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CCC #3 - You think this game looks good? - UNTIL 08. MAR 2022


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Hello Skylords, Skyladies and other Skybeings; and welcome to CCC #3 – the third Crappy Community Contest!


The jury is meeting in the next days to decide the winners.
If you are just here to grab the booster code, there you go: CCCP-RETT-YPIC-TURE


What are “Crappy Community Contests”?

This and future CCC's are meant to be small-scale contests with weird challenges, hopefully luring you away from well-trodden paths. They are small-scale on the organizers side too: there will not be a stream, video or event announcing the winners. What's special about these contests is a participation price for the whole community.


What, when, where, how?

Every CCC tries to provide something new – CCC#3 offers a competition of a totally different kind. The plan is to move this time away from speedrunning, away from maps, even away from playing…let's smash some preconceptions of what a Community Contest can be about, shall we?


You think this game looks good?

    Painters and sculptors praise Nyn for its beauty,
poets and sages tell stories of ancient wars and their heroes.

For this challenge, submit an in-game screenshot of Skylords Reborn
that shows how awesome our beloved game is. 

There is no theme or motive given – you can submit something with action, something funny, an impressing landscape, something beautiful or anything else. A jury will judge the most impressive works through a point-system and discussion to determine the winners. There are some rules:

  • Entries must be in a commonly known file format, like JPG or PNG.
  • You may only submit one entry (You may submit a new entry within the time-limit, but make sure to delete the old one. If you do not, the oldest one will count.)
  • Your picture must be a screenshot from within the normal game content (no drawings, map editor, modded content, animations etc.; but the test server is allowed)
  • You may crop the image, but any other image manipulation is not permitted
  • Screenshots should not show inappropriate content or chat messages 
  • “Zero-Thought-Screenshots” of the empty Forge to drive up the participant count may be disqualified 😉


The contest has already started – submit your screenshot to through Discord (DM to Kapo#0116) or the Skylords Forum (DM to @Kapo) until 08 MAR 2022, 23:59 CET  (= 14 days time total). To reduce my workload, you may rename your file to CCC3_<<IGN>.jpg (e.g. CCC3_Kapo.jpg).

A diverse jury of a staff member, an art-critique member and me will judge the entries and determine the winners. Please note: with entering the contest, you agree that the Skylords Team may use your Screenshot for promotional purposes, and that your entry will be displayed in a gallery when announcing the winners.


What's the prize pool?

Since this is not just a Crappy Contest, but a Crappy Community Contest, you may earn a price for the whole Community. If we reach more than 35 participants (unique players, not entries), you will unlock a Mini-Booster code for the entire Skylords Community. If more than 50 participants enter, it will be upgraded to a General Booster instead of a Mini-Booster. So tell your fellow Skylords to participate – it raises our chances to hand out a code for everybody. 

This Prize Pool is organized very differently from CCC #1 and #2 because of the nature of an artistic competition and the high number of cards I already received from generous sponsors (see below). Though the prize pool seems a little vague, rest assured this will be the contest with the most (valuable) prizes on a CCC so far.

The Skylords with the most impressive entries will get prices too:

Winner                 Juggernaut Promo
Gold Tier              Selection of Boosters and High-Value Cards
Silver Tier            Random Selection of Mid-to-High Value Cards

The number of people in Gold and Silver tier will be determined by the number of participants. Minimum Gold tier members is Rank 2-10, but could be expanded. 

For participation, there is a random chance to win:

Random Draws          Infect, Mountaineer, Disenchant G, Forest Elder P, Worldbreaker Gun, Banzai P, Mine, Deepcoil Worm (this may be expanded too)


If one or more mighty Skylord(s) decides to sponsor this event, please contact me. I would be more than happy to expand the prize pool. 

The following prices have been sponsored so far:

Skylords Team    Gold Tier prizes, Community Booster Code
Kapo                  Juggernaut Promo
Dolewan             Worldbreaker Gun
Simplifying          Silver Tier Prizes
CrazyCockerell    Magma Fiend, Overlord, Inferno, Bloodhorn R, Satanael R, War Eagle, Boom Brothers, Fire Dragon, Shaman, Shadow Phoenix, Necrofury, Aggressor B, Vulcan
Kemek1              Enlightenment

Simplifying, a player who stopped playing, also donated his complete account. His treasure trove contained every high value card you can imagine, from Infect over Dreadnought to an unending number of Rares. His cards will go in part into random draws and Silver tier in this contest, but it is so much that it will be used for future CCCs too. He expressed how nice the community is, and he wanted to give something back, so I’m very honored by his donation, and we wish him farewell. 


