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All-time fastest speedrun rankings


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3 hours ago, wanky said:

There are not many players like to play with them if they cant reach a team of 4 players. also this guys know that the times can easly be beaten by other teams cause thhey play smarter. 

I know how u playd halis, ans i also saw it a few times in your streams. Its like i watch my cousin playing skylords, by the way he play 1-2 times each month.

I dont think u get mutch better in the short time u take the anger of us and startet to play with other guys. 

Playing as 3 player in 4 player maps is really different way and expirience.. Im completely sure you know this.
That's very unpolite and unreasonable to write something like this, especially in public. You tried to insult Halis, but this better describes your own feelings.
I also watched Halis's streams, and played with him last 2-3 weeks, so I can also ensure you that he has become much better.
It's more than normally to become better after some practice. For example IronTits couldnt do Soultree in less than 10 minutes, and now he managed to beat my old record there.
About the bug with energy - I hope it will be fixed by dev team.

Edited by Loriens
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21 hours ago, Pritstift said:

Navarr i dont know what is wrong with you but i think there was to much sun for you during easter holidays?! But its entertaining - so lets go on.

Me and my pve mates have shared a lot of tactics for rpve + pve in the last months - also i was giving you and also other players ideas how to finish some maps. We explained in other discussions why we will not simply give out the replays of our speedruns. You should start to really train the maps on your own and not just copy every tactic you will see in replays of other players without the basic speedrun understanding of this maps. I know this is really hard to accept for you.

At the beginning of Skylords Reborn i found new pve players to play with - and we are really mates now - we share every tactic to each other. But this is just working because every player in our team knows how much work and time was behind it and we will never give out the replays without the permission of the player or the team mates that developed this kind of tactics.

I am just interested in the bug to maintain the balance in pve speedruns and to avoid really stupid  "braindead" speedruns that are without any tactics because you getting unlimited access to energy + units. I am not interested to use it myself - there is no reason - i have really good tactics that are not beaten until now and there are still other ways to further improve this tactics. I dont need new bug for it.



So it's entertaining for you that your toxic behaviour is called out? Very interesting. 

For me it doesn't look like you, one of the best PvE players, are interested in growing the speedrunning community and teaching them. You seem to be more interested in showing off how good of a player you are which seems to be the only reason why you even shared one tactic (Guns Of Lyr) that wasn't popular before. But it's your decision and i respect that. I'm just stating that I find your behaviour inappropriate - I have the strong impression that you enhance the toxicity in the already split up and not very cooperative pve community which is a bad thing because the player that has most rank 1s in PvE COULD be some kind of role model for the newer ones which would have some advantages. But as I said it's your decision which role you want to play here.

Also, as I stated multiple times: As a PvP player I am not interested in doing competitive PvE, I just like playing efficient and the current system forces me to play PvE if i want to play competitive PvP so I am obviously interested in using meta tactics (that were, in most part, not developped by you, Prit, even though you seem to want to think that). BTW: Getting some rank 1s when the month starts is a fun thing that isn't very competitive because it's free/easy due to the fact that only very few players know the pve meta tactics.

One thing I also find hypocritical is that you flame everyone for copying tactics while using the community made meta tactics on your own. The game has a limited amount of options and everyone is using some of these.

Last point: Nobody cares if you need a bug or not. It was discovered by a player that wasn't you, like all the other bugs in this game. And you want to know it, which is totally fine. But how about asking Halis and respecting his answer? Instead, you insult him and spread more toxicity. I really don't like your way of "competition" and communication.

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Just my 2 cents:

I feel like solo times are still interesting. 2 and 3 player completion for me is a minor category. If you have fun with it, just do it, it is not really relevant or interestinng to me though. Not every category has to be interesting for everyone though.

What would be much more interesting to me would be limitations in regards to cards.So a category where cards like enlightenment, decomposer, batariel, amii monument (just to name a few) were banned. That would currently require to upload the replays though, so developping strategies actually only becomes an advantage for a few weeks or months and execution becomes the much more relevant skillset. Whether that would be a good change is up to taste/ debate.


Edited by Treim
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7 hours ago, Navarr said:

So it's entertaining for you that your toxic behaviour is called out? Very interesting. 

