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  1. WatcherOfSky liked a post in a topic by Majora in Community update #9 - August 14th 2021   
    Greetings Skylords!

    It's been two weeks already since our last community update so it's time to bring you up to speed with everything going on in Skylords Reborn!

    Deep Dive: Rarities
    As our development of new cards continues, a frequently asked question is the upcoming rarities. These will be the first brand new cards for Skylords Reborn, so we want to have a system in place to provide insights on what makes a card common, uncommon, rare or ultra rare. We have explored this in a document, providing a deep dive into the rarities EA used in their first edition for the game: the Twilight Edition. Even though these are not always consistent, and expansions have not made things any easier, we still can take some lessons from the current distribution and apply it going forward. 
    If you are interested in the thought process behind card rarities and how we will decide them for our new cards, you can read the full document here: Designing_for_Card_Rarity.pdf
    And in case you missed them, here are the rarity icons for our new cards:

    Test Server Patch Notes
    Iteration 17 of our test server is here! Check out the patch notes. This patch mainly finalizes the PvP changes which will soon hit the live server. Please keep in mind that these changes are all relative to the previous iteration. The final PvE changes will go live in the next iteration. 
    There are also some noteworthy requested general changes in this iteration. We fixed the inventory sorting, which should now properly sort the cards as specified. We also added a power well and a monument for each player in the forge. You can now test out all your damage combo's without the need to find a building that has exactly the same amount of health as these buildings. 
    We also made another change to the game that will certainly be the topic of many conversations in the future. We added a preliminary fix so units in PvE maps always have correct orb and power costs. This means that certain abilities, like e.g. Nightguard Swap or Mindcontrol cannot ignore the orb requirements anymore. Please note these changes will not be included in the next live server patch. We want to test and gather feedback before making a change like this, but first had to figure out if it was even possible. You can discuss these and other changes on our balance discord.

    Next Live Patch Delayed
    Because of a delay of the Test Server Patch we sadly also have to delay the Live Patch we were hoping to release this week. Since this is going to be a big one, we need a little more time to make sure all the bugs (not you Scythe Fiend) are taken care of before we patch to live. Please be patient a bit longer, we are still hoping for a release in August. 

    Special Effect Tool
    Last Community Update we gave you a sneak peek at our new special effect tool. With the this tool we will be able to create fancy new spells and effects. Even though we are currently not able to add new models to the game, this is a great step in allowing us to create new visually appealing content. 
    We are looking for players who are interested in learning how to create special effects and give feedback on how to improve the tool. If you are interested in this, please reach out to Ladadoos on Discord for a quick explanation. We have plans to open source the editor in the future.

    Tournaments & Events
    • NEW: Feedback official PvE events
    Now that we have hosted two official events, we are looking for some feedback regarding both the events and the stream to improve upon them where possible. Feedback is anonymous and can be provided here. Please keep the feedback constructive and understand we do this in our free time. 

    • Finished: Community Tournament: Toggy's Tome Invitational
    If you played BattleForge back in the day you might remember Tomes. In this gamemode you get a selection of boosters that you have to use to build your deck with, after which you play PvP matches. While Tomes got discontinued around the end of BattleForge and are not available in Skylords Reborn, Toggy hosted a limited-access event last weekend to relive the experience. It was a great success, with crazy off-meta plays and is bound to return. For now you can rewatch the stream in case you missed it. 

    • NEW : Community Tournament: Toggy's Tome Tournament - August 22th
    A new tome tournament has been announced! This one is open for everyone, but you need to sign up in advance by contacting Toggy. This will be another Tome tournament, meaning you will build a deck with a selection of random cards and play PvP matches with them. Sign up and read the details about it here. 

    • Host your own event / tournament
    Want to host a tournament or event? Please reach out to our Event Organizer Hiko to have your event prizes sponsored by us. If you have a cool idea for a PvE event, or want to host a PvP tournament, please don't hesitate to reach out to us, we will gladly assist you. 

    New Team Members / Open Positions
    We are happy to welcome a new member to the team: Kerkk has joined us as a web developer! 
    We could definitely need some more help with the Skylords Reborn project however.
    Below are three roles highlighted, but you can find more information, desired traits and all our open positions here. 
    Open Position - Map Tester 
    As a map tester you get early access to new maps and gamemodes and are responsible to playtest them and provide feedback to the other map developers about possible issues or improvements. This includes check how balanced the map is, how fun it is to play, if there are any exploits, if areas on the map need to be prettified etc. Map developers/designers/artists should be able to rely on you to make sure maps that are released or changed are done so properly.

    Open Position - Marketeer / Outreach Coordinator
    As a Marketeer / Outreach Coordinator you are responsible to spread the word and create awareness about Skylords Reborn and to attract veteran and new players alike. This includes actively researching and reaching out to potentially interested streamers, youtubers, Discord channels, game magazines, among others. You will be responsible for the communication to and from interested parties and for any promotion deals (for example involving scratch codes). Please note that Skylords Reborn cannot do any paid promotions.

    Open Position - Artist
    As an artist you are responsible to create the visuals required for new content. This is a broad position and there are many areas where you could help in, depending on your skills and interests. Think of loading screen artwork for new maps, card artwork for new cards, visual UI elements for new features that involve adding UI to the game, banners for events/tournaments/community challenges/large game updates etc. Our current artist Tweeto is hard at work on new cards, but he can only do so much. If you have the skills and want to speed up the progress, please reach out to us. 

    In Conclusion
    Thanks for reading! 
    Is there anything you wish us to cover in upcoming community updates? As always, we are open to feedback so please let us know!
    Here is a scratch code you can redeem in-game for 100bfp. COMM-UNIT-YUPD-ATE9
    The code is valid till August 28th. 
    Community Update #6
    Community Update #7
    Community Update #8
  2. Majora liked a post in a topic by Aviat0r in Remove requirement for Administration Rights on Launcher   
    I'm glad that you think about security aspects in our software. And you're indeed right with what you say. Admin privileges are actually a "No Go" for today's software.
    The Updater itself doesn't need any administrative privileges in the system. The fact that it still forces the user to start it like that is a problem from the past where we were still in the development process of how the packets were sent to our server instead of the EA ones. Fun fact ... even the EA BattleForge Bootstrapper required admin rights. 🙂 
    In the past, our little piece of extremely important software (let us call it Injector for now) was started along with the BattleForge executable and injected itself into the BattleForge process. The injector itself was invisible for the user and ran as a background process. The injection however was only possible with admin privileges since you have to call a method where you need those privileges. Otherwise the method call would fail. We decided to transfer those permissions over to the Updater since all processes called by it will also start with the same privileges (also called AsInvoker in manifest files). The reason for that was, that the user doesn't get a system popup for a software he can't see (the Injector) and maybe denies the execution of it. If he would, the game wouldn't start and connect to our servers at all. That's for the history of the injector.
    Unfortunately at some point there were some pieces of information which got stored afterwards at some places on the user's PC which can only be accessed with write permissions when the software will be started with administrative privileges. This wasn't the intention in the beginning. And the information isn't stored by the Updater, but by the game. That information will need to be stored somewhere else before we can remove the admin rights request for the Updater. But we're of course in the process of doing so. I actually expect an update for the current Updater in the upcoming days/weeks to remove that whole thing.
    Side note: I was always against an Updater which needs that high level of privileges. Some users (and I count myself to that group of users) don't like software, which require these permissions, at all. And maybe that's also a reason for them to not use that software.

    When we remove those permissions, we need to make sure, that the Updater and the game can access all files with all needed permissions. That's also the reason why our installer doesn't accept directories as installation location which are protected by Windows. Those locations are however hardcoded.
    I hope you can live with the fact that it requires those permissions for another few days or weeks. They will for sure be removed in the near future.
    Sneak preview: The new Updater won't have that requirement at all.
  3. Toggy liked a post in a topic by Majora in Community update #9 - August 14th 2021   
    Greetings Skylords!

    It's been two weeks already since our last community update so it's time to bring you up to speed with everything going on in Skylords Reborn!

    Deep Dive: Rarities
    As our development of new cards continues, a frequently asked question is the upcoming rarities. These will be the first brand new cards for Skylords Reborn, so we want to have a system in place to provide insights on what makes a card common, uncommon, rare or ultra rare. We have explored this in a document, providing a deep dive into the rarities EA used in their first edition for the game: the Twilight Edition. Even though these are not always consistent, and expansions have not made things any easier, we still can take some lessons from the current distribution and apply it going forward. 
    If you are interested in the thought process behind card rarities and how we will decide them for our new cards, you can read the full document here: Designing_for_Card_Rarity.pdf
    And in case you missed them, here are the rarity icons for our new cards:

    Test Server Patch Notes
    Iteration 17 of our test server is here! Check out the patch notes. This patch mainly finalizes the PvP changes which will soon hit the live server. Please keep in mind that these changes are all relative to the previous iteration. The final PvE changes will go live in the next iteration. 
    There are also some noteworthy requested general changes in this iteration. We fixed the inventory sorting, which should now properly sort the cards as specified. We also added a power well and a monument for each player in the forge. You can now test out all your damage combo's without the need to find a building that has exactly the same amount of health as these buildings. 
    We also made another change to the game that will certainly be the topic of many conversations in the future. We added a preliminary fix so units in PvE maps always have correct orb and power costs. This means that certain abilities, like e.g. Nightguard Swap or Mindcontrol cannot ignore the orb requirements anymore. Please note these changes will not be included in the next live server patch. We want to test and gather feedback before making a change like this, but first had to figure out if it was even possible. You can discuss these and other changes on our balance discord.

    Next Live Patch Delayed
    Because of a delay of the Test Server Patch we sadly also have to delay the Live Patch we were hoping to release this week. Since this is going to be a big one, we need a little more time to make sure all the bugs (not you Scythe Fiend) are taken care of before we patch to live. Please be patient a bit longer, we are still hoping for a release in August. 

    Special Effect Tool
    Last Community Update we gave you a sneak peek at our new special effect tool. With the this tool we will be able to create fancy new spells and effects. Even though we are currently not able to add new models to the game, this is a great step in allowing us to create new visually appealing content. 
    We are looking for players who are interested in learning how to create special effects and give feedback on how to improve the tool. If you are interested in this, please reach out to Ladadoos on Discord for a quick explanation. We have plans to open source the editor in the future.

