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  1. Loriens liked a post in a topic by Danol in Shrine of War   
    I don't think that this kind of micro-management is fun. Part of my reasons for suggesting the "once per player"-thing was actually that I'm a lazy ass who hopes balancing SoW goes hand in hand with getting rid of tedious, boring micromanagement.
    As for the "4 fire orbs" - suggestion: I don't think that's a good idea, because it vastly overshoots the mark. The goal is to balance SoW, not to totally exclude it from 99% of all decks. Pure fire-decks are a rare thing, so SoW would mostly get used with Enlightenment or Amii Monument, further increasing the power of these (already overpowered) cards. I could live with SoW becoming t4, though (2x fire + 2x whatever).
  2. Loriens liked a post in a topic by Zyna in Patch #400026 - 07 April 2021   
    Patch #400026
    Greetings Skylords, Skyladies and Skyfolk,
    this is a minor update that for the most part includes a few fixes for the server crashes which happened during the last couple of weeks, and also the new spectator maps which were published on the test server last week. We also handed out the boosters which were promised for the players who were experiencing issues during the server instabilities back in January, and to the players who participated in Toggy's last tournament with sponsored prizes. We're sorry for the people who had to wait for their boosters until now. If you're wondering why the frequency of updates has drastically decreased recently, please read this announcement:
    General changes
    - Fixed various causes of server crashes.
    - Added official spectator maps for the 1vs1 pvp maps. These maps are based on the recent reworks on the test server.
    - Added the completion date for achievements.
    - Reordered and added some loading screen hints. - translations done by LEBOVIM, Liorans, and Irisunna
    - Reworked russian translations for many UI-Texts (Mostly surrounding Quests) - translations done by Liorans
    - Removed Wazhai from the PvP ranked pool.
    General fixes
    - Fixed edge case where the UI would say that the player had an active booster discount when they did not.

    We're expecting a downtime of around 30 minutes from approximately 8:30 to 9:00 CEST.
  3. Loriens liked a post in a topic by Pritstift in All-time fastest speedrun rankings (October 2013-September 2022)   
    More replays will be shared in the next days and the next upcoming balance changes will bring even more movement into the rankings. I still will track times here until its not any longer possible to determine the impact on current times in a logical way. There will be a certain point where we will probably switch to ingame rankings or season based rankings depending on the implemented balance changes. Be sure - a lot of surprises will be unpacked in the next time ;-).
    Stay tuned!
  4. Loriens liked a post in a topic by Kamen in All-time fastest speedrun rankings (October 2013-September 2022)   
    update for Bad Harvest speedrun 1:59.0 by Kamen + FoodForThought + Asj + Soulharvester
  5. Loriens liked a post in a topic by Volin in Difficulty setting resets if another player of the team leaves the previous match   
    Same for BG, it opens BG1 in this case
  6. Loriens liked a post in a topic by Halis in Difficulty setting resets if another player of the team leaves the previous match   
    NAME: Difficulty setting restets if another player of the team leaves the previous match
    DESCRIPTION: If you select Expert while another player is still in match, the game will select again Standard after the last player of the team leaves the match
    REPRODUCIBILITY: Always happens
    ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: As Volin mentioned, the same bug happens for rPvE as well, resetting the game difficulty to level 1
  7. Loriens liked a post in a topic by Kamen in All-time fastest speedrun rankings (October 2013-September 2022)   
    new record for Bad Harvest 2:01.6 by Kamen + Mocaak + XxLegitNachoxX + Asj

