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  1. Ladadoos liked a post in a topic by Metanolo in Community update #7 - July 17th 2021   
    Great job with the frost deep dive, appreciated!
  2. Ladadoos liked a post in a topic by Majora in Community update #7 - July 17th 2021   
    Greetings Skylords!

    It's been two weeks already since our last community update so it's time to bring you up to speed with everything going on in Skylords Reborn!

    Test Server Patch
    A new patch has hit the test server, including another batch of balance changes and adjustments. This patch contains many balancing changes and experimental changes for both PvE and PvP, with Frost specifically getting some love this time. We have also sent the first reworked versions of the 2vs2 maps to the test server!
    Please take a look at the patch notes, test them out on the test server and take part in the discussion.
    A detailed list of changes with images will become available in the wiki in the upcoming days.
    There have now been a couple of patches to the test server, resulting in a big difference between the current state of the game on the live server and the card adjustments on the test server. Which brings us to:

    Upcoming Patch
    We are now preparing the next patch for the live servers. It has been a while since our last patch, so expect this to be a big one with tons of balance changes for both PvP and PvE. Because of this, we have quite a bit of work ahead of us and we expect this patch to release in the beginning of August. We hope you are looking forward to a new meta with new strategies to play with. 
    We will share more information about the specific changes in our next community update on the 31st of July. 

    New Cards development update
    To manage expectations: we will not release new cards in this upcoming patch. As mentioned in a previous community update, we are currently creating new cards for Bandits (Fire/Shadow), Amii (Nature/Shadow) and Pure Frost.
    New card development is going well, but we are treading new territory here and want to take our time to make sure our first new cards are the best they could be. This still could take quite a while, but please rest assured we are working hard to give you some cool new cards to play with!
    Meanwhile we are continuing rolling out balance patches to give underplayed cards some love, and offer you new strategies and options for all the factions in the game. New cards can be tools to help fill these specific roles, but we are also looking at adjusting existing cards to reach the desired result. 
    We are also taking a deep dive into each faction separately, spending a lot of time figuring out what makes the faction tick, its strengths and weaknesses and where it could need some help to allow for a more diverse play style. 

    Deep Dive: Pure Frost
    Frost has been our primary focus for the past several months and our team is excited to finally get to share our work with the community. Attached you will find a document exploring the Frost faction in detail, including upcoming changes and a tease of our first new card!
    While Frost has been the first faction on our list, in the future other factions will also be receiving major changes. As our focus shifts from one faction to another we will continue to provide insights into our thinking through future documents like this one.
    We hope this look into Frost has helped you to understand both the faction better and our reasoning behind the upcoming changes.
    Pure Frost Deep Dive.pdf
    Upcoming Tournaments
    • NEW: Official PvE Contest#2 Slave Master
    Our second official PvE contest is running! Play Slave Master on Advanced but with a twist! Go back to the roots and put in your best time using only cards from the first edition (Twilight Edition). The contest is running until the 28th of July and you can win multiple prizes. Check out the full rules here. 

    • NEW: Skylords Open #10
    Next week (25th of July) the 10th edition of the Skylords Open will take place! Battle it out in a 1vs1 community tournament hosted by Toggy, open for everyone, and with prizes! If you want to participate, it helps a lot if you sign-up in advance.
    Last tournament had some great matches on all skill levels, so whether you are a new player or looking to break the win streak of RadicalX; join us for a day of PvP-fun!
    New Team Members / Team Changes
    Another new member has joined the Skylords Reborn team. We are happy to welcome ddrazard as a Discord Moderator.
    As always; if you want to see Skylords Reborn succeed, please take a look at how you can help. There are still some open positions in our team.

    In conclusion
    Thanks for reading! 
    Is there anything you wish us to cover in upcoming community updates? As always, we are open to feedback so please let us know!
    Here is a scratch code you can redeem in-game for 100bfp. COMM-UNIT-YUPD-ATE7
    The code is valid till July 31th. 
    Community Update #4
    Community Update #5
    Community Update #6
  3. Ladadoos liked a post in a topic by Naturee in Skylords Reborn: Open Staff Positions   
    Tempting to apply for a Dev role... just can't find a time to assist now a day
    Btw love this game and finally it's 'reborn' 
  4. Ladadoos liked a post in a topic by Minashigo Hiko in Official PvE Contest#1 Siege of Hope UNTIL 15.06.2021   
    Thank you all for Joining todays stream.

    We had a lot of fun hosting and here are the Winner results:

    Thank you all for participating to this crazy idea of an event and we hope you enjoyed it.

