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CCC #2 - The Besieged Forge - UNTIL 05.02.2022


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Hello Skylords, Skyladies and other Skybeings; and welcome to CCC #2 – the second Crappy Community Contest!

To see the winners, click here. If you are just here to grab the booster code, there you go:  CCC2-SAVE-THEF-ORGE


What are “Crappy Community Contests”?

This and future CCC's are meant to be small-scale contests with weird challenges, hopefully luring you away from well-trodden paths. They are small-scale on the organizers side too: there will not be a stream, video or event announcing the winners. What's special about these contests is a participation price for the whole community.


What, when, where, how?

CCC#2 offers something very special – a completely new map made by Mynoduesp just for this contest: 

The Besieged Forge - Fastest Time wins

As the Skylords return from their efforts to restore Nyn, the Forge itself became infiltrated by Stoneskin and Bandits. 

For this challenge, win the 1-player community map
“CCC - The Besieged Forge” on Advanced difficulty
as fast as possible. 

For instructions how to access the map, see below. The contest has already started – submit your replay together with your In-Game-Name through Discord (DM to Kapo#0116) or the Skylords Forum (DM to @Kapo) until 05. FEB 2022 23:59 CET (= 7 days time total)

You can find your replays here: Documents => Battleforge => replays (your last game will always be saved as autosave.pmv).

You can submit multiple times, but only the one with the fastest time will count. Please note that the Top 3 Replays will be posted here in the forums. To reduce my workload, you may rename your file to CCC2_<time>_<IGN>.pmv (e.g. CCC2_08.28_Kapo.pmv).

Special notice: Since this is a completely new map, if you find any major bug that breaks everything apart, and you finish in ten seconds (or something like that), we reserve the right to disqualify entries. Clever use of mechanics is still encouraged, though.


Community Maps 

How to access “The Besieged Forge”: 



To access the map for the contest (or any community map), select the blue icon in the far lower right corner:


Select advanced difficulty, then scroll down to “CCC - The Besieged Forge (1 Player)” and click continue. The map will download automatically. After the map has downloaded, you will find it in the top section of already downloaded maps.




What's the prize pool?

Since this is not just a Crappy Contest, but a Crappy Community Contest, you may earn a price for the whole Community. If we reach more than 25 participants (unique players, not entries), you will unlock a Mini-Booster code for the entire Skylords Community. If more than 40 participants enter, it will be upgraded to a General Booster instead of a Mini-Booster. So tell your fellow Skylords to try this challenge – it raises our chances to hand out a code for everybody. 

The Skylords with the fastest times will get prices as well.
In the unlikely case of a tie, the run that was submitted earlier gets the higher placement in the ranks.

1st place               5 General Boosters + Rogan Kayle Promo + Stronghold + Ravenheart + Mauler
2nd place              4 General Boosters + Lyrish Knight Promo + Mindweaver + Ravenheart + Mauler
3rd place              3 General Boosters + Enlightenment + Moloch + Ravenheart + Mauler
4th place              2 General Boosters + Firedancer + Shadow Worm
5th place              1 General Booster + Wheel of Gifts + Shrine of Martyrs
6th place              Spitfire + Bloodhorn P
7th place              Core Dredge B + Skyelf Commander
8th place              Tortugun R + Lost Grigori R
9th place              Matter Mastery G + Cultist Master
10th place            Revenge + Skyelf Commander

Last place             Juice Tank (x4)

For participation, there is a random chance to win one of the following cards:
Random Draws          5x1 General Booster, Infect, Overlord, Brannoc, Church of Negation, Worldbreaker Gun, Juggernaut, Grinder R, Shrine of War


If one or more mighty Skylord(s) decides to sponsor this event, please contact me. I would be more than happy to expand the prize pool beyond 5th place, add additional random draws, or any other upgrades to the prize pool. 

