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Important: Open Beta Status Announcement


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While I'm kind of sad there's a delay again, it's definitely the correct decision. Both the developers and testers have put in a lot of time this past week, but due to unforeseen issues development progressed slower than expected and the servers are still not stable enough. Releasing the servers in their current state would certainly be more frustrating than waiting a little longer. Just keep up the hype and wait a little longer, I very much doubt that there will be any more delays :)

Ultrakool, wertyy and Ladadoos like this
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we all understand how hard this progress is being given to you, and I think everyone will treat this with understanding and respect, we will wait as long as we need, we are not upset, we believe in you, and we understand that you do not want to rush, but to release 100% ready game))

Edited by Ultrakool
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Take all the time you need.
As many guys said here, it´s your free time you spending and you dont even earn money for this.
You guys have my full respect, for what you´re doing. It´s amazing and i can´t wait for the day you´re done.
But i wanna play game that works and don´t crashes or bugs all time. So just take your time, relax and dont forget to live your life.

Best wishes from Zwickau/Germany :)


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thats why u don't  put a release date until u are shure everything works . great job that ya are doing  and again don't put 3 to 4 weeks just finish it then announce it before more people get mad for another delay.

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@Modex has a great point. Y'all aren't getting paid to develop this game, so try not to be so ruthlessly hard on yourselves. We, the community, have been waiting years for a BF Revival to come along, and we are greatly excited. So please forgive us for being so hyped, as the saying goes. We understand this places great pressure upon all of the team members and developers especially, and we apologize. If I had my way, I'd tell all of you to take 2 days and just relax. Hell, if I had the money, I'd pay you to do so. But I do not :(

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You defineatly don't need to be asking for forgiveness, it is we as a community who should be sorry that we put this much pressure on you. I, and i'm sure most others too, am incredibly grateful for all the hours you guys have put into this, and will continue to feel that way even if OB is delayed to 2020. You guys are simply the best, and even though the hypetrain is going at a dangerous pace, i'm still jumping on!

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Was always being patient but hearing from you guys on an update just shows how much you CARE for this. Take as long as you need and forget these kids who just swarm this community with negativity and impatience. Don't over work yourselves like last time! Lol. Much love guys and it's worth the wait.

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The Skylords Reborn team did what had to be done and it sucks, I know. It's even more frustrating for them than it is for you. An unbelievable amount of hours was put into the project, both by the team and testers, these past couple of days to try to make it for the deadline. It is not like bugs weren't known, it's just that they were proven to be more tricky to fix than first expected. There is only so much a few developers can do and rushing was definitely not the better option in this case. I read many times people stating that bugs are to be expected in open beta and I wholeheartedly agree. That being said though, there is a difference between (minor) bugs that don't affect the rest of the player base and bugs that are, in some cases, easily triggered and crash the server(s). To be able to test you need a solid base. An open beta where the server(s) constantly crash sounds like an open beta that was released too soon if you ask me. The lack of an aforementioned solid base doesn't give players, nor the developers for that matter, an enjoyable testing phase. So, even though it has been delayed yet again, let us not forget that it was for a logical reason and that such delay should not undermine the hard work that has been put into the project the past couple of weeks, even years.

ForgeUrPath, MephistoRoss and Zyna like this
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4 hours ago, ImperatorSK said:

Im fine with the delay, take your time.

Dangerous statement, if something should come in between, the air will burn. 

They actually needs like 1-2 weeks. The 3-4 weeks is like: we can do it faster, but something can happen like last week. They learned the lesson don't you think? :D

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1 minute ago, Aldred said:

They actually needs like 1-2 weeks. The 3-4 weeks is like: we can do it faster, but something can happen like last week. They learned the lesson don't you think? :D

its safety make somefing and give u spare time to recheck. i would have been happy if they told insted of 3-4 weeks in the 2. quarter of 2018 so then they would have time up to the end of june so no presshure and if its done sooner well a small announcment and the forum explode.

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thx alot for info. i think everyone here appreciate your hard work for us all and everyone will prefer a game running without endless bugs and crashes. so just take ur time . we can wait a little bit longer.

Thanks to all who working on it.


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When EA shut down the servers I felt angry and disappointed, I completely lost my faith in EA and could not understand how they could do this to the game and the players,just because it was not "profitable" for them.
I've been looking for a similar game for many years, without success, and like many others I've given up that I can ever play a game like this.
Then one day I talked with one of my friends about the game, the old memories we head. So I searched for Battleforge and then I found this project which was still at very primitive stage at that time. That day has changed everything. I've been keeping an eye on the project ever since and I've been waiting with suspance for it to succeed.The idea that I can play this unique and fantastic game again gives Me joy. And now the wait seems to be ower.
I say, if a game can cause so much joy after so many years, and it generates a lot of nice memories, it does not matter if  I have to wait a few more weeks or months. If I can get back to what I once did,I will be happy. I can not describe this feeling with words.This is all thanks to YOU.

Keep up the great work guys!

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Just keep it up guys, you are doing amazing, don't rush it, we will all still be here by the time you finish it. I wouldn't have thought not too long ago that I would be able to play one of the coolest games ever made, but it seems like i will be, after such a long time, all thanks to you guys, and I couldn't be happier. So just keep going, a few more weeks, or even a few more monts is literally nothing. We all know you are working super hard, and we are all greatful.

Much Love

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While I support the decission in general if it´s needed, and understand that you work for free, so we can´t demand anything, I still have to say something about how this was handled: poorly. I mean surely those problems weren´t only known since two days ago? The information could have come a bit sooner instead of making people wait in vain. That is a sure fire way to make some people sour. If you want to see what broken promisses can deteriate into, I suggest taking a look at the tread on "That which sleeps" on the bay 12 forums (I would also recommend the original forum, but that has been nuked for non backers/preorders, so no way to join it now).


Probably best to not give out any dates before you actually have a working version.

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to be honest, it is for sad that it isent ready now but i rather play the game when its ready insteed of having constantly problems which would have a big impact on the Game experience especially for new players. I really appreciate all the work the dev Team is doing... and i hope that these negative commentarys/flames/rages wont hit u as much.... So many ppl are appreciate what u are doing for us and i hope that gives u more and more motivation to keep going. I am really happy that u guys bring back the game and i am very excited. I wish u some luck for your work and also stay healthy... Nobody will thank it even more if u almost die (I know its an exaggeration, but u know what i mean) for the work... so stay healthy and thanks for your hard work so far :)

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I followed this project for a long time now.

I don't care the time it will need. I just want to play a day but not with these bugs if it make us crash.


<3 love this project and this community <3


and please don't give up like ea :P  


fauchie fauch fauch

Edited by Fauchderial
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3 minutes ago, badbosspt said:

sorry but you disapointed me again.. you dont give a launch time and them fail us.. AGAIN.. cmon.. this killed my hype.. sorry im no longer a patreon supporter. i felt scammed.

a true disapointed supporter.. 

Put some empathy -.- It isnt easy for them they are trying very hard!

We should keep the :hype: guys!

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