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Community update #2 May 8th 2021


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Greetings Skylords!

It's been two weeks since our 
first community update so it's time to bring you up to speed with everything going on in Skylords Reborn!

PvP Balance Patch 2 (Patch 400028)community splitter.png
We released a patch filled with balance changes this week. You can check out the detailed patch notes on the Wiki.
Some 1vs1 maps have also been changed (no more offensive walling!) and are now added to ranked play as well. 

In the meantime, we are already setting our sights on Balance Patch 3. You can check out the upcoming changes in the document attached to this post. Those changes will hit the test server much earlier than the previous ones. This is an intended move as it allows us to work with more iterations to make sure a lot of fine tuning can be done. This patch is focused more on buffs, and many of the changes will bring some new strategies into the Forge, that require more testing compared to the previous process. On top of that this will also be an opportunity for you to test the changes a little bit longer as well to provide more playtesting feedback, that we can use to reevaluate our proposals. To join the discussion, please check out the balance discord.

PvE: State of PvE


This is the second Balance Patch focused on mostly PvP changes. We understand this might give the impression PvE is less important for us. We would like to take a bit of time to assure you this is not the case and give you an idea of things that are currently being worked on.

First of all, you can expect our Design Philosphy to be shared soon. This document was a bit delayed, but we think it's important to have a clear vision of the PvE scene going forward so everyone knows what to expect and give a better explanation of why we do the things we do.

Of course you can always share your personal feedback in the balance discord, even if we don't respond immediately, all the feedback is important to us and is discussed. We are also planning to restructure the balance discord, you will hear more on that subject soon.

PvE is a lot harder to balance than PvP, because the playerbase is very divided on what they consider fun, fair, or part of the coregame. We know not everyone will agree with all the changes we will make in the future. We encourage you to provide feedback, but please do so in a constructed manner. We are all fans of the game, and we want what's best for it. 

PvE: Patch
Speaking of changes, there is also a PvE patch coming up. Just like with our PvP patches, we will test those changes out on the Test Server first and make adjustments where necessary. You can find all the upcoming changes in the document attached to this post.

PvE: In Development
Some cool things are also coming to PvE in the future. They are currently in various stages of development.

- Defensive Random PvE mode
Similar to a 4 player Random PvE, but instead of attacking you are defending against random enemies. We hope this will provide a fun twist to the rPvE scene. 

- Random PvE presets rework
We are reworking existing rPvE factions and adding the 4 basic elements as factions. This means in the future you might go up against Harvesters and Fire Dragons. 

- Polishing Battle Arena 
Some of you might already be familiar with Battle Arena, a fun PvP map where you get one random unit and have to score points by killing the other units. Once your unit dies, you get a new one and move slowly up the tiers. 

- New World Map Overview
Still in its early stages, but we are also considering adjusting the world map to include popular PvE community maps. There are some great gems hidden in the community map section and there might be great content waiting for you out there already that you have never discovered. 

Most of those things are not ready to go public yet, and we will use the community updates to keep you up to date on their progress. We found it important to share them with you already to show we have definitely not forgotten the PvE scene. We are always in need of map testers, map artists and map creators however, so if you want to help, please check out our open positions. 

Public Test Server

Some of you might not be aware of how easy it is to play on the test server, so here is a quick reminder. To get to the test server, all you have to do is start "LauncherTest.exe" in you Battleforge folder. On the test server you can check out the new changes that are currently being tested and provide feedback on the balancing discord. To get back to the official server, all you have to do is launch the normal launcher again. 

Upcoming Tournaments


• Skylords Open 7
This sunday (9th of May) you can again battle it out in the Skylords Open #7. A 1vs1 community tournament hosted by Toggy, open for everyone, and with prices! 

• Community Challenge 3
There is also a PvE contest going on until the 31th of May. Try to complete the community map King's Ridge as fast as you can in the Community Challange #3 for a chance to win some prices!

There are also some new events in the works, which brings us to the next point:

New Team Members
We are happy to announce two new team members have joined the Skylords Reborn team. 

First up is Minashigo Hiko, our new Event Organiser. He will be the go-to person for people who want to organize an event in Skylords Reborn. Got a cool PvE contest idea or do you want to host a PvP tournament so Toggy can actually play instead of host? Please contact Hiko and he will help you make it happen! Hiko is also hard at work at creating fun events for you to play, so look forward to that as well. 

We would like to point out that the event organizer role is not exclusive. If you want to help organizing events, you can still apply for this position as well.

We are also very excited to have MarcoMaar join the team as our new Client Developer. He will be responsible for adding new features, modifying user interfaces, or fixing bugs in our game client. Up until recently, he was working on a new ingame section, where you are able to see all of your opened boosters. Below, you can see a sneak peek of this new feature


We are still looking for new team members however! For example, we currently have a lack of Discord Moderators, which actually prevents us from being very active with our marketing (in the current state we would risk being overrun with new players without moderators). If you want to see Skylords Reborn succeed, please take a look at how you can help. We will also added new positions: backend web developer, frontend web developer and C# developer.

List of Discord channels
Skylords Reborn is a big project, and it can be tricky to keep track of everything that is going on. To help you with this we have started these very community updates, but if you want to be right there where the discussions are, discord is the place to be. Below you can find a complete list of all Skylords Reborn discords and their roles. If a discord channel is missing, please reach out to @Majora. We also created a #discord channel in our official server where you can also find the list of servers. 


