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Xamos liked a post in a topic by Blashyrkh in Community Update #29 - November
Awesome! One of the best community updates so far.
Volin liked a post in a topic by Blashyrkh in Community Update #29 - November
Awesome! One of the best community updates so far.
Blashyrkh liked a post in a topic by Majora in Community Update #29 - November
Greetings Skylords!
This Community Update is a few days ahead of schedule because we have two events that we don't want you to miss! From today until 2nd of November there is a special Halloween event, and on Saturday 29th October we have a PvP tournament with a participation prize! Let's get you up to date.
• Halloween Event
The Lost Souls have altered the timeline for a special Halloween event! Instead of Encountering Twilight, Rogan Kayle finds himself in the face of new horrors. Enjoy a spooky experience on this adjusted map to celebrate Halloween, and the upcoming release of the new card "Evil Eye" with us!
You can find the full event details here. This is a temporary event which ends on 2nd of November. Check it out now to not miss out!
• Evil Eye release and adjustments
Evil Eye will release next week in a small dedicated patch (which will not break replays).
Players participating in the Halloween event will have the chance to be rewarded with the new Twilight card the moment it comes out! After the event is over Evil Eye will also be eligible to drop from General and Twilight boosters as an uncommon card. So save your boosters till then!
Since its original reveal, we have made some adjustments to the card based on testing feedback.
The original design had a couple of issues, including a lack of splash damage, squishiness, mobility issues and increased susceptibility against crowd control. While the damage output of the card has a very high potential peak, in practice the card turned out to be hard to use and didn't add much to the Twilight faction besides a new transformation effect.
To make the card feel more rewarding to play, we gave it a new mechanic; a unit being attacked by Evil Eye explodes if it dies (thematically its insides are superheated and explode), dealing damage in a small area. Having on-enemy-death mechanics is already part of Twilight's identity (i.e. Twilight Warfare) and we found this could solve the splash issue in a more creative manner.
While this addition goes against the single-target attacker role we originally had in mind, it makes the card more fun to play and gives the player the option to either focus on a strong unit (i.e. a boss) by making use of its passive Rage ability, or micro it to benefit from Searing Sight's new on-death ability.
Lastly, we gave the card a much-needed health increase from 3300 to 3800. We are happy with how the card turned out, and hope you will enjoy playing it!
CHANGED: Searing Sight
Casts a superheated beam that deals 200 damage to a target enemy every second. If a unit directly attacked by Evil Eye dies, its corpse explodes, spewing forth boiling liquids that deal 1000 damage in a 15m radius, up to 3000 in total.
Evil Eye has the faction's ability "Transformation", allowing it to transform into other Twilight units. Because Evil Eye is already a strong tier 4 card, it has a special passive ability to make transforming it worthwhile.
If the unit is transformed, it will restore spell card charges. The card of every Fire, Nature, and Twilight spell will be granted one more charge and will be immediately reusable. The maximum number of possible card charges for a specific card will not be exceeded.
Unit does increasingly more damage the longer it attacks, up to a maximum of 300% more damage, but falls back to its original damage output if it doesn't fight for 5 seconds or changes target.
• New Card Reveal: Raven Walker
While Evil Eye releases in the coming days, there are more new cards in development. We are hard at work adding a new legendary card into the game: the infamous Raven Walker.
Raven Walker is a powerful tier 4 Legendary card, meaning only one can be summoned on the battlefield at a time (like i.e. Viridya or Ravenheart). Besides being a strong ranged unit, Raven Walker has the ability to corrupt the very air around it, causing played out cards to backlash, dealing huge amounts of damage to both allies and enemies, including buildings! If Ravenheart or its summoned Raven Ships are nearby, Raven Walker will lose its slow passive ability and move like a general XL unit.
Please note: We are still testing the card. While we are generally happy with it, numbers and effects might still change before release.
Unit has Slow movement.
Blackpowder Turret
Every 4 seconds, unit fires an explosive shot that deals 920 damage to enemies in a 10m radius around its target, up to 1380 in total. Knocks back small and medium units. Affects ground targets only.
Corrupting Aura (100p)
Activate to cast a destructive aura of 30m radius at the target location. Every card played out within it will backlash, dealing 10 times their power cost times their orb count as area damage distributed among all hostile and friendly entities, up to 10000 in total. Lasts for 30 seconds. Reusable every 60 seconds.
Fleet Support
If Raven Walker is within 25m radius of a Raven Ship or Ravenheart, it will lose Slow.
Some of you might be wondering why Raven Walker is a Legendary card, instead of a Bandit card. While exploring our options, we found two issues with a Bandit approach. First, we feel Bandits as a faction is currently quite complete in terms of T4 units, and this unit would not add anything interesting to the faction; it would not be much different from Construct-decks which already use double Shadow for Nether Warp.