  8. Loriens liked a post in a topic by Kapo in Neuigkeiten auf deutsch und allgemeine Unterhaltungen   
    While I'd agree with everything that Volin wrote, I'd like to add that even in it's current state the game is very worthwhile. Many, many fun hours will pass until you have everything cleared on Expert, collected all cards, maybe played some PvP, etc. And investing a small amount of money through patreon will keep the servers running for a long, long time.
    As far as I know the devs are at a point where there is at least the possibility to add new cards and reskin models - and of course there is the map editor so the foundation is quite promising to get more content going. If you are interested, there are lots of forum posts about that topic - both what is possible and what is and is not allowed by EA.
    Now lets test this DeepL thingy:
    Während ich allem zustimme, was Volin geschrieben hat, möchte ich hinzufügen, dass das Spiel auch in seinem jetzigen Zustand sehr lohnenswert ist. Viele, viele spaßige Stunden werden vergehen, bis man alles auf Expert geklärt hat, alle Karten gesammelt hat, vielleicht etwas PvP gespielt hat, etc. Und wenn man einen kleinen Betrag über Patreon investiert, werden die Server für eine lange, lange Zeit am Laufen gehalten.
    Soweit ich weiß, sind die Entwickler an einem Punkt, an dem es zumindest die Möglichkeit gibt, neue Karten hinzuzufügen und Modelle neu zu skinnen - und natürlich gibt es den Karteneditor, so dass die Grundlage recht vielversprechend ist, um mehr Inhalte zu bekommen. Wenn Sie interessiert sind, gibt es viele Forenbeiträge zu diesem Thema - sowohl was möglich ist als auch was von EA erlaubt ist und was nicht.
    Übersetzt mit www.DeepL.com/Translator (kostenlose Version)
  9. Loriens liked a post in a topic by macabi in Proposal: Dev-Sponsored PvP Happy Hour(s)   
    Unfortunately PvP is declining every day.
    Only the best players play PvP now days and new players who try to play PvP just get crashed so they never go back to PvP.
    Skylords is missing an essential game mode that exists in other RTS game.
    That game mode is "Skirmish" against the AI.
    We have a PvE for that, but PvP is entirely different play style.
    In other RTS games many players like to play "Computer Stomp" via Skirmish.
    We don't have such option with Skylords.
    That could be done via scenario design where the AI captures and builds power wells and monuments.
    We just need a good team of scenario designers to work on that.
    This will help players to get better in PvP and PvP will become more popular.
  10. Loriens liked a post in a topic by Treim in Lost Spirit Ship vs Bloodhorn (Who can clear camps faster ) Test.   
    This is purely theoretical - not sure what you hope to gain from it but here is my thoughts:
    As you started discounting bosses i will do the same in my following arguments

    LSS will almost always be faster against Lost Souls (especially true for a whole map - singular camps bloodhorn might be favored) - main reasons:
    Often a significant amount of a camps strengths is bound in air units which bloodhorn spell deck has a hard time dealing with (neither 2x fire 2x shadow nor 2 shadow 1 nature 1 fire have  a good answer here) Shields hard fuck spelldecks because they counter the higher burst damage of spelldecks compared to the consistant damage of LSS Lost Souls camps often are rather widespread (the camp has a lot of free room inbetween units and buildings, which is bad for cluster explosion LSS will be mostly (slightly) be better against Bandits (~70%)
    Lost Souls camps often are rather widespread and have very few units --> LSS pretty much can just keep flying without even stopping, especially in early camps) Bloodhorn will always be faster against Twilight
    Twilight camps are (in the mean) usually neither widespread nor super cramped resulting in neither an advantage nur disadvantage for Bloodhorn Bloodhorn ground presence is king, pure LSS spam is unplayable in lvl 10 , you just get perma cc'ed by Evil Eyey and Wrathgazer Twilight can have a lot of buildings that Stampede will help against a lot, especially the big spawn buildings. LSS can have trouble focusing down the big spawn building on these maps. Bloodhorn is about even with LSS against Stonekin
    Camps are usually packed and a lot of its strength is packed into ground units (Cluster explosion) Stonekin has a lot of high HP huge buildings that Stampede will help against a lot, especially the spawn. LSS can have trouble focusing down the big spawn building on these maps. Stonekin units take less damage counteracting the burst damage of bloodhorn spelldeck.
      From a practical standpoint there is a bunch of problems here. Just mentioning a few:
    Even discounting the fact that bosses were ignored and obviously bloodhorn spell deck gets online way faster compared to LSS.
    Bloodhorn Spelldeck at its max damage output is considerably more difficult to play as you have no reliable way of healing unless you dont sacrifice damage for a nature orb + you have to manage low charge cards and long cooldown cards like Cluster Explosion and frenetic assault meticulously.
    Also LSS decks will suffer way more from incomes to orbs, especially in late game scenarios where you have to bind at least 2 LSS at your base. Also you would need to sacrifice another ship for void manipulation (Cultist Master), this will actually boost your damage as you now have access to cards like Motivate for your ships which gives you a damage boost overall but will make some camps borderline suicide from an HP perspective.

