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  1. Metagross31 liked a post in a topic by Ladadoos in Reroll more than 1 time didnt work again?   
    This has not been implemented yet and also was not in the past. It is still in the to-do list.
  2. Ladadoos liked a post in a topic by Aviat0r in Remove requirement for Administration Rights on Launcher   
    You're lucky. I just rolled out a newer version of the still "old" Updater. No more admin privileges are needed with this one. 🥳
    However if you installed the game into a directory which is write protected by Windows (e.g. Program Files), you still have to manually execute is as administrator.
  3. nkmol liked a post in a topic by Ladadoos in UI Suggestion - Lobby Map and Difficulty Progress Indicator   
    I would definitely not remove the difficulty names from the buttons: the approach to add the symbols next to the names sounds much more suitable and I think is a good solution.
    Even though I think the initial proposal of using small dots is cleaner, stars likely convey the message better. That being said, I would make them much smaller and always at the same position, like image below.

    In order to make the UI consistent with the achievements, I would make it such that the stars indicate the highest won difficulty and not all the difficulties played. As an example, if the left and middle star were yellow it would indicate that the highest difficulty won is advanced (and not that you won standard and advanced). 

    The exact details of what difficulty you won could be added in the tooltip of the map icon. It's a big widget with little information. The first image is how it is now, the second how I could imagine it being.

     So this shows as  in the worldmap but when hovering over it, you would see that you actually only completed advanced.
    Curious to hear what you think.
  4. Volin liked a post in a topic by Ladadoos in Boosters   
    @Naturee https://skylords-reborn.fandom.com/wiki/Booster_Packs
  5. Ladadoos liked a post in a topic by RookieN in Restoring Lyr - Need play testing and feedback - UPDATE 2.2 Out!   
    Got the first update out for it with some stuff done 🙂
    Got the first update out for it with some stuff done 🙂
  6. Ladadoos liked a post in a topic by darkvolpe in "Enter" button for BFP-input in trade window   
    A lot of new players don't know that you have to press "enter" when putting in BFP in the trade window.
    My suggestion would be like a small button saying "Enter" (or similar, or maybe just an icon) which functions like pressing it on keyboard.
    I know that after the first trade ppl will tell you to do that in order to put in BFP, but it would make it a little easier to understand it on your own.
    EDIT: added a professionally edited example 🙂

  7. Ladadoos liked a post in a topic by Mynoduesp in Gunner Autocast "Infused Burst" | Upgrade Card Icon Coloring   
    Literally unplayable game
  8. RookieN liked a post in a topic by Ladadoos in Restoring Lyr - Need play testing and feedback - UPDATE 2.2 Out!   
    I think where it went wrong is that my teammate pinged me to help attack the top, while I also had to defend the bottom. I think I likely should just have focused defend the bottom, and that that's also what you intended (but I might be wrong). We lost when Twilight Treefiends started attacking from the bottom, because I did not have enough defenses set up. I think had I focused defending, it would have been much easier. The addition of the B goal on the minimap will likely help add emphasis on the fact that you need to focus defending.
  9. Metagross31 liked a post in a topic by Ladadoos in Restoring Lyr - Need play testing and feedback - UPDATE 2.2 Out!   
    I think where it went wrong is that my teammate pinged me to help attack the top, while I also had to defend the bottom. I think I likely should just have focused defend the bottom, and that that's also what you intended (but I might be wrong). We lost when Twilight Treefiends started attacking from the bottom, because I did not have enough defenses set up. I think had I focused defending, it would have been much easier. The addition of the B goal on the minimap will likely help add emphasis on the fact that you need to focus defending.
  10. RookieN liked a post in a topic by Ladadoos in Restoring Lyr - Need play testing and feedback - UPDATE 2.2 Out!   
    @RookieN I didn't get too far before I lost, but the first impressions are very good (especially terrain texturing too)! Unfortunately, since I didn't get too far into the game I do not have much constructive criticism, but I did notice that the minimap was missing the goal for B? Not sure if this is on purpose or not.

