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  1. Ladadoos liked a post in a topic by evoprodo in Battleforge streamers   
    Hello Ladys and Gentleman,
    my name is René and im 27 years old. I´m streaming Battleforge Pve and Pvp on Twitch. I also try to prove myself as a caster for the German community.
    I've been playing the game since it was released and I've been waiting longingly for the rerelease. I hope you just stop by and join me on my way to become a better caster.
    Twitch: twitch.tv/thepretez
  2. Strider liked a post in a topic by Ladadoos in Patch #400023 - 06 January 2021   
    Patch #400023 
    Greetings Skylords, 
    this is a minor update that most importantly fixes some issues players were having with their quests, daily boost and booster discount not refreshing. 
    General changes
    Changed e-mail input field in the login screen to only allow e-mails shorter than 140 characters. Changed the post-game chat notification about received rewards to clarify that the received rewards are upgrades. Before:  After:  General fixes
    Fixed players not receiving new quests, their daily boost not refilling or the game thinking they had already bought their daily discounted booster when they did not. Fixed "Open all gold chests on campaign map" quest not working on Treasure Fleet. Fixed client freeze when trying to whisper a player that contained characters from the Cyrillic alphabet. Fixed gained upgrades after winning a match sometimes not showing in the players inventory.  Card changes
    Improved description of Winter Witch in Russian.  Reverted displayed attack type of Shadow Worm to "L" instead of "XL", since the conversion of attack type isn't functioning correctly. The attack type may be changed to XL in a future balance patch.
  3. RuneSeeker liked a post in a topic by Ladadoos in Advertising the Game   
    Likely our biggest and only form of advertisement for now will be contacting youtubers, magazines, streamers etc. to write or talk about our project, or even better to play and share that experience with others. The open stress phase was very useful to fix prominent bugs, but now we need to also first make sure our servers still work properly when there are many more players online. Since release me and zyna have already fixed a couple of issues that were not easily detectable with lower player base. The servers are handling it very well and release could almost not have gone better, but we just want to make sure that any possible issues due to the increase in players are fixed first before we start actively advertising using the previously mentioned methods.
  4. Sebu liked a post in a topic by Ladadoos in Introducing... Maze, our new web developer!   
    Greetings Skylords, Skyladies, and Skyfolks!

    We are happy to announce that @Maze has joined our team as a web developer. He has demonstrated to have time, knowledge and interest in the project, especially with the card price tracking website and card price notification bot he has been developing. For now he will be working with @freund17 on new tools and services, more prominently internal moderation tools. That being said, he has shown interest in other areas such as Data Analysis, which can for example become very useful to analyze the effect of balance changes in the future. 

    Best Regards,
    Skylords Reborn Team
  5. Dallarian liked a post in a topic by Ladadoos in Patch #400023 - 06 January 2021   
    Replays only break with balance changes, not with every update 
  6. Dallarian liked a post in a topic by Ladadoos in Patch #400023 - 06 January 2021   
    Patch #400023 
    Greetings Skylords, 
    this is a minor update that most importantly fixes some issues players were having with their quests, daily boost and booster discount not refreshing. 
    General changes
    Changed e-mail input field in the login screen to only allow e-mails shorter than 140 characters. Changed the post-game chat notification about received rewards to clarify that the received rewards are upgrades. Before:  After:  General fixes
    Fixed players not receiving new quests, their daily boost not refilling or the game thinking they had already bought their daily discounted booster when they did not. Fixed "Open all gold chests on campaign map" quest not working on Treasure Fleet. Fixed client freeze when trying to whisper a player that contained characters from the Cyrillic alphabet. Fixed gained upgrades after winning a match sometimes not showing in the players inventory.  Card changes
    Improved description of Winter Witch in Russian.  Reverted displayed attack type of Shadow Worm to "L" instead of "XL", since the conversion of attack type isn't functioning correctly. The attack type may be changed to XL in a future balance patch.
  7. Emmaerzeh liked a post in a topic by Ladadoos in Introducing... Maze, our new web developer!   
    Greetings Skylords, Skyladies, and Skyfolks!

