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  1. salatinator liked a post in a topic by Ladadoos in BFP faded away after Buy-Error-message and restart   
    Thanks for the report. In all of these cases the lost BFP is only visual, because your client added too much BFP and then the server corrected it so it looks like lost BFP.
  2. theorangeguy liked a post in a topic by Ladadoos in Patch #400025 - 26 January 2021   
    Patch #400025
    Greetings Skylords, Skyladies and Skyfolk,
    this is a minor update as a follow-up to our previous patch #400024. Many of the changes/fixes in this update are behind-the-scenes, which means that there is not too much to show. Most of our time has been spent on tracking down and trying to solve the issues that are causing unexpected server downtimes. Thank you to everyone who has been understanding of the situation!
    General changes
    Prevented the player state to automatically change from `Do Not Disturb` (DND) to another state by the game automatically. For example, previously if you had set your state to DND and then started a match, your state would automatically be changed to `Ingame`. This does not happen anymore and if the player now manually sets their state to DND it will remain in that state until the player chooses the `Online` state again. General fixes
    Fixed in-game chat slow-mode also applying to group, team and match channels. 
  3. fiki574 liked a post in a topic by Ladadoos in Long-term stats and leaderboards   
    This is what I like to see: just raw graphs with to the point history of data  Maybe it would be nice to add a description to each graph? A very short sentence.
    Looking forward to see more graphs when we add more stats
  4. Ladadoos liked a post in a topic by Xeon in Long-term stats and leaderboards   
    I created a project to track long-term data of stats and leaderboards. I already posted this project in Skylords Reborn API topic, but I think it's worth creating a new topic.


    What's included?
    - Long-term tracking of available stats which are fetched every hour
    - PVP 1v1 Leaderboards (fetched every 6 hours)
    - PVP 1v1 Player Details for long-term progress

    To do:
    - Add other leaderboards like 2v2
    - Optimize mobile view

    Looking for:
    - Contributors
    - Feedback

    Thx ?

  5. fiki574 liked a post in a topic by Ladadoos in I Need your help! [Need replay files]   
    Alongside the replay files we keep track in a database metadata about each match: who played, what cards used how many times at what upgrade and charge (aka decks used), what map, when played, how long, what reward distribution mode, result of the match, the difficulty, ranked or not, who was the leader, who went AFK, gold chests opened per player etc. We have over 1.1 million replays since release.

    As of now replays are used for anti-cheat purposes (which fiki has been working on). A replay managing/sharing interface is a long-term goal, but no guarantees on that.
  6. Ladadoos liked a post in a topic by Fat4life in Export 3D Model / 3D Model Format   
    Here's a test print of the Ice barrier 3d model, with another model for reference (thank you  @Kiliangg )
    Im gonna try and paint one of them to the best of my abilities, see how that goes.

    I can see it now, a Battleforge miniature game... a man can dream 

  7. Torban liked a post in a topic by Ladadoos in Patch #400025 - 26 January 2021   
    Patch #400025
    Greetings Skylords, Skyladies and Skyfolk,
    this is a minor update as a follow-up to our previous patch #400024. Many of the changes/fixes in this update are behind-the-scenes, which means that there is not too much to show. Most of our time has been spent on tracking down and trying to solve the issues that are causing unexpected server downtimes. Thank you to everyone who has been understanding of the situation!
    General changes
    Prevented the player state to automatically change from `Do Not Disturb` (DND) to another state by the game automatically. For example, previously if you had set your state to DND and then started a match, your state would automatically be changed to `Ingame`. This does not happen anymore and if the player now manually sets their state to DND it will remain in that state until the player chooses the `Online` state again. General fixes
    Fixed in-game chat slow-mode also applying to group, team and match channels. 
  8. Ladadoos liked a post in a topic by Cocofang in Skylords unique relationship to speedrunning   
    So I think Skylords has a very unique relation to speedrunning that you usually never see in other games.
    To illustrate my point, imagine this situation:
    In some ego-shooter there is a very difficult room you have a shootout in and enemies come from all sides, there is little cover and ammo. Now imagine someone is searching for advice online and asks a community for help. What you can expect (aside from some "gitgud" replies) is probably people explaining where enemies come from, where to take cover at what moment and which enemies to focus on to get through. You know, normal gameplay stuff. Now imagine there is also someone that comes in and goes "lol this room is SO EASY, all you have to do is jump on the crate in the corner and shoot it with your revolver. the recoil makes it fall through the floor and you with it. now you are on the ground level. ezpz". What sort of reception do you think this sort of advice would get? Definitely not a positive one.
    That's because speedrunning and regularly playing the game are usually kept as two very distinct and separate ways to interact with a game.
    In Skylords, it's different. It has blurred together. Meta-gaming (approaching the game in a way that directly interfers with mechanics or uses hidden information of the game to gain advantages, playing outside the rules of the game) became part of normal gameplay.
    You see it expressed in sentiments and advice like:
    "the map is easy, just build Mark of the Keeper to mess with the ranged AI. if you keep them alive then scripted waves stop spawning"
    "yeah, it's pretty easy with Nightguard. that absurdly strong unit can be take over by her on this map, so just do that"
    "the timer doesn't matter. just block Jorne with buildings so he cannot follow his intended path"
    Many people have accepted this as the norm, the regular way to play Skylords. I don't know any other game where meta-gaming and exploit-strats from speedrunning are normalized to the point where when anyone asks for advice for specific maps the very first reply will most likely be something along those lines. Even the ambitious guide to all Expert maps lists known exploits as possible solutions.
    Some issues that come with this unique environment are:
    People start to completely and utterly depend on meta-gaming. Not only does it seem that many have never even played some maps without it, I regularly see people argue that exploits are downright necessary to beat some maps.
    Playing regularly gets looked upon unfavorably in multiplayer. If you don't do "whatever it takes" to win (as in, use the common exploits), you wasted everyone's time.
    It warps perceived power levels. Completely overpowered cards may be looked upon as - and I have fallen into this trap myself - "not so bad" because after all, there is this speedrunning exploit that's way more powerful.
    It warps perceived difficulty. Many Expert maps are extraordinarily difficult and require many tries and adjustments to deck and strategy if you attempt to solve them from scratch. But if you simply break the game, many hurdles downright vanish.
    You can perceive campaign PvE as "done" much sooner. Meta-gaming makes many maps much easier and quicker. You can tick them off, probably never revisiting them again because they are "solved".