Additionally, Raven Walker's Corrupting Aura ability works on buildings. This means it can be used even with healing spells to destroy enemies and important structures, allowing for a wide variety of decks to build around it. But because of how Corrupting Aura works, it can be stacked infinitely, which is problematic from a balance point of view. It does not come up often that we want something to be limited to a single instance, making this the perfect Legendary. It is also a good opportunity to expand the existing Legendary deck and slowly add Blight's entire raven squadron to the game.
Raven Walker is planned to release in an upcoming content patch. We are not ready to announce a release date yet.
• Tournaments / Events
Since Community Updates are posted on a monthly schedule, events might come and go in between Community Updates. Be sure to keep a close eye on the ingame event-tab and the forum calendar to not miss any events!
• NEW - Official Halloween Event - until 02-11-2022
The Lost Souls have altered the timeline for this special Halloween event! Instead of Encountering Twilight, Rogan Kayle finds himself in the face of new horrors. Enjoy a spooky experience and celebrate Halloween and the release of the new card "Evil Eye" with us! More information.
• NEW - Official PvP Tournament - 29-10-2022
On Saturday 29.10 we are hosting an official PvP tournament with prizes! The tournament starts at 14:00 p.m. CEST (Berlin time) and will also be livestreamed on our Twitch. Every player who participates will get a booster, so be sure to join even if you are inexperienced! More information.
• FINISHED - Battle of Tactics #2: Perfectly Balanced
Ultralords latest contest has finished, and the winner reveal can be watched on Twitch. Big thanks to Ultralord for hosting this event, please let us know if you liked it! More information.
• Host your own tournament / event
Want to host a tournament or event yourself? Please reach out to our Event Organizer, Metagross! We can help you out with various topics and are glad to discuss potential ideas. We can also sponsor the prize pool for your event. If you have a cool idea for a PvE event, or want to host a PvP tournament, please don't hesitate to reach out to us, we will gladly assist you.
• Team changes
We are glad to announce two new members to the team behind Skylords Reborn. WaterMelonLord has joined us as a Global Moderator. Cool.
Mynoduesp has also joined the team as Quality Assurance (QA), helping with maintenance and player friendliness, for example by improving descriptions.
We also had a couple of replies to our translator roles, thank you! We could always use more translators, so if you are fluid in French, Russian or German, please consider doing some translations for us.
• Contribute to the Project
We have opened up a new staff role: Social Media Manager. We heard multiple times that people are intimidated to join the team as a marketeer, so we split up the responsibilities and tasks, making the entry barrier a lot lower. As a Social Media Manager, you are responsible for keeping our Social Media channels (Facebook, Twitter, Reddit) up to date. Help with our Twitch and Instagram account would also be greatly appreciated.
As always, we hope you will also consider helping out the project. Please take a look at all our open positions on how you can do so.
There are also a variety of contributor roles like translator, that don't require you to join the staff, but still allow you to help out now and then. Please take a look.
• In Conclusion
And that's it for this Community Update, thanks for reading!
As is tradition, this community update comes with a scratch code.
The code will reward you with a Lost Souls-booster: LOST-SOUL-TIME-LINE
The code is valid until December 1st, when we will bring you another Community Update.
As always, we are open to feedback, so please let us know if you have any questions, suggestions, or comments!
• Skylords Reborn Documents (Deep Dives, Behind the Scenes, PvP Guide)
• Overview Community Updates
• Community Update #28
Blashyrkh liked a post in a topic by Volin in What do you think of my deck
As true as this is on the one end I'm not sure if I would go with this for this topic. If we speak about 4p maps I think a bit optimisation is just... polite.
I can't say too much about the topic, as I don't understand french. Don't know if this is about playing known maps (motm) or random, neither I know if it is 1p or 4p.
What I can say:
Pure Nature can even be challenging in very hard 9s and is very hard to play in some 10 scenarios. If you take this challenge you should be really on an expert level.
Furthermore I see 5 very non-optimal slots (Shaman, T2 Tower, 2 units too much in T3 and finally worst: Wheels). Any of this slots is a handicap on many 10 maps.
As Hrdina said the T1 needs to be extended, I would take 2-3 if that slots for this. Dryad (B) can be very helpful in 10s, mentioned Hurricane can be a pick and usually it's very helpful to play either Motk or Stranglehold. But as long as you don't have a very solid knowledge about the game mode nature is not a start that can be recomended anyways. Usually it makes sense to go with Fire as it is the teamplay option until you are very familiar with 10 starts.
Sadly 10s are a bit unbalanced in T2 and for Random maps all pure colors can struggle (if not played on very expert level) - this T2 is probably the optimal for nature.
