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  1. LEBOVIN liked a post in a topic by wibryz in AOE damage overflow bugfix (high impact)   
    There is a longstanding bug in the calculation of AOE (area of effect) damage, affecting spells, unit abilities and unit attacks which have a max damage per target and max overall damage. Examples of affected spells are Eruption or Fire Sphere, abilities like Rifle Cultists' Dark Grenade or AOE attacks of units like Construct, Frost Mage or Deepcoil Worm.
    TL;DR at the bottom!
    How the bug works:
    If an AOE damage effect kills a unit, only 50% of the overkill damage is transferred back to the pool of available damage which is to be distributed to other targets.
    Let's take Fire Sphere (u3) as an example. The spell has a maximum single target damage of 6000 and a maximum total damage of 8000. As it stands, the spell will only ever do its full damage if its primary target (closest to the area of effect center) has at least 6000, and its second target has at least 2000 health.
    If you use Fire Sphere on a group of weaker enemies, it's effectiveness will vastly diminish. Let's take for example a group of 8 Sunderers (u3), which have exactly 1000 HP each, for a total of 8000 HP. Fire Sphere will kill 3 of them, and damage a fourth Sunderer for 375 damage, leaving him with 625 HP. Total damage dealt: 3375. It would get even worse for lower health targets.

    Why does it happen? Because of faulty calculation in the damage formula, which returns only 50% of overkill damage to the pool of remaining damage.
    So what's the maths behind it?
    Before: max single target damage = 6000, damage in pool = 8000
    Target 1: health = 1000, damage dealt = 6000, overkill damage = 5000, damage returned to pool = 2500, remaining damage in pool = 4500
    Target 2: health = 1000, damage dealt = 4500, overkill damage = 3500, damage returned to pool = 1750, remaining damage in pool = 1750
    Target 3: health = 1000, damage dealt = 1750, overkill damage = 750, damage returned to pool = 375, remaining damage in pool = 375
    Target 4: health = 1000, damage dealt = 375, health remaining = 625
    Is it a bug, or is it a feature?
    That's a non-trivial question. But so far, there is every indication that this is in fact a bug.
    1. There is no indication whatsoever in the spell descriptions, especially the big AOE spells like Fire Sphere, that they massively lose effectiveness against groups of enemies, or that they deal only half damage to further targets.
    2. Against a heterogenous group of enemies, the total damage dealt varies greatly, depending on which target was closest to the spell center, thus in which orders the targets are affected.
    3. Logic dictates, that there is no reason for an explosion to lose effectiveness (as in: deal less overall damage) the more viable targets are affected.
    4. Increasing "maximum single target damage" reduces the overall damage dealt by the spells, if they are used against groups of enemies, to a point where Lava Field sometimes deals more overall damage than Fire Sphere. How does that make sense?
    What's the proposed bugfix/change?
    To enable full overkill damage overflow. As in, if the single target damage is 6000, and the target has only 1000 health, let 5000 damage return to the remaining damage pool.
    Using the example above again, that's 8 dead Sunderers for a total of 8000 damage and a happy, fulfilled Fire Sphere.