• Skylords Reborn
The main Skylords Reborn discord. If you need any help, or have any general questions about the project ask here!

• Skylords Reborn Balance Changes
The Skylords Reborn discord for discussing balancing changes. All card and map balancing changes can be discussed here. 

• Skylords Reborn Description changes 
The Skylords Reborn discord for reworking all the descriptions in the game. Managed by @Mynoduesp.

• Skylords Reborn rPvE Faction Changes
The Skylords Reborn discord dedicated to reworking and adding new presets to the rPvE maps.


• Skylords Reborn Creators Guild
A group where you can discuss or contribute to the community youtube channel.

• Skylords Tutors & Apprentices
A group where you can teach others, or be taught on how to improve in Skylords Reborn.

• Skylords Reborn PvP
A group for organizing and finding PvP games.

• Communitymap Community
A group for discussing anything related to map making and the map editor.


In conclusion
And that's it for your second Community Update! We hope we were able to share something you like. See you again in 2 weeks!

What do you guys think of this biweekly status update? Is there something you would want to see covered more? We are open to feedback so please let us know. 

Thanks for reading! Here is a scratch code you can redeem in-game for 100bfp. The code is valid till May 22th.

PvE_Testserver_Iteration_for_PvE_Patch.pdf PvP_Testserver_Iteration_for_PvP_Patch_3.pdf

Cryswar, Kapo, Metagross31 and 8 others like this
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  • Zyna changed the title to Community update #2 May 8th 2021

What do you guys think of this biweekly status update? Is there something you would want to see covered more? We are open to feedback so please let us know. 

Very well written post, and a good mixture of already known stuff (at least for those who follow regularly) and new info. If you keep up this style its interesting for the "freaks" but still a excellent summary for those who dont follow that closely.

What I hope for in one of the next updates is a more long-term roadmap for the future, like you already did with information on new maps in this update. Not with any promises when stuff will be done, but what you guys envision for adding new skins, factions, cards etc.

Oh and of course the number one priority on my mind. (Sorry couldnt resist.)

Majora and Timer like this
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I'm a pve player and I cant wait for the Defensive Random PvE mode!
But wil it be a time focused map so the longer you survive the more rewards or just hold out an x time and then done?


Anyway great work can't wait for it all!

Majora likes this
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6 hours ago, RudolfTT said:

I'm a pve player and I cant wait for the Defensive Random PvE mode!
But wil it be a time focused map so the longer you survive the more rewards or just hold out an x time and then done?


Anyway great work can't wait for it all!

You will have to defend a number of attacking waves and defeat the boss to clear the map. You can also choose to let the next attack phase start earlier if you do not need the full recovery break in between waves. The challenge is to finish the map as soon as possible, but you will have to defeat the same amount of enemies. 

In the future there will also be a survival defense map where you have to hold out as long as possible. 


21 hours ago, Kapo said:

Very well written post, and a good mixture of already known stuff (at least for those who follow regularly) and new info. If you keep up this style its interesting for the "freaks" but still a excellent summary for those who dont follow that closely.

What I hope for in one of the next updates is a more long-term roadmap for the future, like you already did with information on new maps in this update. Not with any promises when stuff will be done, but what you guys envision for adding new skins, factions, cards etc.

Oh and of course the number one priority on my mind. (Sorry couldnt resist.)

Your prayers regarding the best promo card in the game have been answered! (see your topic)

As for the roadmap, I actually wanted to reply to that in a FAQ-corner at the end of the update, but ended up scrapping that area since the update was already quite big and I answered the other questions already in the past 2 weeks. (I might make a general FAQ at some point though). Anyway, regarding your question: the team has been changed quite a bit over the last month so we are still trying to figure out what the best workflow will be. Because of that we have not been able to make a clear roadmap, but in the future that will be the plan. Nothing definitive I can share yet, but hopefully in future updates I can shed more light on this. :)  

RudolfTT and Kapo like this
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Taken from the PvE pdf file.

"Unity - Iteration 3
- Change to only affect own-units."

I think by changing the spell to prioritize your units first would be a much better change rather than that of making it "own-units".

This way you can also help allies somewhere else on the map and not be selfish.

If units from multiple players are clustered up, then the spell will pick as the first targets your own units, and in case you have less than the limit it can expand to other player's units.

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58 minutes ago, JustCoco said:

Taken from the PvE pdf file.

"Unity - Iteration 3
- Change to only affect own-units."

I think by changing the spell to prioritize your units first would be a much better change rather than that of making it "own-units".

This way you can also help allies somewhere else on the map and not be selfish.

If units from multiple players are clustered up, then the spell will pick as the first targets your own units, and in case you have less than the limit it can expand to other player's units.

From my understanding (cause I suggested the same thing to the balance team) apparently its not possible for the spell to prioritize.
Be sure to join the discussion in the balance discord to give ideas tho! 

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2 hours ago, JustCoco said:

Taken from the PvE pdf file.

"Unity - Iteration 3
- Change to only affect own-units."

I think by changing the spell to prioritize your units first would be a much better change rather than that of making it "own-units".

This way you can also help allies somewhere else on the map and not be selfish.

If units from multiple players are clustered up, then the spell will pick as the first targets your own units, and in case you have less than the limit it can expand to other player's units.

Yeah, this idea is already undery discussion in balancing channel about Unity.

Edited by Loriens
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