  11. Ladadoos liked a post in a topic by RookieN in Restoring Lyr - Need play testing and feedback - UPDATE 2.2 Out!   
    Hi all! Im working on a map called Restoring Lyr and its my first map ever so im still learning it all, but now im kind of done with the "core" work of the map, still alot to be done but for me to continue im gonna need some testing and help from other players. So if you want feel free to download it in community maps and try it and report the bugs/errors or suggestions to improve it!
    Its a 2P map with defend/attack elements
    Whats being worked on:
    Cyan = Worked on continuously
    Done = Added to the map
    Difficulties - Currently only one diff but will add /standard/Advanced/Expert (This will be the highest priority after the "core" of the map works fine)
    Map design - terrain/cliffs/textures/props/audio etc
    Balancing - exploits/missed blocking/more or less enemies?/to hard or easy?/waves/quests/monuments and power wells.
    Add more objectives at the north to put some pressure to get there in time, maybe some defence.
    Reworking the North with new quests and more content
    Add translation for german/russian/french
    Add more Outcries
     Updates - Just updated! 21-09-27
    So please if you try it send me a message on the forum or ingame mail and give some feedback whats good or bad. I wanna be able to polish it as best as i can so the next map will be even better. I want to continue the PvE Campaign story and maps 🙂
    Thanks for all the feedback!
  12. Ladadoos liked a post in a topic by Kubik in Add Fullscreen/Window Mode   
    @Omega1001 but EA did not write the game in C#, and they did not give us source code for the game, do you also have some example on how to add it to game without changing a source code?
  13. Ladadoos liked a post in a topic by Dallarian in Name Change   
    That sounds sad, I still look here frequently, and there is a lot of important content in here 😞
  14. Ladadoos liked a post in a topic by Ultralord in Export 3D Model / 3D Model Format   
    First of all: Big thx to all you posted something in this topic. It was a huge help!
    I thought I post my story to the 3D Print topic to maybe inspire some to give it a shot too.
    I buoyed my self a 3D Printer and was thinking, if I could print a Juggernaut or something like that?
    I Don’t wanted to start with something to complex so I choose a building to start.
    --> Amii Monument sounds cool
    So with the help of this Forum-Topic, I found the pak file, exported the files and viewed them via LightSong 0.5

    Realization 1:
    The model was in the inactive state.
    So export the Model as an obj, import it in Fusion 360 and pulling stuff around.
    Export as STL and import it in to Cura.
    Realization 2:
    The print would Take 13,5 hours…
    And i only have green filament...
    The filament I’m using is cheap and blocked the nozzle.
    It would be cool to have it all in one piece, but I just printed the rest in a second run and stuck it together
    The result didn’t look to bad:
    Realization 4:
    If you have an active Amii Monument -> You need an Orb.
    So I took out my crazy bad soldering skills, some LEDs and som cling film
    The plan is to replace the foil with a table tennis ball 😉
    I have added the STL file if someone want to print his own Amii Monument
  15. Ladadoos liked a post in a topic by Doomsword87 in battleforge!!   
    hey guys, new player Here, and a Big Big Big Time fan, (glad to be back, Here, in The World):, reminds Me of The Good Old Days
    i loved everything about This Game, from the twilight cards, to the re-used textures of fire/ice enemies, and even, yes, The MAP!!!!, It was so good and Fun, and, worth defending, to take the Time of Day, to beat all Of It
    thanks for reviving such a long forgotten, and, dead, Game, i'll have to think hard what else inspired Me to play, in the meantime though, i'll have to try to not pick up a bad T4 card, and handicapp My Deck
  16. DevDanielson liked a post in a topic by Ladadoos in Skylords Reborn: Open Staff Positions   
    Thanks for the question! As of now, not particularly. Even though everyone's time is very much appreciated, I am afraid 3 hours per week would currently not justify a developer role. Your time availability sounds like it would be more suitable for an open source project, which we are not as of now.  
  17. Dutchy liked a post in a topic by Ladadoos in Skylords Reborn: Open Staff Positions   
    We have restructured our open staff positions, and other ways you can contribute to the project. Please consider reading the following thread instead. Thank you! 