    To many more events!
  5. Metagross31 liked a post in a topic by Ladadoos in Compare achievements function   
    I had a few spare minutes to try to envision a UI for this feature. Maybe something like this for comparing achievements with a player? Feel free to just open up paint and come up with a design 😄 

  6. Antwoord liked a post in a topic by Ladadoos in Compare achievements function   
    I had a few spare minutes to try to envision a UI for this feature. Maybe something like this for comparing achievements with a player? Feel free to just open up paint and come up with a design 😄 

  7. Metagross31 liked a post in a topic by Ladadoos in Compare achievements function   
    In general I like the idea of being able to compare your progression with other players. I do wonder though, if comparing your progression with only one other player would achieve the effect, of incentivizing players to play more, well enough? Another option is to create progression (achievement) leaderboards.
  8. Metagross31 liked a post in a topic by Ladadoos in UI Suggestion - Lobby Map and Difficulty Progress Indicator   
    @JustCoco Thanks for the suggestion. We have added it to our list of new features, so you can hopefully expect to see it in the future 🙂
  9. Ladadoos liked a post in a topic by Metagross31 in Community map Challenge #3: "King's Ridge" until May 31 2021   
    In this post you can find all of the winning replays of the challenge.
    Thanks a lot again to everyone who participated and everyone who helped in making this event possible!
    Community Challenge Nr3 replays.zip
  10. Ladadoos liked a post in a topic by Kapo in Skylords Reborn: Open Staff Positions   
    If I understood the structure right, "Developers" in this project are people that really drive the project forward. This includes not just working on (a part of) Skylords but also alot of decision making. I dont think you can accomplish anything meaningful in 3 hours/week if you consider that you have to attend team meetings, coordinate with the other developers and communicate with players for their ideas and imput.
    Just doing "your own thing" for 3 hours a week could accomplish something like a cool new map or some artwork if you take enough weeks. And my guess is if someone endevours on such a project they wont turn you away, but be happy to use a polished product (whatever it may be). But thats not a developer role inside a project.
  11. Ladadoos liked a post in a topic by Majora in Skylords Reborn: Open Staff Positions   
    Pretty much this. Its not that we are on some high horse deeming 3 hours a week not worthy of our team. Its just like Kapo said, to accomplish anything meanginfull in our teamstructure, and as a developper specificly, would require more than 3 hours to be able to have time for actual development work on top of meetings and coordinating with the other teammembers.
    Every member on the team is unpaid. We are also not allowed to make a profit (since EA owns the property) or use patreon to pay teammembers. 
    It also makes little sense for us to pay other people to help us, since that basicly means we have a job that costs us money (on top of a lot of time). 
    So how can we expect people to work for the project? The same way we do. We all have a passion for the project and want to see it succeed. And as Ladadoos mentioned above, we do understand life comes first, and finding a good balance requires the willingness to work together and a certain time availability. On some roles this wont be as much, but as mentioned before, the developers are a very crucial role in the project that require more time to be effective. 
    We are not some evil company trying to trick people into working for free. We are a community project that is literally not allowed to pay people or make a profit ourselves. Yet we all pour our heart, soul and time into the project anyway. 
  12. Xamos liked a post in a topic by Ladadoos in UI Suggestion - Lobby Map and Difficulty Progress Indicator   
    The idea would be to add an option in-game to disable the stars on the worldmap.

    As for certain maps not having standard, I would just not show that star. Another option would be to show a "stone" star, or something that indicates it is there but cannot be achieved. 
  13. nkmol liked a post in a topic by Ladadoos in UI Suggestion - Lobby Map and Difficulty Progress Indicator   
    I would definitely not remove the difficulty names from the buttons: the approach to add the symbols next to the names sounds much more suitable and I think is a good solution.
    Even though I think the initial proposal of using small dots is cleaner, stars likely convey the message better. That being said, I would make them much smaller and always at the same position, like image below.

    In order to make the UI consistent with the achievements, I would make it such that the stars indicate the highest won difficulty and not all the difficulties played. As an example, if the left and middle star were yellow it would indicate that the highest difficulty won is advanced (and not that you won standard and advanced). 

    The exact details of what difficulty you won could be added in the tooltip of the map icon. It's a big widget with little information. The first image is how it is now, the second how I could imagine it being.

     So this shows as  in the worldmap but when hovering over it, you would see that you actually only completed advanced.
    Curious to hear what you think.
  14. Xamos liked a post in a topic by Ladadoos in UI Suggestion - Lobby Map and Difficulty Progress Indicator   
    I would definitely not remove the difficulty names from the buttons: the approach to add the symbols next to the names sounds much more suitable and I think is a good solution.
    Even though I think the initial proposal of using small dots is cleaner, stars likely convey the message better. That being said, I would make them much smaller and always at the same position, like image below.

    In order to make the UI consistent with the achievements, I would make it such that the stars indicate the highest won difficulty and not all the difficulties played. As an example, if the left and middle star were yellow it would indicate that the highest difficulty won is advanced (and not that you won standard and advanced). 

    The exact details of what difficulty you won could be added in the tooltip of the map icon. It's a big widget with little information. The first image is how it is now, the second how I could imagine it being.

     So this shows as  in the worldmap but when hovering over it, you would see that you actually only completed advanced.
    Curious to hear what you think.
  15. Metagross31 liked a post in a topic by Ladadoos in UI Suggestion - Lobby Map and Difficulty Progress Indicator   
    The idea would be to add an option in-game to disable the stars on the worldmap.