    From a practical point of view:

    LSS >> Bloodhorn vs Lost Souls
    LSS == Bloodhorn vs Bandits (very map dependant, should even out in mean but LSS is easier to play)
    LSS << Bloodhorn vs Twilight
    LSS >> Bloodhorn vs Stonekin (Playing a 2fire 2shadow spelldeck with few bloodhorns here is almost impossible, so you will be pretty much forced to play 1 nature orb which significantly hurts your cleartime)
  11. Timer liked a post in a topic by Loriens in True PvP Experience   
    Wildfire go burn
  12. You will win with me liked a post in a topic by Loriens in Uhh... Was there a restart or was I banned? Something happened :(   
    Last year 18th of December Skylords was released and everyone's progression was reset. This means everyone had to start with a fresh account. This is something developers have always said we would do at release.
    В прошлом году 18 декабря Skylords вышла в релиз и прогресс всех игроков был обнулён. Это означает, что каждый должен начать с чистого листа. Разработчики постоянно сообщали об этом задолго до релиза. 
    И на этом форуме принято использовать только английский язык.
  13. Loriens liked a post in a topic by Ladadoos in Skylords Reborn: Open Staff Positions   
    Thanks for the questions. We understand that real life comes first and also encourage you to prioritize it over the project. People sometimes are absent and as long as there is a good reason for it that is fine. We are in the makings of designing a roadmap and new systems to keep the BattleForge experience fresh for everyone, where one of our focusses is to release content when it is ready compared to demanding it to be ready on a certain date (deadlines). This means: you contribute when you have time and if it is not done in time, we try to include what was being worked on in the next update. Of course you can't endlessly delay content and at one point it should be ready. How much time you exactly need to spend depends a lot on your skills and where exactly you want to help in. We are more goal focused instead of "you must spend X hours per week".

    "Is there more or less a freedom of choice, considering what i would work on based on a list of things or something?"
    Depends on where you want to help in exactly, but in general the team has an idea and purpose for the art (loading screen, card artwork, event artwork etc.) and might suggest a few ideas. We are not going to say that you absolutely need to make something a certain way, because a case like this should ideally never happen considering the team should have their values and visions aligned. I think the most important part is that you should be open to constructive criticism and be willing to incorporate feedback into your work if you or the majority of the team think it improves the content (in other words, not have the mentality "I want this and I will do it no matter what"). What you end up working on depends on what is needed at the time. Usually there is not so much work available where you have many options to choose from, but within an artwork you have a lot of freedom to propose your own ideas. We are not going to micromanage you.

    I hope this gives you a bit more insight. Let me know if you have any remaining questions.
  14. Loriens liked a post in a topic by DieToPlay in All-time fastest speedrun rankings (October 2013-September 2022)   
    New Time Bad Harvest: DieToPlay ducarev Liorans Asgard 2:25.3
  15. Loriens liked a post in a topic by shroomion in The rpve Willzapper   
    swarm the fucker with snapyaw-summons from satanael if you want to keep your pure shadow deck..that and necrofury-siege and frenetic assault green are the only simple solutions that come to mind for pure shadow. there are smarter people than me, who would propably send one unit into range, as soon as it is petrified, use nether warp to gang the willzapper with the rest of their army before its next attack interval. sometimes i do this accidentially and it seems to work...but also sometimes there are two willzappers =_=
  16. Loriens liked a post in a topic by Pritstift in All-time fastest speedrun rankings (October 2013-September 2022)   
    Yes Sir - its fixed 10.04.6
  17. Loriens liked a post in a topic by DieToPlay in All-time fastest speedrun rankings (October 2013-September 2022)   
    New Sunbridge time: 8:34.3 DieToPlay + Irysunna
    @wankystill waiting for you..
  18. Loriens liked a post in a topic by Dallarian in Pure Frost PvE Guide – How to hit hard as hail   
    Also available in pdf! Choose the format that suits you best.
    Disclaimer: The work does not cover all possibilities and is not the highest quality. I am a recognisable Frost player, but certainly not the best one. I do not expect to make any major updates.
    I am not responsible for any malicious software contained within enclosed files and do not promise that all provided links are safe. Use at your own risk.