Info and Tips on Screenshots

To make a screenshot, you may

  • Use the ingame hotkey CTRL-O
  • Use the Windows shortcut SHIFT + WIN + S
  • Use the PrintScr-Button and paste it into the editiing program of your choice with CTRL-V

To help you along with creating what you want, here are some basic and advanced tips:

Basic Tips

  • Spoiler


    • The shortcut CTRL+U hides all UI elements, especially health bars 
    • Besides the usual zooming, you are able to use INSERT and DELETE to rotate the camera
    • If you want a screenshot with some action going on, it may be advisable to execute what you want first, and then make the screenshot in the replay. In the replay, you have all the time in the world to get the right moment & angle
    • And last but not least – most images look better if you crop them 



Advanced Tips

  • Spoiler


    • If you want to have some units on the picture you don't own, you don't need to buy them – on the Test Server you have everything!
    • If you usually do not play at maxed out settings, when using a replay you can ramp your settings up and may see some more detailed textures and effects 
    • If you edit the config.json file, "viscamera"-subsection, you can edit some options to make the camera more flexible
    • While placing a building, you can use CTRL+Mouse-Wheel to turn the building before placing, so you may see them from a different side



If you share some other useful trips or tricks in the comments, I will add it to these tips.

Asked Questions

Q: Will the entries be made anonymous, so everybody gets a fair chance?
A: Yes. But I will see them when renaming the entries to numbers, and I am part of the jury. The other two will not know who sent what.

Q: Is it a bad if an entry has no promotional value, and is just quirky or funny?
A: No. Though the entries will be handed over to the SR Team, it is no bonus point if it is usable to them or not.


In conclusion

I know this isn't what most of you would have expected from the next CCC, but I’d really want to expand what a community contest can be about. 

Yet, I am very curious how creative you guys can get! One thing though: Don’t forget beauty lies in the eye of the beholder, so just show us what you like about the game, but do not get salty if you don't win.

Good luck and best regards,



Future Events

If you are interested in helping with these (or better) kinds of events for the community, or want to host one yourself, don't be afraid and simply reach out! Contact our beloved Event Managers Minashigo Hiko and Metagross31 on the forums or discord. They are happy to assist you with upcoming events and with sponsoring your prize pool!

If you especially like this small-scale-format, and you have an idea for it, you may also contact me directly to discuss your idea – maybe you want to host your own Crappy Community Contest!


Edited by Kapo
Dutchy, RadicalX, Kzuu and 8 others like this
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  • Kapo changed the title to CCC #3 - You think this game looks good? - UNTIL 08. MAR 2022
6 hours ago, Kapo said:

“Zero-Thought-Screenshots” of the empty Forge to drive up the participant count may be disqualified 😉

Totally got me there... 🥴


I feel like I got absolutely no artistic skills and only thing I can help would be trying to unlocking community mini boosters (or even better, general boosters). I hope it isn't too hard to keep an eye on something during regular play. I will have to make use of the helpful tips (I generally play at much lower settings so will need use replays).


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5 minutes ago, Lans said:


I feel like I got absolutely no artistic skills and only thing I can help would be trying to unlocking community mini boosters (or even better, general boosters). I hope it isn't too hard to keep an eye on something during regular play. I will have to make use of the helpful tips (I generally play at much lower settings so will need use replays).


I totally get you.... 😃

Please don't be under any impression that this is some artsy-fartsy super-duper event. It is _still_ a crappy contest. When I added that that rule, I literally meant you may not enter with a screenshot of ... nothing, just showing the UI. Anything better than nothing will do for participation.

So, try to have fun with it, in any way you want. If you manage that, and you also like what you did, that's in my definition already pretty artistic.

Edited by Kapo
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  • Dutchy featured and pinned this topic
  • 2 weeks later...
11 minutes ago, Lans said:

So I think this is ending soon? I hope we got enough people doing event for that sweet sweet mini-booster code or even better if it gets upgraded... Come on people! 🙂

Correct, in 2 hours its done 😃

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Time's up!

A total of 41 participants entered, so we earned a Mini-Booster-Code for the whole community: CCCP-RETT-YPIC-TURE

In the next days, the jury will meet to decide upon the entries, so you guys will have to wait until I can open up the gallery of all entries.