    We are happy to announce that @Maze has joined our team as a web developer. He has demonstrated to have time, knowledge and interest in the project, especially with the card price tracking website and card price notification bot he has been developing. For now he will be working with @freund17 on new tools and services, more prominently internal moderation tools. That being said, he has shown interest in other areas such as Data Analysis, which can for example become very useful to analyze the effect of balance changes in the future. 

    Best Regards,
    Skylords Reborn Team
  8. Pritstift liked a post in a topic by Ladadoos in Introducing... Maze, our new web developer!   
    Greetings Skylords, Skyladies, and Skyfolks!

    We are happy to announce that @Maze has joined our team as a web developer. He has demonstrated to have time, knowledge and interest in the project, especially with the card price tracking website and card price notification bot he has been developing. For now he will be working with @freund17 on new tools and services, more prominently internal moderation tools. That being said, he has shown interest in other areas such as Data Analysis, which can for example become very useful to analyze the effect of balance changes in the future. 

    Best Regards,
    Skylords Reborn Team
  9. Droelf liked a post in a topic by Ladadoos in Introducing... Maze, our new web developer!   
    Greetings Skylords, Skyladies, and Skyfolks!

    We are happy to announce that @Maze has joined our team as a web developer. He has demonstrated to have time, knowledge and interest in the project, especially with the card price tracking website and card price notification bot he has been developing. For now he will be working with @freund17 on new tools and services, more prominently internal moderation tools. That being said, he has shown interest in other areas such as Data Analysis, which can for example become very useful to analyze the effect of balance changes in the future. 

    Best Regards,
    Skylords Reborn Team
  10. Mynoduesp liked a post in a topic by Ladadoos in Introducing... Maze, our new web developer!   
    Greetings Skylords, Skyladies, and Skyfolks!

    We are happy to announce that @Maze has joined our team as a web developer. He has demonstrated to have time, knowledge and interest in the project, especially with the card price tracking website and card price notification bot he has been developing. For now he will be working with @freund17 on new tools and services, more prominently internal moderation tools. That being said, he has shown interest in other areas such as Data Analysis, which can for example become very useful to analyze the effect of balance changes in the future. 

    Best Regards,
    Skylords Reborn Team
  11. firedancer10399 liked a post in a topic by Ladadoos in Introducing... Maze, our new web developer!   
    Greetings Skylords, Skyladies, and Skyfolks!

    We are happy to announce that @Maze has joined our team as a web developer. He has demonstrated to have time, knowledge and interest in the project, especially with the card price tracking website and card price notification bot he has been developing. For now he will be working with @freund17 on new tools and services, more prominently internal moderation tools. That being said, he has shown interest in other areas such as Data Analysis, which can for example become very useful to analyze the effect of balance changes in the future. 

    Best Regards,
    Skylords Reborn Team
  12. gemeiner Lauch liked a post in a topic by Ladadoos in Introducing... Maze, our new web developer!   
    Greetings Skylords, Skyladies, and Skyfolks!

    We are happy to announce that @Maze has joined our team as a web developer. He has demonstrated to have time, knowledge and interest in the project, especially with the card price tracking website and card price notification bot he has been developing. For now he will be working with @freund17 on new tools and services, more prominently internal moderation tools. That being said, he has shown interest in other areas such as Data Analysis, which can for example become very useful to analyze the effect of balance changes in the future. 

    Best Regards,
    Skylords Reborn Team
  13. RuneSeeker liked a post in a topic by Ladadoos in Introducing... Maze, our new web developer!   
    Greetings Skylords, Skyladies, and Skyfolks!

    We are happy to announce that @Maze has joined our team as a web developer. He has demonstrated to have time, knowledge and interest in the project, especially with the card price tracking website and card price notification bot he has been developing. For now he will be working with @freund17 on new tools and services, more prominently internal moderation tools. That being said, he has shown interest in other areas such as Data Analysis, which can for example become very useful to analyze the effect of balance changes in the future. 