The following prices have been sponsored so far:

Skylords Team     General Boosters (x20), Community Booster Code
Kapo                    Enlightenment, Moloch, Church of Negation, Mindweaver
Odessa                Wheel of Gifts, Infect, Overlord, Brannoc, Firedancer, Shadow Worm
arabika                Lyrish Knight Promo
THE_BIG_WET      Rogan Kayle Promo
Damo                  Juice Tank (x4)
SylarXXI               Core Dredge B, Tortugun R, Matter Mastery G, Shrine of Martyrs, Bloodhorn P, Skyelf Commander
Metagross31       Spitfire, Juggernaut, Cultist Master, Worldbreaker Gun, Revenge, Lost Grigori R, Revenge, Grinder R, Mauler (x3)
Glurak                 Shrine of War
Donaar                Ravenheart (x3)

In conclusion

My very special thanks goes out to @Mynoduesp for proposing to make a map for the CCC and his awesome work. If you like the map as much as I do, go and tell him. 😉

I’d also like to add that the Editor and all necessary tools for creating a map are accessible to every Skylord at all times. So maybe the contest will spark some interest in the art of map making - as many of you already know, one of the most wished for and requested features for Skylords Reborn are new maps to play. The SR Team currently seeks out Map Testers, Map Artists, Map Designers and Map Developers

Good luck and best regards,


Asked Questions


Are the abilities the heroes get random?
It's not random, but given under certain circumstances.

I started the map and Mo is not under my control - is this a bug?
It seems like you selected Expert difficulty by accident - the contest is on Advanced.

Future events

If you are interested in helping with these (or better) kinds of events for the community, or want to host one yourself, don't be afraid and simply reach out! Contact our beloved Event Managers Minashigo Hiko and Metagross31 on the forums or discord. They are happy to assist you with upcoming events and with sponsoring your prize pool!

If you especially like this small-scale-format, and you have an idea for it, you may also contact me directly to discuss your idea.

Edited by Kapo
Treim, Lans, Mynoduesp and 6 others like this
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  • Kapo changed the title to CCC #2 - The Besieged Forge - UNTIL 05.02.2022

Funny one! Map looks very solid, gz on that alone


One question on this if you don't mind to give us that hint: I have made 3 short runs and seen that the additional skills were each time different.
Does this follow specific patterns we should look out for, or is is complete random?

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2 minutes ago, Volin said:

One question on this if you don't mind to give us that hint: I have made 3 short runs and seen that the additional skills were each time different.
Does this follow specific patterns we should look out for, or is is complete random?

I have to double-check in with Myno, but if I remember correctly, it's not random but given under certain circumstances.

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1 hour ago, Volin said:

Funny one! Map looks very solid, gz on that alone


One question on this if you don't mind to give us that hint: I have made 3 short runs and seen that the additional skills were each time different.
Does this follow specific patterns we should look out for, or is is complete random?

Destroying crystals unlock certain powers of your heroes. 

A.e. the nature crystal always unlocks the same nature abilities to your nature-themed hero Viridya. Same goes for all other crystals. Only the shadow crystal unlocks an ability for all heroes additionaly to one that only Moon gets.

It's consistant, no rng. Just try out the different approaches. 🙂

And who knows what happens when you destroy all of them... 🤔

Edited by Mynoduesp
I've got bad english when hungover
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Both sides have pros and cons, they seem quite well balanced and I hear good times from both.

Use hero abitlities and those you get from the crystals.

No matter what side you decide for, get in asap, ged rid of the bombard asap and destroy the crystals. You don't need to clear all. Kill things (units/buildings) until the Boss triggers.

Focus only the boss.

Hope this is not a Cpt Obvious post, else please get more specific and we can see if we can help.

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Even more obvious tips:

Don't select Expert difficulty 😉

Skylord Ladies must not get hit by the bombards/artilleries

You got two Heroes that have abilities to break walls and buildings

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1 hour ago, 2weak2slow said:

Do we know how many players already participated? 😛

We do not disclose this information 😉

What I can say is nothing like the first CCC - rPVE 1 is much more accessible then a Custom Map and several people have said they have a hard time finishing the map at all. So we will see how this turns out.

I think we put the cut for the "better" Booster on the right spot, the Community will have make some effort to actually get it - maybe even with helping not-so-good players to finish the map.

