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All-time fastest speedrun rankings


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On the old forum I kept track of the fastest speedrun times for each map over the last year of Battleforge (from April 2013 to the end). I will continue this list including the new records from Skylords Reborn starting from January 2019.
All matches were played on the highest difficulty (Expert/ 10 for Battleground).
The Battleground maps are different each month.

All-time speedrun rankings:

1-Player Maps:

Battleground:		12:41.8	Treim		May 2020
Behind Enemy Lines:	10:24.4	Pritstift	June 2020
Defending Hope:		20:35.8	Multiple players
Encounters w. Twilight: 11.03.1 Pritstift 	February 2020
Mo:			9:59.8	Pritstift	July 2020
Ocean:			15:40.0	Pritstift	April 2019
Oracle:			18:22.6	Pritstift	October 2019
Siege of Hope:		21:56.2	Multiple Players
The Soultree:		09:22.6 Pritstift	September 2019
The Treasure Fleet:	14:49.3	ducarev		June 2020
(Introduction):         13:35.5 Mocaak         	October 2020


2-Player Maps:


Battleground:		13:17.2	DrSlavyan + ducarev	October 2019
Convoy:			05:52.3	Pritstift + Treim	July 2019
Crusade:		09:41.2	Multiple teams
Nightmare Shard:	07:13.0	LEBOVIN + Pritstift	November 2020
Nightmare End:		19:37.6	LEBOVIN + Pritstift	February 2020
Slave Master:		10:52.0	Pritstift + Treim	March 2020
Sunbridge:		09:20.8	Pritstift + Treim	June 2020
The Insane God:		05:07.3	LEBOVIN + Pritstift	March 2020


Battleground: 		22:30.4 Treim		September 2019
Convoy:			 7:04.9	Pritstift	March	  2020
Crusade:		12:16.3	Pritstift	September 2020
Nightmare Shard:	10:21.7	Pritstift	October	  2020
Nightmare's End:	37:21.4 Pritstift	February  2020
Slavemaster:		19:04.6	Pritstift 	March	  2020
Sunbride:		11:40.0	Treim		October	  2020
The Insane God:		10:59.5	LEBOVIN		August    2020


4-Player Maps:


Bad Harvest:		02:33.1 LEBOVIN + Pritstift + Treim + Wanky	        August 2020
Battleground:		09:35.2	LEBOVIN + Pritstift + Treim + Wanky		March 2019
Blight:			10:06.4	LEBOVIN + Pritstift + Treim + Wanky		November 2020
Empire:			11:54.4	LEBOVIN + Pritstift + Treim + Wanky	  	October 2020
King of the Giants:	06:55.9	LEBOVIN + Pritstift + Treim + Wanky	  	April 2020
Raven's End:		15:35.2	LEBOVIN + Pritstift + Treim + Wanky		March 2020
The Dwarven Riddle:	05:39.1	LEBOVIN + Pritstift + Treim + Wanky		March 2020
The Guns of Lyr:        02:13.3 LEBOVIN + Pritstift + Treim + Wanky		July 2020
Titans:			15:59.5 LEBOVIN + Pritstift + Wanky	  		May 2020


Bad Harvest:		02:56.5 LEBOVIN + Wanky + Pritstift		July	  2020
Battleground:		13:05.2 Pritstift + Treim			March	  2019
Blight:			11:59.2	LEBOVIN + Treim + Pritstift		June	  2020
Empire:			12:45.9	Speedy92 + Loriens + ducarev		August	  2020
King of the Giants:	07:36.7 LEBOVIN + Wanky + Pritstift		April	  2020
Raven's End:		18:36.4	Wanky + LEBOVIN + Treim			August	  2020
The Dwarven Riddle:	06:58.6	Wanky + LEBOVIN + Treim			August	  2020
The Guns of Lyr:	02:41.8 LEBOVIN + Wanky + Pritstift		July	  2020
Titans:			15:59.5 LEBOVIN + Wanky + Pritstift		May	  2020


Bad Harvest:		05:00.1 LEBOVIN + Pritstift			May	  	2020
Battleground:		13:05.2 Pritstift + Treim			March	  	2019
Blight:			13:21.1	LEBOVIN + Pritstift			October	  	2020
Empire:			14:22.0 Loriens + ducarev			July	  	2020
King of the Giants:	08:46.9 LEBOVIN + Pritstift			November	2020
Raven's End:		19:16.0	LEBOVIN + Wanky				March	  	2020
The Dwarven Riddle:	08:15.1	LEBOVIN + Pritstift			November	2020
The Guns of Lyr:	03:38.5 LEBOVIN + Wanky				August	  	2020
Titans:			16:02.8 LEBOVIN + Pritstift			April	  	2020


Bad Harvest:		17:42.7 LEBOVIN					February  2020
Battleground:		18:46.0 Treim					March	  2019
Blight:			22:37.3	Pritstift				October	  2020
King of the Giants:	12:41.8 LEBOVIN					April	  2020
Raven's End:		28:19.3	Wanky					March	  2020
The Dwarven Riddle:	12:50.8	Pritstift				July	  2020
The Guns of Lyr:	06:31.9 Wanky					July	  2020
Titans:			16:05.2 Pritstift				May	  2020




