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Patch #400045 - 27 January 2024


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Just to clarify, our rPvE changes did not impact or change bandits in any way. The issues people are voicing now, are not new and were present under the old difficulty logic as well. What was changed is the naming, and the addition of ''9.5'' (for each faction). 

The difference in difficulty of, say, bandits vs Lost Souls, is another issue altogether, and might be something for our map team to look into adjusting in the future. However, our current focus is on the new campaign maps, so we are unable to promise changes coming to bandits for the near future.  

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From what I have been told the problem with PvE presets is that single-player is linked with multi-player.

Which means if you were to change anything about what Bandits do in rPvE 4P, you would inadvertently change them in rPvE 1P as well. However, the various factions are much better balanced difficulty-wise in 1P. So making Bandits, say, 50% harder in 4P to make them somewhat similar in difficulty to the other factions would simultaneously make them almost impossibly hard in 1P. We cannot fix 4P preset-balance without utterly breaking 1P preset-balance.

Those are very unfortunate circumstances that we have inherited here and untangling that is a large undertaking. Which is why it seems like nothing is happening with that issue. There is awareness and willingness but the game stands in the way as of now.

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15 hours ago, Cocofang said:

From what I have been told the problem with PvE presets is that single-player is linked with multi-player.

Which means if you were to change anything about what Bandits do in rPvE 4P, you would inadvertently change them in rPvE 1P as well. However, the various factions are much better balanced difficulty-wise in 1P. So making Bandits, say, 50% harder in 4P to make them somewhat similar in difficulty to the other factions would simultaneously make them almost impossibly hard in 1P. We cannot fix 4P preset-balance without utterly breaking 1P preset-balance.

Those are very unfortunate circumstances that we have inherited here and untangling that is a large undertaking. Which is why it seems like nothing is happening with that issue. There is awareness and willingness but the game stands in the way as of now.

A simple solution to this could be the option to choose which factions you want to play against. I bevieve that would make everyone happy. People who like it easy could then disable difficult factions and people like me could play against Fire and Lost Souls all day long. How hard would it be to implement that?

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4 hours ago, Fimion said:

A simple solution to this could be the option to choose which factions you want to play against. I bevieve that would make everyone happy. People who like it easy could then disable difficult factions and people like me could play against Fire and Lost Souls all day long. How hard would it be to implement that?

The problem there would be what if you go into a 4p map and all players have completely different settings.

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I don't know about how hard that would be, however the actual question here is: Should we?

People that desperately yearn for a challenge have Ex+ where all factions are quite hard. Going up against a random faction is a core functionality of the mode. It's unfortunate that some are "duds" but it's still an essential mechanic. The more power you give to reduce randomness the more you erode the mode as rPvE.

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There is 12 "presets" (more like collections of presets), originally there was 10



And they was exclusive to the "map" (max player count), and they have about same probability on given "map".

There was desire from players to have all of these "presets" on all maps, so we have over 400 lines of code, just to select the preset with different probabilities based on "map".

So "easy" solution would be to go back to the original way, and have presets that are "somehow" balanced for a "map" only on that "map", and once the "presets" are finished for all "maps" add them there, or make a different version for each "map" to have it balanced even better for that "map".

5 hours ago, Fimion said:

A simple solution to this could be the option to choose which factions you want to play against. I bevieve that would make everyone happy. People who like it easy could then disable difficult factions and people like me could play against Fire and Lost Souls all day long. How hard would it be to implement that?

🤔And would you remember to select same preset when watching a replay? Because replay would not know which preset you selected before, so if you would choose a different one, you would get desync instantly. (Also already mentioned, you would get desync if players in the team would choose a different preset, they would practically be on different maps)
It would be an easy solution, but I do not think players would like it.

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4 minutes ago, Kubik said:

🤔And would you remember to select same preset when watching a replay? Because replay would not know which preset you selected before, so if you would choose a different one, you would get desync instantly. (Also already mentioned, you would get desync if players in the team would choose a different preset, they would practically be on different maps)
It would be an easy solution, but I do not think players would like it.

The host would select which factions the group is going to play against just like selecting Map of the Month. When you watch map of the month replays the game doesnt crash.


22 minutes ago, Cocofang said:

I don't know about how hard that would be, however the actual question here is: Should we?

People that desperately yearn for a challenge have Ex+ where all factions are quite hard. Going up against a random faction is a core functionality of the mode. It's unfortunate that some are "duds" but it's still an essential mechanic. The more power you give to reduce randomness the more you erode the mode as rPvE.

I dont see why not people could still play the regular way i think giving people more options is only going to make Battleforge more interesting.