    Can it be implemented easily?
    We've been hard at work and testing with Kubik (who's effort and insight are massively appreciated!), and the relevant code already exists, ready to be implemented. It also is easily adjustable, should it turn out that another value, like a 75%, or 80% damage carryover on overkillis the sweet spot.
    What will change if the bugfix is implemented?
    Every AOE spell, ability and attack, which has a listed damage per target and maximum damage will be affected by this change. However, the degree to which it will have an impact, varies greatly from one case to another. For most cards, especially with low damage numbers, the increase will be negligible (not JUST because these are low numbers, but primarily because those spells/attacks have a low chance to kill a target with any given shot).
    Generally, the bugfix is a direct buff to many cards and abilities. However, damage is only actually increased if 1. at least one of the targets is killed, 2. there are more viable targets in range than (total_damage / max_singletarget_damage) rounded up. Also, to be clear, damage is NEVER going to be increased for the primary target
    Spells which are affected the most, are spells which have high enough numbers, that they are expected to reliably kill some, or most of their targets. The greater the single target maximum damage of the AOE damage source, and the greater single target maximum damage in relation to total maximum damage, the more any given spell/attack/ability is affected. Also, spells/attacks/abilities which have a larger AOE and the above characteristics, tend to be affected more (because more targets fit into the AOE).
    My predictions concerning the impact on specific cards:
    High impact: Fire Sphere, Rifle Cultists* (ability: Dark Grenade), Boom Brothers* (ability: Boom), Necro Fury* (ability: Bone Shards), Altar of Chaos (against really large groups), Worldbreaker Gun (attack and ability: Heavy Snowball, though the latter only against really large groups), Shatter Ice, Comet Catcher (against really large groups).
    * - Unholy Hero increases the impact
    Moderate impact: Construct (attack), Giant Wyrm (attack), Ironclad (attack), Wasteland Terror (attack), Abomination (ability: Blessed/Tainted Fury), Skycatcher (attack), Gemeye (attack), Volcano (attack), Artillery (attack), Hatecaster (attack), Deepgorge (attack), Thornbark (rooted attack), Treefiend (rooted attack), Lost Horror (attack), Soulshatter (>3 targets), Backlash (depending on void power, may be low impact), Corpse Explosion (>3 targets), Morklay Trap, Shadow Phoenix (>4 targets), Lost dancer (ability: Necro explosion, only with lots of targets in range), Nasty Surprise (>3 targets), Necroblaster (attack, and shadow affinity ability: Tainted Voodoo).
    Low impact: Magma Hurler (attack), Sun Reaver (ability: Metal Spikes), Deepcoil Worm (attack), Twilight Bombard (attack), Lost Disruptor (attack, moderate impact against grouped very low health fliers), Shadow Mage, Eruption (>3 targets).
    My predictions concerning the impact on PVP balance:
    (I am not an active PVP player currently. I did play a decent amount in times of Battleforge, but I am in no way up to date, so take these predictions with a grain of salt).
    Shadow will slightly gain in power, as the explosions have actually high enough damage numbers to reliably kill at least some of their targets, but except for Shadow Mage, it only ever becomes relevant when there are >3 targets in range of the spell/ability. The slight buff to Eruption shouldn't have an impact. Otherwise I expect nothing much to change. The vast majority of significantly affected cards are T4.
    My predictions concerning the impact on PVE:
    Enemies: Long range AOE attackers, like Bandit walkers and high tier defensive towers (e.g. artillery) will be more proficient at murdering grouped units.
    Players: Stronger tools of destruction at player disposal. It should only really affect T4, and shadow at lower tiers (Shadow Phoenix in particular should be noticeably more effective against large groups, Necroblaster will get stronger, Corpse explosion and Soulshatter will also be noticeably more effective).
    Final thoughts:
    I was for a long time under the impression, that large AOE damage sources are somehow underperforming, without really understanding why. Fire Sphere! Enormous explosion! Which... kills 3-4 units out of a cluster of 15 units. Now that I found out why those spells underperform, I've taken the effort to try and fix it. That's the result. I consider it a bugfix, even though it is also a moderately impactful balance change. That's how Skylords Reborn, and earlier Battleforge, handled AOE damage. A bug that had largely become a feature. I propose we change it in a logical way. Maximum 8000 damage in the area? If the targets in range have as much overall health, the damage will be dealt in full.
    Special thanks:
    Kubik, for his unending patience and making the unreadable mess of code actually parsable for the human mind.
    High tier AOE spells and abilities promise big numbers. Against lots of small targets, numbers are much smaller, because overkill damage is halved (multiple times). The proposed change fixes stuff, so that big spells deal the promised damage. Fire Sphere -> big boom -> big damage -> lots of dead bandits. Vote big damage. Vote dead bandits!
  2. JarodDempsey liked a post in a topic by LEBOVIN in Bad Harvest - Discussion Thread   
    Now everyone can see it, hope ur happy @JarodDempsey
    Changelog Patch #400031:
    - Added connecting path in the top area.


  3. Metagross31 liked a post in a topic by LEBOVIN in Show possible upgrades on a campaign mission   
    Yeah do not use the old wiki for that, cause upgrade drops were different back then. 
    in the new wiki you can find a sort and searchable table here 
  4. chickennoodler liked a post in a topic by LEBOVIN in Info or patch date of Snap jaw's new dps number?   
    It was last patch, the wiki pages of each individual card are just not updated yet. The change is noted on the main patch page: https://skylords-reborn.fandom.com/wiki/Patches/Patch_400031
    and yeah only what is displayed was adjusted, no actual dmg changes occurred. 
  5. LEBOVIN liked a post in a topic by Zyna in Patch #400031 - 18 December 2021   
    Thanks for sending all your reports over the Christmas holidays. We were hard at work and are proud to present you another hotfix patch!