    What I don't intend is to discredit speedrunning as a way to interact with the game and enjoy it. There is a lot of planning, learning, trial and error going into each speedrunning strat and many solutions people come up with are really clever. Trying to strain the games mechanics to their limits until they break and finding quirks to exploit for that one additional advantage that shaves another minute off your time is an impressive process. Not to mention some speedrunning strategies are very high-execution.
    What I am talking about is the various ways this game is affected by the blurred line between speedrunning and regular gameplay. The various exploits and meta-game strats that are commonplace in this approach across all video games do affect this game in very unique ways.
    What are some thoughts and experiences with this special environment?
  9. n0tLiQ liked a post in a topic by Ladadoos in UPDATE: BFP Reserves and Boosters   
    Or we realize that achievements are supposed to remain what they are: achievements. Not every achievement is for everyone and just because some players cannot finish it, is absolutely no reason to get rid of them. If anything, I would consider the reserves achievement to be the best achievement we have thus far. I have read so many players who had as goal to complete this achievement and felt rewarded once they did so. If achievements are too easy they stop being rewarding or have any meaningful impact. Plus you totally defeat the purpose of having said achievements.

    There are different achievements for different people. Calling this achievement not achievable is very unfair, especially considering more than 15% of players have already completed it.
  10. Tweeto liked a post in a topic by Ladadoos in New Amii Units Artwork (Sorceress DONE)   
    Nice progress! I like how you are comparing your artwork with the existing BattleForge artwork, I think that that is a very important step to make your artwork fit the style BattleForge currently uses. Here's what I think currently.
    The colors are too saturated. The shading is too smooth. Lack of finer detail in the texturing. I think these three points are relatively self-explanatory once you look and compare. Let me know if you agree with my points. Very nice work thus far though, looking forward to more!
  11. Ladadoos liked a post in a topic by Tweeto in New Amii Units Artwork (Sorceress DONE)   
    And we are done! (crits are more than welcome)
    Let me know if you guys have any preference on which model i should try to paint next (this time ill probably do few concepts before)
    and here as a card next to other cards, might need some minor color adjustments and maybe some details in the left part of the background
  12. xs0ulLess liked a post in a topic by Ladadoos in Booster discount for new Players after the 18.01.2021?   
    Like every event it has a start and end date and some players profit from it and some don't. Making an exception because some players missed it for whatever reason sounds silly to me. There will likely be more events in the future, so you will be able to profit from those.
  13. Ladadoos liked a post in a topic by Tweeto in New Amii Units Artwork (Sorceress DONE)   
    so after a good night sleep i decided to redo the face entirely plus got lots of progress today
    i think were getting there ^^
  14. Ladadoos liked a post in a topic by Hi Im Pan in All-time fastest speedrun rankings   
    Nightmare's End Solo 36:17.5 Hi8Im8Pan

