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CCC #4 - Mo Card Count - UNTIL 11. MAY 2022


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 Hello Skylords, Skyladies and other Skybeings; and welcome to CCC #4 – the fourth Crappy Community Contest!

To see the winners, click here. If you are just here to grab the booster code, there you go:  CCC4-MOMO-MOMO-MOMO



What are “Crappy Community Contests”?

This and future CCC's are meant to be small-scale contests with weird challenges, hopefully luring you away from well-trodden paths. They are small-scale on the organizers side too: there will be no stream, video or event announcing the winners. What's special about these contests is a participation price for the whole community.

What, when, where, how?

As mentioned above, the idea of the CCC's is to present you with new and fresh challenges. This one will not be about speed, but about map and card knowledge, strategy/creativity and maybe also tenacity to work through an expert map under harsh conditions:

Mo Card Count

While the Masters of the Forge are improving the power of all Skylords, the fire of the Forge burns low.
You are asked to use as little of its power as possible. 

For this challenge, win the 1-player-map “Mo” on Expert difficulty
with as few cards of as low rarity as possible

For each card you use, you will get points depending on the rarity: 

  • Common: 1 Point
  • Uncommon: 2 Points
  • Rare: 3 Points
  • Ultra Rare: 4 points 

Note: It does not matter how often you play out a card, only the cards in the deck are used to determine your points.

The Skylord with the lowest number of points will win this challenge. In the case of a tie, the run that has been submitted earlier gets the higher placement in the ranks. Replays with more than 15 cards are not eligible for this challenge (cards used, not points) – so you can't submit just your usual Mo Expert run.

Submit your replay together with the following information:

  • In game Name: <your name>
  • Deck: <screenshot or names of the cards used>   
  • Points total: <number of points scored>

You can find your replays here: Documents => Battleforge => replays

The contest has already started – submit your entry through Discord (DM to Kapo#0116) or the Skylords Forum (DM to @Kapo) until 11. 05. 2022 23:59:59  (= 8 days time total)

You can submit multiple times, but only the one with the lowest points will count. Please note that the Top 5 Replays will be posted here in the forums. To reduce my workload, you may rename your file to CCC4_Points_<IGN>.pmv (e.g. CCC4_12_Kapo.pmv).

Example Deck



We already did see several “Budget Decks” in videos or posted on the Forums. This challenge means to take this to the next level by not using card slots at all. This is an example deck for a different map - Soultree Expert:


For this I did not take rarity into account, but as you can see, the map can be done with only 7 cards without any hassle - Spikeroot for the big attack and Parasite Swarm for taking over the Stonekin. This deck would still score 15 points though, since I’m using cards of high rarities.

If I wanted to improve on this, there is the possibility to take out Curse of Oink and Breeding Grounds, that would mean much harder fights but reducing it to five cards. If I wanted to improve on points, it would be wise to remove the Amii Monument and get the 5th orb through conventional means – even if Regrowth and Giant Wyrm are needed to obtain it, two common cards score fewer points than the single rare card.

I hope this explains the mindset well enough, so you can apply it on the Mo Expert map.



Basic Expert Help



If you never did Mo on Expert or have trouble remembering how its done, @Dutchy made an awesome video with a simple walkthrough:

Also, feel free to ask more experienced players, they are usually very happy to guide you through the map! If you have a hard time, you can join the Skylords Mentoring Program Discord server here: https://discord.gg/MjKFruAe4j



What is the prize pool?

Since this is not just a Crappy Contest, but a Crappy Community Contest, you may help with your participation to earn a price for the whole Community. If we reach more than 15 participants (unique players, not entries), we will unlock a Mini-Booster code for the entire Skylords Community. If more than 25 participants enter, the code will be upgraded to a Booster instead of a Mini-Booster. So tell your fellow Skylords to try this challenge – it may take some time, but it's an occasion to try something completely new, and it raises our chances to hand out a code for everybody. 

Of course, the Skylords with the lowest points will get prices too, sponsored by the SR Team, the Community and me:

1st place               5 Bandit Boosters + Mo + Promo Swamp Drake
2nd place              4 Bandit Boosters + Mo + Promo Rogan Kayle
3rd place              3 Bandit Boosters + Mo + Promo Lyrish Knight
4th place              2 Bandit Boosters + Mo
5th place              1 Bandit Boosters + Mo
6th place              Wheel of Gifts
7th place              Worldbreaker Gun
8th place              Mine
9th place              Overlord
10th place            Jorne

Last place            Juice Tank (x4)

Special Bounty   Be the first to win the Map with only one card to earn 8 Banzai Lords (G)!

For participation, there is a random chance to win one of the following cards:

Random Draws          5x1 Bandit Booster, Enlightenment, Infect, Avatar of Frost, Disenchant (G), Amii Monument


If one or more mighty Skylord(s) decides to sponsor this event, please contact me. I would be more than happy to beef up or expand the prize pool, add additional random draws, or any other upgrades to the prize pool. 

The following prices have been sponsored so far:

Skylords Team        Bandit Boosters (x20), Community Booster Code
Kapo                      Promo Swamp Drake, Promo Rogan Kayle, Promo Lyrish Knight
Simplifying *           Enlightenment, Infect, Avatar of Frost, Disenchant (G), Amii Monument, Wheel of Gifts, Worldbreaker Gun, Mine, Overlord, Jorne
Odessa                  Mo (x5)
Donaar                  Juice Tank (x4)
Kemek1                 Enlightenment
Bozzah                   Banzai Lord (G) x8 (as a Bounty, see above)

* Simplifying, a player who stopped playing, donated his complete account. This is the second contest his collection is sponsoring - he expressed how nice the community is, and he wanted to give something back through the CCC.