    Tournaments & Events
    • NEW: Feedback official PvE events
    Now that we have hosted two official events, we are looking for some feedback regarding both the events and the stream to improve upon them where possible. Feedback is anonymous and can be provided here. Please keep the feedback constructive and understand we do this in our free time. 

    • Finished: Community Tournament: Toggy's Tome Invitational
    If you played BattleForge back in the day you might remember Tomes. In this gamemode you get a selection of boosters that you have to use to build your deck with, after which you play PvP matches. While Tomes got discontinued around the end of BattleForge and are not available in Skylords Reborn, Toggy hosted a limited-access event last weekend to relive the experience. It was a great success, with crazy off-meta plays and is bound to return. For now you can rewatch the stream in case you missed it. 

    • NEW : Community Tournament: Toggy's Tome Tournament - August 22th
    A new tome tournament has been announced! This one is open for everyone, but you need to sign up in advance by contacting Toggy. This will be another Tome tournament, meaning you will build a deck with a selection of random cards and play PvP matches with them. Sign up and read the details about it here. 

    • Host your own event / tournament
    Want to host a tournament or event? Please reach out to our Event Organizer Hiko to have your event prizes sponsored by us. If you have a cool idea for a PvE event, or want to host a PvP tournament, please don't hesitate to reach out to us, we will gladly assist you. 

    New Team Members / Open Positions
    We are happy to welcome a new member to the team: Kerkk has joined us as a web developer! 
    We could definitely need some more help with the Skylords Reborn project however.
    Below are three roles highlighted, but you can find more information, desired traits and all our open positions here. 
    Open Position - Map Tester 
    As a map tester you get early access to new maps and gamemodes and are responsible to playtest them and provide feedback to the other map developers about possible issues or improvements. This includes check how balanced the map is, how fun it is to play, if there are any exploits, if areas on the map need to be prettified etc. Map developers/designers/artists should be able to rely on you to make sure maps that are released or changed are done so properly.

    Open Position - Marketeer / Outreach Coordinator
    As a Marketeer / Outreach Coordinator you are responsible to spread the word and create awareness about Skylords Reborn and to attract veteran and new players alike. This includes actively researching and reaching out to potentially interested streamers, youtubers, Discord channels, game magazines, among others. You will be responsible for the communication to and from interested parties and for any promotion deals (for example involving scratch codes). Please note that Skylords Reborn cannot do any paid promotions.

    Open Position - Artist
    As an artist you are responsible to create the visuals required for new content. This is a broad position and there are many areas where you could help in, depending on your skills and interests. Think of loading screen artwork for new maps, card artwork for new cards, visual UI elements for new features that involve adding UI to the game, banners for events/tournaments/community challenges/large game updates etc. Our current artist Tweeto is hard at work on new cards, but he can only do so much. If you have the skills and want to speed up the progress, please reach out to us. 

    In Conclusion
    Thanks for reading! 
    Is there anything you wish us to cover in upcoming community updates? As always, we are open to feedback so please let us know!
    Here is a scratch code you can redeem in-game for 100bfp. COMM-UNIT-YUPD-ATE9
    The code is valid till August 28th. 
    Community Update #6
    Community Update #7
    Community Update #8
  4. Majora liked a post in a topic by Cocofang in Community update #9 - August 14th 2021   
    With the release of the now third official document I made a wiki page dedicated to providing an overview of the various pieces for quick and easy access.
  5. Majora liked a post in a topic by Xanatoss in Community update #9 - August 14th 2021   
    Huge respect to the developer department which, despite all obstacles,  keeps pushing the live release forward. You guys are the unsung heroes of SR.
  6. Cocofang liked a post in a topic by Majora in Community update #1 - April 23th 2021   
    Greetings Skylords!
    We are happy to bring you the first official community update, a biweekly update to give you an overview of whats happening (and going to happen) in Skylords Reborn. We have heard your desire for communication loud and clear, and as your fresh Community Manager, I will do my best to deliver. 
    The goal of these updates is to give you an idea of the things going on behind the scenes and cool stuff that you might have missed. Not every update will have the same content, but we hope to provide you with some cool details and insights. 
    Without further ado, lets get to it!
    Balance Patch #2
    What better way to start than with a new patch announcement! Balance Patch #2 is hitting the live servers soon, bringing with it a lot of PvP balance changes and map updates. We have decided to wait with the release until Toggy's PvE contest is finished to not cause issues for the contenders. You can expect the patch to go live at the beginning of May. The patch notes will be posted soon. 
    In-game Tournament tab
    Once logged in, you will now be greeted with a tab showing upcoming tournaments and events in Skylords Reborn. Full event details will still be posted on the forums, but we hope this will help tournament organisers with spotlighting their events. 

    We would like to take this moment to point out we are still looking for an Event Manager. If you are up for the task, please apply! Check our Open Staff Positions for more information.
    Upcoming Community Tournaments
    There is a 1v1 tournament hosted by Toggy this saturday. Because we had to delay the patch, it will be played on the test-server.  

    Toggy is also giving PvE players a challenge with his speedrunning contest of the map Ocean. 

    Both tournaments will reward booster prices. 
    Don't worry PvE players, you are not forgotten. We are not ready to bring you a PvE patch just yet, but rest assured that a lot of work is put into improving the PvE experience. 
    There have been a lot of heated arguments in the forum and the discord about what the ideal PvE scene should look like. We will release a philosophy document in the near future explaining our stance on certain topics and what you can expect from the balance team going forward. We cant share any details yet, but WindHunter will soon be in touch with you with more information. 
    Balance Discord
    Most of you might be aware, but alongside the regular discord we have a discord specifically focused on balancing PvE and PvP. You are encouraged to discuss potential changes and ideas with us here. 
    Card Description Project
    You might have noticed that cards in Battleforge aren't always very consistent or clear. A group of volunteers has started the huge undertaking to fix this. Not only are they clearing up sentences and details for every single card, they are also adding relevant hidden information like gender (girl-power anyone?), abilities, movement speed, a better reflection of a cards true damage output and much much more. Here is an example:

      *please note this is a mockup and not final yet
    With hundreds of cards this might take a while before you see this in game, but I wanted to mention it already. I'm truly baffled by all the hours people put into this project behind the scene. If you want to help out with this project, they are currently in need of a French translator. If you know anyone, please reach out to them via the Description Changes Discord.
    Map Testers
    Some new map testers are helping us out with the project as well. They have already been a great help and we are grateful for their time. Thank you cswordmaster, LEBOVIM, LegitNacho, Liorans, Mister_Mv, Perthos and Wanky [CH][Ger]. 
    New Team Members
    To those who missed the announcements, we added two new members to the team in the past weeks. 
    Going forward I will be your community manager and will be in charge of keeping the community updated on the latest information, while also making sure suggestions and concerns from the community reach the developers.
    Tweeto has also joined the team as a 2D artist. He has already created two beautiful artworks for Amii Phantom and a possible new Amii card. We will have a staff meeting soon to get him underway to create even more awesome artwork. If you are interested in seeing how his artwork comes to live, we can also share that kind of information in the future. 
    We still have some open positions on our team to help with the project. We are looking for map artists, designers, discord moderators and more. Please have a look at the Open Staff Positions for more open positions and information on how to apply!
    Twitter and Facebook 
    Are you following us on Twitter and Facebook already? They have been inactive for a while, but I have heard from a very reliable source that going over there might be.. rewarding for you. Expect us to use those channels to keep you updated from now on as well. 
    In conclusion
    And that's it for your very first Community Update! Just to set expectations: we definitely wont be releasing a new patch with every update and some weeks will have more news than others. 
    In future updates, we would also like to take a moment to give some information on what we can and can't do in the game, and what a realistic flow of content will be. As you might have noticed, we have added quite a few members to the team lately and in the past week I have been absolutely blown away by all the work that is being done behind the scenes. I look forward to sharing more with you in the future.  
    What do you guys think of this first biweekly status update? Is there something you would want to see covered more? We are open to feedback so please let us know. 
  7. Cocofang liked a post in a topic by Majora in Community update #2 May 8th 2021   
    Greetings Skylords!

    It's been two weeks since our first community update so it's time to bring you up to speed with everything going on in Skylords Reborn!
    PvP Balance Patch 2 (Patch 400028)
    We released a patch filled with balance changes this week. You can check out the detailed patch notes on the Wiki.
    Some 1vs1 maps have also been changed (no more offensive walling!) and are now added to ranked play as well. 
    In the meantime, we are already setting our sights on Balance Patch 3. You can check out the upcoming changes in the document attached to this post. Those changes will hit the test server much earlier than the previous ones. This is an intended move as it allows us to work with more iterations to make sure a lot of fine tuning can be done. This patch is focused more on buffs, and many of the changes will bring some new strategies into the Forge, that require more testing compared to the previous process. On top of that this will also be an opportunity for you to test the changes a little bit longer as well to provide more playtesting feedback, that we can use to reevaluate our proposals. To join the discussion, please check out the balance discord.

    PvE: State of PvE

    This is the second Balance Patch focused on mostly PvP changes. We understand this might give the impression PvE is less important for us. We would like to take a bit of time to assure you this is not the case and give you an idea of things that are currently being worked on.
    First of all, you can expect our Design Philosphy to be shared soon. This document was a bit delayed, but we think it's important to have a clear vision of the PvE scene going forward so everyone knows what to expect and give a better explanation of why we do the things we do.
     Of course you can always share your personal feedback in the balance discord, even if we don't respond immediately, all the feedback is important to us and is discussed. We are also planning to restructure the balance discord, you will hear more on that subject soon.
    PvE is a lot harder to balance than PvP, because the playerbase is very divided on what they consider fun, fair, or part of the coregame. We know not everyone will agree with all the changes we will make in the future. We encourage you to provide feedback, but please do so in a constructed manner. We are all fans of the game, and we want what's best for it. 
    PvE: Patch
    Speaking of changes, there is also a PvE patch coming up. Just like with our PvP patches, we will test those changes out on the Test Server first and make adjustments where necessary. You can find all the upcoming changes in the document attached to this post.

    PvE: In Development
    Some cool things are also coming to PvE in the future. They are currently in various stages of development.
    - Defensive Random PvE mode
    Similar to a 4 player Random PvE, but instead of attacking you are defending against random enemies. We hope this will provide a fun twist to the rPvE scene. 