In T3 it is very hard to say what nature can deal most optimal with early boss scenarios. Best option for T3 could be just Enlightenment instead of any units. Wheels are for sure hurting a lot here due to the harsh time limit (4players).
The T4 unit composition is imo good, but you need to keep in mind that you may still struggle here if you want/need to clear a path on your own. Nature has low-med dmg and comes to its limits very fast when you fight bigger camps. Green Peace can be a nice option to block half of a camp here.
Last thing that you can say in general: Communication before start is key to a good win rate. In 10s a (most early) Shrine of War can be very important (again the harsh time limit) and makes all other shrines obsolete.
Usually only play SoM's when really no SoW can be played. As only 2-3 Shadow orb decks, and perhaps good played Frost splashes can out-CC camps good enough to skip Inc Mo, the SoMe here should probably be replaced with Inc Mo in most groups. Nature would be just shut down when facing LS without it.
As last words I would recommend a more mixed color deck for 10 until you are really deep into that mode. At least Shadow and Nature have no T4 pure cards that would justify going pure here.
For the start I already pointed out that Fire would be the meta solution. Only play non fire here if you can really make sure that you do not need to rely on your fire playing mates. In many matches it is just the fire players bailing out non-fire starters to therefore delay their own progress, seen that really a hundred times.
The very last thing: Know your gamemode.
Knowledge about map layout, spawns and what really happens is the most important thing here - and is even way more important then the cards you play. If you gather knowledge and experience on that you will see more and more what card do you need in certain deck and which not.
Blashyrkh liked a post in a topic by Dutchy in Gunners go BOOM
Disclaimer: This is more a fun deck. Not advised for beginners. Might have difficulty clearing harder rpve 9 maps.
Hey Skylords,
I've been playing around with some rpve decks and wanted to share one of my favorites:
T1: Standard T1 fire start with Nomad G, Eruption and Mine. Of course a Shadow start is also viable to get your Resource Booster out earlier
T2: Bandit Minefield to take the T3 camp easier.
T3: At T3, build your Shadow orb as T3 to get early boosters. You can start building your army of Gunners afterwards if you are not the one building the Shrine of War.
T4: Get your second fire orb and start going ham on the camps with your Gunners + spell support.
- Why Corsair? Corsair buffs all friendly Bandit units by 60%!!!
- How do you keep your Gunners alive? By applying unity on your Gunners they will share 1 life pool. If you cast Blood Healing, the whole group will heal.
- Make sure you do not target your own units with Amok as it affects both hostile and friendly entities.
- Unity works on 8 units. If you have more than 8 gunners, make sure you use both Unity to cover as many units as possible, without too much overlap.
Attached you can find a replay with all four players playing a gunners deck in the current MotM. Its a whole lot of fun!
Thanks to @Volin @Nukie @kleppie for doing this run with me!
Blashyrkh liked a post in a topic by Volin in Boom!!! - Beginnerfriendly Fire/Nature (no Twilight) rpve deck
wanted to share a deck again that is currently a great fun for me and as it is also quite beginner friendly I think it's cool to post it here. The only really expensive card in my current setup ist Cluster Explosion (red) which can be replaced with just another dmg spell or a T2 unit for low budget.
Just made this a few days, looks so far as 3 heals (plus Unity) could be a little over the top, so feel free to cut Equilibrium. The latest buffs of Inferno and Fire Sphere make this really fun to play and the alltime classic Thunderstorm and Cluster compliment this well.
Mandatory are in my eyes:
- Oink for at least a little CC (time buyer and help to get T4)
- Unity BLUE! (Fire Dragons get quite tanky with a Grimvine in a Unity)
- Regrowth and Bloodthirst
- above mentioned 4 dmg spells, feel free to add more
- Grimevine (nice, cheap all time classic, a great tank for just a few bucks)
- Shrine of War (build 2, you need constant void return to use ur spells all time)
- Inc Mo (needed if you want to utilize your Dragons against Lost Souls, use the Yellow one, else the green is always handy)
Handy but optional:
- Breeding (your partner may appreciate that)
- Revenge is more a filler but always nice to have and a good supporter
- 3rd heal
T1 or
classic Fire or Nature start
Feel free to add a T2 unit of your flavor, usually both T1 colours deal perfectly fine with any T3 enemies with the help of Oink
Usually here you want to build your Shrine ASAP. If needed get some Hurlers out, together with your spells and Unity they are really a force.
Get a Grimvine out and go ahead, it is mostly just the ground presence for your spells. Once you have plenty energy feel free to add some Dragons as they are superb boss killers. Play Bloodthirst in advance before you engage camps, if there are Windhunters or other paralyzing units Oink them for a few.