    Best Regards,
    Skylords Reborn Team
  14. Deadman liked a post in a topic by Ladadoos in Introducing... Maze, our new web developer!   
    Greetings Skylords, Skyladies, and Skyfolks!

    We are happy to announce that @Maze has joined our team as a web developer. He has demonstrated to have time, knowledge and interest in the project, especially with the card price tracking website and card price notification bot he has been developing. For now he will be working with @freund17 on new tools and services, more prominently internal moderation tools. That being said, he has shown interest in other areas such as Data Analysis, which can for example become very useful to analyze the effect of balance changes in the future. 

    Best Regards,
    Skylords Reborn Team
  15. Dallarian liked a post in a topic by Ladadoos in Introducing... Maze, our new web developer!   
    Greetings Skylords, Skyladies, and Skyfolks!

    We are happy to announce that @Maze has joined our team as a web developer. He has demonstrated to have time, knowledge and interest in the project, especially with the card price tracking website and card price notification bot he has been developing. For now he will be working with @freund17 on new tools and services, more prominently internal moderation tools. That being said, he has shown interest in other areas such as Data Analysis, which can for example become very useful to analyze the effect of balance changes in the future. 

    Best Regards,
    Skylords Reborn Team
  16. Volin liked a post in a topic by Ladadoos in Introducing... Maze, our new web developer!   
    Greetings Skylords, Skyladies, and Skyfolks!

    We are happy to announce that @Maze has joined our team as a web developer. He has demonstrated to have time, knowledge and interest in the project, especially with the card price tracking website and card price notification bot he has been developing. For now he will be working with @freund17 on new tools and services, more prominently internal moderation tools. That being said, he has shown interest in other areas such as Data Analysis, which can for example become very useful to analyze the effect of balance changes in the future. 

    Best Regards,
    Skylords Reborn Team
  17. Zyna liked a post in a topic by Ladadoos in Introducing... Maze, our new web developer!   
    Greetings Skylords, Skyladies, and Skyfolks!

    We are happy to announce that @Maze has joined our team as a web developer. He has demonstrated to have time, knowledge and interest in the project, especially with the card price tracking website and card price notification bot he has been developing. For now he will be working with @freund17 on new tools and services, more prominently internal moderation tools. That being said, he has shown interest in other areas such as Data Analysis, which can for example become very useful to analyze the effect of balance changes in the future. 

