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. BionicReaper
    3. shadowxxs77


      Yeah you should've done it, whats april fools without some salt :rolleyes:

    4. Graaf_Markus


      Would've been a great prank though

  5. If you are hyped about the stream, give me WATERMELONS PEOPLE!!!

  6. Mwahahahhahaha. I'll say 2 things:

    1. Gratz Hawk

    2. Rekt :ladadoos:



  7. The satisfaction when you see no red on the progression bars. #FeelsGudMan :watermelon:

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. BionicReaper


      @anonyme0273 @fiki574 that's right. No racism welcome! But wouldn't that be racist to the racists? :kappa:

    3. Fauchderial


      If that can exist, I'll leave this place forever....

    4. sylvix95


      @anonyme0273 No, fuck red bars !

      we need to build a server ! And the red bar will pay for it.

      And I don't mind seeing a big beautiful door so that the red bar can become green bars, legaly !

  8. Happy birthday Hawk!



    (Mwahahaha I'm first :kappaross:)

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. BionicReaper


      @InsaneHawk You're welcome! May you reach 100 years old :D.

    3. chargeR


      @InsaneHawk happy bday and #ItsHawksFault

    4. EonBen


      @InsaneHawk happy (late) birthday, hope you had/are having a good one :]

  9. I would like to apologise to @Shotty because eventually he is a nice guy, I assumed wrong.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Deadman


      Yeah we can all get along, but only if Bionic doesn't eat my dog.

    3. BionicReaper


      @ThomasMann the one I ate 2 minutes ago? :kappa::watermelon:

    4. Deadman
  10. I see you got an upgrade.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Eddio


      Presented by yours truly :)

    3. sylvix95


      Me ass (:kappa:) well

    4. Deadman


      Yes it is very sexy. 

  11. Btw no one is hyped for the "Social Features" being renamed to "Social Features (still some bugs)" and rising to 98%? :kappaross: 

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Deadman


      No one is hyped for the 10% network optimization. :kappa:

    3. Ultrakool


      There were some that were Thomas

    4. LagOps


      i would upvote, but i don't want to destroy your 69 rep :kappa:! 98% is maybe a bit optimistic, there are quite some (albeit obscure to trigger) bugs left that might be tricky to deal with. there are quite a bit of them and there are likely still some that we didn't encounter yet... maybe 100% would mean everything is implemented allready and they don't count minor bugs, since it is saying "(still some bugs)"?

  12. Guys, I know I'm late (I was in Athens), but nevertheless:

    Happy Near Year!



    P.S: The snow wasn't fluffy :'(

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. BionicReaper
    3. anonyme0273


      Happy new year to you too! 

      It just started snowing here and I am loving it. 

    4. sylvix95


      happy niouyir

  13. Have a nice month everyone :D


    Please note that everything below is just what I have understood. Before taking my word for it, please get informed about the situation. I might very well have not understood this correctly. Thanks. :watermelon:


    Earlier this week the FCC Chairman announced a plan that would basically remove Net Neutrality, which, from what I know, is the right that lets us see what we want to see, when we want to see it with no possible restrictions. If this plans succeeds, access to certain websites that don't pay fees to Internet Providers could be or slower and, even worse, blocked.

    From what I have understood, this won't affect European or Asian countries. Only American countries. But I still wanted to help in some way. The only way to help if you are not from America, from what I know, is to spread awareness around, which is what I'm doing and what I'm asking you to do.

    Imagine it this way. If we didn't happen to have Net Neutrality, Skylords Reborn would have never even happened. Without it Hawk, Link, Blank, Kiwi, fiki, Dexirian and the many other staff on Skylords Reborn that we all know and love would probably have never even tried to come together for this cause. Why? Because your internet provider most likely wouldn't let you access this website or would make your access so slow that you would give up trying to access it. Skylords couldn't have happened, because the team wouldn't be able to pay the fees to be accessible.

    But it's not only Skylords Reborn. It's every small website or internet corporation out there. One that isn't run by Microsoft, Sony, Valve, Google and the rest of them major companies (Don't get me wrong! It's not the companies' fault!). They wouldn't have informed us about things we might have never known. Also an ordinary person, like most of us, wouldn't be able to post freely on the web and spread his/her ideas and opinions, because of the fees, if it was even possible in the first place.