    Pure Frost PvE Guide – How to hit hard as hail
    @Dallarian – author
    @Weak1ings – substantive support
    @boots - editor
    Europe, February 2021
    When you enter the cavern, overwhelming noise disappears, leaving only howling wind, allowing you to thought over your situation. You are shivering. You expected Frost part of Forge to be cold, but having to go through Maelstrom to get there was a bit too much. What they were thinking off?
    Anyway, the cave. It is completely frozen, yet floor is not slippery. As you walk down the corridor, you notice that walls are gently shining, giving just enough blue light to continue the journey. After a while you reach large chamber. There are two people facing formation of crystals under one of walls, something what you think could be a table, and many passages deeper into the cave. Walls are covered by numerous maps, banners and crystals. As you approach, one person turns around and you recognise him as your friend Wazhai, who told you about this place. He comes to greet you, while the other person stays still.
    Wazhai: Ah, you made it. It wasn’t that bad, was it? I hope you enjoyed your journey. Now officially, welcome to Order of the Battleships.
    You: It’s a pleasure. I see this place isn’t too crowded.
    Wazhai: It’s not that bad. We’re mostly active at nights, when Sun is gone.
    Your friend turns to the person in blue robe.
    Wazhai: He is the person I told you about.
    Dallarian: A new disciple? Excellent. Wazhai, please show him Moonlight Chamber. Prepare Skylord, there are many challenges awaiting.
    The person you suspect to be The Old God of Battleships himself, does not turn toward you until you leave the room.
    Table of content

    Dallarian: Your knowledge is questionable. If you are to represent us, you must do so in a professional way. Therefore, your wisdom must be reviewed and unified. You shall practice over and over, until you become confident in those aspects.
    Basics on chosen topics
    If you do not understand a word, it may be explained in Glossary of Terms. If you require more beginner advice, check Beginner section in "Guide Navigation"    or suggested Beginner guides at the end of document.
    Gameplay related resources
    Wazhai: Good. Now you know which way sword should be pointing at. Become familiar with those basic creatures, structures and magic. They are weak yet important, since they are base for your missions. Do not underestimate their importance. We closely cooperate with humans of Lyr and they help us out of their free will, so at least appear to be respecting them. You will need this Frost Shard, take it. It helps manifest Frost Magic outside the Forge, should be useful to you.
    The moment you touched the shard, you felt connection formed between you and it. Now, you feel pathway to Frost energies deep within your body.
    Chosen cards and strategies overview
    Tier 1 cards
    Wazhai: You know enough. Now it’s time to organise it all together. Did you know you can secure most T2s with Master Archers only?
    T1 chosen strategies
    Weakl1ngs: It’s time to introduce you into more advanced options Frost has. There are many interesting creatures and spells you could use at your advantage. And I will teach you to use Coldsnap. For some reason many Skylords like this part the most.
    Tier 2 cards[2]
    Weakl1ngs: While War Eagle is a great option, it is not the only valid one. Personally I prefer Mountaineer and White Rangers. Review closely creatures I’ve shown you, there are a few interesting you may use.
    T2 chosen strategies:
    Uro: Now you are allowed to use very powerful creatures, blah blah blah. This is the boring part. The only thing you actually need to know, is if your Avatars are facing enemy. That’s it. But I have to explain you in details anyway… ehh…
    Tier 3 cards
    Uro: Do you remember when I told you to use Avatars? There isn’t a lot of philosophy in it. Try Core Dredges if you want some fun.
    T3 chosen strategies
    Yshia: You have grown stronger and stronger in past months. Finally, you are worthy to see our most powerful magic and best creatures, including the famous Battleship. Learn carefully, and you will have suitable tools to change fate of the world.
    Tier 4 cards
    Yshia: After this part you will know everything you need to proceed as a true Frost Skylord. Brace yourself, for today your training is coming to the end. I am proud I could guide you on your last steps. It was a pleasure.
    T4 chosen strategies
    Dallarian: You have completed your training. There is one last aspect. You must now choose your path as a Skylord. Which one will you follow?
    Path of Wind
    You are like arctic wind, frosty and piercing through your foes. If you are a Skylord in the very meaning of the word. If your armies are free and up in sky, including War Eagles, Northland Drakes and Battleship, the path is for you to take.
    Path of Shield
    No troops under your command fear death, for you are their angel, protecting them from all harm. Whether it’s Ice Guardian, Area Ice Shield, Ward of the North or Dreadnought, your armies are always safe while crushing your opponents.
    Path of Crystal
    The only who will need protection, is your foe, for your creatures are most durable beings in the whole Nyn. If your army consist of high durable units, like Lightblades, Tremors and Ironclads, none shall shatter your armor.
    Path of Aurora
    Both your past and future are a mystery to me. I will observe your career with a great interest. Choose this path if you cannot decide on none of the above.
    Please answer in provided poll with relevant path, it allows me to keep track of how useful the thread is and encourages more content in the future. It is purely Roleplay choice and does not influence the gameplay, choose what is closest to your heart, not what you actually play.
    Dallarian: I see. Interesting choice. Anah’shar laje’ura. Accept may blessing and good luck on your new path of life.
    As Dallarian tells his weird words, you feel chills going through your body. When they end, you are even stronger, and feel like the whole world was on your doorstep.
    Decks and approaches
    rPvE Offence
    rPvE Defence
    Custom maps / unknown map
    PvE Campaign
    Uro: Ssssh. Come with me.
    You follow Uro into one of less used corridors.
    Uro: Good, here nobody will hear us. Did you know Togob is hiding many things from you? There is a whole range of possibilities within our grasp, but he will never admit it! Let me show you.
    Heresy – non pure decks
    Supporting materials
    Additional notes on game mechanics
    Glossary of terms
    See also:
    “Expert Campaign – Missions Briefing – Among the Old Gods Achievement” by @Dallarian for Expert maps guidance and almost complete library of pure Frost PvE decks.
    "Guide Navigation" by @Eirias . If there is any relevant guide on topic you are looking for, you will find it here.
    Frost T1 PvP Guide by RadicalX by @RadicalX . Awesome source of knowledge for T1 Frost opening, by currently best PvP player.
    Battleforge undocumented details by @Emmaerzeh. Information about buffs, stacking and more.
    card attributes & main card types by @Ilsyde. Beginner guide.
    interface and game mechanics guide by @Ilsyde. Beginner guide.
    RadicalX. Frost T1 PvP Guide by RadicalX. 2017; Available at: https://forum.skylords.eu/index.php?/topic/2823-frost-t1-pvp-guide-by-radicalx/ (Accessed 10 January 2021) PvP changes are considered, that may influence abilities, counter types and statistics. The thread is up to date on patch #400025. {GM} Emmaerzeh, Battleforge undocumented details, 2020. Available at: https://forum.skylords.eu/index.php?/topic/6669-battleforge-undocumented-details/
    (Accessed 15 February 2021)  