    Best Regards,
    Skylords Reborn Team
  18. Ladadoos liked a post in a topic by Linvega in Remove lending LVL120 PVP decks   
    I'd invert this. In Ranked, it should be skill that decides where you end up on the leaderboard. Not capacity for grinding. And the reality is that if you fight with a non-optimized deck vs an optimized, you WILL run into situations where you lose against fairly simple unit spams because you don't own a specific key card for that matchup, or it simply isn't upgraded high enough.
    Also, talking for myself and my friend group of 4 people who play RTS together from time to time, we play games longer if they're balanced and fun. Grinding purely serves as a barrier to entry. It's much more satisfying to notice how you actually get better at the game and thus win more, as opposed to winning more because you have plainly better cards.
    Tbh I have a hard time even understanding the sentiment of wanting grinding for PVP. I can understand liking grinding in PVE, because there you're playing against a (rather dumb) AI and thus balancing makes no sense - if it was balanced, you'd win everytime. But in PVP, adding grinding just means that you're forced to play uninteresting non-games.
    I remember back when BF was still an EA game and I started out with lvl ~60, reasonably decent shadow/frost deck on low ladder. Roughly a third of my games, I'd play against a clearly terrible lvl 30 or so deck and completely stomp the opponent, even though I wasn't much better in terms of micro etc. . Another third of the time, I'd play against a lvl 100+ netdeck (often pure fire) and get completely stomped myself and again, not because I necessarily played worse. Actually interesting games, against OPs with similar deck lvls that are similarly optimized, seemed like the minority of matches. Only after I got lvl 100+ myself, reached a higher rank and had all the important cards, games were decided by skill. I don't mind getting stomped if the OP is actually clearly better. But if I had as little time back then as I have now, I don't think I'd have persevered until then.
  19. Screaming_Mantis liked a post in a topic by Ladadoos in Patch #400021 - 31 December 2020   
    Patch #400021 
    Greetings Skylords,
    This update contains mostly minor tweaks/fixes and quality of life improvements, but also an important new mode for PvP that allows players who want to grind their PvP decks to do so. We have heard your feedback on the free PvP decks and hope this is a good compromise. 
    General changes
    Made mini boosters untradeable. These boosters were meant to be opened and not traded, and we noticed some players were trying to scam with this booster.
      Added "Unlimited" PvP mode for sparring. In this sparring mode players can use both the free PvP cards and the cards from their own collection. This is unlike the "Collection" sparring PvP mode which was changed to allow players to only use cards from their own collection (and will not allow free PvP cards to be used). Ranked PvP works as before and players can freely choose what cards they would like to use.
      Matches played alone will now not kick the player if they go AFK. Instead, they will not receive any BFP from their daily boost and will also not progress in any quest or achievement. They will still receive the rewards for completing the match (this includes the upgrades).
      The Ravenheart card as reward from the achievement "Blight's Black Heart" is now tradable. All Ravenheart cards from this achievement have been made tradeable.
      Added an option to save your password in the login screen. General fixes
    Improved the description and translations of several achievements and quests. Minor adjustments to UI elements in the quests window. Fixed very rarely being able to open gold chests multiple times. Fixed various issues with distributing rewards and updating UI in the post-game screen.
  20. Loriens liked a post in a topic by Ladadoos in Patch #400021 - 31 December 2020   
    Patch #400021 
    Greetings Skylords,
    This update contains mostly minor tweaks/fixes and quality of life improvements, but also an important new mode for PvP that allows players who want to grind their PvP decks to do so. We have heard your feedback on the free PvP decks and hope this is a good compromise. 
    General changes
    Made mini boosters untradeable. These boosters were meant to be opened and not traded, and we noticed some players were trying to scam with this booster.
      Added "Unlimited" PvP mode for sparring. In this sparring mode players can use both the free PvP cards and the cards from their own collection. This is unlike the "Collection" sparring PvP mode which was changed to allow players to only use cards from their own collection (and will not allow free PvP cards to be used). Ranked PvP works as before and players can freely choose what cards they would like to use.
      Matches played alone will now not kick the player if they go AFK. Instead, they will not receive any BFP from their daily boost and will also not progress in any quest or achievement. They will still receive the rewards for completing the match (this includes the upgrades).
      The Ravenheart card as reward from the achievement "Blight's Black Heart" is now tradable. All Ravenheart cards from this achievement have been made tradeable.
      Added an option to save your password in the login screen. General fixes
    Improved the description and translations of several achievements and quests. Minor adjustments to UI elements in the quests window. Fixed very rarely being able to open gold chests multiple times. Fixed various issues with distributing rewards and updating UI in the post-game screen.
  21. Metagross31 liked a post in a topic by Ladadoos in Patch #400021 - 31 December 2020   
    Patch #400021 
    Greetings Skylords,
    This update contains mostly minor tweaks/fixes and quality of life improvements, but also an important new mode for PvP that allows players who want to grind their PvP decks to do so. We have heard your feedback on the free PvP decks and hope this is a good compromise. 