Don't hold back with your spells, if you activate your Shrine you can play them endless and let Fire and Thunder rain on your enemies!
SpiritAlpha liked a post in a topic by Blashyrkh in Twilight Slayers
I understand your point. I see it similar. They could have given the card an effect that improves the unit for the defensive purpose on walls.
What I'm getting at is that Twilight Slayers are a very good addition to a Twilight deck when it comes to T3 defense scenarios. I mean, they offer a viable alternative for Bad Harvest pos 3, which already indicates that they can handle most other defensive scenarios as well. With Stranglehold (g) you also have access to a good tool to keep enemies away from your wall. Twilight Curse is also a good option for eliminating problematic units like Vilebloods. So you have several ways to defend well with Twilights T3, you just have to get creative. But that is the problem that I see. Very good players can build a good deck around Twilight Slayers and can handle almost any situation with skill and experience. Beginners and mediocre players reach their limits here, which is why, as I mentioned at the beginning, I would have given more to the card here to be able to defend walls more effectively. So I agree with you in part, but I absolutely don't think it's a bad unit, even for defensive uses on walls.
Metagross31 liked a post in a topic by Blashyrkh in Twilight Slayers
Here my first try with Twilight Slayers on Bad Harvest pos 3. Has worked directly and feeled pretty cool. Certainly many improvements possible, but as written, was the first attempt. Replay see below. And please forget the misclick when I accidentally sent all Twilight Slayers off the wall lol.
Attempt was played on the community map "Bad Harvest Pos3 Practice":
2022-10-03_13-29-04_CommunityMap1P_bad harvest pos3 practice_diff3_s4031_Blashyrkh_time_0_11_40.0_v259.pmv
Blashyrkh liked a post in a topic by Mynoduesp in Why is there a random Rageflames in the middle of the twilight camp in Soultree expert?
Had to create a meme...
Blashyrkh liked a post in a topic by Cocofang in M units scaled to L and XL
XL units are very popular as they represent the peak of the power fantasy in Skylords. Seeing how the game is set up from the ground up to reuse assets I have been wondering how M units would fare if they were repurposed as XL units. There are many surprisingly good models! Especially with some great texture work there could be all sorts of new XL units. So I went through all M units and scaled them up to see how they hold up.
This is just a little personal project I did out of curiosity and I figured I might as well share. Enjoy the show and maybe some people get inspired to come up with fun concepts for these entities if they were actual L or XL units for specific factions and with different textures.
Amazon, Amii Phantom, Gladiatrix, Stormsinger, Nightguard
Overall decent models and variations. Could serve as ranged XL units, skewering things with spears the size of tree trunks. And would allow the exploration of the existence of giantess warriors. Or half giants in L format.
Big Gun-Types
Bandit Sniper, Nox Trooper, Firesworn
Rough to say the least. They start looking janky in L format already. Low poly count and odd proportions make these a hard sell as XL or even L units. They also highlight a problem with animations when scaling up. The giant-model of Dreadnought or the Warlord-type XL units sell the weight of their weapons and armor very well when walking. These guys swing their weapons around like they weight very little, so they aren't spectacular in that department either.
Bandit Sorceress, Firedancer, Frost Sorceress, Lost Dancer, Dryad, Winter Witch, Moon, Viridya
Another tough sell. Especially the dancers and dryads have problems when scaled up. If you look closely at them in-game you can see that the fluid motion of their hands is actually them wobbling their fingers up and down as if they were made of rubber. These sort of visual tricks work when they are small but fall apart when scaled up and it just looks weird. They don't have a lot going on either, the models are relatively plain.
Bandit Stalker, Icefang Raptor, Firestalker, Razorshard, Swiftclaw, Scavenger
Now here is something! How about giant war dinosaurs? Swiftclaw is pretty ugly but the other guys have lots of details to work with on their models and could look even better with a detailed texture.
Crystal Fiend, Magma Spore, Mana Wing, Energy Parasite, Deathglider
Of the bunch I think Energy Parasite actually has the most promise. Very unique and detailed model that could serve as the template for lots of things when re-textured.
Scythe Fiends, Witchclaws, Twilight Crawlers, Drones, Burrower, Nightcrawler, Shadow Insect
My favorite models. They look and move amazing when scaled up! Pretty much all of them are prime stuff to serve as crazy new XL and L units. Especially Witchclaws look rad. Re-textures could open up even more possibilities.
Eliminator, Enforcer, Slaver, Executor, Knight of Chaos, Lightblade, Mauler, Twilight Brute, Mountain Rowdy, Shaman, Warlock
A big but very weak group. Most ogres are just blobs. But Lightblade looks slick, like a living tank. And even Mauler isn't half bad. Textures would definitely have to carry here but there is some potential at least.
