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Chimaka( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Beta Tester
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  1. Chimaka( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) liked a post in a topic by Zyna in The economy - for those who have plenty of time at hands   
    I hope you like the data @VolvoxGlobator@Chimaka( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
    This sums up to a total of 9209 booster purchases in the time period between the 22.09 0:00 and the 05.10 0:00.
  2. Chimaka( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) liked a post in a topic by Kubik in Buddelmuddels suggestions for the game   
    and 196605 = 65535 * 3
    where 3 is  for 1p 2p 4p rPvE maps because all 3 of them have difficulty 10 and 65535 are all possible seeds (maximum value of 16 bit unsigned inteager - 1 because 0 is not allowed as seed)
    if you would want other difficulties you can multiply it by 10 (each difficulty have its own maps)
    if you want all presets that are present, but are not available under SR (and was not under EA) then you can multiply it by 10 (only 1 preset per seed is picked)
  3. Chimaka( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) liked a post in a topic by Kubik in Buddelmuddels suggestions for the game   
    how exactly you @Buddelmuddel plan to sort 196605 maps in 1,5h? And why exactly you did not do it already? You can generate all of them with editor.
  4. Chimaka( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) liked a post in a topic by BlueBerryBoy in Buddelmuddels suggestions for the game   
    Irrelevant. Get down from your high horse. Don’t act like you are some kind of Messias every game needs to have.
    This is a terrible idea: 
    1. your math is wrong: 2+3+5=10 not 8
    2. i think the devs have better stuff to do than implementing such a system that obviously won’ t work. As an Example: prices develop dynamically so after reset when the highly demanded t1 cards get sold for way more than most of the other cards, your idea sucks because the chance of these cards dropping in a booster will be even smaller than it is with the current booster system. 
    To the PvP start idea: if you would have followed the recent events you would have noticed that there is an other idea which gives every player access to every PvP deck for ranked at deck level 120. 
    Belongs to balance discord where such ideas are already discussed. 
    Great idea! You can start by checking all seeds for battlegrounds for their "true" difficulty level yourself.
    conclusion: Don‘t act like you are able to fix problems of this game with 4 bad ideas in which you put no research in. 

  5. Chimaka( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) liked a post in a topic by SunWu in Buddelmuddels suggestions for the game   
    Why should popular/strong cards become rare and unpopular/weak cards become common? Makes it even harder to get a good deck at the start and everyone will accumulate even bigger piles of cards he doesnt use. The only reason i can think of to implement such a system would be generating more money wich isnt an option for SR. Getting new players on the other hand is an aim, wich this sytem wouldn't help at all.
    From the beginning the relation of card strength and card raritiy had been rather random, but i think that's just because the original developers had no idea wich cards are actually stronger than others. I wonder if the rarity system does any good at all these days where profit doesnt play a role. Maybe there's some psychology behind it wich lets the ,,collector'' type of player get more enjoyment out of the game this way, i don't know. For me it's an (in skylords reborn case) outdated money making mechanism wich confuses some new players cause they think rare = strong.
  6. Chimaka( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) liked a post in a topic by kggx in Export 3D Model / 3D Model Format   
    Again resurrecting the thread: 
    Someone mailed me and I got into it again... I used some early stuff already done by others here in the thread and started working on a mass converter to GLTF (universal 3d file format).

    Early version up on Github but I'm able to convert the raw geometry to a GLTF:

  7. Chimaka( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) liked a post in a topic by SunWu in True PvP Experience   
    phasetower go pew
  8. Chimaka( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) liked a post in a topic by kggx in Export 3D Model / 3D Model Format   
    Well step by step @bobfrog:
    1. Import the .drs into Lightsong 0.5
    2. Export from LightSong 0.5 to .smd
    3. Import the .smd into Blender via "blender_source_tools_2.9.1"
    4. Export via Blender to .fbx
    I think if we ask the creator of Lightsong (I dont know his name anymore...) he might give us useful information about the converting from .drs to .smd
  9. LEBOVIN liked a post in a topic by Chimaka( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) in BF Memeville   
    *another one*
    A reaction meme
    Just incase - the rifle is Scout Elite with 8x scope. Footage took from BF4

