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Everything posted by Ragenarok

  1. At the time the servers closed, I had all the promos, as well as almost 4 copies of every card. Certainly had Abominations, skycatchers, mountaineers, Shamans, Enlightenment, batarial, amii monument, Batariels, Forest Elders, all desireable ultra rares and rares at the time
  2. Over the 2?3? years I played, I spent about $5,000 AUD on it, which was more than $5,000 USD at the time. I didn't give EA a single cent for 15 years. Didn't buy any more battlefields, Didn't buy Mass effect or dragon age. Didn't buy another fifa game. Nothing. EA did me dirty and I will never forgive or forget that. I've also never spent more than $30 on any other free to play game since.
  3. Would totes laugh if say, stone of torment was actually viable. They might want to start their play through though, I have a feeling that run might take a couple of days (and be a 70+hour replay)
  4. Are the points accrued each time the card is cast? or only once per time a unique card is cast? Example: does casting Surge of Light 4 times equal 4 points? Or 1 point?
  5. That's quite a relief to hear nothing is being taken away from Forest Elder. I still maintain that an XL pure nature unit needs stampede
  6. Strongly disagree with the Forest Elder (g) change. You mention in the deep dive that Green lacks potent burst damage, particularly against structures. One of the very few tools at Green's disposal Is/was Forest Elder (g)'s damage buff, to allow the army to be that little bit stronger against buildings (and units) I have been saying quietly amonsgt my group of friends but not in forums or such that green needed a mobile breeding grounds (Like how fire has wrecker, for the rallying banner) So I am excited to see that yet again more of my quiet ideas are being implemented but I am concerned about what is being taken away to make room for that. I feel like there is definitely room to have new Green spells added. Like a "Rampant growth" which would effectively operate the same as Fire's suppression. Where vines disable a building from functioning for X a time. I also feel like Forest Elder, Grimvine Or even colossus could have received a tweak to give them stampede. Because, as mentioned in the deep dive. Pure nature has nothing to deal with buildings by themselves. You're either splashing it with Frost to be Stonekin have Matter mastery or you're splashing it with fire to be Twilight to have sunstriders' suppression, the suppresion spell, Juggernaut's stampede and Earthshaker. If you splash shadow AND fire, you get bloodhorn too, but then, you're really playing bandit with a splash of nature, which is exactly what we're concerned about in the deep dive. If you want to give nature some independance to make pure nature more viable, focusing on buffing root and nerfing their coolest things isn't the way to go about it. Because Root isn't viable or practical in many situations.
  7. So is it on the Skylords team to Disclose the code when it's ready?
  8. Congrats everyone Tries not to cry *sad skylord noises*
  9. So many of these links are broken :C
  10. Noob question but I searched the forums and the answer wasn't pinned to the first page... How does one access the test server?
  11. How do you review your own replays? I've got a few saves, but Don't know how to view them to make sure I submit the correct one. The way they get named automatically doesn't make it easier to find the replay I want to submit
  12. Ragenarok

    Custom cards

    Yeah, I used a combination of the above and photoshop
  13. I'm a big fan of these changes. I've wanted to like mutating maniac since the beginning days, but he was only ever a peasant's best option until th inserted $ to be able to afford Fathom lord. Sadly the tale with many cards. the game was tailored and "balanced" to encourage real life money spent. Now that is no longer a factor, there are many things I'm sure everyone would like addressed. Battleforge was often not a case of each card is better than another over a niche situation. You could often break down cards that competed for a similar role in any given deck into a tier list, and it was up to your wallet to help you climb that tier list. Looking forward to seeing more of the proposed changes and what unique and creative ideas this community come up with!
  14. Oh, I have so many Ideas for the Frost/ fire tribe, my fanmade collection ideas fall into a tribe called Steamcore. But when building steamcore, you have to look at T1 first. A building is only as strong as it's foundations. Which currently means start red. And I don't like that.
  15. I want to start by saying: I'm more of a campaign and RPVE enthusiast than PVP. In fact, I detest PVP in most games, more often opting for co-op / horde / survival modes where offered. Furthermore. Frost isn't even my preffered colour at T1. I like them more than Shadow and fire, Even though I try to like all colours equally, but I do, 70 % of the time start on Nature. So as someone who cares little about the game mode where swift has the biggest impact and as someone who isn't 110% enthusiastic about blue to man the ramparts and defend their honour with my life. But I can, from a point of logic see and understand that swift makes frost 100$ unviable for pvp, where maps are needlessly large and covering a large distance more rapidly can in some cases determine the outcome of the game. Maybe they don't need 4. But they something. Just to put them on the map. One other possible fix it to give every unit in the game swift after it is not in combat for 5 seconds. Here are some facts: Frost has zero swift units at T1. Fire has 4 swift units at T1 (yes, I am counting both affinities of Nomad, they are different cards) Nature has has 4 swift units at T1. (Again, two affinties of amazon count, they both have swift. Shadow has 4 swift units at T1 Frost has 8 units at T1 Fire has 10 units at T1 Nature has 12 units at T1 Shadow has 12 units at T1 *Opinion* Maybe, JUST MAYBE, Frost would have gotten some love with the Amii expansion if EA didn't pull the plug. With the exception of one colour, each of them seemed to have had to have "wait their turn". Back to facts: Shadow only received additional T1 cards in Renegade (the first and biggest expansion) and Amii (where it was literally just a release of the teaser cards, because the development was halted) Fire received additional T1 cards in Lost souls and renegade (But not Amii) Nature is the above mentioned exception and has received additional units at T1 in every expansion. Frost saw the same amount of love as fire did when renegade launched, but has seen no additional units since. Not even in amii. Frost is not only the only unit to have not have swift at T1, they're the only colour to have "Slow" as a passive keyword on their units. At T1, right the way through to T4. And to add injury to the insult, as the embodiment and incarnation of frost, they have literally nothing to make enemy units move as slow as they do. Like fire's Scavenger, which has crippling bit *Opinion* This makes construct and battleship useless after the battle you drop them in to is over.
  16. Not a worry. Considering it doesn't impact gameplay directly, it doesn't seem high priority
  17. Mail message reads that the auction was cancelled and the card will be returned to you, when it actually appears to have sold, and instead has the attatched bfp. While this doesn't affect the core gameplay, I fear any bug concerning the auctionhouse could affect a greater part of the game's eceonomy. Additionally, it's somewhat annoying not knowing what card was sold
  18. Both Myself and an IRL friend (He doesn't use forums much) have both enoucntered this error and after so many log-ins, or, at some specific point in time the error seemed to have been resolved. I have upgraded and combined my werebeasts (card affected) and he has been able to upgrade and combine his lost horror (red) (his card affected) TL;DR - Two reports this error is resolved
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