    General changes
    - Replaced inappropriate Twilight Hag ability icon with a disco ball.
    - Added the word "Small" to all small crystals in the map Dwarven Riddle.

    General fixes
    - Fixed Void Maw description on Dwarven Riddle.
    - Fixed some typos in French quest names and descriptions.
    - Fixed some typos in French achievement names.
    - Improved French descriptions in the Free PvP decks selection window.
    - Fixed typo in Empire outcry.
    - Changed unique upgrade cards amount in story book to the correct number.

    Card changes
    - Sandstorm (Shadow): The description now mentions that the storm only deals half of its damage against structures and knocks back small and medium units.
    - Sandstorm (Frost): The description now mentions that the storm only deals half of its damage against structures.
    - Deepgorge (both affinities): Added missing translations for upgrade descriptions in French.
    - Corsair (both affinities): The status bar tooltip of units affected by Inspirational Call now displays the correct value on upgrade 0.
    - Coat of Protection (both affinities): The respective affinity naming is now properly displayed in the status bar tooltip of affected units.
    - Bandit Sniper: Corrected small typo in French ability description.
    - Bandit Sniper: Added missing translations for status bar descriptions in French and Russian.
  6. Kubik liked a post in a topic by LEBOVIN in Upgrade Count Error   
    Since new cards were added in the patch it is sadly wrong again^^
  7. Majora liked a post in a topic by LEBOVIN in Bad Harvest - Discussion Thread   
    Now everyone can see it, hope ur happy @JarodDempsey
    Changelog Patch #400031:
    - Added connecting path in the top area.


  8. LEBOVIN liked a post in a topic by Pritstift in All-time fastest speedrun rankings (October 2013-September 2022)   
    First new all-time in 2022.

  9. Ultralord liked a post in a topic by LEBOVIN in Convoy - Discussion Thread   
    Changelog Patch #400031:
    - Prevented construction of buildings inside the path of the  Raven Walkers.
  10. Ultralord liked a post in a topic by LEBOVIN in The Guns of Lyr - Discussion Thread   
    Changelog Patch #400031:
    - The southern flame field is now properly dealing damage.
    - Prevented construction of buildings near the map border in the top left and bottom right corner.
  11. Metagross31 liked a post in a topic by LEBOVIN in Encounters with Twilight - Discussion Thread   
    Cause it was not announced in the Patch Stream:

    Changelog Patch #400031:
    Adjusted the map to have different  Amii Screaming Stones per difficulty. Amii Screaming Stone:
    Active ability Sound the Call: Changed the initial cooldown from 180 seconds on all difficulties to 180 seconds on Standard, 120 seconds on Advanced and 90 seconds on Expert difficulty. Extended cast time from 1 second to 5 seconds to make the Screaming Stone animation audible and visible. This will delay the triggered attack wave by the same duration.
  12. chickennoodler liked a post in a topic by LEBOVIN in Anniversary Patch Bugs   
    It says at the end the usual sentence 
  13. WindHunter liked a post in a topic by LEBOVIN in Anniversary Patch Bugs   
    It says at the end the usual sentence 
  14. LEBOVIN liked a post in a topic by Majora in Patch #400031 - 18 December 2021   
    Greetings Skyfolk!
    This update contains our fourth balance patch for the game, brand new cards, and many other changes, enjoy!
    Check out our recent community update for more information.

    Feedback to these changes can be given on the balancing discord. When you give feedback make sure to properly support your reasoning by including replays or video footage.
    Where are balance changes discussed?
    For now we have a Discord server dedicated for this. An invite link to the server: https://discord.gg/NvSUwpf

    How can I join the test server?
    To join the test server you simply need to launch LauncherTest.exe located in your BattleForge installation folder. It is important you run the updater first, so you download the latest test server files. In the future we plan to make it easier to join the test server.