In conclusion

I know this contest is somewhat harder and might be a little more time-consuming than the previous CCCs – be assured there are plans for CCC #5 to be easier again. My hope is that you still like this new kind of challenge as something worthwhile to explore. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to ask.

Good luck and best regards,



Future Contests - get involved!

If you are interested in helping with these (or better) kinds of events for the community, or want to host one yourself, don't be afraid and simply reach out! Contact our beloved Event Managers Minashigo Hiko and Metagross31 on the forums or discord. They are happy to assist you with upcoming events and with sponsoring your prize pool!

If you especially like this small-scale-format, and you have an idea for it, you may also contact me directly to discuss your idea and host your own Crappy Community Contest.


Edited by Kapo
Timer, Dutchy, Reverend830 and 6 others like this
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7 minutes ago, ThomasMann said:

I can offer some Maulers as reward 😀🍉

Just send them over and tell me what placement should get them 😄

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23 minutes ago, Reverend830 said:

Btw I think it is very nice to see a non speedrun challange here - hope to see more of that in the future 👍

Very happy to hear that you like it!

I think it's good to switch things up a bit here and there, try something new and see how that works out. When starting this one, it was quite clear that this ruleset has already its downsides. What I am quite sure is: if you try to do a competition in Battleforge, measuring speed is the most fair measurement to use.

So after the Screenshot Contest which was artistic and this one about smarts and tenacity, next one will be about time most likely.

Edited by Kapo
Doomdragons and Metagross31 like this
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I really like the variety this event adds to the contests!

Not being among the fastest players in the community, I see my time to shine here (potentially, he said 🙂).

And I wanted to thank all the great players and staff members, who contributed to the prize pool! I appreciate it very much! Hopefully I can join your ranks one day too 😄.


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40 minutes ago, ThomasMann said:

I'm actually tempted to do this one, but I'm bad at the game and never played the map on expert, so if I go in thinking Shamans and windweavers will work, I'm pretty sure I will die. 

That's why I added the Mo-Video from Dutchy, so you get some starting points how to beat Expert 😃

Check it out, it's really well-made 😃

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Very nice! 

I hope to find some time to do this one 😉 

(the time frame seems to be quite small here, is there a possibility to extend it to the weekend maybe if more people agree? ^^) 

Was a bit surprised that a CCC can be that big and contain Promos as rewards *_*

Edited by Xamos
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23 minutes ago, Xamos said:

Was a bit surprised that a CCC can be that big and contain Promos as rewards *_*

Since I had that big donation from Simplifying, I can add the Promos for the top guys from my own pocket 😃

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4 hours ago, Ragenarok said:

Are the points accrued each time the card is cast? or only once per time a unique card is cast?

Example: does casting Surge of Light 4 times equal 4 points? Or 1 point?

Duckys Answer is correct - if I would want to count uses, the rules would have stated "Charges".  But that would be overly complicated and not really fun to count uses of a card.

Just take your deck and count the cards you took to the map, including rarities of course.

Lans, LEBOVIN and Ragenarok like this
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48 minutes ago, Bozzah said:

just to clarify: different affinities do count as different cards, right? (game mechanics say so, but maybe the event rules are different)


Yes, for sure.

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2 hours ago, Bozzah said:

if anyone posts a run with 1 point I will give that person 4x banzai lord green 😄 

Seems impossible but also like to see it! 🙂 I think 1 point means a single common T1 unit OR building card (at least I tried T1 spell and it doesn't give you control of Mo, got control of wells and monument). Hard to imagine winning with just Mo and an mono army of common T1 units/buildings but all for incentivizing some really good players to prove me wrong!

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37 minutes ago, Lans said:

Seems impossible but also like to see it! 🙂 I think 1 point means a single common T1 unit OR building card (at least I tried T1 spell and it doesn't give you control of Mo, got control of wells and monument). Hard to imagine winning with just Mo and an mono army of common T1 units/buildings but all for incentivizing some really good players to prove me wrong!

Would totes laugh if say, stone of torment was actually viable.

They might want to start their play through though, I have a feeling that run might take a couple of days (and be a 70+hour replay)


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1 hour ago, Ragenarok said:

Would totes laugh if say, stone of torment was actually viable.

They might want to start their play through though, I have a feeling that run might take a couple of days (and be a 70+hour replay)


Well the problem is you need a T1 unit or building to actually get control over Mo,

so I am pretty sure that Boozah will keep his Banzai Lords xD

Edited by Reverend830
Quoted the wrong person
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1 minute ago, Reverend830 said:

so I am pretty sure that Lans will keep his Banzai Lords xD

Umm... I don't think I am one offering for the additional challenge? 🙂 Maybe down the road and I have hosted an event in the old days but at this point, I don't feel ready for it yet. I wonder if @Bozzah would be willing to entertain one card challenge and the person with the lowest point wins (or number of Banzai Lord [G] won is inversely proportional to number of points, up to 4 to be awarded in total)? 🙂

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57 minutes ago, Lans said:

Umm... I don't think I am one offering for the additional challenge? 🙂 Maybe down the road and I have hosted an event in the old days but at this point, I don't feel ready for it yet. I wonder if @Bozzah would be willing to entertain one card challenge and the person with the lowest point wins (or number of Banzai Lord [G] won is inversely proportional to number of points, up to 4 to be awarded in total)? 🙂

Yeah I have quoted wrongly - already edited it 😉

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