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"Connection failed!" when trying to login, and not being able connect again

Chimaka( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

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NAME: "Connection failed!" when trying to login, and not being able connect again
LOCATION: Login screen
DESCRIPTION: Error appears, if you happen to enter your password or login wrongly (typo or just improper, whatever). If that happens, then even when you write proper login/password you will still get the "Connection failed!" message instead of "Invalid Account or Password! Please, wait 3 seconds before signing in again" when you do it the first time (write wrongly) (btw, the "Login" button doesn't grey out even the first time). Also when you try to login second time the "Connection failed!" message will appear after game freezes for about ~5 seconds.
So: steps to reproduce it are
>Start game
>Enter wrong password/e-mail
>get the "Invalid Account or Password! Please, wait 3 seconds before signing in again" message
>write proper Account or Password
>Get the "Connection failed!" message and blocked entrance.
ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: 'Hotfix' - enter your password on the first try, either restart your client, if you happen to enter the wrong one. Logs are Added (notes for logs)


log #49 is a try when i wrote a wrong password on purpose after i've logged out, result is as same as when you try even right after game starts.
log #47 same, but wrote wrong password on the first try.

Related bug reports: (literally same cause and i think they are related directly)







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1 hour ago, Kubik said:

I just can not reproduce it :(

can you check if process "Launcher.exe" is running when this happen?

Only these processes are up, "Launcher.exe" just dissapears as soon as you(I) enter wrong password and get the "...Wait 3 seconds...etc.etc" message. Although it doesn't if you enter the forge properly (which should be like that, obviously).


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