  18. DevDanielson liked a post in a topic by Ladadoos in Software behind forum.skylords   
    This forum is from Invision Community, we use the IPS Focus Animate theme and have a few plugins for example for the Patreon integration or multi-account detection. It's an off the shelf solution that has worked out fine thus far, although sometimes leaves features or customizations to be desired. Besides some tweaks here and there, we did not change much. I know Invision Commnity uses PHP with a MySQL database, but as for what exact technologies they use in the forum itself I think you're better off looking at their documentation/website. But maybe the mention of PHP scares you away already 

    No, they are not. Projects are open sourced when we think it makes sense and is appropriate to do so. Unfortunately up until now this has rarely been the case. With that being said, we will be open-sourcing our special effect editor that we finished not too long ago, as can be seen in our community update.

  19. Ladadoos liked a post in a topic by WolvenX in Community update #10 - August 28th 2021   
    Hi, I have played this game since it's inception.   I love it and think it was revolutionary.   I think all you guys have done is awesome and I and others can't thank you enough.  I think all the update changes are pretty good.   My concerns: (and these are only concerns).   1.  I think you as a development team need to be very careful changing current maps.  Old add age: if it ain't broke don't fix it.  The problem with many new games on the market is that many players complain and said games get Nerfed, just because they can't win it.  Balance changes are obviously good for any game as long and they are not popularity based.    2. New cards or even new factions will keep making the game fresh.  I believe, and this is only my belief.......that this is the reason many leave the game because after you have done everything there is not much of a challenge.  So new cards and factions will give new life to the game.  I could never understand with the cards that they had:  Fire, nature, Frost, and shadow, why they never added Water?  lol  It would seem to be a logical progression.   3. The sooner we can get a fully functional new PvE map or Maps/campaign, the faster we will also get a return of, (shall we say.....less interested older players).   This is what was originally promised by EA, and of course it never came.  I believe you are working on these things, so this is not criticism.....but, these are my ideas as to how we can get a thriving player base.   4.  If there is any possibility of writing a code to allow players/friends to create a clan,  (perhaps like World of Warships, with letters in front of a players name), this would be a simple way of having friends quickly join a clan and by allowing that clan to have it's own tournaments as you are already trying to implement, this would also increase play ability!.   
    I realize that some of these ideas if not all of these ideas you have thought about and may be trying implement.  As I said these are only my ideas and suggestions.  But I believe they would greatly increase the return of players and game play.    
    Thanks for all you do.  Cheers!   😄
  20. Ladadoos liked a post in a topic by Majora in Community update #10 - August 28th 2021   
    Greetings Skylords!

    It's been two weeks already since our last community update so it's time to bring you up to speed with everything going on in Skylords Reborn!

    Share your feedback, get a booster!
    You are currently reading the 10th Community Update! We hope you find these updates interesting, whether you are an active player or someone who wants to keep an eye on the project.
    Time for some reflection and feedback. Last month we asked for your feedback regarding the Official PvE contests, but this time we want to know your opinion about Skylords Reborn in general. What do you like? What could be better? We want to keep improving the game and growing our playerbase, and your feedback is crucial for us. 
    Please give us your feedback here. As a thank you there will be a booster for everyone who fills in the survey. Your feedback will be anonymous.

    Next Patch Soontm
    Our next patch is finally nearing completion! We expect the full patch to hit the test server at the end of this weekend. Once we are sure no bugs are within these changes, we plan to patch to live as soon as possible. There are truly a ton of changes in this patch, resulting in the patch notes already being 12 pages long, excluding bug and description changes! 
    We will post the patch notes on our Patreon first, but of course we will share the full notes with everyone when the patch goes live on our main servers. And for those who are wondering; yes, Ravenheart will finally get its rework this patch. 
    A discussion of upcoming map changes
    The Skylords Reborn team recently discussed changes to PvE campaign maps. The goal of these changes would be to maintain the identity of the map as closely as possible while improving aspects such as major exploits, unused sections of maps, and problem areas where players feel forced to "break" the map to play it. 
    It is important to note that all of these changes are proposals, none of them are guaranteed to be implemented! We do not want to make changes to something as fundamental as campaign maps without input from the community and what they want to see or not see change-wise. 
    Please discuss what you think of the proposed changes and share your ideas in this topic or the discord. 
    You can find all of the proposed changes in the attached PDF. 
    Proposed Upcoming PvE Map Changes.pdf