Edited by Kapo
Lans, Dutchy, Kzuu and 2 others like this
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Was just checking that we were just 9 people short of being upgraded to General Booster but also finally catching that @Simplifyingretiring from game (yeah I didn't read the full post 😜 before)... Sad to see you go but hopefully you'll visit us on forums once in a while. I'm not expecting to win anything since I don't have much confidence in my own entry (I already claimed my mini Booster 😍) but looking forward to see works of others. Thank you everyone for making this happen and good luck to all participants.


Yeah, game still looks pretty good.


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On 3/9/2022 at 7:27 PM, RuneSeeker said:

Who knew a game released in 2009 can still look so good in 2022? 🤎

I just realised... Battleforge was released on my Birthday.


While Battleforge has it's own unique fantasy climate and is great, if I was to guess for 2009 game looking better I'd go for this:


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Hello again Skylords, Skyladies and other Skybeings; The jury had its say, and it's time to announce the winners!

But first, I’d like to thank everyone for making the Crappy Community Contest #3 happen – no matter in what way: participation, sponsoring prizes, spreading the word or helping me to organize it. Of course, a special thanks goes to the two Jurors who carried the burden of deciding with me: @CrazyCockerell (as representative of the Art Critique Team) and @Minashigo Hiko (as representative of the Skylords Team).

Before revealing the winners, please remember that all art is subjective, so I want to present to you a gallery of all entries, so you can see all the entries for yourself: <CLICK HERE>


I'll proudly present to you the Winner of CCC #3:


Congratulations to Dutchy, winning a Juggernaut Promo, a Frost Booster, and a Rogan Kayle!

The following Skylords made it into the Gold Tier: (sorted alphabetically)

Dallarian               Frost Booster, Battleship
Evilkasi                  Nature Booster, Deepcoil Worm
Fero_lol                 Nature Booster, Forest Elder (P)
General_Thugdil    Lost Booster, Winter Witch, Fallen Skyelf, Lost Vigil G
Heretic                  Stonekin Booster, Mo
Little_Ducky          Frost Booster, Frost Mage (x2)
SirDawill91            Frost Booster, Dreadnought
THE_BIG_WET        Nature Booster, Worldbreaker Gun
Ultralord               Frost Booster, Frost Shard
Velanir                  Bandit Booster, Banzai Lord P

The following Skylords made it into the Silver Tier: (sorted alphabetically)

DarkDragon      Overlord
Lans                 Abomination P
Midra               Fire Worm
Sylar                 Battleship
Volin                Corsair P

As some winners may notice, prices received depend on the units depicted on the entry.

Winners of the Random Draws:

Draw 1      Omnilisk924        Infect
Draw 2      DarkDragon        Mountaineer
Draw 3      Arenguros           Disenchant (G)
Draw 4      Shirokami            Forest Elder (P)
Draw 5      Dolewan             Battleship
Draw 6      Wanky                Banzai Lord (P)
Draw 7      PeterPanda         Mine
Draw 8      Kserske               Deepcoil Worm
Draw 9      Reverend830      Enlightenment

I will send you the prizes as soon as possible through ingame mail. 


In conclusion

Thanks again to all who helped to make this happen. I am still searching for new CCC ideas, so if you got any, please drop me a direct message here: @Kapo

If you have a crappy idea for future CCC's you may share and discuss that with me, maybe you can host your own Crappy Contest! Feel free to contact me anytime. If you want to discuss or host a non-crappy contest, contact our Event Managers, Hiko and/or Metagross. They are super supportive and will help you to organize your event!

Hope you enjoyed the contest, I see you in the Forge!

Edited by Kapo
Dutchy, Ultralord, wanky and 7 others like this
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Random Draw and Silver Tier Prizes have been sent out; Gold Tier will take a bit.

(in case one of the gold winners is wondering why others already received their cards)

And a small Update: The Jury made a small error in the process, and we overlooked an entry that should have been awarded Gold Tier - so we upgraded that entry (but we didnt push someone else down to Silver). The Winners post has been updated accordingly.

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  • Majora unfeatured and unpinned this topic

I just sent out the Gold Tier Prizes.

Thanks again to all the sponsors: Dolewan, Simplifying, CrazyCockerell, Kemek1 and the Skylords Reborn Team.

This concludes all business concerning the Crappy Community Contest #3.

Metagross31 and Volin like this
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