    - Random PvE presets rework
    We are reworking existing rPvE factions and adding the 4 basic elements as factions. This means in the future you might go up against Harvesters and Fire Dragons. 
    - Polishing Battle Arena 
    Some of you might already be familiar with Battle Arena, a fun PvP map where you get one random unit and have to score points by killing the other units. Once your unit dies, you get a new one and move slowly up the tiers. 
    - New World Map Overview
    Still in its early stages, but we are also considering adjusting the world map to include popular PvE community maps. There are some great gems hidden in the community map section and there might be great content waiting for you out there already that you have never discovered. 
    Most of those things are not ready to go public yet, and we will use the community updates to keep you up to date on their progress. We found it important to share them with you already to show we have definitely not forgotten the PvE scene. We are always in need of map testers, map artists and map creators however, so if you want to help, please check out our open positions. 

    Public Test Server
    Some of you might not be aware of how easy it is to play on the test server, so here is a quick reminder. To get to the test server, all you have to do is start "LauncherTest.exe" in you Battleforge folder. On the test server you can check out the new changes that are currently being tested and provide feedback on the balancing discord. To get back to the official server, all you have to do is launch the normal launcher again. 

    Upcoming Tournaments

    • Skylords Open 7
    This sunday (9th of May) you can again battle it out in the Skylords Open #7. A 1vs1 community tournament hosted by Toggy, open for everyone, and with prices! 
    • Community Challenge 3
    There is also a PvE contest going on until the 31th of May. Try to complete the community map King's Ridge as fast as you can in the Community Challange #3 for a chance to win some prices!
    There are also some new events in the works, which brings us to the next point:

    New Team Members
    We are happy to announce two new team members have joined the Skylords Reborn team. 
    First up is Minashigo Hiko, our new Event Organiser. He will be the go-to person for people who want to organize an event in Skylords Reborn. Got a cool PvE contest idea or do you want to host a PvP tournament so Toggy can actually play instead of host? Please contact Hiko and he will help you make it happen! Hiko is also hard at work at creating fun events for you to play, so look forward to that as well. 
    We would like to point out that the event organizer role is not exclusive. If you want to help organizing events, you can still apply for this position as well.
    We are also very excited to have MarcoMaar join the team as our new Client Developer. He will be responsible for adding new features, modifying user interfaces, or fixing bugs in our game client. Up until recently, he was working on a new ingame section, where you are able to see all of your opened boosters. Below, you can see a sneak peek of this new feature

    We are still looking for new team members however! For example, we currently have a lack of Discord Moderators, which actually prevents us from being very active with our marketing (in the current state we would risk being overrun with new players without moderators). If you want to see Skylords Reborn succeed, please take a look at how you can help. We will also added new positions: backend web developer, frontend web developer and C# developer.

    List of Discord channels
    Skylords Reborn is a big project, and it can be tricky to keep track of everything that is going on. To help you with this we have started these very community updates, but if you want to be right there where the discussions are, discord is the place to be. Below you can find a complete list of all Skylords Reborn discords and their roles. If a discord channel is missing, please reach out to @Majora. We also created a #discord channel in our official server where you can also find the list of servers. 

    • Skylords Reborn
    The main Skylords Reborn discord. If you need any help, or have any general questions about the project ask here!
    • Skylords Reborn Balance Changes
    The Skylords Reborn discord for discussing balancing changes. All card and map balancing changes can be discussed here. 
    • Skylords Reborn Description changes 
    The Skylords Reborn discord for reworking all the descriptions in the game. Managed by @Mynoduesp.
    • Skylords Reborn rPvE Faction Changes
    The Skylords Reborn discord dedicated to reworking and adding new presets to the rPvE maps.


    • Skylords Reborn Creators Guild
    A group where you can discuss or contribute to the community youtube channel.
    • Skylords Tutors & Apprentices
    A group where you can teach others, or be taught on how to improve in Skylords Reborn.
    • Skylords Reborn PvP
    A group for organizing and finding PvP games.
    • Communitymap Community
    A group for discussing anything related to map making and the map editor.

    In conclusion
    And that's it for your second Community Update! We hope we were able to share something you like. See you again in 2 weeks!
    What do you guys think of this biweekly status update? Is there something you would want to see covered more? We are open to feedback so please let us know. 
    Thanks for reading! Here is a scratch code you can redeem in-game for 100bfp. The code is valid till May 22th.
    PvE_Testserver_Iteration_for_PvE_Patch.pdf PvP_Testserver_Iteration_for_PvP_Patch_3.pdf
  8. Cocofang liked a post in a topic by Majora in Community update #7 - July 17th 2021   
    Greetings Skylords!

    It's been two weeks already since our last community update so it's time to bring you up to speed with everything going on in Skylords Reborn!

    Test Server Patch
    A new patch has hit the test server, including another batch of balance changes and adjustments. This patch contains many balancing changes and experimental changes for both PvE and PvP, with Frost specifically getting some love this time. We have also sent the first reworked versions of the 2vs2 maps to the test server!
    Please take a look at the patch notes, test them out on the test server and take part in the discussion.
    A detailed list of changes with images will become available in the wiki in the upcoming days.
    There have now been a couple of patches to the test server, resulting in a big difference between the current state of the game on the live server and the card adjustments on the test server. Which brings us to:

    Upcoming Patch
    We are now preparing the next patch for the live servers. It has been a while since our last patch, so expect this to be a big one with tons of balance changes for both PvP and PvE. Because of this, we have quite a bit of work ahead of us and we expect this patch to release in the beginning of August. We hope you are looking forward to a new meta with new strategies to play with. 
    We will share more information about the specific changes in our next community update on the 31st of July. 

    New Cards development update
    To manage expectations: we will not release new cards in this upcoming patch. As mentioned in a previous community update, we are currently creating new cards for Bandits (Fire/Shadow), Amii (Nature/Shadow) and Pure Frost.
    New card development is going well, but we are treading new territory here and want to take our time to make sure our first new cards are the best they could be. This still could take quite a while, but please rest assured we are working hard to give you some cool new cards to play with!
    Meanwhile we are continuing rolling out balance patches to give underplayed cards some love, and offer you new strategies and options for all the factions in the game. New cards can be tools to help fill these specific roles, but we are also looking at adjusting existing cards to reach the desired result. 
    We are also taking a deep dive into each faction separately, spending a lot of time figuring out what makes the faction tick, its strengths and weaknesses and where it could need some help to allow for a more diverse play style. 

    Deep Dive: Pure Frost
    Frost has been our primary focus for the past several months and our team is excited to finally get to share our work with the community. Attached you will find a document exploring the Frost faction in detail, including upcoming changes and a tease of our first new card!
    While Frost has been the first faction on our list, in the future other factions will also be receiving major changes. As our focus shifts from one faction to another we will continue to provide insights into our thinking through future documents like this one.
    We hope this look into Frost has helped you to understand both the faction better and our reasoning behind the upcoming changes.
    Pure Frost Deep Dive.pdf
    Upcoming Tournaments
    • NEW: Official PvE Contest#2 Slave Master
    Our second official PvE contest is running! Play Slave Master on Advanced but with a twist! Go back to the roots and put in your best time using only cards from the first edition (Twilight Edition). The contest is running until the 28th of July and you can win multiple prizes. Check out the full rules here. 

    • NEW: Skylords Open #10
    Next week (25th of July) the 10th edition of the Skylords Open will take place! Battle it out in a 1vs1 community tournament hosted by Toggy, open for everyone, and with prizes! If you want to participate, it helps a lot if you sign-up in advance.
    Last tournament had some great matches on all skill levels, so whether you are a new player or looking to break the win streak of RadicalX; join us for a day of PvP-fun!
    New Team Members / Team Changes
    Another new member has joined the Skylords Reborn team. We are happy to welcome ddrazard as a Discord Moderator.
    As always; if you want to see Skylords Reborn succeed, please take a look at how you can help. There are still some open positions in our team.

    In conclusion
    Thanks for reading! 
    Is there anything you wish us to cover in upcoming community updates? As always, we are open to feedback so please let us know!
    Here is a scratch code you can redeem in-game for 100bfp. COMM-UNIT-YUPD-ATE7
    The code is valid till July 31th. 
    Community Update #4
    Community Update #5
    Community Update #6
  9. Cocofang liked a post in a topic by Majora in Community update #8 - July 31th 2021   
    Greetings Skylords!

    It's been two weeks already since our last community update so it's time to bring you up to speed with everything going on in Skylords Reborn!

    This community update is a bit shorter than you have come to expect from us. Every area of development is progressing nicely, but we are currently not in a position where we can share the results just yet. Rest assured new cards are still actively in development, and so are our new game modes. Skylords Reborn is being developed alongside our jobs and studies, and real life can get in the way sometimes. We also don't make any money from the game, since all our Patreon income goes directly toward server upkeep. Some of our team members also struggled with the flood from two weeks ago. We know you are all excited for new content, and we try to provide you with a steady stream of information in these Community Updates, but some tasks might take a bit longer than expected. 

    Upcoming Patch
    We are still hard at work on our upcoming balance patch to the live servers. Sadly, we are running into some delays because of all the changes that accumulated on the test server and now have to move to the live server. We are now looking at an expected release of mid-august. In our next community update we should be able to provide the patch notes, but you can expect some changes to pure frost (check our deep dive if you haven't already!) and a lot of cool changes for both PvE and PvP. 

    Free PvP Decks Adjustments
    When Skylords Reborn released in 2020, we introduced our free PvP decks. Every week you can select up to two decks that are fully upgraded and can compete in the PvP meta. For our new players, here is a quick recap:

    - Select the sword on the top right of the menu to select your 2 free PvP decks.
    - Free PvP decks are fully upgraded decks, that can only be used in PvP. 
    - You can select two new decks every week, if you want to switch things up.
    - You can freely swap around cards in those decks with cards in your collection to customize the decks to your liking. You can do this by clicking the tab in your inventory on the top left (see the image).