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The replay does not contain any information about what preset was selected, and when selecting map of the month, no client needs to know about that, they will now select same "preset" based on the map seed which is single number between 1 and 65535 (both inclusive), if that choice would be left to user, each user could choose differently.

If you want to play any specific map, you can just generate it using editor, and play it as an community map, you already have that choice.

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36 minutes ago, Kubik said:

The replay does not contain any information about what preset was selected, and when selecting map of the month, no client needs to know about that, they will now select same "preset" based on the map seed which is single number between 1 and 65535 (both inclusive), if that choice would be left to user, each user could choose differently.

Well i have no idea how Battleforge is programmed but the choice would be left to the host not each individual player but what you wrote probably means that this is technically not possible.


36 minutes ago, Kubik said:

If you want to play any specific map, you can just generate it using editor, and play it as an community map, you already have that choice.

Yeah but it would be hard to find players because it sometimes even takes very long to find players for regular Expert and Expert+.


Another option would be to give us multiple Maps of the Month one for each faction.

Edited by Fimion
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Hotfix - 05 February 2024


General Changes

  • Campaign PvE maps will now only award gold for the first 60 minutes of play time.
  • Added difficulty numbers alongside the new rPvE difficulty names.
  • Added an experimental feature to save the Community Map filters, which can only be enabled in the config.json file via the setting: "community_map_filters_save": true
  • The original rPvE 10 portraits have been reinstated alongside the new versions for players who completed the "A Need For Speed" Achievement before this patch.

General Fixes

  • Surrender notifications will now display the correct player name again.
  • Added the legacy avatar chosen at character creation to every player's inventory. Players who previously spent gold on the avatar received a 15000 gold refund.
  • The remaining time for the daily boost will now be rounded correctly once again.
  • Fixed the button in the "Go to existing match..." popup not functioning in some cases.
  • Fixed issues related to quests. They will no longer disappear or cause the game to crash upon finishing a match.
  • The 12-player Ascension and Passage to Darkness scenarios will now properly unlock when the required maps are completed.
  • PvP maps now properly handle non-player teams. This allows for the creation of PvPvE maps.

Card Fixes

  • Raven Archwalker:
    • Mode switch Corrupting Shot
      • Fixed an issue which prevented the card from attacking in this mode.
  • Lost Banestone:
    • Active ability Blessed Underworld Gate / Tainted Underworld Gate:
      • Added a tooltip that the target is invalid when attempting to curse an already affected unit.
  • Lost Manabeast:
    • Active ability Immortalize:
      • Fixed an issue on upgrades U0-U2 that would kill the Manabeast instead of the affected Revenants at the end of their Revenant's Doom.
      • Improved the upgrade card descriptions to be more consistent.
  • Lost Reaver (Fire) / Lost Reaver (Shadow):
    • Active ability Infused Mob / Tainted Mob:
      • Increase life points of summoned Lost Crawlers from 260/280/310/310 to 330/360/400/400.
  • Lost Shade (Shadow)
    • Passive ability Tainted Union:
      • Added a missing upgrade 3 change to be displayed on the upgrade card.
  • Lost Spirit Ship (Fire) / Lost Spirit Ship (Nature):
    • Autocast ability Torpedo Gun:
      • Corrected displayed damage radius from 15m to 10m.
  • Lost Warlord (Fire) / Lost Warlord (Frost):
    • Active ability Onslaught:
      • Corrected displayed revenant lifetime from 15 seconds to 25 seconds.
      • Improved the upgrade card descriptions to be more consistent.
    • Passive ability Infused Undying / Blessed Undying:
      • Improve spacing on affected card visualizations to be more consistent.
  • Overlord:
    • Active ability Blood Share:
      • Increased the activation cost from 1000 life points to 1500 life points.
  • Promise of Life (Frost):
    • Blessed Revive:
      • Removed the unhealable effect on the target after its resurrection.
      • Decreased the unhealable effect duration to align with the actual spell duration from 30 seconds on all upgrades to 20/25/30/30 seconds.
    • Gifted Revive:
      • Improved the card description to be more consistent.
      • Decreased the unhealable effect duration to align with the actual spell duration from 30 seconds on all upgrades to 20/25/30/30 seconds.
  • Tectonic Shift:
    • Changed the card's orb requirements from 1 Frost + 1 Nature + 1 Hybrid to 1 Frost + 1 Nature + 1 Neutral.
    • Active ability Terrestrial Gate:
      • The ability will no longer go on cooldown when the teleport fails due to collisions with other buildings.
      • Improved the upgrade card descriptions to be more consistent in German.
      • Buildings with tunnel abilities will now update their visual effects when teleported.
  • Phase Tower
    • Active ability Relocation:
      • The ability will no longer go on cooldown when the teleport fails due to collisions with other buildings.
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