Edited by Kapo
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Just now, Blitzmauler said:

Are people without Discord Allowed to participate in this contest? :S

Of course! Up in the description there is a link to send a Forum Message (right after the Discord Tag). We dont force a program on you just because of a crappy contest 💩 

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2 minutes ago, Kapo said:

Of course! Up in the description there is a link to send a Forum Message (right after the Discord Tag). We dont force a program on you just because of a crappy contest 💩 

❤️ Not sure I'll be able to submit an entry anywhos


I was excited when my friends told me it doesn't matter how good or bad your deck is - being that I'm new. But it is very tough to keep moon alive T_T

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You can put Moon in the opposite corner and she will take no damage ^^
If you struggle with submitting a replay, you can click on @Kapo profile and click on "message" next to his name. 

You can find your replay here: 

Documents => Battleforge => replays (your last game will always be saved as autosave.pmv).

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53 minutes ago, Blitzmauler said:

But it is very tough to keep moon alive T_T

That is why I gave the hint to destroy the bombard as soon as possible 🙂 Actually not mandatory (I did not kill it at all in my fastest run so far, but that was a lucky shot) but my intention was to help to keep the both ladies alive

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and why do we have to be ranked ? is it not enough that some people play good, it has to be written down formally or what..oh, for a "crappy" contest i mean

plus i would like my servings in standard difficulty please, and a cute little participation reward

i'm not putting up with this game beyond standard except if it's to join team games, but only on advanced maximum and only because im not alone there

tier-based rankings with bonus rewards are okay, they feel more like an achievement instead of belittling me like im some sort of underdog or a less significant part of the game's playerbase


maybe sometimes standard feels like a tutorial-level difficulty, but other times this game is nothing but stressful without it

i can't speak for the community map, but i have little reason to go there in the first place, because they don't even drop gold!

so if you disqualify me by making it advanced+, then i won't even bother checking it out


i also watched the video of the rpve1 speedun and i honestly don't think, that this is a fun concept for gameplay. having to rush would ruin even the easiest difficulty, and knowing, that only the top run is worth your time, because you can't possibly be interested in all of them, it takes even more away from the event

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5 hours ago, thisismyname said:

and why do we have to be ranked ?


i also watched the video of the rpve1 speedun and i honestly don't think, that this is a fun concept for gameplay. having to rush would ruin even the easiest difficulty, and knowing, that only the top run is worth your time, because you can't possibly be interested in all of them, it takes even more away from the event

Hey thisismyname,

Thanks for the feedback! Since it's usually only a few people that speak up, feedback is like this can be very helpful, no matter if we agree on every point you make.

Typically, when you do a contest, the interests are as different as the players are - some are more competitive, and others (like you) just want to have a good time. I try to cater to both needs - you (and everyone else in this community) be the judge if successful or not:

* I try to create a shared experience by requesting all interested players to do something _new_. Maybe you have seen some "advertisements" or memes - that's not just for participation count, but also getting people to talk about the CCC. rPVE 1 isn't considered anything of interest unless you make a contest. For this CCC, everybody gets a completely new map never seen before, and though it's a very short map, it's one of very high quality. And new maps for this game is something everybody wants _badly_.

* I consider the main "prize" of the contest the Booster Code for everybody. So, if enough people take part in this shared experience, everybody - even those who didn't participate - get something.

* Maybe you overlooked the random draws in the prices, participation might get you the most expensive card in the game (not counting promos), or other stuff like extra boosters or whatever. Except the very first places, many of those random draws are worth more BFP than the lower rank prices.

I think that's more than enough reasons to join and enjoy the CCC. That's why I heavily disagree on your assessment that "only the top run is worth your time".

But, there is more to it, there is a reason not only to reward participation but also "the best".

* I don't know if you enjoy watching sports, and even if you do not, many people do. We have some high-skill competitive players in our community, just waiting for a chance to compete with each other. In a sports event like the Olympics, I don't think you sit there and complain that the best get medals - true? I don't think it's belittling you (or me, I can't do what they can do either) if they get an opportunity for to show what they can do. But I enjoy watching those replays of the best, who often put ALOT of thought and effort on making their runs as good as possible. And they wouldn't do that if we don't put some prices up for them, so they might get gold and glory. I'm okay with it that I am literally unable to compete for these prices, because I'm here for the show to watch them bash their heads in.

As I said, you be the judge if I am able to bring those two different interests together successfully or not.

Edited by Kapo
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In other news, I recieved two generous donations, so I was able to expand the price pool up to the 10th place and add three more high-value-cards to the Random Draws.

Thanks so much to the donors!

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