Earthkeeper, Ice Guardian, Lost Wanderer, Wrecker, Giant Slayer, Rogan Kayle
These start falling apart in L size. Put something like the Earthkeeper next to Avatar of Frost and it's just unconscionable.
Dreadcharger, Lyrish Knight, Nomad, Silverwind Lancers, Bandit Lancer
On top of pretty low-poly models and plain riders, this is another category that has issues with communicating the weight of that scale. And they would imply the existence of giant horses.
Frost Mage, Grove Spirit, Shadow Mage, Twilight Hag
Pretty fun, I think. Although a bit fragile looking so definitely nothing you'd see on the frontline. The models are kind of plain but compensate with the fluid and mesmerizing animations.
Cultist Master, Lost Priest, Timeless One, Timeshifter Spirit
Those are so cool. Enough details to do some great magic with textures and just a very interesting design to look at in general. Also three very distinct looking models.
Which ones do you think could work well?
For which faction?
What abilities and playstyle could they have?
And how could their theme change entirely with clever texture work?
I think there is a lot of potential here, many of these could become some amazing additions to the L and XL roster, leading to even more variety.
Blashyrkh liked a post in a topic by Volin in September Patch Feedback Thread
Okay, then I'll make a start. First let me say that I'm not having a particularly good day, don't put too much stock in my single opinion.
Haven't played much lately and seem a bit rusty in general.
I have only tested 2 things seriously the last 2 days this was:
The Batariel deck has simply slipped into the middle class in my opinion, sure you can still play it, but it's a run-of-the-mill deck like you mostly see in random groups anyway (wrong orbs; hardly any, no and/or wrong buffs and there's then a single Bata running around that actually only has enlightenment in common with the usual buffed Bata deck).
On stronger maps, the burn is too weak to clear necessary threats in time and it dies quickly these days when the camps are a bit harder.
Too bad, I'm curious whether the better players can still get something out of here, from the first feeling the deck unfortunately falls completely out of the meta. Possibly further a Speedrun alternative on very easy Bandit maps.
The second thing I looked at is the Twilight Deck, unfortunately I find here (at least from meta point of view) not much new. The dragon buff as well as the creeper buff are nice, but nothing more - the Abo Spelldeck remains the king in the ring. Nightshade in T3 is a possibility, but I suspect that this will remain more of a casual approach, but finally nice to have the alternative, although especially here Twilight T3 already had 2 strong units. But since XL are always very popular, the masses will be happy and probably grab here.
A more Unit based Twilight deck will be a bit stronger with the patch, but thanks to the Nox Cloud and the Creeper Buff, the Abo deck has increased to the same extent.
The transformation overhaul has no relevance to me so far in the pve, in fact I had to look up what else changed there in the patch notes. As before, the slot gain because of the "internal" Breeding Ground remains the main advantage for me here.
All in all, I think there is unfortunately more work in here than you can feel in the Twilight deck 😞 I hope Twilight is not yet finished here, although I can imagine that the PvP impact is significantly greater.
My conclusion: So far the patch that gives me the least pleasure. The Buffed Bata deck has slipped more than 1 tier imo and after the Bandit rework I had hoped for a little bit more with Twilight, but I don't want to be unfair, I realize how much time and effort is put into this. The small changes to Spells, Units are very nice and please me very well, including the nerfs of Decomposer and Frenetic. (The revisions to the buildings also read very nice, only I never actually play them ^^)
I thank you very much for your work, hope it's not brazen to hope for something more in Twilight.
Ahhhh - wait - one thing I have almost forgotten. Pure Fire I've also been playing since the patch, and it feels really nice. The overdue boost in sustain from both the deck and NPC side (aka Dancer rework) feel good and make the deck a lot more rounded. Moloch normal speed when? 😛
mostly translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)
Blashyrkh liked a post in a topic by Donaar in Frost cards tier list (PvE)
Glad you like Pure Frost. Here is an overview of my deck and the choices behind the inclusion/exclusion of every card. Keep in mind that the deck is built for rpve 10 and should be able to clear most expert maps.
Master Archers, Frost Mage, Ice Barrier and Home Soil are the bread and butter of Frost T1, both for campaign maps and rpve. Nothing much to explain here I guess. My most used composition for rpve 9 is 4 MA and 2 FM.
