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Modifying Gold so that it can be converted from Gold to BFP - say 100 -> 1 or 1000 -> 1


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So many long-time players have amassed crazy amounts of gold that it seems worthwhile to allow them to convert it to BFP.  The conversion rate could be very low but at least after all upgrades have been made it is still possible for the gold to be useful in purchasing other cards.

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7 hours ago, Kapo said:

If you have amassed crazy amounts of gold, isnt it very likely that you have all cards and crazy amount of BFP?

I wouldn't say no to converting my 15 millions of gold into BFP even if I have all cards and crazy amount of BFP 😁

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...

and introduce bilions of :bf: out of nowhere in an instant? No thanks. As was stated in previous discusions about this topic even 10000 to 1 would not be good enough, so people you want to target it on would not be able to afford it, and other people would be swimming in :bf: instantly.

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  • 2 months later...
47 minutes ago, Potato_Hoarder said:

How about 100k or something like that lets you buy a reforger booster?

That is still converting gold to bfp (and as mentioned above, some people have so much gold, we suddenly would have a huge influx of bfp)

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  • 5 months later...
19 minutes ago, Vysnia said:

Just make gold tradeable, thats it.
So the ones who need it could trade it to bfp or cards etc, (like it was done on the old BF)

This would allow people to grind arbitrary amounts of Gold per day and trade them for BFP, meaning the more time you have to play, the more BFP you can get, which goes against the current philosophy of having a set amount of BFP obtainable through daily boost and daily quests and afterwards you only get very little or have to be a good trader to get more.

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On 12/27/2024 at 12:46 PM, Metagross31 said:

This would allow people to grind arbitrary amounts of Gold per day and trade them for BFP, meaning the more time you have to play, the more BFP you can get, which goes against the current philosophy of having a set amount of BFP obtainable through daily boost and daily quests and afterwards you only get very little or have to be a good trader to get more.

I dont think that justifies NOT making gold tradeable. Ok, say you can play a lot and make 100k gold a day, ok make it 300k gold a day for no-lifers, so if you can trade 1k gold for 1 bfp - that makes you 300 bfp. Would that be considered a fair amount of bfp while playing that much (timewise)? Even if you say YES, isnt that the goal of this game (or any game)? ...to play more? To make player base bigger?
Also, you can make much more than 300 bfp a day by trading (AH and privately) cards/boosters. So why not remove trading cards then? (sarcasm 🙂 )

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I dont even know how you have so much gold? It feels like Im always broke when it comes to gold... Using it for reforging also costs you gold, which in return gives you cards that you could sell and thats how you get bfp. I dont think the current system needs a change like that. Its perfect as it is.

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On 12/28/2024 at 2:04 PM, Vysnia said:

I dont think that justifies NOT making gold tradeable. Ok, say you can play a lot and make 100k gold a day, ok make it 300k gold a day for no-lifers, so if you can trade 1k gold for 1 bfp - that makes you 300 bfp. Would that be considered a fair amount of bfp while playing that much (timewise)? Even if you say YES, isnt that the goal of this game (or any game)? ...to play more? To make player base bigger?
Also, you can make much more than 300 bfp a day by trading (AH and privately) cards/boosters. So why not remove trading cards then? (sarcasm 🙂 )

That's a good point.
However, it is basically impossible to know, what the ratio of gold <-> BFP would be if such a system was introduced. Additionally, there are already people with millions of gold on their account, which they could immediately bring into the economy, while beginners, who struggle with both BFP and gold could have a hard time getting either.

I'm not saying that it can't work out, but since the system has been as it is for over four years now, it is nearly impossible to test what the implications would be, since the limited amount of testers the team has can't simulate a large scale economy.
The current economy works quite well for how small the player base is imo and it would be a very, very risky move to implement a possibly very drastic change into the system.

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