For me it doesn't look like you, one of the best PvE players, are interested in growing the speedrunning community and teaching them. You seem to be more interested in showing off how good of a player you are which seems to be the only reason why you even shared one tactic (Guns Of Lyr) that wasn't popular before. But it's your decision and i respect that. I'm just stating that I find your behaviour inappropriate - I have the strong impression that you enhance the toxicity in the already split up and not very cooperative pve community which is a bad thing because the player that has most rank 1s in PvE COULD be some kind of role model for the newer ones which would have some advantages. But as I said it's your decision which role you want to play here.

Also, as I stated multiple times: As a PvP player I am not interested in doing competitive PvE, I just like playing efficient and the current system forces me to play PvE if i want to play competitive PvP so I am obviously interested in using meta tactics (that were, in most part, not developped by you, Prit, even though you seem to want to think that). BTW: Getting some rank 1s when the month starts is a fun thing that isn't very competitive because it's free/easy due to the fact that only very few players know the pve meta tactics.

One thing I also find hypocritical is that you flame everyone for copying tactics while using the community made meta tactics on your own. The game has a limited amount of options and everyone is using some of these.

Last point: Nobody cares if you need a bug or not. It was discovered by a player that wasn't you, like all the other bugs in this game. And you want to know it, which is totally fine. But how about asking Halis and respecting his answer? Instead, you insult him and spread more toxicity. I really don't like your way of "competition" and communication.

I could comment on all litte details you gave in this post - but do i want this? The answer is no - because you are doing the same - you also try to call out toxic behaviour against me :-D we could go on and on and on - there would be no end. My answers just were the reactions on your last post - so dont flame against things i was writting about when you were asking/refering it in your last post before.

Last point:

Also it is funny that you are stating that the tactics were not developed by me or my team without the knowledge how our tactics look like - that is the funniest point at all. We using unique techniques in some parts of our games that you cant find on YouTube or any other replays in the web. At some point we will share more replays - propably when we stop to play this game. I want to see your stupid face right in the moment you are watching this replays. In this point you are absolutely incorrect - or in your words: inappropriate , toxic , no role model , flaming...



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Small update for blight : 39.51 now in single mode (ranking place 6 in this moment) - will do a faster time in the next days...replay will be published as soon as the best run in my opinion is done from my side..

Next question regarding titans solo mode: In December 2018 i did 16.07.X (somebody has to check the replay for exact time). If i post the replay here - is it possible to update the time for titans solo based on this replay or does is not count because the rankings were not active during this time? The replay is also on YouTube :

For checking i can give the replay file to Mephisto or Halis....

Thanks for feeback. Have fun to improve times.

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--Updated/Corrected a few timesand doublechecked all times during the past days--

Kubik told me, that the times are not always correct in the replays.

On 4/21/2019 at 6:17 PM, Treim said:

Just my 2 cents:

I feel like solo times are still interesting. 2 and 3 player completion for me is a minor category. If you have fun with it, just do it, it is not really relevant or interestinng to me though. Not every category has to be interesting for everyone though.

What would be much more interesting to me would be limitations in regards to cards.So a category where cards like enlightenment, decomposer, batariel, amii monument (just to name a few) were banned. That would currently require to upload the replays though, so developping strategies actually only becomes an advantage for a few weeks or months and execution becomes the much more relevant skillset. Whether that would be a good change is up to taste/ debate.


That idea sounds really interesting and I would love to compete in such events. The only problem is, that there is only one full team doing the speedruns at the moment. So we are missing some competiton. Hopefully the number of full teams will increase to two at the end of this weekend. For the future we can do such events, but I think, there should be at least three active teams to make such events worth it. The reason for the Duo and Trio rankings is, that there could be more smaller teams compete each other. Otherwise you can say, that your team is the best in BF, but it is not better than any other team, since there is simply no other team playing at the moment.

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1 hour ago, Halis said:

Otherwise you can say, that your team is the best in BF, but it is not better than any other team, since there is simply no other team playing at the moment.

In basis this is right - but dont forget - since bf reborn is back we were able to beat also really old speedrun times - so for the moment this are the fastest times ever done for this maps. For me there is no best team - just best tactics. If you know how everybody can do it with a bit more or less training. I also just can say from my point of view  that 3 player runs are less interesting because the tactics can be really similar compared to play the map with 4 players. The difference is bigger with playing a map just with 2 or 1 players. But for sure it is also good to have a 3 player all time ranking.