Glyph of Frost and Northern Keep are optional cards for lower difficulties but they are mandatory for rpve 10. Yeah, the following part is basically a summary of what RadicalX has (excellently) analysed in-depth, but I started writing this before his post so I'll keep it. For rpve 10 I usually build 2 Keeps near my base, then push for the spawncamp using 9-10 units and support by Glyph (place Glyph where you would place a Mine if you started fire) and Home Soil. After the spawn is destroyed, I retreat where I built Keeps and kill every enemy unit that follows me. Having x2 Keeps and using their ability continuously makes your units unkillable. I choose to use Keep (R) because i like to deal a bit more damage (since I used Home Soil to destroy the spawncamp) but honestly the affinity doesn't really matter for Keep - other experienced Frost players such as Gam3over use the Blue affinity because they like having a more durable Keep in case enemies attack it.
Other good T1 options are Lightblade and Imperials in maps where you need a solid T1 tank or where you face lots of L units (Behind Enemy Lines for example). Wintertide is a solid card that has some uses (it counters the Bandit Wizard Towers in maps such as Blight), but I find it too situational to be included in my all-around deck. Construction Hut is the best Frost card by far. I decided to not include it in the deck since in normal games I only build a single Shrine of Martyrs - while it is mathematically worthed, the use is too narrow to justify a deck slot. Frost Bite (P) is another good card - I usually bring it in maps with a bossfight (Sunbridge, Insane God, Oracle, Titans and so on...)
For T2 the most important unit is War Eagle: it is surely one of the best T2 units in the game and carries runs on many expert maps. The only downside of War Eagles is that they can't attack flying enemies - therefore, the best unit to support them is Stormsinger due to her Gravity Surge ability. Here I prefer the Red affinity since 1) i like to deal a bit of damage and 2) i don't really need a fast unit (mainly since War Eagles are slow) - but honestly the affinity is not that important, choose the one you prefer.
Coldsnap is the bread and butter CC spell for Pure Frost - freeze enemies and focus down spawn camps and other important targets. Coldsnap scales incredibly well to higher tiers as well, thanks to Martyrs void return, Dreadnought passive ability and Shatter Ice.
Other good options for Frost T2 are:
-Mountaineers (especially in maps with lots of buildings and no air enemies - Convoy for example).
-White Rangers to snipe down important targets from distance.
-Cannon Tower for defensive maps.
-Skyelf Templar + Ice Barrier to spawntrap enemies on many maps.
-Area Ice Shield in situations where there is a long T2 phase.
Avatar of Frost is surely the best T3 unit for Frost. It's incredibly durable and with a bit of support (mainly from Ice Age (G)) can singlehandedly clear camps.
As I already wrote in the other post, Frost Shard is the best Frost spell. Shard is super useful in many situations, especially since it has an immediate effect with damage and CC combined. Here are 3 rpve examples where Frost Shard is super useful: 1) vs Twilight it can insta freeze the Willzapper before it paralyses your units 2) vs Lost Souls it shines in freezing the lost dancers before they Disenchant your shields 3) vs Fire it is mostly used to freeze Volcano.
T4 is the Tier in which Pure Frost really shines. An army of 4-5 Dreadnoughts supported by 2 Winter Witches is incredibly powerful and is enough to tackle every situation, especially with spells support (mainly from Maelstrom and Ice Tornado).
Here's my usual approach to a camp:
1) immediately use Frost Shard to the sensible targets, mainly Willzappers, Windhunters and Lost Dancers.
2) cast Maelstrom in the middle of the camp. Keep in mind that freezes are ultra useful for Pure Frost: they block enemies from attacking, enemies take 50% more dmg since you're using Dreadnoughts and you get void return with Shrine of Martyrs.
3) cast both Winter Witches ability on the spot where Dreadnoughts are. Afterwards I move WW into the same spot to keep them safe between the shields and Dreadnoughts auras.
4) at this point Maelstrom has frozen most enemy units and you got back a lot of power through Shrine of Martyrs. That's the moment to spam spells. I always go for Ice Tornado on the spawn camp and Shatter Ice on the frozen units. Ice Age (G) follows next, especially if Dreadnoughts have walked outside the shield area.
With this approach you should be able to deal with every situation you can face.
My T4 also includes Ironchad and Coat of Protection but both are optional. Ironchad is simply a support card for Dreadnought - I usually don't use many of them, only 1 or 2 for the very last camp if I got some spare power. Ironchads can be swapped out for any other support/ranged unit you like, a cheaper but solid alternative is Battleship. Battleship's ability is very good to destroy spawn camps from distance - make sure to use that as often as you can.
Coat on the other hand is used as a backup shield option or to support allies. While I rarely use Coat on easier maps and rpve 9, it can act as a safety net for rpve 10 if Dreadnoughts walk away from Winter Witch shield area. Coat is surely the first card I would swap out from this deck.
I hope everything is clear, feel free to ask anything otherwise.
