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Posts posted by Zyna

  1. @Fimion We are not able to find the source of the issue by prematurely concluding what causes it. I am unable to reproduce this issue at all in the forge. Can you check if the lags occur for you there? Also, can you check if you experience this in replays as well? If yes, please post the replay in question here.

  2. When going over the patch notes, we found a couple of outstanding bugs/errors, so here are the hotfixes! The same changes were also pushed to the test server.

    Hotfixes - 10 September 2021

    Aura of Corruption
        Adjusted status bar icon to use the same wording as the description ("orb count" instead of "era") for EN/DE/FR.

    Bloodhorn (Both affinities)
        Adjusted ability name in description to use correct stars.

    Death Ray
        Added missing text for Upgrades in DE/FR/RU.

    Easter Egg
        Add missing Neutral class.

    Fallen Skyelf
        Visions of Despair
            Adjusted description to use the same wording as the Promo.
            Adjusted status bar icon description to standard text for increased damage taken.

    Fallen Skyelf (Promo)
        Adjusted French ability name to be the same as the normal version (Visions de désarroi => Visions de désespoir)
        Visions of Despair
            Adjusted description to standard text for increased damage taken.

    Glaciation (Red)
        Fixed wrong spacing in French Upgrade III.

        Added missing punctuation for DE/RU.

    Lost Horror (Both affinities)
        Reordered description so the Revenant ability is last.

    Lost Shade (Purple)
        Adjusted class names to be the same as the blue affinity for French and Russian.

    Magma Fiend
        Fixed wrong spacing in Upgrades.
        Added missing text for Upgrades in DE/FR/RU.

    Mutating Maniac (Both affinities)
        Corrected Transformation power costs in description for DE/FR/RU.

    Pyromaniac (Both affinities)
        Adjusted class from Device to Tower.

    Sandstorm (Purple)
        Adjusted description to use the same wording as the description of Aura of Corruption ("orb count" instead of "era") for German.

        Added missing ability, which allows the unit to spawn undazed.

    Treefiend (Both affinities)
        Added missing Transformation power costs to description.

    Twilight Bombard (Both affinities)
        Added missing Tower and Building classes.

    Worldbreaker Gun
        Adjusted U0-U2 to also allow switching back into the normal attack mode.

  3. Patch #400030

    Greetings Skylords, Skyladies and Skyfolk!

    This update contains our third balance patch for the game alonside some other changes, enjoy! In this patch we put our main focus on making Pure Frost a more competitive deck in PvE and on improving the balance of PvP. All of these changes were implemented and tested in the last four months, so it's built up to be quite a big patch. Feedback to these changes can be given on the balancing discord. When you give feedback make sure to properly support your reasoning by including replays or video footage.


    Where are balance changes discussed? 
    For now we have a Discord server dedicated for this. An invite link to the server: https://discord.gg/NvSUwpf

    How can I join the test server?
    To join the test server you simply need to launch LauncherTest.exe located in your BattleForge installation folder. It is important you run the updater first, so you download the latest test server files. In the future we plan to make it easier to join the test server. 



    A detailed list of all changes can be found on our wiki. However, since the patch notes are quite long, we prepared a summary document for you! You can find it attached to this post. Patch #400030 - September 2021.pdf

    Matejob, Donaar, Rankerz and 13 others like this
  4. Greetings Skylords, Skyladies, and Skyfolks!

    In our next test server patch, we will add more options which map makers can use for their custom PvP maps. From now on, you can add a map_settings.json to your map, which can affect the predefined goals for PvP maps. So far this feature is only useful, if you want to define non-standard win conditions for your fun PvP maps. However, we do plan to expand this config with more options in the future! The recommended location to place this file is in a new config folder (next to e.g. ui or terrain) in your map folder. Please note that this new feature is only on the test server so far, and will hit the live servers within the next months!

    This is an experimental feature, and might break the game in some rare cases. So far it seems to work, however, please inform us if you encounter any issues after playing a map which uses these new options. Please also let us know if there any other variables we should add to this new config!

    Here is an example of the currently supported options in the file.