  10. Chimaka( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) liked a post in a topic by Kaliber84 in BF Font alternatives   
    TL, DR: I looked for BF fonts and these are the ones I found that share similarities.
    In my quest to create a logo for the Battleforge Creator's Guild channel (formerly Skylords Reborn Community) I have been on the lookout for fonts that are similar to the one used in the original logos of BF. As I have already experienced when helping with the creation of the "Battleforge Reborn" banner it is incredibly time-consuming to create every letter by hand. You need to determine or recreate the core shape, add background layers, colouring, shading, and then fuse all of the letters together into a whole by texturing and blending it together. So for new projects I'd like to have a font at hand where I can at least use the shape without the need to do major adjustments to it. Someone with more typographical knowledge than me might find something even better than I have. But these are my results.

    @Darian DelFord Your thread from 3 years ago might be a bit outdated but if you`re still interested here you go.
    All of the fonts are licensed and need to be bought for official use. As I don't have any commercial interests I take the freedom to use them as templates and modify them as needed. Just keep in mind that this is not open-source or freeware per se.
    Ravenwood - https://www.fonts.com/de/font/aerotype/ravenwood
    This one really stood out as it is almost exactly the same in many regards. While at first it might look a bit weird when comparing it to the BF font the single letters share many characteristics like general shape, thickness, proportions and even the edges line up in most places. If anyone ever has the ambition to recreate a Battleforge font as a whole this would be the place to start and adjust.
    Gottar - https://www.fonts.com/de/font/intellecta-design/gottar
    This one is not really that similar to the BF font but then again it shares a lot of details with it where the Ravenwood font is lacking. This font should not be used as a direct alternative and can't be used to predict what letters would look like that are never seen in the original BF banner. But it can be used to complement the Ravenwood font with parts and details.
  11. shroomion liked a post in a topic by Chimaka( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) in Art Gallery by Me, the Chimaka   
    6. L-sized unit. Beast/Dark Elf/Demon. Melee. Without bright scan.
    7. Shrine or Device. About t3. Without additional scans. It is supposed to give temporal fog of war vision and ground presence(dazed) at the given point somewhere on the map.
    8. XL-sized unit. Beast. Flying. With a Black & White scan version.
    9. M- or L-sized unit. Beast. Actually for the Fire faction, not Shadow/Nature, but within the expansion. With B&W scan. (here comes dat boi!!!)
    10. Instant Burst Damage Magic. AOE Spell. Actually for the Frost faction (Or maybe Stonekins?). Without additional scans.
    11. Void-power priced and activated Defending/Shielding Magic. Friendly Targeted Arcane. For the Shadow/Nature faction. Without additional scans.
    12. "Claustrophobia". Enemy Corrupting Magic. Enemy Targeted Spell. For the Shadow/Nature faction. With B&W scan.
  12. fiki574 liked a post in a topic by Chimaka( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) in "Connection failed!" when trying to login, and not being able connect again   
    NAME: "Connection failed!" when trying to login, and not being able connect again
    LOCATION: Login screen
    DESCRIPTION: Error appears, if you happen to enter your password or login wrongly (typo or just improper, whatever). If that happens, then even when you write proper login/password you will still get the "Connection failed!" message instead of "Invalid Account or Password! Please, wait 3 seconds before signing in again" when you do it the first time (write wrongly) (btw, the "Login" button doesn't grey out even the first time). Also when you try to login second time the "Connection failed!" message will appear after game freezes for about ~5 seconds.
    So: steps to reproduce it are
    >Start game
    >Enter wrong password/e-mail
    >get the "Invalid Account or Password! Please, wait 3 seconds before signing in again" message
    >write proper Account or Password
    >Get the "Connection failed!" message and blocked entrance.
    ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: 'Hotfix' - enter your password on the first try, either restart your client, if you happen to enter the wrong one. Logs are Added (notes for logs)
    Related bug reports: (literally same cause and i think they are related directly)
    SCREENSHOT: none
  13. You will win with me liked a post in a topic by Chimaka( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) in Art Gallery by Me, the Chimaka   
    Here Is my not first, but the best drown art - Stone Warrior environment with snowy blowings. I had drawn on fascinating lecture... Then I did the grafic rework on phone app Autodesk (*No advertising ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)*), here it is. Lower I post high resolution sketch version. I'll also include in the topic few more sketches, but they are not reworked.