    General changes
    Made mini boosters untradeable. These boosters were meant to be opened and not traded, and we noticed some players were trying to scam with this booster.
      Added "Unlimited" PvP mode for sparring. In this sparring mode players can use both the free PvP cards and the cards from their own collection. This is unlike the "Collection" sparring PvP mode which was changed to allow players to only use cards from their own collection (and will not allow free PvP cards to be used). Ranked PvP works as before and players can freely choose what cards they would like to use.
      Matches played alone will now not kick the player if they go AFK. Instead, they will not receive any BFP from their daily boost and will also not progress in any quest or achievement. They will still receive the rewards for completing the match (this includes the upgrades).
      The Ravenheart card as reward from the achievement "Blight's Black Heart" is now tradable. All Ravenheart cards from this achievement have been made tradeable.
      Added an option to save your password in the login screen. General fixes
    Improved the description and translations of several achievements and quests. Minor adjustments to UI elements in the quests window. Fixed very rarely being able to open gold chests multiple times. Fixed various issues with distributing rewards and updating UI in the post-game screen.
  22. Deadman liked a post in a topic by Ladadoos in Patch #400021 - 31 December 2020   
    Patch #400021 
    Greetings Skylords,
    This update contains mostly minor tweaks/fixes and quality of life improvements, but also an important new mode for PvP that allows players who want to grind their PvP decks to do so. We have heard your feedback on the free PvP decks and hope this is a good compromise. 
    General changes
    Made mini boosters untradeable. These boosters were meant to be opened and not traded, and we noticed some players were trying to scam with this booster.
      Added "Unlimited" PvP mode for sparring. In this sparring mode players can use both the free PvP cards and the cards from their own collection. This is unlike the "Collection" sparring PvP mode which was changed to allow players to only use cards from their own collection (and will not allow free PvP cards to be used). Ranked PvP works as before and players can freely choose what cards they would like to use.
      Matches played alone will now not kick the player if they go AFK. Instead, they will not receive any BFP from their daily boost and will also not progress in any quest or achievement. They will still receive the rewards for completing the match (this includes the upgrades).
      The Ravenheart card as reward from the achievement "Blight's Black Heart" is now tradable. All Ravenheart cards from this achievement have been made tradeable.
      Added an option to save your password in the login screen. General fixes
    Improved the description and translations of several achievements and quests. Minor adjustments to UI elements in the quests window. Fixed very rarely being able to open gold chests multiple times. Fixed various issues with distributing rewards and updating UI in the post-game screen.
  23. Cryswar liked a post in a topic by Ladadoos in Patch #400021 - 31 December 2020   
    Patch #400021 
    Greetings Skylords,
    This update contains mostly minor tweaks/fixes and quality of life improvements, but also an important new mode for PvP that allows players who want to grind their PvP decks to do so. We have heard your feedback on the free PvP decks and hope this is a good compromise. 
    General changes
    Made mini boosters untradeable. These boosters were meant to be opened and not traded, and we noticed some players were trying to scam with this booster.
      Added "Unlimited" PvP mode for sparring. In this sparring mode players can use both the free PvP cards and the cards from their own collection. This is unlike the "Collection" sparring PvP mode which was changed to allow players to only use cards from their own collection (and will not allow free PvP cards to be used). Ranked PvP works as before and players can freely choose what cards they would like to use.
      Matches played alone will now not kick the player if they go AFK. Instead, they will not receive any BFP from their daily boost and will also not progress in any quest or achievement. They will still receive the rewards for completing the match (this includes the upgrades).
      The Ravenheart card as reward from the achievement "Blight's Black Heart" is now tradable. All Ravenheart cards from this achievement have been made tradeable.
      Added an option to save your password in the login screen. General fixes
    Improved the description and translations of several achievements and quests. Minor adjustments to UI elements in the quests window. Fixed very rarely being able to open gold chests multiple times. Fixed various issues with distributing rewards and updating UI in the post-game screen.
  24. n0tLiQ liked a post in a topic by Ladadoos in UPDATE: BFP Reserves and Boosters   
    Or we realize that achievements are supposed to remain what they are: achievements. Not every achievement is for everyone and just because some players cannot finish it, is absolutely no reason to get rid of them. If anything, I would consider the reserves achievement to be the best achievement we have thus far. I have read so many players who had as goal to complete this achievement and felt rewarded once they did so. If achievements are too easy they stop being rewarding or have any meaningful impact. Plus you totally defeat the purpose of having said achievements.

    There are different achievements for different people. Calling this achievement not achievable is very unfair, especially considering more than 15% of players have already completed it.
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