    A detailed list of all changes can be found on the wiki. However, since the patch notes are quite long, we prepared a summary document for you! You can find it attached to this post. 
  15. Dallarian liked a post in a topic by LEBOVIN in Emmaerzeh´s Map creation tutorial for dummies   
    Yes. but u need to know the exact internal outcry name/id ?
    AudioVoicePlay    {Voice = "", Volume = default},
    in combination with:
    MissionOutcry    {Player = "ALL", Tag = "default", TextTag = "", Text = "", DurationSeconds = default, PortraitFileName = "default"},
  16. Dallarian liked a post in a topic by LEBOVIN in Originally featured Community Maps   
    Hello there,
    As you know SkylordsReborn allows players to upload their custom maps to the server and offer them for free download directly in the game. After each day, the directory of the previously uploaded community maps is overwritten. Staff has the possibility to edit the downloadable community maps section, to make maps stay permanently. Below you find currently available maps.
    Please refrain from reuploading duplicates or old versions of the maps listed below. If you are not sure if you still have older versions of these maps, simply navigate to your Documents\BattleForge\map folder and empty it. Then proceed to download the maps ingame again. If you have accidentally uploaded a broken/ duplicated community map, reach out to staff and they will help you out.
    Default-featured PVE community maps
    Every player has these maps downloaded and permanently available in the client by default:
    Name Type Author Atraos 1-player scenario StevenDriesner Awakening 2-player scenario Scairus Cry for help! 1-player scenario Darg0 Dead Ice 2-player scenario Ockelmann + Elias The Dwarfen Stronghold 4-player scenario LInsoDeTeh Dignified 1-player scenario Jan Kuntscher Get strong enough 2-player scenario Marcel Schanz + Martin Fischer Greenhell 1-player scenario Yves Baumgarte Heart of Corruption 1-player scenario Arvid Hahn Just Cold 1-player scenario Luke Phlegethons Raid 1-player scenario Timm Boukoura Ruins of Zaebos 1-player scenario Jan Ried Twisted Legends - 0.998 4-player scenario Omelie
    Default-featured official PVP spectator maps
    In addition to the normal versions of 1vs1 PvP maps, every player has these maps downloaded and permanently available in the client by default. These officially replace the old community map spectator versions:
    Elyon - Spectator 1vs1 with 4 spectators (3vs3) Haladur - Spectator 1vs1 with 4 spectators (3vs3) Lajesh - Spectator 1vs1 with 4 spectators (3vs3) Simai - Spectator 1vs1 with 4 spectators (3vs3) Uro - Spectator 1vs1 with 4 spectators (3vs3) Wazhai - Spectator 1vs1 with 4 spectators (3vs3) Yrmia - Spectator 1vs1 with 4 spectators (3vs3)
    Permanently Downloadable PvE Community Maps:
    Players can download these maps in the section PvE Community Maps on the world map: 
    Playable Scenarios: Simple Land 1 2-player scenario Emmaerzeh + LEBOVIN Download Simple Land 2 2-player scenario Emmaerzeh + LEBOVIN Download Simple Land 3 2-player scenario Emmaerzeh + LEBOVIN Download Simple Land 4 2-player scenario Emmaerzeh + LEBOVIN Download Simple Land 5 2-player scenario Emmaerzeh + LEBOVIN Download Simple Land 6 2-player scenario Emmaerzeh + LEBOVIN Download Simple Land 7 2-player scenario Emmaerzeh + LEBOVIN + Spitzkopf Download Simple Land 8 2-player scenario Emmaerzeh + LEBOVIN Download Invasion of Simple Land 1-player scenario Emmaerzeh + LEBOVIN Download Rise of a Demon 1-player scenario Emmaerzeh + LEBOVIN Download Wall Defence 1-player scenario Emmaerzeh + LEBOVIN Download Dragon Hunt 2-player scenario Emmaerzeh + LEBOVIN Download Into the Jungle 2-player scenario Emmaerzeh + Perendi + Kyriel + LEBOVIN Download Groundhog Day 2-player scenario Emmaerzeh + BlackMasterN + LEBOVIN Download Legions 4-player scenario Emmaerzeh + LEBOVIN Download Passage to Darkness 4-player scenario LEBOVIN Download Passage to Darkness Mod 4-player scenario LEBOVIN + Emmaerzeh Download Maps for testing purposes: Community Smithy 1-player scenario Emmaerzeh + LEBOVIN Download
    Other downloadable PvE maps
    Eventually maps from below will move up to the permanently downloadable section, once they have been updated:
    Christmas Defense Umbabwe TD Conquest Rogans revenge Tic Tac Toe Connect 4 Kings Ridge PvP Community Maps (enables Spectators):