    The internet would not be the internet anymore. It would be like cable TV, where only a few channels thrive. You wouldn't watch whatever you want to see, but what the companies want you to see, whichever website can afford an "accessibility" fee.

    It might as well be the same thing for our American friends if the plan gets voted on December the 14th. I believe this is just not right at all. Limiting the flow of information would just limit our horizons. And if it's America first, there's no guarantee we are not next.

    Even after reading all this you might think that you don't agree with me, which is fine. For those that agree with me here's what you can do if you are:

    • American: Inform your Representatives, your Senator, your Congressman! As the FCC has been ignoring any complaints the people have to express, only the officials can stop them. If you are a minor, inform your parents. Tell them to look it up and take action, if possible. This is no exaggeration. This is a serious situation.
    • Other: Raise awareness! Some Americans visit non-American websites daily, or watch non-American youtubers, like how I, for example watch non-European, non-Greek youtubers. They might not know about this and we can help raise awareness for them and people like them.

    So that pretty much concludes what I had to say about this. Please don't take everything I say for facts. I might not know what is happening that well. What's for certain is that there are people that know better.

    Ask around and get informed! You can google it around and I'll leave a link at the end of this status update with a link to a reddit post with lots of information as well as the official FCC announcement.

    Concluding, thanks a lot for your time.

    FCC Announcemnt: https://www.fcc.gov/news-events/blog/2017/11/22/time-give-thanks

    Reddit Post:



    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Deadman


      BionicReaper is being serious... I don't believe it 

    3. BionicReaper


      It's an utmost emergency only mechanic :kappa:

    4. sylvix95


      *sees the long post*
      Me : K 

  15. #RoadToTheMostReputationOnTheBFRebornForums

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. BionicReaper


      Yep it is gonna be a long road xD But I'm gonna do it and get my title!

      Like a boss!

      @Ultrakool do you support #Bio ?

    3. Lukaznid


      Well good luck beating :ladadoos: :/

    4. BionicReaper


      I'm just gonna eat that guy whole. Good luck beating :watermelon: you should say. #:watermelon:Iz2Op4uBruh

  16. https://forum.skylords.eu/index.php?/announcement/26-beta-access-giveaway-1-now-live/

    When you see that gif and you start wondering whether you're drunk or not.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Deadman


      Meh has Bionic been an active member :kappa:

    3. BionicReaper


      Thanks a lot man @sylvix95 you da best. Unlike the meme traitor :kappa:

      Nah not really both you and tom are de best :D

    4. BionicReaper


      Well scratch that there are too many nice people in this forum to count :') 

  17. @Ultrakool Well I'm probably hella late, but congrats on becoming a moderator!

    Here , have watermelons!


    1. Deadman


      just a wee bit late :watermelon:

    2. Raedok


      Rather late than never :")


    3. Ultrakool
  18. Too bad! PvE Maps are in progress and PvP not even started: 


    1. BionicReaper


      :kappa: for some bug that kappa didnt render lol

    2. LagOps


      dev progress is kinda wierd. if anything, the pvp works. there just isn't any ranking/matchmaking.

    3. Shotty


      Nice find actually ;D

  19. Feverus Snape am I right :D 

  20. If you think you got rid of me, think again :troll:.



    (PC Fixed)

  21. Happy Birthday Tofu!

    1. Deadman


      Tofu is a lad! Birthday :watermelon:

    2. Tofu


      i have been summoned !

    3. BionicReaper


      @ThomasMann NO! I'm positive that Tofu is a :watermelon:. Right, @Tofu?

      I mean @Tofu


  22. People will remember this as the day that someone got on the rep board without rep. A moment of silence....

    1. Deadman


      Got even worse only 7 people on the weekly, can be 10.

    2. Eirias


      Oh, dang, site activity is really low...Okay, looks like it's time to lose internet for a day. Let me edit a video and post it (today?) and maybe that will boost some forum activity....

    3. Fauchderial


      Site activity is low because of summer and/or because people are tired to wait.

  23. Obelisk the Tormentor :o 

    1. Deadman



      I know Obelisk but why?

    2. BionicReaper


      Look at his signature

  24. That's a strange place *cough* location *cough* you are in :kappa:

    1. Deadman


      Should be Ladas location 

    2. Ultrakool


      That's so old :P 

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