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Export 3D Model / 3D Model Format


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My Problem right now that i cant add the original Animations and most of the models are one big model and not Sperated in f.E. Legs, Hands, etc.. so I have edit the hole models without making them look like garbage ^^ anyone got options? or do I have to put in serious work ? xD

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im using c4d. load the obj, create new material, with the png as colour.

another question: what are these blue png's for? how do i use them?

you mean normals?

works like texture in the material in C4D

Edited by Kiliangg
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  • 8 months later...

Hey guys

I would really like to use the models for the development contest but I have a problem with installing LightSong v0.4. It only gives me the option to exit the setup.

Is there maybe an alternative for getting the models?


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  • 2 weeks later...
On 23.6.2016 at 8:33 PM, Darian DelFord said:

I am experiencing the same error.  Could you share on how you fixed it?


On 20.9.2015 at 9:21 PM, Kiliangg said:

I just dragged the 0.5.exe in the Installation Folder of LightSong v0.4b and boom. it works^^


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5 hours ago, bobfrog said:




I did that already and am still getting the same error









Oh I ee what your talking about, now getting another error, let me record so you can see it

Here is the error I am now getting




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Hey guys, I thought I'd give you guys a hand, this is the structure of the SKA file. Many unknowns ofc. Did not have the time to take a look at those ;)

char Magic[4]; //0xA7148107

uint Type;

if (Type < 2 || Type > 7)

int Length;
struct _Headers
    uint Unknown1;
    uint Unknown2;
    uint Unknown3;
    uint Unknown4;
} Headers[Length];

int Length6;
uint Unknown1[Length6];

struct _Unknown2
    uint Unknown1;
    uint Unknown2;
    uint Unknown3;
    uint Unknown4;
    uint Unknown5;
    uint Unknown6;
    uint Unknown7;
    uint Unknown8;
} Unknown2[Length6];

if (Type == 2)
    int Unknown1;
else if (Type == 3)
    int Unknown2;
    int Unknown3;
else if (Type == 4)
    int Unknown3;
    int Unknown4;
    int Unknown5;
    int Unknown6;
else if (Type == 5)
    int Unknown3;
    int Unknown4;
    int Unknown5;
    int Unknown6;  

    int Length3;
    int Unknown6[Length3];  
else if (Type == 6)
    int Unknown3;
    int Unknown4;
    int Unknown5;
else if (Type == 7)
    int Unknown1;
    int Unknown2;
    int Unknown3;
    int Unknown4;
    int Unknown5;
    int Length3;
    int Unknown6[Length3];

    int Length4;
    long Unknown7[Length4];

    int Length5;
    byte Unknown8[Length5];


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Hereby also the DRS file format. File formats for the classes will follow.

struct CString
    int Length;
    char Text[Length];

char Magic[4]; //0xC57CF11E
int ChunkFileVersion; //Must be 1

int NodeInformationOffset; //Offset to node information?
int NodeHierarchyOffset; //Offset to node names?
uint NodeCount; //Node count

if (NodeCount != 0)

    struct _NodeInformation
        uint Checksum <format=hex>; //CRC32 probably
        int Identifier;
        int Offset;
        int Size;
    } NodeInformation[NodeCount];


    local int nodeCount = 0;

    struct Node
        int Identifier;

        struct _NodeData(int child)
            CString Name;
            int ChildCount;
            if (child == 1 && ChildCount > 0)
                MessageBox(idOk, "Error", "Recursive node layout not yet supported");

            nodeCount = nodeCount + 1;
        } Parent(0);

        if (Parent.ChildCount > 0)
            _NodeData Children(1)[Parent.ChildCount] <optimize=false>;

    int Unknown;

    while (nodeCount < NodeCount)
        Node Nodes <optimize=false>;

    local int i;
    for (i = 0; i < NodeCount; i++)
        if (NodeInformation[i].Size > 0)
            struct _Section
                byte Data[NodeInformation[i].Size];
            } Section <optimize=false>;



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Here's CGeoMesh.

int Version;
int Length;

if (Length > 0)
    short Indices[Length]; //Just a guess

int Length2;

if (Length2 > 0)
    struct _Points
        float Unknown1; //X
        float Unknown2; //Y
        float Unknown3; //Z
        float Unknown4; //Direction?
    } Points[Length2];


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  • 7 months later...