    PvP Improvements in development

    We are also looking at ways to make it easier to find matches in PvP. One of the low-hanging fruits here is better rewards. Currently, the reward system is heavily favoring playing PvE over PvP. The low number of players currently playing PvP also isn't helping with completing Daily PvP Quests, and can cause for a lot of idle time for players. To counter this and reward players for playing PvP, we are currently looking into options like draining the BFP-reserve while being in the ranked queue.
    Another nice feature we are working on are PvP Happy Hours. During specific time periods, players will receive additional rewards playing PvP. We notice the current PvP is quite scattered, with a lot of players wanting to play, but going offline again when they cant find opponents. We hope that by clustering those players together during certain time frames, we can encourage the PvP scene. As mentioned in a previous Community Update, it will soon also be possible to still see sparring lobbies while being in the ranked queue, without having to cancel your matchmaking. We also expect the next balance patch to cause a breath of fresh air.
    Currently we are planning to offer Happy Hours for both 1vs1 and 2vs2. During Happy Hours, there will be an in-game announcement and the icon on the world map will indicate Happy Hours are active. When we have fleshed out our ideas a bit more, we will announce more details. 

    Tournaments & Events
    • Finished: Community Tournament: Toggy's Tome Tournament - August 22th
    Last weekend Toggy hosted another Tome tournament, meaning players had to build a deck from a selection of random cards and play PvP matches with them. You can rewatch the stream here in case you missed it. 

    • Host your own event / tournament
    Want to host a tournament or event? Please reach out to our Event Organizer Hiko to have your event prizes sponsored by us. If you have a cool idea for a PvE event, or want to host a PvP tournament, please don't hesitate to reach out to us, we will gladly assist you. 
    New Team Members / Open Positions
    We have a new Map Tester! We are very happy to welcome Rawne!
    At the same time we are sad to see our balance developer Razeroc go. We want to thank him again for all the hard work he put into the project, and we hope to still see you in the forge from time to time!

    We could definitely need some more help with the Skylords Reborn project however.
    Below are three roles highlighted, but you can find more information, desired traits and all our open positions here. 
    If you are unsure if you qualify, please reach out and have a talk!
    Open Position - Balance Developer
    As a balance developer you are responsible to implement design changes to in-game cards using our internal balancing tool. In other words, you are responsible to implement new cards and changes to existing cards. These implementation requests can come from balance updates and content patches from our Faction Designers but also from the official Skylords Reborn map making team (for example, new bosses for a new map). An integral part of this role is learning our internal balancing tool, as that is the tool that allows us to perform all these changes. You are by no means required to have any programming experience.

    Open Position - Map Artist
    As a map artist you are responsible to polish the aesthetics of a map. This includes texture the map, add decorations and add different effects and sounds. In other words, responsible for making the map look and feel good.

    Open Position - Client Developer
    As a game client developer you are responsible to maintain and develop the game client. This mostly includes add new pre-game features (content outside of matches, so no game mechanics) through .pak files used by the game. You will be responsible to create and design in-game interfaces for new features, add networking support for new features that require it, solve bugs etc. using LUA, XML and little bit of Rust. BattleForge uses LUA and XML in their .pak files which are loaded by the client. Communication with the server happens through a proxy written in Rust.