  14. You will win with me liked a post in a topic by Chimaka( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) in Art Gallery by Me, the Chimaka   
    A new sketch art. Hooray! After nearly a year. This topic was already forever dead, but whatever. Just saying, because it doesn't matter.
    Though i doubt someone will notice, but being noticed is not the sole point. I'm only sharing something, that people might find themselves applicable and enjoyable
    Note: it was a 600 DPI scan (7020x5100p *PC MasterRace noises*), i also enhanced it and cleared the 'dirt', aka 'pencil stains on paper'. There is still a lot is left to work on, tbh, but i am lazy and can not find myself painting it into colour. Just as any other sketch.

  15. Chimaka( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) liked a post in a topic by SunWu in Could some cards get a speed buff?   
    The only standard attack that knocks back bosses though, wich makes it really strong (no extra power or timewasting animation or cooldown like an ability might have).
    Construct pros and cons:
    + super long range
    + siege damage
    + S, M, L and XL unit knockback
    + only one frost orb needed
    - slow
    - can't attack air
    Remove it's slow speed and it becomes more OP than lost spirit ship ever was. Spells could deal with air units, while your unstoppable army would kill everything before it could even get close.
    Battleship pros and cons:
    + flying unit
    - underwhelming damage
    - 300 powercost is on the expensive side
    - slow
    I see construct as a much stronger and more versatile card than battleship, so it surprises me that some people would like to see both of them buffed the same way.
  16. MrDanilov liked a post in a topic by Chimaka( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) in Balance Changes   
    Balance changes might happen, but in a future, when game is released (probably). Before that happens, there are different priorities, which do not involve any balance changes alongside with new game content (cards and expantions).
  17. Yuah liked a post in a topic by Chimaka( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) in BF Memeville   
    *another one*
    A reaction meme
    Just incase - the rifle is Scout Elite with 8x scope. Footage took from BF4

  18. Chimaka( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) liked a post in a topic by Kubik in reverse AH   
    It would require completely new ui new window to be made for ~60 resolutions (I think, maybe even more  )
    This would allow groups of people to regulate market with much less effort than they need to do right now. They would just start selling for 2 or 3 times higher that current price would be and auto-buy everything cheaper.
    Are you one of them? Was that your target? 

  19. Sauron liked a post in a topic by Chimaka( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) in 2 - "Errorcode -1" when trying to login   
    NAME: "Errorcode -1" when trying to login
    LOCATION: Login screen
    DESCRIPTION: Error appears, if you happen to enter your password or login wrongly (typo or just improper, whatever). So: steps to reproduce it are
    >Enter wrong password/e-mail
    >get the "...wait 10 seconds..." message
    >wait and enter proper password/e-mail
    >Forever "Logging in", then the Error appears with following "Disconnected" window.
    ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: Enter your password on the first try, either restart your client, if you happen to enter wrong one.
  20. Chimaka( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) liked a post in a topic by Zyna in (Suggestion) Detailed HP Bars   
    The way I did it right now is to have one big line each for 1k HP (this will also scale logarithmically for 10k, 100k, etc. HP). For the small lines, I will add an option in the options menu where you can choose how much health they represent.  In the picture the small lines represent 200 HP. Currently, if there is not enough space for the smaller lines, I just don't add them (see Comet Catcher), I don't know if that's ideal though.
    This is actually ingame What do you think about the version below? I think that one looks less cluttered. Unfortunately adjusting the total length is only possible for S/M/L/XL units in general.
    My biggest concern right now is that this feature might be too hard for lower-end PCs, but I tried to make it as performance-friendly as possible.

    Here is what it looks like for monuments and power wells:

  21. Ceekay liked a post in a topic by Chimaka( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) in BF Memeville   
    When someone ask a way too high price for a cheap card in trade.

    Then proceeds to ask high

  22. WatcherOfSky liked a post in a topic by Chimaka( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) in BF Memeville   
    When someone ask a way too high price for a cheap card in trade.

    Then proceeds to ask high

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