    The meta of Skylords Reborn has seen a lot of changes ever since release, with multiple balance patches hitting the live servers. The contents of the free PvP decks did not change with them however. We plan to change that with the next patch*, and will continue to adjust them when new patches hit the server. Below you can find a list of all the changes coming to the free PvP decks. As mentioned above, if you don't want to alter your deck, you can still use your own cards to adjust your list to your liking. Keep in mind some cards might increase in price however, since they will no longer be available in some, or all, of the free PvP decks. 
    Tainted Darkness (Pure Shadow)
    + Satanael (red) 
    + Blood Healing
    -  Evocators Woe
    -  Phasetower
    Gifted Darkness (Shadow Nature)
    + Mo
    -  Evocators Woe
    Blessed Darkness (Shadow Frost)
    + Lost Reaver (red) 
    -  Mountaineer
    Infused Darkness (Shadow Fire) 
    + Bandit Stalker (green) 
    -  Phasetower
    Tainted Flora (Nature Shadow)
    + Spearmen
    + Unstable Demon
    -  Treespirit
    -  Evocators Woe
    Gifted Flora (Pure Nature)
    No changes
    Blessed Flora (Nature Frost)
    + Razorshard (red) 
    -  Crystal Fiend
    Infused Flora (Nature Fire)
    + Magma Hurler
    + Mutating Maniac (red) 
    -  Brannoc
    -  Disenchant (purple)
    Tainted Ice (Frost Shadow)
    + Lost Reaver
    -  Mountaineer
    Gifted Ice (Frost Nature)
    + Lightblade (purple)
    -  Lightblade (red)
    Blessed Ice (Pure Frost)
    + Icefang Raptor
    + Mountain Rowdy
    + White Ranger
    -  Frostmage 
    -  Skyelf Templar
    -  Lyrish Knight
    Infused Ice (Frost Fire)
    + Glyph of Frost
    + Icefang Raptor (blue) 
    + Gladiatrix (green) 
    + Warlock (blue)
    + Eruption
    -  Frost Mage
    -  Mountaineer
    -  Scythe Fiends
    -  Skyelf Templar
    -  Virtuoso
    Tainted Flame (Fire Shadow)
    + Wrecker
    + Bandit Stalker (green) 
    -  Mortar Tower
    -  Ashbone Pyro
    Gifted Flame (Fire Nature)
    + Mutating Maniac
    -  Mortar Tower
    Blessed Flame (Fire Frost)
    + Icefang Raptor (blue) 
    + Warlock (blue)
    + Wrecker
    -  Mortar Tower
    -  Scythe Fiends
    -  Mountaineer
    Infused Flame (Pure Toggy)
    + Sun Reaver
    -  Mortar Tower

    Those changes to the Free PvP decks are planned alongside our new balance patch, planned for release mid-August*. This might give you a bit of a sneak peek at some cards receiving buffs this iteration. We hope you are looking forward to a fresh new meta! 
    *We do want to make sure changing those decks will not break the game, so they might release a bit later.

    Special Effect Editor
    We have made some great progress in the project in a different area: the special effect editor. With this tool we are able to edit the special effects of BattleForge and create new ones from scratch. This is particularly useful for spells, since they are for the majority special effects. Many units also have special effects on their models though, like the flames of Batariel or the frosty cold effect emitted from Frost Mage. We can create complex new effects like Fire Sphere or meteors that leave ice shards on impact. Even though we are currently not able to add new models to the game, this is a great step in allowing us to create new visually appealing content. 
    The tool is currently still work in progress. After it matures a little and we gain experience creating new special effects, we should barely be limited anymore for creating new special effects. 

    Upcoming Tournaments
    • FINISHED Official PvE Contest#2 Slave Master 
    The second official PvE contest for the map Slave Master has ended. Thanks to everyone for participating! The winners will be announced on a stream on Monday 19:00 CEST on our official twitch channel.  
    We will also do some giveaways, so even if you did not participate; we invite you all to join us for a night of Skylords Reborn fun! 

    • FINISHED Skylords Open #10
    Last week marked the return of the Skylords Open, with its 10th edition since release already. Joining Toggy as co-caster was RadicalX, so if you are interested in PvP, be sure to rewatch the stream.

    • Host your own event / tournament
    Want to host a tournament or event? Please reach out to our Event Organiser Hiko to have your event prizes sponsored by us. If you have a cool idea for a PvE event, or want to host a PvP tournament, please don't hesitate to reach out to us, we will gladly assist you. 
    New Team Members / Team Changes
    Another new member has joined the Skylords Reborn team. A frequent contender in the Skylords Open, and traumatized for life by Harvesters; we are happy to welcome DutchyDutchy as a Discord Moderator! 
    As always; if you want to help the project, please take a look at these open positions in our team!

    In conclusion
    Thanks for reading! 
    Is there anything you wish us to cover in upcoming community updates? As always, we are open to feedback so please let us know!
    Here is a scratch code you can redeem in-game for 100bfp. COMM-UNIT-YUPD-ATE8
    The code is valid till August 14th. 
    Community Update #5
    Community Update #6
    Community Update #7
  10. Metagross31 liked a post in a topic by Majora in Community update #9 - August 14th 2021   
    Greetings Skylords!

    It's been two weeks already since our last community update so it's time to bring you up to speed with everything going on in Skylords Reborn!

    Deep Dive: Rarities
    As our development of new cards continues, a frequently asked question is the upcoming rarities. These will be the first brand new cards for Skylords Reborn, so we want to have a system in place to provide insights on what makes a card common, uncommon, rare or ultra rare. We have explored this in a document, providing a deep dive into the rarities EA used in their first edition for the game: the Twilight Edition. Even though these are not always consistent, and expansions have not made things any easier, we still can take some lessons from the current distribution and apply it going forward. 
    If you are interested in the thought process behind card rarities and how we will decide them for our new cards, you can read the full document here: Designing_for_Card_Rarity.pdf
    And in case you missed them, here are the rarity icons for our new cards:

    Test Server Patch Notes
    Iteration 17 of our test server is here! Check out the patch notes. This patch mainly finalizes the PvP changes which will soon hit the live server. Please keep in mind that these changes are all relative to the previous iteration. The final PvE changes will go live in the next iteration. 
    There are also some noteworthy requested general changes in this iteration. We fixed the inventory sorting, which should now properly sort the cards as specified. We also added a power well and a monument for each player in the forge. You can now test out all your damage combo's without the need to find a building that has exactly the same amount of health as these buildings. 
    We also made another change to the game that will certainly be the topic of many conversations in the future. We added a preliminary fix so units in PvE maps always have correct orb and power costs. This means that certain abilities, like e.g. Nightguard Swap or Mindcontrol cannot ignore the orb requirements anymore. Please note these changes will not be included in the next live server patch. We want to test and gather feedback before making a change like this, but first had to figure out if it was even possible. You can discuss these and other changes on our balance discord.

    Next Live Patch Delayed
    Because of a delay of the Test Server Patch we sadly also have to delay the Live Patch we were hoping to release this week. Since this is going to be a big one, we need a little more time to make sure all the bugs (not you Scythe Fiend) are taken care of before we patch to live. Please be patient a bit longer, we are still hoping for a release in August. 

    Special Effect Tool
    Last Community Update we gave you a sneak peek at our new special effect tool. With the this tool we will be able to create fancy new spells and effects. Even though we are currently not able to add new models to the game, this is a great step in allowing us to create new visually appealing content. 
    We are looking for players who are interested in learning how to create special effects and give feedback on how to improve the tool. If you are interested in this, please reach out to Ladadoos on Discord for a quick explanation. We have plans to open source the editor in the future.

    Tournaments & Events
    • NEW: Feedback official PvE events
    Now that we have hosted two official events, we are looking for some feedback regarding both the events and the stream to improve upon them where possible. Feedback is anonymous and can be provided here. Please keep the feedback constructive and understand we do this in our free time. 

    • Finished: Community Tournament: Toggy's Tome Invitational
    If you played BattleForge back in the day you might remember Tomes. In this gamemode you get a selection of boosters that you have to use to build your deck with, after which you play PvP matches. While Tomes got discontinued around the end of BattleForge and are not available in Skylords Reborn, Toggy hosted a limited-access event last weekend to relive the experience. It was a great success, with crazy off-meta plays and is bound to return. For now you can rewatch the stream in case you missed it. 

    • NEW : Community Tournament: Toggy's Tome Tournament - August 22th
    A new tome tournament has been announced! This one is open for everyone, but you need to sign up in advance by contacting Toggy. This will be another Tome tournament, meaning you will build a deck with a selection of random cards and play PvP matches with them. Sign up and read the details about it here. 

    • Host your own event / tournament
    Want to host a tournament or event? Please reach out to our Event Organizer Hiko to have your event prizes sponsored by us. If you have a cool idea for a PvE event, or want to host a PvP tournament, please don't hesitate to reach out to us, we will gladly assist you. 

    New Team Members / Open Positions
    We are happy to welcome a new member to the team: Kerkk has joined us as a web developer! 
    We could definitely need some more help with the Skylords Reborn project however.
    Below are three roles highlighted, but you can find more information, desired traits and all our open positions here. 
    Open Position - Map Tester 
    As a map tester you get early access to new maps and gamemodes and are responsible to playtest them and provide feedback to the other map developers about possible issues or improvements. This includes check how balanced the map is, how fun it is to play, if there are any exploits, if areas on the map need to be prettified etc. Map developers/designers/artists should be able to rely on you to make sure maps that are released or changed are done so properly.

    Open Position - Marketeer / Outreach Coordinator
    As a Marketeer / Outreach Coordinator you are responsible to spread the word and create awareness about Skylords Reborn and to attract veteran and new players alike. This includes actively researching and reaching out to potentially interested streamers, youtubers, Discord channels, game magazines, among others. You will be responsible for the communication to and from interested parties and for any promotion deals (for example involving scratch codes). Please note that Skylords Reborn cannot do any paid promotions.

    Open Position - Artist
    As an artist you are responsible to create the visuals required for new content. This is a broad position and there are many areas where you could help in, depending on your skills and interests. Think of loading screen artwork for new maps, card artwork for new cards, visual UI elements for new features that involve adding UI to the game, banners for events/tournaments/community challenges/large game updates etc. Our current artist Tweeto is hard at work on new cards, but he can only do so much. If you have the skills and want to speed up the progress, please reach out to us. 

    In Conclusion
    Thanks for reading! 
    Is there anything you wish us to cover in upcoming community updates? As always, we are open to feedback so please let us know!
    Here is a scratch code you can redeem in-game for 100bfp. COMM-UNIT-YUPD-ATE9
    The code is valid till August 28th. 
    Community Update #6
    Community Update #7
    Community Update #8
  11. Cocofang liked a post in a topic by Majora in Community update #9 - August 14th 2021   
    Greetings Skylords!