3-Player:	00:00.0	-									August	  2020
4-Player:	33:45.1	Wanky + LEBOVIN  + Treim + Pritstift					August	  2020
5-Player:	33:45.1	(See 4-Player)								August	  2020
6-Player:	33:45.1	(See 4-Player)								August	  2020
7-Player:	33:45.1	(See 4-Player)								August	  2020
8-Player:	33:45.1	(See 4-Player)								August	  2020
9-Player:	33:45.1	(See 4-Player)								August	  2020
10-Player:	33:45.1	(See 4-Player)								August	  2020
11-Player:	23:15.4	Ozodrixx + Evilhero + Acitos + Yamito + JonSnow + Mynoduesp + Furby
			+ KilianDermoth + Careless + ducarev + Sagitarion 			August	  2020
12-Player:	13.08.8	Acidxburn + BlueBerryBoy + Damo + DeleriuM + Emmaerzeh + LEBOVIN 
			+ Luschy + Mynoduesp + Pritstift + SylarXXI + Treim + Wanky		September 2020

Passage to Darkness

3-Player:	15:11.8	LEBOVIN + Treim + Wanky						August	  2020
4-Player:	15:11.8	(See 3-Player)							August	  2020
5-Player:	15:11.8	(See 3-Player)							August	  2020
6-Player:	15:11.8	(See 3-Player)							August	  2020
7-Player:	15:11.8	(See 3-Player)							August	  2020
8-Player:	15:11.8	(See 3-Player)							August	  2020
9-Player:	15:11.8	(See 3-Player)							August	  2020
10-Player:	15:11.8	(See 3-Player)							August	  2020
11-Player:	15:11.8	(See 3-Player)							August	  2020
12-Player:	03:48.7	Damo + DeleriuM + Emmaerzeh + Hirooo + LEBOVIN + Luschy
		+ Mynoduesp + Pritstift + Sheepmonster + SylarXXI + Treim + Wanky	November  2020

Here are several speedrun replays on youtube: http://forum.skylords.eu/index.php?/topic/557-speedrun-links/

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Pretty sure the time of The Guns of Lyr was 5:32.2 (DieToPlay, MephistoRoss, alexxserg, ducarev)

Nightmare Shard, and Nightmare's End also was beaten by me and alex however I don't even remember the approximate time.

Edited by DieToPlay
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My 1p lvl 10 rpve was 11:58.x, I have the replay somewhere but I think I didn't write tenths.

Nice to see Nikola on the list.

i dont think you can see it anymore though.. as a lot of the cards got changed. Its same with all those old replays.. sad that noone will ever see those..

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you wanna get a time for 4 player rpve lvl 10 solo aswell?

Sure, I guess I can add solo speedrun rankings to list too.

I wont add 4-player maps played with 2 or 3 players though (unless they were faster than a team of 4 players of course). So just the fastest time for each map, and the fastest solo time for each map. So if you have a solo record for a 2-player lvl 10 as well, please let me know.

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Bad Harvest: 2:54.4 Dannyyx, MephistoRoss, SylarXXI, ducarev 

not bad :D

That was with stampede bug live so you could sac into 1 player to rush t4 into bloodhorn into stampede 1shots.

how did you do that btw? im kinda curious how it works

You can read a lot with a hexeditor. Even change names etc.

But here somewhere in the forum should also be a replayanalysistool. It shows a lot of stuff like mapmovement gametime and so on.

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That was with stampede bug live so you could sac into 1 player to rush t4 into bloodhorn into stampede 1shots.

that was actually with mutating frenzy :P, the time was played in the last few months of battleforge

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Bandit or Stonekin, I am not sure if I ever completed twilight or LS 4p lvl 10 solo, level 9 I have, I assume that replay analyzer can be used to see which enemy it was.

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For Slavemaster the time was 11.52 for Treim and me. for ocean speedrun i was "undefeated" - fastest time i have in my replaylist is 15.44 - same for oracle - fastest time i have in my list is 19.09 (may close to the end of the game there is the chance that i improved this times).


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Got the tool, times are 11:58.6 for 1p map and 19:41.8 for 4p soloed which might be a twilight map since Grimvine and Matter Mastery were in my deck.

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Got the tool, times are 11:58.6 for 1p map and 19:41.8 for 4p soloed which might be a twilight map since Grimvine and Matter Mastery were in my deck.

so every enemy type got beaten solo :o

never thought twilight would be possible with all that annoying wrathgazer thingies. sadly i dont have the replays for the lost souls one anymore and neither for a bandit map.

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some of these times are insane! Are there videos of some of these somewhere?

we have only the replays, which wont work as cards got changed after these times were played so its not possbile to watch them with the replay tool.

Some of the PVE maps are on youtube:

Some maps are on youtube with slightly slower times but with the same strategy. Its about seconds mostly. for example:

For more stuff i recommend to check youtube :) 

Edit: got ninjaed

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