See you in the Forge,
Blashyrkh liked a post in a topic by Volin in Frost cards tier list (PvE)
If you want to play a certain card just for the sake of playing it: Totally fine, that is the core of any card game. But please don't run around and tell people above.
Blashyrkh liked a post in a topic by WindHunter in Changes to PvE Unit Orb & Power Costs
Few changes:
Parasite Swarm's swap limits have been changed from 150p --> 175p.
Twilight Hag, Twilight Vileblood, and Twilight Treefiend are now T2 175p. This means they can be swapped by Parasite Swarm and transformed via Twilight Curse.
Twilight Whisperer is now T3 150p, meaning it can be swapped by Parasite Swarm.
Blashyrkh liked a post in a topic by Little_Ducky in Coming back and need help with deckbuilding Shadow/Nature (mainly for rPVE)
This is a deck I like to use if I am playing nature/shadow
Blashyrkh liked a post in a topic by Xathe in Beginner looking for tips and help with deck
Perfect, i will switch it upp when i get new cards. have only played for some days so dont really have many cards yet. But i will get there! 😄
Yeah, fells like nature is a more beginner friendly but i like the bandits and its more fun with a little challange!
Thank you for the help!
Metagross31 liked a post in a topic by Blashyrkh in Beginner looking for tips and help with deck
Looks good! As written, I prefer the green Rioter's Retreat. Mine and Shrine of War should then replace Unholy Power and Unholy Hero in the future.
If you have enough charges for your T4 units, you don't need Rifle Cultists + Offering green anymore. Then you have two more deck slots free again (f.e. Amok, Inferno and/or Cluster Explosion red).
But remember: Banidts can be difficult to play for beginners due to lack of cc and healing spells. However, it is an A-/S-tier faction if you can master it. So don't be discouraged.
PS: This is what my allrounder Bandit deck would look like (cPvE). Depending on the map, I would choose between Sunstriders or Nomads. But the whole thing changes significantly, of course, when you play a map where you have to defend a lot.
Xathe liked a post in a topic by Blashyrkh in Beginner looking for tips and help with deck
Nice to see a beginner get right into it with Bandits. I like that!
So as a first (cost effective) change I would do this:
1. I would replace Magma Hurler with Gunner (red) to benefit from the damage bonus of Corsair. Normally this unit combination + spell support is enough to master any T3 phase, even on expert.
2. Since you are still missing charges for your T4 units, I would add Rifle Cultists + Offering (green) to have a powerful T4 army faster.
3. Bloodhealing I would add to have a strong healing in T3. Works well with a lot of Gunner/ one or two Corsair + Unity.
4. Swap Rioter's Retreat blue with the green one and Commandos purple with Commandos blue. Both make a strong combination.
In the long run, you can't get past Mine in T1. Shrine of War for a good void manipulation should not be missing either. Inferno could be a nice addition too, but only with Shrine of War, because of the high energy cost. And last but not least: Amok!
Cards which I would remove
Unholy Power, Bandit Spearman, Soulhunter, Ravage, maybe Unholy Hero
Titan liked a post in a topic by Blashyrkh in Primeval Watcher - Upcoming Changes
I don't see why these changes should change that. The new orb requirement to 3nature1neutral will not make this better.
Blashyrkh liked a post in a topic by Volin in Being inactive makes maps not counting for Achievements
perhaps I'm wrong, but wasn't it the deal that even if you get inactive the match still counts for achievements. I mean if it does not count for that (as far as I know it does not count for quests either), as you get now reward, does it even make sense that the game warns you? Then the game could just kick me out as staying in the match does not make any sense, or do I miss something.
Put it on purpose not in the bug section as I might oversee something or I might not be well informed enough
PS: Don't ask me what I did 2,5h there - I just had a "meeting" and held the game open ^^
SpiritAlpha liked a post in a topic by Blashyrkh in Primeval Watcher - Upcoming Changes
I don't see why these changes should change that. The new orb requirement to 3nature1neutral will not make this better.
Reverend830 liked a post in a topic by Blashyrkh in Nightmare Shard - Discussion Thread
One of the biggest problems in my opinion are the extremely annoying random spell areas. The worst ones are at the entrance to the T2 bases. They don't allow you to start the map with various tactics which is why the well known Mana Wing start is so popular. If this spell area wouldn't exist in front of the T2 base, you would have the chance to build up an attack setup here. In the case of Frost f.e. it would be Northern Keep. This would make it possible to take the base without it becoming a bloody massacre. Also other tactics would be possible here (f.e. Shadow with Soulsplicer + Skeleton Warriors for tanking). All such things are not working because no formation is possible at the entrance of the base.
If you want to play it quite efficiently, you currently only have the Mana Wing start. Fire still works ok here (even more so on the right side since you can directly push the T3 here), but you are still limited too much with the tactics on this map. The future Nightguard change doesn't make it any better. Nightguard had allowed a fairly well-functioning shadow start here.