    It's been two weeks already since our last community update so it's time to bring you up to speed with everything going on in Skylords Reborn!

    Deep Dive: Rarities
    As our development of new cards continues, a frequently asked question is the upcoming rarities. These will be the first brand new cards for Skylords Reborn, so we want to have a system in place to provide insights on what makes a card common, uncommon, rare or ultra rare. We have explored this in a document, providing a deep dive into the rarities EA used in their first edition for the game: the Twilight Edition. Even though these are not always consistent, and expansions have not made things any easier, we still can take some lessons from the current distribution and apply it going forward. 
    If you are interested in the thought process behind card rarities and how we will decide them for our new cards, you can read the full document here: Designing_for_Card_Rarity.pdf
    And in case you missed them, here are the rarity icons for our new cards:

    Test Server Patch Notes
    Iteration 17 of our test server is here! Check out the patch notes. This patch mainly finalizes the PvP changes which will soon hit the live server. Please keep in mind that these changes are all relative to the previous iteration. The final PvE changes will go live in the next iteration. 
    There are also some noteworthy requested general changes in this iteration. We fixed the inventory sorting, which should now properly sort the cards as specified. We also added a power well and a monument for each player in the forge. You can now test out all your damage combo's without the need to find a building that has exactly the same amount of health as these buildings. 
    We also made another change to the game that will certainly be the topic of many conversations in the future. We added a preliminary fix so units in PvE maps always have correct orb and power costs. This means that certain abilities, like e.g. Nightguard Swap or Mindcontrol cannot ignore the orb requirements anymore. Please note these changes will not be included in the next live server patch. We want to test and gather feedback before making a change like this, but first had to figure out if it was even possible. You can discuss these and other changes on our balance discord.

    Next Live Patch Delayed
    Because of a delay of the Test Server Patch we sadly also have to delay the Live Patch we were hoping to release this week. Since this is going to be a big one, we need a little more time to make sure all the bugs (not you Scythe Fiend) are taken care of before we patch to live. Please be patient a bit longer, we are still hoping for a release in August. 

    Special Effect Tool
    Last Community Update we gave you a sneak peek at our new special effect tool. With the this tool we will be able to create fancy new spells and effects. Even though we are currently not able to add new models to the game, this is a great step in allowing us to create new visually appealing content. 
    We are looking for players who are interested in learning how to create special effects and give feedback on how to improve the tool. If you are interested in this, please reach out to Ladadoos on Discord for a quick explanation. We have plans to open source the editor in the future.

    Tournaments & Events
    • NEW: Feedback official PvE events
    Now that we have hosted two official events, we are looking for some feedback regarding both the events and the stream to improve upon them where possible. Feedback is anonymous and can be provided here. Please keep the feedback constructive and understand we do this in our free time. 

    • Finished: Community Tournament: Toggy's Tome Invitational
    If you played BattleForge back in the day you might remember Tomes. In this gamemode you get a selection of boosters that you have to use to build your deck with, after which you play PvP matches. While Tomes got discontinued around the end of BattleForge and are not available in Skylords Reborn, Toggy hosted a limited-access event last weekend to relive the experience. It was a great success, with crazy off-meta plays and is bound to return. For now you can rewatch the stream in case you missed it. 

    • NEW : Community Tournament: Toggy's Tome Tournament - August 22th
    A new tome tournament has been announced! This one is open for everyone, but you need to sign up in advance by contacting Toggy. This will be another Tome tournament, meaning you will build a deck with a selection of random cards and play PvP matches with them. Sign up and read the details about it here. 

    • Host your own event / tournament
    Want to host a tournament or event? Please reach out to our Event Organizer Hiko to have your event prizes sponsored by us. If you have a cool idea for a PvE event, or want to host a PvP tournament, please don't hesitate to reach out to us, we will gladly assist you. 

    New Team Members / Open Positions
    We are happy to welcome a new member to the team: Kerkk has joined us as a web developer! 
    We could definitely need some more help with the Skylords Reborn project however.
    Below are three roles highlighted, but you can find more information, desired traits and all our open positions here. 
    Open Position - Map Tester 
    As a map tester you get early access to new maps and gamemodes and are responsible to playtest them and provide feedback to the other map developers about possible issues or improvements. This includes check how balanced the map is, how fun it is to play, if there are any exploits, if areas on the map need to be prettified etc. Map developers/designers/artists should be able to rely on you to make sure maps that are released or changed are done so properly.

    Open Position - Marketeer / Outreach Coordinator
    As a Marketeer / Outreach Coordinator you are responsible to spread the word and create awareness about Skylords Reborn and to attract veteran and new players alike. This includes actively researching and reaching out to potentially interested streamers, youtubers, Discord channels, game magazines, among others. You will be responsible for the communication to and from interested parties and for any promotion deals (for example involving scratch codes). Please note that Skylords Reborn cannot do any paid promotions.

    Open Position - Artist
    As an artist you are responsible to create the visuals required for new content. This is a broad position and there are many areas where you could help in, depending on your skills and interests. Think of loading screen artwork for new maps, card artwork for new cards, visual UI elements for new features that involve adding UI to the game, banners for events/tournaments/community challenges/large game updates etc. Our current artist Tweeto is hard at work on new cards, but he can only do so much. If you have the skills and want to speed up the progress, please reach out to us. 

    In Conclusion
    Thanks for reading! 
    Is there anything you wish us to cover in upcoming community updates? As always, we are open to feedback so please let us know!
    Here is a scratch code you can redeem in-game for 100bfp. COMM-UNIT-YUPD-ATE9
    The code is valid till August 28th. 
    Community Update #6
    Community Update #7
    Community Update #8
  12. Ultralord liked a post in a topic by Majora in Community update #9 - August 14th 2021   
    Greetings Skylords!

    It's been two weeks already since our last community update so it's time to bring you up to speed with everything going on in Skylords Reborn!

    Deep Dive: Rarities
    As our development of new cards continues, a frequently asked question is the upcoming rarities. These will be the first brand new cards for Skylords Reborn, so we want to have a system in place to provide insights on what makes a card common, uncommon, rare or ultra rare. We have explored this in a document, providing a deep dive into the rarities EA used in their first edition for the game: the Twilight Edition. Even though these are not always consistent, and expansions have not made things any easier, we still can take some lessons from the current distribution and apply it going forward. 
    If you are interested in the thought process behind card rarities and how we will decide them for our new cards, you can read the full document here: Designing_for_Card_Rarity.pdf
    And in case you missed them, here are the rarity icons for our new cards:

    Test Server Patch Notes
    Iteration 17 of our test server is here! Check out the patch notes. This patch mainly finalizes the PvP changes which will soon hit the live server. Please keep in mind that these changes are all relative to the previous iteration. The final PvE changes will go live in the next iteration. 
    There are also some noteworthy requested general changes in this iteration. We fixed the inventory sorting, which should now properly sort the cards as specified. We also added a power well and a monument for each player in the forge. You can now test out all your damage combo's without the need to find a building that has exactly the same amount of health as these buildings. 
    We also made another change to the game that will certainly be the topic of many conversations in the future. We added a preliminary fix so units in PvE maps always have correct orb and power costs. This means that certain abilities, like e.g. Nightguard Swap or Mindcontrol cannot ignore the orb requirements anymore. Please note these changes will not be included in the next live server patch. We want to test and gather feedback before making a change like this, but first had to figure out if it was even possible. You can discuss these and other changes on our balance discord.

    Next Live Patch Delayed
    Because of a delay of the Test Server Patch we sadly also have to delay the Live Patch we were hoping to release this week. Since this is going to be a big one, we need a little more time to make sure all the bugs (not you Scythe Fiend) are taken care of before we patch to live. Please be patient a bit longer, we are still hoping for a release in August. 

    Special Effect Tool
    Last Community Update we gave you a sneak peek at our new special effect tool. With the this tool we will be able to create fancy new spells and effects. Even though we are currently not able to add new models to the game, this is a great step in allowing us to create new visually appealing content. 
    We are looking for players who are interested in learning how to create special effects and give feedback on how to improve the tool. If you are interested in this, please reach out to Ladadoos on Discord for a quick explanation. We have plans to open source the editor in the future.

    Tournaments & Events
    • NEW: Feedback official PvE events
    Now that we have hosted two official events, we are looking for some feedback regarding both the events and the stream to improve upon them where possible. Feedback is anonymous and can be provided here. Please keep the feedback constructive and understand we do this in our free time. 

    • Finished: Community Tournament: Toggy's Tome Invitational
    If you played BattleForge back in the day you might remember Tomes. In this gamemode you get a selection of boosters that you have to use to build your deck with, after which you play PvP matches. While Tomes got discontinued around the end of BattleForge and are not available in Skylords Reborn, Toggy hosted a limited-access event last weekend to relive the experience. It was a great success, with crazy off-meta plays and is bound to return. For now you can rewatch the stream in case you missed it. 

    • NEW : Community Tournament: Toggy's Tome Tournament - August 22th
    A new tome tournament has been announced! This one is open for everyone, but you need to sign up in advance by contacting Toggy. This will be another Tome tournament, meaning you will build a deck with a selection of random cards and play PvP matches with them. Sign up and read the details about it here. 

    • Host your own event / tournament
    Want to host a tournament or event? Please reach out to our Event Organizer Hiko to have your event prizes sponsored by us. If you have a cool idea for a PvE event, or want to host a PvP tournament, please don't hesitate to reach out to us, we will gladly assist you. 

    New Team Members / Open Positions
    We are happy to welcome a new member to the team: Kerkk has joined us as a web developer! 
    We could definitely need some more help with the Skylords Reborn project however.
    Below are three roles highlighted, but you can find more information, desired traits and all our open positions here. 
    Open Position - Map Tester 
    As a map tester you get early access to new maps and gamemodes and are responsible to playtest them and provide feedback to the other map developers about possible issues or improvements. This includes check how balanced the map is, how fun it is to play, if there are any exploits, if areas on the map need to be prettified etc. Map developers/designers/artists should be able to rely on you to make sure maps that are released or changed are done so properly.