Going to necro this thread, here's a 010 editor script, have an update for the DRS structure, currently stuck at CDspMeshFile, will continue work tomorrow. Thanks Pesmontis for some documentation.

struct CString
    int Length;
    char Text[Length];

struct Point
    float X;
    float Y;
    float Z;

struct CGeoMesh
    int Version;
    int IndexCount;
    if (IndexCount > 0)
        short Indices[IndexCount]; //Just a guess
    int VertexCount;
    if (VertexCount > 0)
        struct _Vertices
            float X; //X
            float Y; //Y
            float Z; //Z
            float W; //Direction?
        } Vertices[VertexCount];

struct CSkSkinInfo
    int Version;
    int VertexCount;

    struct _VertexWeight
        float Weights[4];
        int BoneIndices[4];
    } VertexWeights[VertexCount];

struct CDspMeshFile
    int Version;
    int Unknown1;
    int MeshCount;
    Point BoundingBoxLowerLeftCorner1;
    Point BoundingBoxUpperRightCorner1;

    //float Unknown2[12];

    int VertexCount;
    int FaceCount;

    struct Face
        int16 Indices[3];
    } Faces[FaceCount];

    byte VertexFVF[5];

    int GeometryVertexSize;
    struct GeometryVertex
        Point Position;
        Point Normal;
        //byte Normall24[4];
        struct _TextureCoordinate
            float U;
            float V;
        } TextureCoordinate;

        //int BoneCount;
    } GeometryVertices[VertexCount];

    //Point BoundingBoxLowerLeftCorner2;
    //Point BoundingBoxUpperRightCorner2;
    //float unknown01;                // value = -8.884623E+09;
    /*struct _Textures
        byte Magic[2];
        int Unknown;
        struct _TextureSet
            int TextureCount;
            char Identifier[4];
            CString Name;
            float unknown;       // array size unknown (!): cause of sync. errors.
                                            //  usually just one float, but irregularities here
                                            //   have given cause to hardcoded exceptions
                                            //    (eg. building_beast_altar_main.drs);
        } TextureSet;
    } Textures;*/

struct CSkSkeleton
    int Version;
    int Unknown1;

    int BoneMatrixCount;
    struct BoneMatrix
        struct BoneVertex
            float X;
            float Y;
            float Z;
            int ParentReference; //parentRef[0] = parent index, parentRef[1] = index into CSkSkeleton.dBone array, used in SKA
        } BoneVertices[4];
    } BoneMatrices[BoneMatrixCount];

    int BoneCount;
    struct Bone
        int Version;
        int Identifier;
        CString Name;
        int ChildCount;
        if (ChildCount > 0)
            int Children[ChildCount];
    } Bones[BoneCount] <optimize=false>;

    float Unknown2[16];

struct CDspJointMap
    int Version;
    int JointGroupCount;
    if (JointGroupCount > 0)
        struct _JointGroup
            int JointCount;
            if (JointCount > 0)
                short JointIndices[JointCount];
        } JointGroups[JointGroupCount] <optimize=false>;

char Magic[4]; //0xC57CF11E
int NumberOfModels; //Must be 1

int NodeInformationOffset; //Offset to node information?
int NodeHierarchyOffset; //Offset to node names?
uint NodeCount; //Node count

if (NodeCount != 0)

    //Always a root node with Identifier, conflicting
    struct _NodeInformation
        uint Checksum <format=hex>; //CRC32 probably
        int Identifier;
        int Offset;
        int Size;
    } NodeInformation[NodeCount];


    struct _RootNode
        int RootIdentifier;
        int Unknown;
        CString rootName;
    } RootNode;

    local int i = 1;
    struct _Node
        local int NodeIndex = i;
        int Identifier;
        CString Name;
        int Unknown; //ChildCount?

        local int j;
        local int64 oldPosition;
        for (j = NodeCount - 1; j >= 0; j--)
            if (NodeInformation[j].Identifier != NodeIndex)

            oldPosition = FTell();
            if (NodeInformation[j].Size > 0)
                if (Strcmp(Name.Text, "CGeoMesh") == 0)
                    CGeoMesh Mesh;
                else if (Strcmp(Name.Text, "CDspJointMap") == 0)
                    CDspJointMap JointMap;
                else if (Strcmp(Name.Text, "CSkSkinInfo") == 0)
                    CSkSkinInfo SkinInfo;
                else if (Strcmp(Name.Text, "CSkSkeleton") == 0)
                    CSkSkeleton Skeleton;
                else if (Strcmp(Name.Text, "CDspMeshFile") == 0)
                    CDspMeshFile MeshFile;
                    byte Data[NodeInformation[j].Size];

        i = i + 1;
    } Nodes[NodeCount - 1] <optimize=false>;


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