    Dyrum Best regards,
  17. WindHunter liked a post in a topic by LEBOVIN in Encounters with Twilight - Discussion Thread   
    It actually has to be even longer than 60 seconds, otherwise outcrys will overlap and Rogan will be sitting in front of the wall 🙂 
  18. LEBOVIN liked a post in a topic by JarodDempsey in Bad Harvest - Discussion Thread   
    If clearing the camps above the wagon is made more important/required, can a path to the boss be added? Even if not required i think such a path should be made. It's just very cumbersome to have to move units all the way around the map if you clear the top right but also want to help at the boss. Especially considering this is the main multiplayer map for new players, they arent going to know/think to use tunnels or portal nexus much less be able to afford netherwarp.
  19. Metagross31 liked a post in a topic by LEBOVIN in Encounters with Twilight - Discussion Thread   
    It actually has to be even longer than 60 seconds, otherwise outcrys will overlap and Rogan will be sitting in front of the wall 🙂 
  20. Metagross31 liked a post in a topic by LEBOVIN in (Reassemble the Ravens), Ravenships dont get wheels buff correctly   
    Tried with Viridya and Cultist Master, it appears Wheel of Gifts never works on these kinds of summoned units. Hence this is not a bug of Ravenheart.
  21. LEBOVIN liked a post in a topic by WindHunter in Siege of Hope - Discussion Thread   
    Responsible members of the Skylords Reborn team recently met to discuss possible changes to campaign maps. What is outlined here are the proposed changes to the map Siege of Hope. These changes are not final and are only proposed. As a warning, other map projects such as more RPvE presets and Defensive RPvE have a much higher priority for our team. As such, these, or any campaign map changes, may not happen for a very long time. 
    Some changes here are firmer than others, all italicized proposals have accompanying explanations for why we are considering them, but they are the most tentative of all the proposals.
    Proposed Changes:
    1.    Spawn the Endboss when every remaining enemy on the map is cleared, even if time is remaining. Will allow speedrunners to achieve different times.
           a.    Check and adjust other spawn interactions to work alongside it, without changing the map's difficulty
  22. Metagross31 liked a post in a topic by LEBOVIN in Iron League - Tutorial Deck Runs   
    For everyone attempting these runs now and wondering why it might be different:
    Keep in mind that since the recording of some of the old replays the income randomness has been changed to be rolled differently.
    Also the tutorial deck has been buffed:
    - All tutorial deck cards now have already 50% of the max charges at upgrade 0 instead of only 25% as back then.
    - Magma Hurlers splash damage radius was increased from 5m to 8m.
    - Magma Hurlers damage was increased from 240 (360 in total) to 270 (405 in total).
    And soon additional changes to master archers ATK might come in!
  23. Kapo liked a post in a topic by LEBOVIN in Iron League - Tutorial Deck Runs   
    For everyone attempting these runs now and wondering why it might be different:
    Keep in mind that since the recording of some of the old replays the income randomness has been changed to be rolled differently.
    Also the tutorial deck has been buffed:
    - All tutorial deck cards now have already 50% of the max charges at upgrade 0 instead of only 25% as back then.
    - Magma Hurlers splash damage radius was increased from 5m to 8m.
    - Magma Hurlers damage was increased from 240 (360 in total) to 270 (405 in total).
    And soon additional changes to master archers ATK might come in!
  24. Metagross31 liked a post in a topic by LEBOVIN in My Improved CardBase   
    Many more cards are outdated by now, as the site is no longer maintained.
    Scroll down on the wiki mainpage for a more up to date cardbase:

    Reported mistakes there can be easily fixed.

  25. Volin liked a post in a topic by LEBOVIN in My Improved CardBase   
    Many more cards are outdated by now, as the site is no longer maintained.
    Scroll down on the wiki mainpage for a more up to date cardbase:

    Reported mistakes there can be easily fixed.

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