    Open Position - Marketeer / Outreach Coordinator
    As a Marketeer / Outreach Coordinator you are responsible to spread the word and create awareness about Skylords Reborn and to attract veteran and new players alike. This includes actively researching and reaching out to potentially interested streamers, youtubers, Discord channels, game magazines, among others. You will be responsible for the communication to and from interested parties and for any promotion deals (for example involving scratch codes). Please note that Skylords Reborn cannot do any paid promotions.

    Open Position - Artist
    As an artist you are responsible to create the visuals required for new content. This is a broad position and there are many areas where you could help in, depending on your skills and interests. Think of loading screen artwork for new maps, card artwork for new cards, visual UI elements for new features that involve adding UI to the game, banners for events/tournaments/community challenges/large game updates etc. Our current artist Tweeto is hard at work on new cards, but he can only do so much. If you have the skills and want to speed up the progress, please reach out to us. 

    In Conclusion
    Thanks for reading! 
    Is there anything you wish us to cover in upcoming community updates? As always, we are open to feedback so please let us know!
    Here is a scratch code you can redeem in-game for 100bfp. COMM-UNIT-YUPD-ATE9
    The code is valid till August 28th. 
    Community Update #6
    Community Update #7
    Community Update #8
  13. RayG liked a post in a topic by Majora in Community update #9 - August 14th 2021   
    Greetings Skylords!

    It's been two weeks already since our last community update so it's time to bring you up to speed with everything going on in Skylords Reborn!

    Deep Dive: Rarities
    As our development of new cards continues, a frequently asked question is the upcoming rarities. These will be the first brand new cards for Skylords Reborn, so we want to have a system in place to provide insights on what makes a card common, uncommon, rare or ultra rare. We have explored this in a document, providing a deep dive into the rarities EA used in their first edition for the game: the Twilight Edition. Even though these are not always consistent, and expansions have not made things any easier, we still can take some lessons from the current distribution and apply it going forward. 
    If you are interested in the thought process behind card rarities and how we will decide them for our new cards, you can read the full document here: Designing_for_Card_Rarity.pdf
    And in case you missed them, here are the rarity icons for our new cards:

    Test Server Patch Notes
    Iteration 17 of our test server is here! Check out the patch notes. This patch mainly finalizes the PvP changes which will soon hit the live server. Please keep in mind that these changes are all relative to the previous iteration. The final PvE changes will go live in the next iteration. 
    There are also some noteworthy requested general changes in this iteration. We fixed the inventory sorting, which should now properly sort the cards as specified. We also added a power well and a monument for each player in the forge. You can now test out all your damage combo's without the need to find a building that has exactly the same amount of health as these buildings. 
    We also made another change to the game that will certainly be the topic of many conversations in the future. We added a preliminary fix so units in PvE maps always have correct orb and power costs. This means that certain abilities, like e.g. Nightguard Swap or Mindcontrol cannot ignore the orb requirements anymore. Please note these changes will not be included in the next live server patch. We want to test and gather feedback before making a change like this, but first had to figure out if it was even possible. You can discuss these and other changes on our balance discord.

    Next Live Patch Delayed
    Because of a delay of the Test Server Patch we sadly also have to delay the Live Patch we were hoping to release this week. Since this is going to be a big one, we need a little more time to make sure all the bugs (not you Scythe Fiend) are taken care of before we patch to live. Please be patient a bit longer, we are still hoping for a release in August. 

    Special Effect Tool
    Last Community Update we gave you a sneak peek at our new special effect tool. With the this tool we will be able to create fancy new spells and effects. Even though we are currently not able to add new models to the game, this is a great step in allowing us to create new visually appealing content. 
    We are looking for players who are interested in learning how to create special effects and give feedback on how to improve the tool. If you are interested in this, please reach out to Ladadoos on Discord for a quick explanation. We have plans to open source the editor in the future.

    Tournaments & Events
    • NEW: Feedback official PvE events
    Now that we have hosted two official events, we are looking for some feedback regarding both the events and the stream to improve upon them where possible. Feedback is anonymous and can be provided here. Please keep the feedback constructive and understand we do this in our free time. 

    • Finished: Community Tournament: Toggy's Tome Invitational
    If you played BattleForge back in the day you might remember Tomes. In this gamemode you get a selection of boosters that you have to use to build your deck with, after which you play PvP matches. While Tomes got discontinued around the end of BattleForge and are not available in Skylords Reborn, Toggy hosted a limited-access event last weekend to relive the experience. It was a great success, with crazy off-meta plays and is bound to return. For now you can rewatch the stream in case you missed it. 

    • NEW : Community Tournament: Toggy's Tome Tournament - August 22th
    A new tome tournament has been announced! This one is open for everyone, but you need to sign up in advance by contacting Toggy. This will be another Tome tournament, meaning you will build a deck with a selection of random cards and play PvP matches with them. Sign up and read the details about it here. 

    • Host your own event / tournament
    Want to host a tournament or event? Please reach out to our Event Organizer Hiko to have your event prizes sponsored by us. If you have a cool idea for a PvE event, or want to host a PvP tournament, please don't hesitate to reach out to us, we will gladly assist you. 

    New Team Members / Open Positions
    We are happy to welcome a new member to the team: Kerkk has joined us as a web developer! 
    We could definitely need some more help with the Skylords Reborn project however.
    Below are three roles highlighted, but you can find more information, desired traits and all our open positions here. 
    Open Position - Map Tester 
    As a map tester you get early access to new maps and gamemodes and are responsible to playtest them and provide feedback to the other map developers about possible issues or improvements. This includes check how balanced the map is, how fun it is to play, if there are any exploits, if areas on the map need to be prettified etc. Map developers/designers/artists should be able to rely on you to make sure maps that are released or changed are done so properly.

    Open Position - Marketeer / Outreach Coordinator
    As a Marketeer / Outreach Coordinator you are responsible to spread the word and create awareness about Skylords Reborn and to attract veteran and new players alike. This includes actively researching and reaching out to potentially interested streamers, youtubers, Discord channels, game magazines, among others. You will be responsible for the communication to and from interested parties and for any promotion deals (for example involving scratch codes). Please note that Skylords Reborn cannot do any paid promotions.

    Open Position - Artist
    As an artist you are responsible to create the visuals required for new content. This is a broad position and there are many areas where you could help in, depending on your skills and interests. Think of loading screen artwork for new maps, card artwork for new cards, visual UI elements for new features that involve adding UI to the game, banners for events/tournaments/community challenges/large game updates etc. Our current artist Tweeto is hard at work on new cards, but he can only do so much. If you have the skills and want to speed up the progress, please reach out to us. 

    In Conclusion
    Thanks for reading! 
    Is there anything you wish us to cover in upcoming community updates? As always, we are open to feedback so please let us know!
    Here is a scratch code you can redeem in-game for 100bfp. COMM-UNIT-YUPD-ATE9
    The code is valid till August 28th. 
    Community Update #6
    Community Update #7
    Community Update #8
  14. Minashigo Hiko liked a post in a topic by Majora in Community update #9 - August 14th 2021   
    Greetings Skylords!

    It's been two weeks already since our last community update so it's time to bring you up to speed with everything going on in Skylords Reborn!

    Deep Dive: Rarities
    As our development of new cards continues, a frequently asked question is the upcoming rarities. These will be the first brand new cards for Skylords Reborn, so we want to have a system in place to provide insights on what makes a card common, uncommon, rare or ultra rare. We have explored this in a document, providing a deep dive into the rarities EA used in their first edition for the game: the Twilight Edition. Even though these are not always consistent, and expansions have not made things any easier, we still can take some lessons from the current distribution and apply it going forward. 
    If you are interested in the thought process behind card rarities and how we will decide them for our new cards, you can read the full document here: Designing_for_Card_Rarity.pdf
    And in case you missed them, here are the rarity icons for our new cards:

    Test Server Patch Notes
    Iteration 17 of our test server is here! Check out the patch notes. This patch mainly finalizes the PvP changes which will soon hit the live server. Please keep in mind that these changes are all relative to the previous iteration. The final PvE changes will go live in the next iteration. 
    There are also some noteworthy requested general changes in this iteration. We fixed the inventory sorting, which should now properly sort the cards as specified. We also added a power well and a monument for each player in the forge. You can now test out all your damage combo's without the need to find a building that has exactly the same amount of health as these buildings. 
    We also made another change to the game that will certainly be the topic of many conversations in the future. We added a preliminary fix so units in PvE maps always have correct orb and power costs. This means that certain abilities, like e.g. Nightguard Swap or Mindcontrol cannot ignore the orb requirements anymore. Please note these changes will not be included in the next live server patch. We want to test and gather feedback before making a change like this, but first had to figure out if it was even possible. You can discuss these and other changes on our balance discord.

    Next Live Patch Delayed
    Because of a delay of the Test Server Patch we sadly also have to delay the Live Patch we were hoping to release this week. Since this is going to be a big one, we need a little more time to make sure all the bugs (not you Scythe Fiend) are taken care of before we patch to live. Please be patient a bit longer, we are still hoping for a release in August. 

    Special Effect Tool
    Last Community Update we gave you a sneak peek at our new special effect tool. With the this tool we will be able to create fancy new spells and effects. Even though we are currently not able to add new models to the game, this is a great step in allowing us to create new visually appealing content. 
    We are looking for players who are interested in learning how to create special effects and give feedback on how to improve the tool. If you are interested in this, please reach out to Ladadoos on Discord for a quick explanation. We have plans to open source the editor in the future.

    Tournaments & Events
    • NEW: Feedback official PvE events
    Now that we have hosted two official events, we are looking for some feedback regarding both the events and the stream to improve upon them where possible. Feedback is anonymous and can be provided here. Please keep the feedback constructive and understand we do this in our free time. 

    • Finished: Community Tournament: Toggy's Tome Invitational
    If you played BattleForge back in the day you might remember Tomes. In this gamemode you get a selection of boosters that you have to use to build your deck with, after which you play PvP matches. While Tomes got discontinued around the end of BattleForge and are not available in Skylords Reborn, Toggy hosted a limited-access event last weekend to relive the experience. It was a great success, with crazy off-meta plays and is bound to return. For now you can rewatch the stream in case you missed it. 