I think a map should be well playable with different tactics. I don't see that with Nightmare Shard currently and in the future.
Blashyrkh liked a post in a topic by Kapo in Mo - Discussion Thread
I really wonder why there was no thread for Mo 😃
There is one point I would heavily suggest to change: If you kill the Walker, it shouldn't respawn - no matter which difficulty. It is presented on this map as a "special boss" option, and once you kill it, it shouldn't come back.
Blashyrkh liked a post in a topic by Treim in Ashbone Pyro Deck
My Ashbone deck. This does work solo, you will need to have very good void manipulation to make this work on some maps though and LS maps can hurt. If you are new to this deck i recommedn playing with a friend first who also plays ashbones.
This one is more related to how you played them in the old speedruns - t3, with mass ashbones (20+) - obviously wheel stack and second chance do not exist anymore so we have to make do with some secondary cards.
The biggest advantage of an Ashboene-deck is that you do not need any t4 cards, so you can save 300 power on that, due to the missing cards above you need much more support cards than in the past which makes this quite an slot hungry deck:
Netherwarp to avoid the initial artillery shot from bases and to reach the spawn camp nicely, can also be used abilities such as Slavemaster Sandstorm, Shots from Commandowalker & Hellhound as well as generally a very good repositioning tool. i tend to port myself towards the outher edge of camps, preferably the side of the spawn camp, to reduce angles units can attack my ashbones from and to maximize the cc i get out of frenetic assault.
Triple Heal: Ashbones are quite fragile, especially so mass heal is required, due to their passive even in between camps. I like to use Surge of Light for when single Ashbones get low to save on charges - mostly not necassary if you play well around offering (which you should do anyways, to maximize Ashbones).
Revenge + CC for similar reasons. CC is vital and Frenetic Assault is doing that perfectly, also while Ashbones do damage it is not massive unless you have a huge army and Frenetic helps out greatly in that regard.
Infect: Great additional damage source and tanks a lot of damage, Motivate crawlers early on instead of ashbones to not cripple yourself for later camps too much. Your army will not be that massive early on and motivated crawlers do a lot of damage. Can clear up leftovers of camps and can be used afterwards to kill incomes early on if necassary.
Offering to get your Ashbone army rolling early on as well as to reset cooldowns for Frenetic Assault and Infect if necassary, as well as Netherwarp if necassary later on.
Motivate goes without speaking for shadow t1 and as mentioned usefull for crawlers and later on Ashbones.
FoF + Cultister Master for void manipulation (if someone has SoW, even better) - On some maps you might need 5 Cultist Masters: Group them up in 2 groups of 3 and 2 respectively and activate them anti cyclic every 15 seconds to essentially always get void back. (So start with the group of 3 --> after 15 seconds activate group of 2 --> after 15 seconds group 1 again --> ...)
Resource Booster to get the necassary power to build your army quickly, Ashbones in low numbers get VERY weak very fast, numbers are key here. Splicer for t1 clear
Inc Mo.: Only build against Lost Souls and Twilight - always use the benevolent Mo (yellow), against Lost Souls lets you avoid the anti ranged effect of Lost Dragons at least partially, Spellbreakers will debuff the Immunity from some of the Ashbones, but with sheer number it still makes sense, Against Twilight the twilight whisperers can mass blind your whole army which you can avoid with yellow mo.
Fallen Skyelf for bosses - you will never see a boss drop qiuet like with 20+ motivated ashbones + Fallen Skyelf on the boss.
Shadow Mage over Shadow Phoenix or Harvester because it is the most Slot efficient t2 unit in this deck. Shadow Mage works very well in rPvE with Netherwarp and Motivate, two cards which are mandatory for this deck anyways.
The rest should be self explanatory.
Blashyrkh liked a post in a topic by Kapo in Mind Control (T4 Card) - Upcoming Changes
I have to agree with @chickennoodler in general. Though we have heard on the other thread, that in concept Mind Control is super powerful (you remove and enemy and "spawn" an ally), it simply isn't. I have heard "take 2 shadow orbs, and you get frenetic" 1000 times, or "with 2 fire orbs you get cluster and earthshaker", etc. etc. Did anybody ever hear "With 2/3/4 Nature orbs, you get..."? That's because all those spells are either useless or severely under powered.
A comparable spell is Plague (since 3-shadow orbs required), and it disables AND annihilates not just one unit but everything in that camp (if it isn't one of the in the last row). I frankly don't understand why everybody is so worried to buff nature them to keep it "in check", while power-wise, other factions roll like a Deathstar through the camps, no matter if cPVE or rPVE.