    In Conclusion
    Thanks for reading! 
    This marks the 10th Community Update already. Is there anything you wish us to cover in upcoming community updates? How do you feel about the structure of the updates? As always, we are open to feedback so please let us know!
    Here is a scratch code you can redeem in-game for 100bfp: COMM-UNIT-YNEW-S010
    The code is valid till September 11th. Please note you can also get a booster by filling in our survey. 
    Community Update #7
    Community Update #8
    Community Update #9
  21. Ladadoos liked a post in a topic by WindHunter in Proposed PvE Campaign Map Changes   
    The SR Team recently discussed changes to PvE campaign maps. The goal of these changes would be to maintain the identity of the map as closely as possible while improving aspects such as major exploits, unused sections of maps, and problem areas where players feel forced to "break" the map to play it. It is important to note that all of these changes are proposals, none of them are guaranteed to be implemented. We do not want to make changes to something as fundamental as campaign maps without input from the community about what they think and what they want to see or not see change-wise. 
    Please discuss what you think of the proposed changes and how you would modify the proposes yourself.
    You can find all of the proposed changes in the attached PDF:
    Proposed Upcoming PvE Map Changes.pdf
    There are individual threads to discuss each map.
    Bad Harvest
    Defending Hope
    Encounters with Twilight
    King of the Giants
    Nightmare Shard
    Nightmare's End
    Passage to Darkness
    Siege of Hope
    The Dwarven Riddle
    The Guns of Lyr
    The Insane God
    The Soultree
    The Treasure Fleet
  22. Ladadoos liked a post in a topic by Taker in Customizable Thumbnail-Template For PVP-Replaycasts [PSD]   
    months ago, when HandOfBlood caused this short hype about Skylords, I wanted to help the project to grow, as little as my help would be. 
    So I asked Toggy (who commited and, as far as i know, still do so), if he could need some video-/grafik-design related help. 
    Unfortunately the hype didnt last long enough to set up a decent player-/viewerbase, so this template was never getting used.

    Customizable Content (Just check-boxes in ps) : 
    - Map
    - Deck
    - Tier/Orbs taken
    - Names

    I hope anyone of u could use/need it.

    If you dont have Photoshop, but want to use the Thumbnail for any of ur videos, just msg me and I can customize it and ill send u the final png/jpg.



  23. Ladadoos liked a post in a topic by Aviat0r in Remove requirement for Administration Rights on Launcher   
    I'm glad that you think about security aspects in our software. And you're indeed right with what you say. Admin privileges are actually a "No Go" for today's software.
    The Updater itself doesn't need any administrative privileges in the system. The fact that it still forces the user to start it like that is a problem from the past where we were still in the development process of how the packets were sent to our server instead of the EA ones. Fun fact ... even the EA BattleForge Bootstrapper required admin rights. 🙂 
    In the past, our little piece of extremely important software (let us call it Injector for now) was started along with the BattleForge executable and injected itself into the BattleForge process. The injector itself was invisible for the user and ran as a background process. The injection however was only possible with admin privileges since you have to call a method where you need those privileges. Otherwise the method call would fail. We decided to transfer those permissions over to the Updater since all processes called by it will also start with the same privileges (also called AsInvoker in manifest files). The reason for that was, that the user doesn't get a system popup for a software he can't see (the Injector) and maybe denies the execution of it. If he would, the game wouldn't start and connect to our servers at all. That's for the history of the injector.
    Unfortunately at some point there were some pieces of information which got stored afterwards at some places on the user's PC which can only be accessed with write permissions when the software will be started with administrative privileges. This wasn't the intention in the beginning. And the information isn't stored by the Updater, but by the game. That information will need to be stored somewhere else before we can remove the admin rights request for the Updater. But we're of course in the process of doing so. I actually expect an update for the current Updater in the upcoming days/weeks to remove that whole thing.
    Side note: I was always against an Updater which needs that high level of privileges. Some users (and I count myself to that group of users) don't like software, which require these permissions, at all. And maybe that's also a reason for them to not use that software.

    When we remove those permissions, we need to make sure, that the Updater and the game can access all files with all needed permissions. That's also the reason why our installer doesn't accept directories as installation location which are protected by Windows. Those locations are however hardcoded.
    I hope you can live with the fact that it requires those permissions for another few days or weeks. They will for sure be removed in the near future.
    Sneak preview: The new Updater won't have that requirement at all.
  24. Ladadoos liked a post in a topic by Hrdina_Imperia in Skylords Reborn: Open Staff Positions   
    I have probably the same problem as a lot of people - not having the time (or expecting not to have the time) to contribute accordingly. Otherwise, I do love testing maps and am hella tempted to apply. Anyways, great job to everyone working on the project. 
  25. Ladadoos liked a post in a topic by Cocofang in Community update #9 - August 14th 2021   
    With the release of the now third official document I made a wiki page dedicated to providing an overview of the various pieces for quick and easy access.
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