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Number of allowed decks


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I suddenly reached the limit of allowed decks and was really surprised that it is so low - if I got it right at 100 decks the game says "thats enough". Then I did some basic math:

Not counting Introduction, there are 25 Maps total. Since we want to encourage different playstyles, you can expect that a player want to "save" his decks at least for Pure Colors, thats 100 decks for that. For rPVE, you could estimate another ~10-20, like one for each faction plus some variations like a glorious Gunners Deck or some other madness.

This does not take into account: Any Decks for the other Factions, Decks for Contests you may want to keep, decks for Community Maps, decks for PvP, etc.

Long Story Short: Even if you just do one Deck for the Pure Colors for Each Map you are already done and have space for nothing else. So I propose raising it to at least 200 decks per player.

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  • 3 months later...

I am constantly at the limit as well. It gets really annoying to try to clone a deck after you see a cool deck in rpve but you cant because you are at the limit. It gives a bad feeling to bother the other person again with a deck request while everyone is waiting for the next game to start. I would be in favor of increasing the number. 

An alternative would be to get a red message in the chat saying you reached the limit. Knowing this, you can preemptively delete some decks before starting your next games. 

As Metagross31 suggested above, I think that would be a great way to spend some bfp/gold. The first new deck bought could cost either 10 bfp/100 gold, and every consecutive deck is the doubled price of the previous one. 
10 bfp or 100 gold

20 bfp or 200 gold

40 bfp or400 gold

80 bfp or 800 gold

160 bfp or 1600 gold

For the people with massive amounts of gold and/or bfp, there could be a cap of 150 ( or even 200)

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44 minutes ago, Kubik said:

You really do not remember the times, when the game would crash with only 50 decks, or do you?

No. But I also can't remember other things, like...

I heard there was a time when you wouldn't get an instant discarding comment from a SR Team member for every suggestion on the forum.

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I mean that the limit was there for a reason, the game is quite slow, and some people have same computers as they have when the game was first released.  For example replay speed of 32x, how many players can take advantage of that? If I lover the settings I can get something like ~18x. I was suggesting long ago to do some adjustments to minimal requirements, just to state that it might still run on the old HW, but some features might be unsupported (in sense as being too slow to use), but no one take that seriously I think.

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you want to support 13 year old hardware for gaming? 


btw even my 8 or 9 year old budget PC (~200€) used by my wife workes perfectly for BaFo (one graphic card upgrade though)

I said before: I like that you have older hardware in mind when developing new stuff, but supporting hardware from 2009 is going a bit too far imo.

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You think way wrongly about this, it is not about supporting HW from 2009, but HW that I would consider old even in 2009.

I really wonder how usable the game would be with these specs 😄 (first dual core was AMD "Athlon 64 X2 3800+" at 2.0 GHz in 2005 so that is technically above required spec by a lot 😮, or Athlon XP from 2002 just hits the requirement)

(Just a side note for fun I can run the game without a GPU, because my ThreadRipper CPU is powerful enough to run Direct X and when playing at 1x speed high details it runs fine 😄 )

You might not have encountered such people, or just think they disconnected, but some people load maps over 10 minutes.

I did not do any profiling so I do not know which actions would be slightly affected, and which would be terribly affected, but for example deleting 127 mails take insanely long (on my PC), meant relative to the complexity of the operation anything above 1 second is insanely long 😞

Maybe it is time someone else push for some update to the requirements.

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  • 7 months later...

Hey, after heavy-heartedly deleting some decks I wanted to keep, I want to give this topic another push, 'cause I've come up with a simple idea for the "People have slow PCs"/backward compatibility problem:

Instead of raising the number of decks flat-out, how about we make this an editable option in the config-file? My thinking is, once you start to dabble with the config, you pretty much know you are risking stability. Long-term players will risk it, and if something goes wrong, you can always edit it back to the original number. But I'm sure many of us are willing to a trail and error approach to this.

I pitched this idea to Kubik, and he said a PvE Designer has to decide on this, so I'm tagging @WindHunter on an opinion?

Some long-time players really suffer under that limitation.


Edited by Kapo
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I don’t see the low performing computers as that much of a concern either. Once you surpass 100 decks I would just have it display a little exclamation mark in the bottom next to the deck count that shows on hover a tooltip stating something like : Having more than 100 decks might impact performance.

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2 hours ago, LEBOVIN said:

I don’t see the low performing computers as that much of a concern either. Once you surpass 100 decks I would just have it display a little exclamation mark in the bottom next to the deck count that shows on hover a tooltip stating something like : Having more than 100 decks might impact performance.

That idea is awesome 👏🏻 

Very elegant and should work for everyone 

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It is bit laggy 2-3 seconds on every click on my PC, but no issues outside of this screen. (With 10001 decks  it took almost 3 minutes to load that window for the first time, and clicking there ~10 seconds, creating removing decks would be again 3 minutes)

On 11/4/2022 at 7:21 AM, Kapo said:

My thinking is, once you start to dabble with the config, you pretty much know you are risking stability. Long-term players will risk it, and if something goes wrong, you can always edit it back to the original number. But I'm sure many of us are willing to a trail and error approach to this.

I do not like the idea of having it in a config, because that would disallow many people from using it, because they would not even know it, and from the rest I am sure someone would manage to break the config in some way.

Also designers have a plan to have it as purchasable to allow players to spend :bf:/🟡 which would temporarily remove some currency from the system.

I still think that officially increasing system requirements is best option, I even doubt the game would actually run on single core CPU with frequency of 1.8 GHz, 1 GB RAM and Windows 11 using most of that CPU.

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5 hours ago, Kubik said:



Thanks for the testing! At least we can say now that it slows down, but never kills the game. 👍

As said before, I think Lebos suggestion with a warning would be best anyway.

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for some people it will easily take 100 times longer, and while it technically does not kill the game waiting 2 seconds for something that should be instant is bad, but waiting minutes is unacceptable (when PC is withing specs).

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what about a way to copy a deck "from the game" with a code? Of course, then import it again with the same code. That way, you could save decks that you don't use very often on your own hard drive without using them ingame, but still be able to access them when you want to play them. I hope this is explained clearly 😄


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1 hour ago, wanky said:

what about a way to copy a deck "from the game" with a code? Of course, then import it again with the same code. That way, you could save decks that you don't use very often on your own hard drive without using them ingame, but still be able to access them when you want to play them. I hope this is explained clearly 😄


🤔 do you want to help with that?

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16 hours ago, wanky said:

what about a way to copy a deck "from the game" with a code? Of course, then import it again with the same code. That way, you could save decks that you don't use very often on your own hard drive without using them ingame, but still be able to access them when you want to play them. I hope this is explained clearly 😄



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