    • NEW : Community Tournament: Toggy's Tome Tournament - August 22th
    A new tome tournament has been announced! This one is open for everyone, but you need to sign up in advance by contacting Toggy. This will be another Tome tournament, meaning you will build a deck with a selection of random cards and play PvP matches with them. Sign up and read the details about it here. 

    • Host your own event / tournament
    Want to host a tournament or event? Please reach out to our Event Organizer Hiko to have your event prizes sponsored by us. If you have a cool idea for a PvE event, or want to host a PvP tournament, please don't hesitate to reach out to us, we will gladly assist you. 

    New Team Members / Open Positions
    We are happy to welcome a new member to the team: Kerkk has joined us as a web developer! 
    We could definitely need some more help with the Skylords Reborn project however.
    Below are three roles highlighted, but you can find more information, desired traits and all our open positions here. 
    Open Position - Map Tester 
    As a map tester you get early access to new maps and gamemodes and are responsible to playtest them and provide feedback to the other map developers about possible issues or improvements. This includes check how balanced the map is, how fun it is to play, if there are any exploits, if areas on the map need to be prettified etc. Map developers/designers/artists should be able to rely on you to make sure maps that are released or changed are done so properly.

    Open Position - Marketeer / Outreach Coordinator
    As a Marketeer / Outreach Coordinator you are responsible to spread the word and create awareness about Skylords Reborn and to attract veteran and new players alike. This includes actively researching and reaching out to potentially interested streamers, youtubers, Discord channels, game magazines, among others. You will be responsible for the communication to and from interested parties and for any promotion deals (for example involving scratch codes). Please note that Skylords Reborn cannot do any paid promotions.

    Open Position - Artist
    As an artist you are responsible to create the visuals required for new content. This is a broad position and there are many areas where you could help in, depending on your skills and interests. Think of loading screen artwork for new maps, card artwork for new cards, visual UI elements for new features that involve adding UI to the game, banners for events/tournaments/community challenges/large game updates etc. Our current artist Tweeto is hard at work on new cards, but he can only do so much. If you have the skills and want to speed up the progress, please reach out to us. 

    In Conclusion
    Thanks for reading! 
    Is there anything you wish us to cover in upcoming community updates? As always, we are open to feedback so please let us know!
    Here is a scratch code you can redeem in-game for 100bfp. COMM-UNIT-YUPD-ATE9
    The code is valid till August 28th. 
    Community Update #6
    Community Update #7
    Community Update #8
  15. Volin liked a post in a topic by Majora in Community update #9 - August 14th 2021   
    Greetings Skylords!

    It's been two weeks already since our last community update so it's time to bring you up to speed with everything going on in Skylords Reborn!

    Deep Dive: Rarities
    As our development of new cards continues, a frequently asked question is the upcoming rarities. These will be the first brand new cards for Skylords Reborn, so we want to have a system in place to provide insights on what makes a card common, uncommon, rare or ultra rare. We have explored this in a document, providing a deep dive into the rarities EA used in their first edition for the game: the Twilight Edition. Even though these are not always consistent, and expansions have not made things any easier, we still can take some lessons from the current distribution and apply it going forward. 
    If you are interested in the thought process behind card rarities and how we will decide them for our new cards, you can read the full document here: Designing_for_Card_Rarity.pdf
    And in case you missed them, here are the rarity icons for our new cards:

    Test Server Patch Notes
    Iteration 17 of our test server is here! Check out the patch notes. This patch mainly finalizes the PvP changes which will soon hit the live server. Please keep in mind that these changes are all relative to the previous iteration. The final PvE changes will go live in the next iteration. 
    There are also some noteworthy requested general changes in this iteration. We fixed the inventory sorting, which should now properly sort the cards as specified. We also added a power well and a monument for each player in the forge. You can now test out all your damage combo's without the need to find a building that has exactly the same amount of health as these buildings. 
    We also made another change to the game that will certainly be the topic of many conversations in the future. We added a preliminary fix so units in PvE maps always have correct orb and power costs. This means that certain abilities, like e.g. Nightguard Swap or Mindcontrol cannot ignore the orb requirements anymore. Please note these changes will not be included in the next live server patch. We want to test and gather feedback before making a change like this, but first had to figure out if it was even possible. You can discuss these and other changes on our balance discord.

    Next Live Patch Delayed
    Because of a delay of the Test Server Patch we sadly also have to delay the Live Patch we were hoping to release this week. Since this is going to be a big one, we need a little more time to make sure all the bugs (not you Scythe Fiend) are taken care of before we patch to live. Please be patient a bit longer, we are still hoping for a release in August. 

    Special Effect Tool
    Last Community Update we gave you a sneak peek at our new special effect tool. With the this tool we will be able to create fancy new spells and effects. Even though we are currently not able to add new models to the game, this is a great step in allowing us to create new visually appealing content. 
    We are looking for players who are interested in learning how to create special effects and give feedback on how to improve the tool. If you are interested in this, please reach out to Ladadoos on Discord for a quick explanation. We have plans to open source the editor in the future.

    Tournaments & Events
    • NEW: Feedback official PvE events
    Now that we have hosted two official events, we are looking for some feedback regarding both the events and the stream to improve upon them where possible. Feedback is anonymous and can be provided here. Please keep the feedback constructive and understand we do this in our free time. 

    • Finished: Community Tournament: Toggy's Tome Invitational
    If you played BattleForge back in the day you might remember Tomes. In this gamemode you get a selection of boosters that you have to use to build your deck with, after which you play PvP matches. While Tomes got discontinued around the end of BattleForge and are not available in Skylords Reborn, Toggy hosted a limited-access event last weekend to relive the experience. It was a great success, with crazy off-meta plays and is bound to return. For now you can rewatch the stream in case you missed it. 

    • NEW : Community Tournament: Toggy's Tome Tournament - August 22th
    A new tome tournament has been announced! This one is open for everyone, but you need to sign up in advance by contacting Toggy. This will be another Tome tournament, meaning you will build a deck with a selection of random cards and play PvP matches with them. Sign up and read the details about it here. 

    • Host your own event / tournament
    Want to host a tournament or event? Please reach out to our Event Organizer Hiko to have your event prizes sponsored by us. If you have a cool idea for a PvE event, or want to host a PvP tournament, please don't hesitate to reach out to us, we will gladly assist you. 

    New Team Members / Open Positions
    We are happy to welcome a new member to the team: Kerkk has joined us as a web developer! 
    We could definitely need some more help with the Skylords Reborn project however.
    Below are three roles highlighted, but you can find more information, desired traits and all our open positions here. 
    Open Position - Map Tester 
    As a map tester you get early access to new maps and gamemodes and are responsible to playtest them and provide feedback to the other map developers about possible issues or improvements. This includes check how balanced the map is, how fun it is to play, if there are any exploits, if areas on the map need to be prettified etc. Map developers/designers/artists should be able to rely on you to make sure maps that are released or changed are done so properly.

    Open Position - Marketeer / Outreach Coordinator
    As a Marketeer / Outreach Coordinator you are responsible to spread the word and create awareness about Skylords Reborn and to attract veteran and new players alike. This includes actively researching and reaching out to potentially interested streamers, youtubers, Discord channels, game magazines, among others. You will be responsible for the communication to and from interested parties and for any promotion deals (for example involving scratch codes). Please note that Skylords Reborn cannot do any paid promotions.

    Open Position - Artist
    As an artist you are responsible to create the visuals required for new content. This is a broad position and there are many areas where you could help in, depending on your skills and interests. Think of loading screen artwork for new maps, card artwork for new cards, visual UI elements for new features that involve adding UI to the game, banners for events/tournaments/community challenges/large game updates etc. Our current artist Tweeto is hard at work on new cards, but he can only do so much. If you have the skills and want to speed up the progress, please reach out to us. 

    In Conclusion
    Thanks for reading! 
    Is there anything you wish us to cover in upcoming community updates? As always, we are open to feedback so please let us know!
    Here is a scratch code you can redeem in-game for 100bfp. COMM-UNIT-YUPD-ATE9
    The code is valid till August 28th. 
    Community Update #6
    Community Update #7
    Community Update #8
  16. Timer liked a post in a topic by Majora in Community update #9 - August 14th 2021   
    Greetings Skylords!

    It's been two weeks already since our last community update so it's time to bring you up to speed with everything going on in Skylords Reborn!

    Deep Dive: Rarities
    As our development of new cards continues, a frequently asked question is the upcoming rarities. These will be the first brand new cards for Skylords Reborn, so we want to have a system in place to provide insights on what makes a card common, uncommon, rare or ultra rare. We have explored this in a document, providing a deep dive into the rarities EA used in their first edition for the game: the Twilight Edition. Even though these are not always consistent, and expansions have not made things any easier, we still can take some lessons from the current distribution and apply it going forward. 
    If you are interested in the thought process behind card rarities and how we will decide them for our new cards, you can read the full document here: Designing_for_Card_Rarity.pdf
    And in case you missed them, here are the rarity icons for our new cards:

    Test Server Patch Notes
    Iteration 17 of our test server is here! Check out the patch notes. This patch mainly finalizes the PvP changes which will soon hit the live server. Please keep in mind that these changes are all relative to the previous iteration. The final PvE changes will go live in the next iteration. 
    There are also some noteworthy requested general changes in this iteration. We fixed the inventory sorting, which should now properly sort the cards as specified. We also added a power well and a monument for each player in the forge. You can now test out all your damage combo's without the need to find a building that has exactly the same amount of health as these buildings. 
    We also made another change to the game that will certainly be the topic of many conversations in the future. We added a preliminary fix so units in PvE maps always have correct orb and power costs. This means that certain abilities, like e.g. Nightguard Swap or Mindcontrol cannot ignore the orb requirements anymore. Please note these changes will not be included in the next live server patch. We want to test and gather feedback before making a change like this, but first had to figure out if it was even possible. You can discuss these and other changes on our balance discord.

    Next Live Patch Delayed
    Because of a delay of the Test Server Patch we sadly also have to delay the Live Patch we were hoping to release this week. Since this is going to be a big one, we need a little more time to make sure all the bugs (not you Scythe Fiend) are taken care of before we patch to live. Please be patient a bit longer, we are still hoping for a release in August. 

