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Art Gallery by Me, the Chimaka

Chimaka( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

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Here Is my not first, but the best drown art - Stone Warrior environment with snowy blowings. I had drawn on fascinating lecture... Then I did the grafic rework on phone app Autodesk (*No advertising ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)*), here it is. Lower I post high resolution sketch version. I'll also include in the topic few more sketches, but they are not reworked.



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This is higher quality of sketch. Made by Photoshop.


12 minutes ago, Sykole said:

Looks pretty nice, with more practice I am sure you will be able to make an even better version! :)

Those are just sketches, but the photoshop rework seems to look much better compare to phone version. I'm also stuned by similarity to canonical version, which I was not using during work. Not complitely similar, but the shapes are near to.


Edited by Chimaka( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
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On 23.02.2017 at 0:34 AM, Dzodin said:

Looks good :) I will be watching this carefully :P


On 23.02.2017 at 1:23 AM, Lukaznid said:

I like it!

Thanks both, have a :cookie:.
It has been done.


Here is the final Sketch with environment, some blowings and stones in snow.


Edited by Chimaka( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
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  • 2 weeks later...

Hello again, since I'm not so good at painting, I've just uploaded there the last version of Stone Warrior with Environment. Also I have been working on new art which is Thornbark/Treespirit, both are used (treespirit mostly I think). Here is Sharpened sketch of 'him'.


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  • 1 year later...

Oh, and there is another sketch. The Magma Hurler. I added some masks to dissolve the squared paper. It looks a bit lazy as a potboiler, but was unable to do it properly, because there are too much thin pencil lines and it would take a lot of time. Just as with Stone Warrior.
P.S. Bw, I've just reminded Erias.


Edited by Chimaka( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
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  • 10 months later...

A new sketch art. Hooray! After nearly a year. This topic was already forever dead, but whatever. Just saying, because it doesn't matter.

Though i doubt someone will notice, but being noticed is not the sole point. I'm only sharing something, that people might find themselves applicable and enjoyable :D
Note: it was a 600 DPI scan (7020x5100p *PC MasterRace noises*), i also enhanced it and cleared the 'dirt', aka 'pencil stains on paper'. There is still a lot is left to work on, tbh, but i am lazy and can not find myself painting it into colour. Just as any other sketch.


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  • 1 year later...

A whole Year long update... Wow...

Ok so.... decided to work a bit on Shadow/Nature expansion. Will drop them all. Most of them are styled to accompany dark/corrupted nature and/or subterranean beings (because, according to lore of BattleForge, there were time when human and most of the beings actually hid deep beneath the ground). Some of the Sketches also had the card description to them, those i will add later.

1. M- or L-sized unit. Forestkin. With brighter scan




size restriction bug - oof 

2. M-sized unit. Beast. Flying. With brighter scan



3. M-sized unit. Ogre(?). Without brighter scan.



4. Temporal Banish Magic. Spell. Probably more of a Shadow Spell. With brighter scan.



5. L- or XL-sized unit. Beast/Demon. Hovering, not flying. Without bright scan.




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6. L-sized unit. Beast/Dark Elf/Demon. Melee. Without bright scan.



7. Shrine or Device. About t3. Without additional scans. It is supposed to give temporal fog of war vision and ground presence(dazed) at the given point somewhere on the map.



8. XL-sized unit. Beast. Flying. With a Black & White scan version.





9. M- or L-sized unit. Beast. Actually for the Fire faction, not Shadow/Nature, but within the expansion. With B&W scan. (here comes dat boi!!!)



10. Instant Burst Damage Magic. AOE Spell. Actually for the Frost faction (Or maybe Stonekins?). Without additional scans.




11. Void-power priced and activated Defending/Shielding Magic. Friendly Targeted Arcane. For the Shadow/Nature faction. Without additional scans.



12. "Claustrophobia". Enemy Corrupting Magic. Enemy Targeted Spell. For the Shadow/Nature faction. With B&W scan.




Edited by Chimaka( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
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  • 1 year later...

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