  19. Loriens liked a post in a topic by MrDash in Danke an alle :-) Thanks for All   
    Einfach mal Danke sagen,
    an alle Mitwirkenden, die über die ganzen Jahre hinweg
    sich für diese Wahnsinns Idee, eingesetzt, mitgeholfen und 
    Ihre Zeit eingesetzt haben uns dieses Spiel wieder zu ermöglichen.
    Nach dem großen Shock und Fassungslosikgeit 2013 darf ich nun
    wieder diese Unfassbar Gute Game Spielen.
    Eine Unfassbar und auch Einzigartige leistung
    Vielen Dank
    Just say thank you, to all contributors who shot over the entire year up for this amazing idea, posed, helped and Your time made us listen to this game again. After the big shock and composure in 2013, I'm now allowed Again these Incredibly Good Game Play. An unbelievable and also unique achievement Many Thanks
  20. Ultrakool liked a post in a topic by Loriens in За что я был сброшен?   
    Last year 18th of December Skylords was released and everyone's progression was reset. This means everyone had to start with a fresh account. This is something developers have always said we would do at release.
    В прошлом году 18 декабря Skylords вышла в релиз и прогресс всех игроков был обнулён. Это означает, что каждый должен начать с чистого листа. Разработчики постоянно сообщали об этом задолго до релиза. 
    И на этом форуме принято использовать только английский язык.
  21. Loriens liked a post in a topic by DieToPlay in All-time fastest speedrun rankings (October 2013-September 2022)   
    New record for Sunbridge: 8:59.2 DieToPlay + Irysunna
  22. Loriens liked a post in a topic by DieToPlay in All-time fastest speedrun rankings (October 2013-September 2022)   
    I'm waiting patiently for your attempt.
  23. Loriens liked a post in a topic by Cocofang in Colorblind mode   
    In the meantime, and in case a colorblind mode won't/can't be implemented, ReShade is great for colorblind gamers and should be the go-to solution if an official one is absent.
    It is a post-processing software that can also straight up switch and adjust colors. With colorblindness having multiple forms, it is a good idea to have a customized colorblind shader that you can just slap over any game.
    Searching around the internet should net a few helpful tutorials and even premade shaders for colorblind people.
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