    Special Effect Tool
    Last Community Update we gave you a sneak peek at our new special effect tool. With the this tool we will be able to create fancy new spells and effects. Even though we are currently not able to add new models to the game, this is a great step in allowing us to create new visually appealing content. 
    We are looking for players who are interested in learning how to create special effects and give feedback on how to improve the tool. If you are interested in this, please reach out to Ladadoos on Discord for a quick explanation. We have plans to open source the editor in the future.

    Tournaments & Events
    • NEW: Feedback official PvE events
    Now that we have hosted two official events, we are looking for some feedback regarding both the events and the stream to improve upon them where possible. Feedback is anonymous and can be provided here. Please keep the feedback constructive and understand we do this in our free time. 

    • Finished: Community Tournament: Toggy's Tome Invitational
    If you played BattleForge back in the day you might remember Tomes. In this gamemode you get a selection of boosters that you have to use to build your deck with, after which you play PvP matches. While Tomes got discontinued around the end of BattleForge and are not available in Skylords Reborn, Toggy hosted a limited-access event last weekend to relive the experience. It was a great success, with crazy off-meta plays and is bound to return. For now you can rewatch the stream in case you missed it. 

    • NEW : Community Tournament: Toggy's Tome Tournament - August 22th
    A new tome tournament has been announced! This one is open for everyone, but you need to sign up in advance by contacting Toggy. This will be another Tome tournament, meaning you will build a deck with a selection of random cards and play PvP matches with them. Sign up and read the details about it here. 

    • Host your own event / tournament
    Want to host a tournament or event? Please reach out to our Event Organizer Hiko to have your event prizes sponsored by us. If you have a cool idea for a PvE event, or want to host a PvP tournament, please don't hesitate to reach out to us, we will gladly assist you. 

    New Team Members / Open Positions
    We are happy to welcome a new member to the team: Kerkk has joined us as a web developer! 
    We could definitely need some more help with the Skylords Reborn project however.
    Below are three roles highlighted, but you can find more information, desired traits and all our open positions here. 
    Open Position - Map Tester 
    As a map tester you get early access to new maps and gamemodes and are responsible to playtest them and provide feedback to the other map developers about possible issues or improvements. This includes check how balanced the map is, how fun it is to play, if there are any exploits, if areas on the map need to be prettified etc. Map developers/designers/artists should be able to rely on you to make sure maps that are released or changed are done so properly.

    Open Position - Marketeer / Outreach Coordinator
    As a Marketeer / Outreach Coordinator you are responsible to spread the word and create awareness about Skylords Reborn and to attract veteran and new players alike. This includes actively researching and reaching out to potentially interested streamers, youtubers, Discord channels, game magazines, among others. You will be responsible for the communication to and from interested parties and for any promotion deals (for example involving scratch codes). Please note that Skylords Reborn cannot do any paid promotions.

    Open Position - Artist
    As an artist you are responsible to create the visuals required for new content. This is a broad position and there are many areas where you could help in, depending on your skills and interests. Think of loading screen artwork for new maps, card artwork for new cards, visual UI elements for new features that involve adding UI to the game, banners for events/tournaments/community challenges/large game updates etc. Our current artist Tweeto is hard at work on new cards, but he can only do so much. If you have the skills and want to speed up the progress, please reach out to us. 

    In Conclusion
    Thanks for reading! 
    Is there anything you wish us to cover in upcoming community updates? As always, we are open to feedback so please let us know!
    Here is a scratch code you can redeem in-game for 100bfp. COMM-UNIT-YUPD-ATE9
    The code is valid till August 28th. 
    Community Update #6
    Community Update #7
    Community Update #8
  17. Ladadoos liked a post in a topic by Majora in Community update #9 - August 14th 2021   
    Greetings Skylords!

    It's been two weeks already since our last community update so it's time to bring you up to speed with everything going on in Skylords Reborn!

    Deep Dive: Rarities
    As our development of new cards continues, a frequently asked question is the upcoming rarities. These will be the first brand new cards for Skylords Reborn, so we want to have a system in place to provide insights on what makes a card common, uncommon, rare or ultra rare. We have explored this in a document, providing a deep dive into the rarities EA used in their first edition for the game: the Twilight Edition. Even though these are not always consistent, and expansions have not made things any easier, we still can take some lessons from the current distribution and apply it going forward. 
    If you are interested in the thought process behind card rarities and how we will decide them for our new cards, you can read the full document here: Designing_for_Card_Rarity.pdf
    And in case you missed them, here are the rarity icons for our new cards:

    Test Server Patch Notes
    Iteration 17 of our test server is here! Check out the patch notes. This patch mainly finalizes the PvP changes which will soon hit the live server. Please keep in mind that these changes are all relative to the previous iteration. The final PvE changes will go live in the next iteration. 
    There are also some noteworthy requested general changes in this iteration. We fixed the inventory sorting, which should now properly sort the cards as specified. We also added a power well and a monument for each player in the forge. You can now test out all your damage combo's without the need to find a building that has exactly the same amount of health as these buildings. 
    We also made another change to the game that will certainly be the topic of many conversations in the future. We added a preliminary fix so units in PvE maps always have correct orb and power costs. This means that certain abilities, like e.g. Nightguard Swap or Mindcontrol cannot ignore the orb requirements anymore. Please note these changes will not be included in the next live server patch. We want to test and gather feedback before making a change like this, but first had to figure out if it was even possible. You can discuss these and other changes on our balance discord.

    Next Live Patch Delayed
    Because of a delay of the Test Server Patch we sadly also have to delay the Live Patch we were hoping to release this week. Since this is going to be a big one, we need a little more time to make sure all the bugs (not you Scythe Fiend) are taken care of before we patch to live. Please be patient a bit longer, we are still hoping for a release in August. 

    Special Effect Tool
    Last Community Update we gave you a sneak peek at our new special effect tool. With the this tool we will be able to create fancy new spells and effects. Even though we are currently not able to add new models to the game, this is a great step in allowing us to create new visually appealing content. 
    We are looking for players who are interested in learning how to create special effects and give feedback on how to improve the tool. If you are interested in this, please reach out to Ladadoos on Discord for a quick explanation. We have plans to open source the editor in the future.

    Tournaments & Events
    • NEW: Feedback official PvE events
    Now that we have hosted two official events, we are looking for some feedback regarding both the events and the stream to improve upon them where possible. Feedback is anonymous and can be provided here. Please keep the feedback constructive and understand we do this in our free time. 

    • Finished: Community Tournament: Toggy's Tome Invitational
    If you played BattleForge back in the day you might remember Tomes. In this gamemode you get a selection of boosters that you have to use to build your deck with, after which you play PvP matches. While Tomes got discontinued around the end of BattleForge and are not available in Skylords Reborn, Toggy hosted a limited-access event last weekend to relive the experience. It was a great success, with crazy off-meta plays and is bound to return. For now you can rewatch the stream in case you missed it. 

    • NEW : Community Tournament: Toggy's Tome Tournament - August 22th
    A new tome tournament has been announced! This one is open for everyone, but you need to sign up in advance by contacting Toggy. This will be another Tome tournament, meaning you will build a deck with a selection of random cards and play PvP matches with them. Sign up and read the details about it here. 

    • Host your own event / tournament
    Want to host a tournament or event? Please reach out to our Event Organizer Hiko to have your event prizes sponsored by us. If you have a cool idea for a PvE event, or want to host a PvP tournament, please don't hesitate to reach out to us, we will gladly assist you. 

    New Team Members / Open Positions
    We are happy to welcome a new member to the team: Kerkk has joined us as a web developer! 
    We could definitely need some more help with the Skylords Reborn project however.
    Below are three roles highlighted, but you can find more information, desired traits and all our open positions here. 
    Open Position - Map Tester 
    As a map tester you get early access to new maps and gamemodes and are responsible to playtest them and provide feedback to the other map developers about possible issues or improvements. This includes check how balanced the map is, how fun it is to play, if there are any exploits, if areas on the map need to be prettified etc. Map developers/designers/artists should be able to rely on you to make sure maps that are released or changed are done so properly.

    Open Position - Marketeer / Outreach Coordinator
    As a Marketeer / Outreach Coordinator you are responsible to spread the word and create awareness about Skylords Reborn and to attract veteran and new players alike. This includes actively researching and reaching out to potentially interested streamers, youtubers, Discord channels, game magazines, among others. You will be responsible for the communication to and from interested parties and for any promotion deals (for example involving scratch codes). Please note that Skylords Reborn cannot do any paid promotions.

    Open Position - Artist
    As an artist you are responsible to create the visuals required for new content. This is a broad position and there are many areas where you could help in, depending on your skills and interests. Think of loading screen artwork for new maps, card artwork for new cards, visual UI elements for new features that involve adding UI to the game, banners for events/tournaments/community challenges/large game updates etc. Our current artist Tweeto is hard at work on new cards, but he can only do so much. If you have the skills and want to speed up the progress, please reach out to us. 

    In Conclusion
    Thanks for reading! 
    Is there anything you wish us to cover in upcoming community updates? As always, we are open to feedback so please let us know!
    Here is a scratch code you can redeem in-game for 100bfp. COMM-UNIT-YUPD-ATE9
    The code is valid till August 28th. 
    Community Update #6
    Community Update #7
    Community Update #8
  18. Majora liked a post in a topic by LEBOVIN in [QoL] [Optional] Clock   
    Nope it is not 
  19. Metagross31 liked a post in a topic by Majora in Toggys Tome Tournament invitational 08.08.21   
    Stream is now live: 
  20. Dutchy liked a post in a topic by Majora in Toggys Tome Tournament invitational 08.08.21   
    Stream is now live: 
  21. Majora liked a post in a topic by Zwergling in Deck management options   
    Hi, first of all, thank you to the skylords reborn team for making this awesome game playable again.
    Is it possible to implement other decksorting options to the game? (Like the tutorial deck)
    So you can put expert decks in one category for example.
  22. Majora liked a post in a topic by Dutchy in Toggys Tome Tournament invitational 08.08.21   
    @Majora You got to represent us dutchies 😛
  23. Dutchy liked a post in a topic by Majora in Toggys Tome Tournament invitational 08.08.21   
    Thanks! Looks like I will need it! 
  24. Majora liked a post in a topic by Dallarian in Toggys Tome Tournament invitational 08.08.21   
    @Majora Good look!
  25. Dallarian liked a post in a topic by Majora in Toggys Tome Tournament invitational 08.08.21   
    Hype! Hoping for viridya in my pool 😛
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