        "V1": {
            "map_end_tick": 18000,
            "hide_pvp_map_end_timer": false,
            "hide_pvp_map_score": false

    In this example the PvP map will end after 18000 ticks (= 1800 seconds = 30 minutes), it will not hide the timer, it will not hide the scores. These are the default values for 1v1 and 2v2. However, 3v3 maps have a default time of 45 minutes, so this will allow you to make 3v3 maps which only last 30 minutes.

    All these fields are optional and can be omitted. The fields do the following:

    • map_end_tick defines when to end the game. This is specified in ticks. So 1 tick is equal to 0.1 seconds, and 10 ticks are equal to 1 second.
    • hide_pvp_map_end_timer removes the timer which shows the remaining time from the goals. Please note that this is only visual, and changing map_end_tick is required in order to allow longer games.
    • hide_pvp_map_score removes the scores for each team from the goals, They will still be computed and shown after the match in the post-game statistics.

    Best regards, Skylords Reborn Team.

    Metagross31, LEBOVIN and Majora like this
  5. 19 hours ago, LeMazarin said:

    I play MP only. Havent been playing since 2-3 months. Is the current playerbase big enough to be able to find game with automatch?

    Yes, but usually only during evening hours in europe (17-22 CEST).

  6. Hey everyone,

    we're planning on doing some maintenance work today, on the 22nd May of 2021, as we're in the process of changing our server providers. We are expecting a downtime of our forums starting from 12:00 until at least 19:00 CEST. For the majority of time in that period, our game servers will still be accessible, although there will also be a short downtime of approximately 30 minutes to 90 minutes sometime during that period. The test game server will be unaffected by the downtime.

    Best regards, Skylords Reborn Team.

    Unfortunately the downtime is longer than expected and might take a few hours to finish. We are sorry for the inconvenience, we are proceeding as quickly as possible.

    Scolasticus, Cyber and Ladadoos like this
  7. 7 minutes ago, DieToPlay said:

    Okay let's rephrase it again so you understand. I simply told you that there was no official announcement about the balancing discord, with a working invite, FOR THE MAJORITY OF THE TIME OF THE SERVER. :)

    The discord was created in 2019 by a developer who went off on his own, and didn't even consult the rest of the team before creating that discord. Hence the discord was not considered official, and shortly laid to rest a few months later. In Summer 2020 we decided to start rolling out balance changes to the test server. The announcement in the main discord was literally made before we even rolled out the first changes to the test server.

    Loriens likes this
  8. 9 minutes ago, DieToPlay said:

    Why are you calling yourself, what I never said. I simply told you that there was no official announcement about the balancing discord, with a working invite.

    And I was correct, so where is the problem?

    The problem is that I just told you that there are official announcements about the balancing discord, with a working invite:

    1. Discord Announcement (8th July 2020)

    2. Community Update #1 (23rd April 2021)

  9. 2 minutes ago, Fimion said:

    Hmm i just looked it up on the wiki and it is listed as a balance change that affects both affinities.



    I just dug up my old notes, it was actually reduced for both affinities, my bad.

    - Frost Affinity had the text: 108 Splash Damage U3-U0
    - Fire Affinity had the text: 180 Splash Damage on U3, 108 Splash Damage on U2-U0
    - The actual damage value for both affinities was: 180 Splash Damage on U3, 108 Splash Damage on U2-U0

    Both values were adjusted to 108 splash damage. As reference, Defense Tower has 68 (102 splash) damage.
    So both towers have Splash Damage = 1.5 * Damage

  10. 17 minutes ago, DieToPlay said:

    "Generally you could find the invite link for the balancing discord by either scrolling up for a minute in the discord #announcements or searching "balancing discord in: announcements" on our discord."

    That's the link that was broken btw. I checked it up yesterday, and it was still broken.


    It was fixed today btw.

    I guess I'm a witch, because I magically fixed the link without editing the message! :kappa:


    5 minutes ago, Fimion said:

    Actually i just found out they already nerfed Northern Keep !

    The damage was nerfed not the abillity but still why nerf it ?

    This is very concerning...

    Nothern Keep was a bug fix, one affinity had 72 damage and 180 splash, the other had 72 damage and 108 splash. Splash damage is generally 1.5x the normal damage, so the 180 damage was considered a bug. BTW: Magma Hurler is getting a small buff next patch, so look forward to that :P

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