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With better cards, you can get better times. Now it is free to play and you can get all cards for free. Back then you need to buy them for much money. Same story for the PC Hardware. I would be not surprised if will see even better times in the future.

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1 hour ago, Kubik said:

:thinking: you think PC can affect times? Then you should get new one :D

Sure it does. One reason is that this game is very badly optimized, as you probably know better than most people :D

Connection speed is also very important, probably even more so than good hardware. Most people probably have the best hardware/connection they can get for a reasonable price. And the prices for these products are not reasonable at all, so upgrading is hard if you ain't a rich boi. Moving to Frankfurt for better connection speed is also a too big move for most wallets.


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that game is decade old :P even company craptop can run it :P 

"Connection speed" yes, there we agree, but I can not understand why would someone have HW that can not run that old game :P 

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3 hours ago, Halis said:

Hopefully the number of full teams will increase to two at the end of this weekend. For the future we can do such events, but I think, there should be at least three active teams to make such events worth it.

I'm also still looking to form a team or become part of a team. My time to play the game is a bit unstable though, mostly just in weekends.

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6 minutes ago, Kubik said:

that game is decade old :P even company craptop can run it :P 

"Connection speed" yes, there we agree, but I can not understand why would someone have HW that can not run that old game :P 

It's not about running the game. It's about loading screen times, delay on actions, small lags that are almost not noticable (when there is a lot going on, you will have frame freezes but time is still running) and so on.

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1 hour ago, Halis said:

With better cards, you can get better times. Now it is free to play and you can get all cards for free. Back then you need to buy them for much money. Same story for the PC Hardware. I would be not surprised if the times will see even better in the future.

Hm i think having all the cards / or the important cards was not  a problem for most of the players playing this game in the past -but for sure f2p will make it much easier now. Anyway the time will show what is possible.

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Hello guys - even with the risk that there will be again an emotional discussion i have to ask again for the bug Halis found out. May this time i will ask in another way...i want to concentrate on the bug itself or bugs in general and not on Halis.

What we know:

There is a bug Halis found out and this bug will give you an advantage in some way to finish the map faster. Also the devs are informed about this bug and they informed that they will try to fix this bug. So now there is my question : How we handle pve speedrun times that we performed by using this bug after the bug was fixed by the devs? And for sure we will not know if the bug was used before.

But i can happen that because of using exactly this bug the time gets pushed in such a way that you will not be able to beat this time after the bug is fixed. E.g. you can say would be like all the times that were done with bloodhorn stampede bug are still in the all-time-rankings - there would be no chance to beat this times. This not just counts for the Halis bug - also for other bugs that are may fixed in future.  So in extreme case there needs to be a neutral person that can check the replay and decide if its still valid or not?

What is your factual opinion about this ? @ all pve-speedrunners



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7 minutes ago, Kubik said:

My opinion is I do not care right now :P 

We try to fix as many bugs as we can before we do the reset, and after that we will be solving it on case by case basis.

Ok this is an opionion - but the times that are collected here and also in the thread of Mephisto are forever - there will be no reset. Just to think about one option. Would it be possible to check the older/existing replays for a card/played card combination without watching by analysing the hex-code or sth like this? So who wants is sending the replay to sb. who is checking it and you get a feedback/rating if its valid/non valid based on the current game status? So we could add a proofed sign or sth like this? 

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2 minutes ago, Kubik said:

analyzing the hex is not a problem, I can easily automate that, but what will be the rules? one combination of two cards can do different things based on the situation...

I am really not the expert what kind of information you can get from the replay without watching and just analysing the hex. Had just the idea that it may can be possible to find a fixed part in the hex of the replay e.g. stampede bug of bloodhorn - if there is the information stampede was used at a certain point. So you are right the use of cards and card combinations can be different depending on the situation. So if there is no 100% save way to check the replay with hex for the use of a already fixed bug this will not work. So just somebody can watch the replay and charge it manually.

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6 hours ago, Pritstift said:

What is your factual opinion about this ?

In my opinion records with this bug shouldnt be count in any ranking list. Also Halis's record for 2p rPvE should be excluded. IDK exactly how this bug works, but looks like it's really destroying whole idea.

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