  15. Ladadoos liked a post in a topic by Tweeto in New Amii Units Artwork (Sorceress DONE)   
    yo guys, i saw around here the developers mention they currently only able to reskin current models in order to make new units.
    so i was thinking about it and actually most of the factions have similar models already, with maybe minor differences but generally most of them change the texture and call it a new unit.
    with that said i took upon my self a little project to try and design new Amii cards that can be made in game with only changing textures hopefully that could give the devs some direction.
    ill keep updating this Topic as i get more progress, so let me know what you guys think
    for now here is the first sketches of an Amii Sorceress card art based on the fire dancer/frost sorceress model
    btw if you have better name im all ear lol, was thinking either Amii Sorceress or Night dancer, but they sound generic af :\

    and as a card:
  16. Dallarian liked a post in a topic by Ladadoos in Booster discount for new Players after the 18.01.2021?   
    Like every event it has a start and end date and some players profit from it and some don't. Making an exception because some players missed it for whatever reason sounds silly to me. There will likely be more events in the future, so you will be able to profit from those.
  17. Piranha88 liked a post in a topic by Ladadoos in A couple bugs I've picked up and 4K scaling   
    Hi @Klaidonis and welcome ! We have two servers currently: production and test. Production is where almost all players normally play and the test server is where players can test the latest updates/features/bug fixes before they are added to production. We have a discord server where details on how to join the test server are mentioned. Anyways, 1) and 2) should be fixed for the test server. As for 3), that is a long term goal of us to add 4k support. The UI of BattleForge is not necessarily very flexible and we realize that there are people in the community that play with 4k screens.
  18. Ladadoos liked a post in a topic by RealSonic in Possible updated new loading screen for the forge?   
    I made a updated version of the loading screen that connects the login screen and the forge. Its based of the original file from the game files. Could this be a alternative to the original?
    I had to compress it to post it here. But i can provide high quality version and make changes if needed. Please let me know what you think. I also made a poll in case you are too lazy to write but still want to show your support.

  19. Bkingn liked a post in a topic by Ladadoos in Didnt get my Booster Packs   
    Your account has never received enough BFP to be able to buy 4 booster packs. 2021-01-14 04:46:30 UTC was the only time you bought a booster pack.
  20. Sebu liked a post in a topic by Ladadoos in Introducing... Maze, our new web developer!   
    Greetings Skylords, Skyladies, and Skyfolks!

    We are happy to announce that @Maze has joined our team as a web developer. He has demonstrated to have time, knowledge and interest in the project, especially with the card price tracking website and card price notification bot he has been developing. For now he will be working with @freund17 on new tools and services, more prominently internal moderation tools. That being said, he has shown interest in other areas such as Data Analysis, which can for example become very useful to analyze the effect of balance changes in the future. 

    Best Regards,
    Skylords Reborn Team
  21. Ladadoos liked a post in a topic by evoprodo in Battleforge streamers   
    Hello Ladys and Gentleman,
    my name is René and im 27 years old. I´m streaming Battleforge Pve and Pvp on Twitch. I also try to prove myself as a caster for the German community.
    I've been playing the game since it was released and I've been waiting longingly for the rerelease. I hope you just stop by and join me on my way to become a better caster.
    Twitch: twitch.tv/thepretez
  22. Strider liked a post in a topic by Ladadoos in Patch #400023 - 06 January 2021   
    Patch #400023 
    Greetings Skylords, 
    this is a minor update that most importantly fixes some issues players were having with their quests, daily boost and booster discount not refreshing. 
    General changes
    Changed e-mail input field in the login screen to only allow e-mails shorter than 140 characters. Changed the post-game chat notification about received rewards to clarify that the received rewards are upgrades. Before:  After:  General fixes
    Fixed players not receiving new quests, their daily boost not refilling or the game thinking they had already bought their daily discounted booster when they did not. Fixed "Open all gold chests on campaign map" quest not working on Treasure Fleet. Fixed client freeze when trying to whisper a player that contained characters from the Cyrillic alphabet. Fixed gained upgrades after winning a match sometimes not showing in the players inventory.  Card changes
    Improved description of Winter Witch in Russian.  Reverted displayed attack type of Shadow Worm to "L" instead of "XL", since the conversion of attack type isn't functioning correctly. The attack type may be changed to XL in a future balance patch.
  23. RuneSeeker liked a post in a topic by Ladadoos in Advertising the Game   
    Likely our biggest and only form of advertisement for now will be contacting youtubers, magazines, streamers etc. to write or talk about our project, or even better to play and share that experience with others. The open stress phase was very useful to fix prominent bugs, but now we need to also first make sure our servers still work properly when there are many more players online. Since release me and zyna have already fixed a couple of issues that were not easily detectable with lower player base. The servers are handling it very well and release could almost not have gone better, but we just want to make sure that any possible issues due to the increase in players are fixed first before we start actively advertising using the previously mentioned methods.
  24. Emmaerzeh liked a post in a topic by Ladadoos in Introducing... Maze, our new web developer!   
    Greetings Skylords, Skyladies, and Skyfolks!

    We are happy to announce that @Maze has joined our team as a web developer. He has demonstrated to have time, knowledge and interest in the project, especially with the card price tracking website and card price notification bot he has been developing. For now he will be working with @freund17 on new tools and services, more prominently internal moderation tools. That being said, he has shown interest in other areas such as Data Analysis, which can for example become very useful to analyze the effect of balance changes in the future. 

    Best Regards,
    Skylords Reborn Team
  25. Dallarian liked a post in a topic by Ladadoos in Patch #400023 - 06 January 2021   
    Replays only break with balance changes, not with every update 
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