    As for certain maps not having standard, I would just not show that star. Another option would be to show a "stone" star, or something that indicates it is there but cannot be achieved. 
  16. Majora liked a post in a topic by Ladadoos in UI Suggestion - Lobby Map and Difficulty Progress Indicator   
    I would definitely not remove the difficulty names from the buttons: the approach to add the symbols next to the names sounds much more suitable and I think is a good solution.
    Even though I think the initial proposal of using small dots is cleaner, stars likely convey the message better. That being said, I would make them much smaller and always at the same position, like image below.

    In order to make the UI consistent with the achievements, I would make it such that the stars indicate the highest won difficulty and not all the difficulties played. As an example, if the left and middle star were yellow it would indicate that the highest difficulty won is advanced (and not that you won standard and advanced). 

    The exact details of what difficulty you won could be added in the tooltip of the map icon. It's a big widget with little information. The first image is how it is now, the second how I could imagine it being.

     So this shows as  in the worldmap but when hovering over it, you would see that you actually only completed advanced.
    Curious to hear what you think.
  17. Volin liked a post in a topic by Ladadoos in UI Suggestion - Lobby Map and Difficulty Progress Indicator   
    I would definitely not remove the difficulty names from the buttons: the approach to add the symbols next to the names sounds much more suitable and I think is a good solution.
    Even though I think the initial proposal of using small dots is cleaner, stars likely convey the message better. That being said, I would make them much smaller and always at the same position, like image below.

    In order to make the UI consistent with the achievements, I would make it such that the stars indicate the highest won difficulty and not all the difficulties played. As an example, if the left and middle star were yellow it would indicate that the highest difficulty won is advanced (and not that you won standard and advanced). 

    The exact details of what difficulty you won could be added in the tooltip of the map icon. It's a big widget with little information. The first image is how it is now, the second how I could imagine it being.

     So this shows as  in the worldmap but when hovering over it, you would see that you actually only completed advanced.
    Curious to hear what you think.
  18. LEBOVIN liked a post in a topic by Ladadoos in UI Suggestion - Lobby Map and Difficulty Progress Indicator   
    I would definitely not remove the difficulty names from the buttons: the approach to add the symbols next to the names sounds much more suitable and I think is a good solution.
    Even though I think the initial proposal of using small dots is cleaner, stars likely convey the message better. That being said, I would make them much smaller and always at the same position, like image below.

    In order to make the UI consistent with the achievements, I would make it such that the stars indicate the highest won difficulty and not all the difficulties played. As an example, if the left and middle star were yellow it would indicate that the highest difficulty won is advanced (and not that you won standard and advanced). 

    The exact details of what difficulty you won could be added in the tooltip of the map icon. It's a big widget with little information. The first image is how it is now, the second how I could imagine it being.

     So this shows as  in the worldmap but when hovering over it, you would see that you actually only completed advanced.
    Curious to hear what you think.
  19. Zyna liked a post in a topic by Ladadoos in UI Suggestion - Lobby Map and Difficulty Progress Indicator   
    I would definitely not remove the difficulty names from the buttons: the approach to add the symbols next to the names sounds much more suitable and I think is a good solution.
    Even though I think the initial proposal of using small dots is cleaner, stars likely convey the message better. That being said, I would make them much smaller and always at the same position, like image below.

    In order to make the UI consistent with the achievements, I would make it such that the stars indicate the highest won difficulty and not all the difficulties played. As an example, if the left and middle star were yellow it would indicate that the highest difficulty won is advanced (and not that you won standard and advanced). 

    The exact details of what difficulty you won could be added in the tooltip of the map icon. It's a big widget with little information. The first image is how it is now, the second how I could imagine it being.

     So this shows as  in the worldmap but when hovering over it, you would see that you actually only completed advanced.
    Curious to hear what you think.
  20. Ladadoos liked a post in a topic by Metagross31 in Card Destruction System   
    There have already been several discussion about this and, as far as I know, the devs are already aware of this concern.
  21. Ladadoos liked a post in a topic by Necropsi in Card Destruction System   

    is it possible for u guys to implement some kind of card destruction system? I like to keep my collection tidy, and at this point i have a lot of common cards that cant sell on auction since they all go for 3bfp. So i have to put a lot of auctions up every second day just for them to not get sold. It would be awesome if we were able to destroy cards we dont want/need, and maybe get 1bfp for that no matter the rarity, or maybe small amount of gold, or maybe nothing, just so i can keep my collection neat and tidy.

    Thank you!
  22. Kozzrazz liked a post in a topic by Ladadoos in Patch #400029 - 23 May 2021   
    Patch #400029
    Greetings Skylords, Skyladies, and Skyfolks,

    this is a minor update that contains mostly behind the scenes changes that were required for our maintenance we had on the 22nd of May. It also contains a new feature that allows players to see all of the boosters they have opened in the past!

    General fixes
    Fixed postgame screen (after a match) showing a negative BFP gain occasionally.  Players will no longer receive a warning in the middle of their screen that their in-game mailbox is full while in-game. Improved numerous tooltips in the in-game Rankings page. General changes
    The selected auction duration will not reset to its default after placing the auction. Instead it will stay at the last selected auction duration. All Snapjaws Promo are now tradeable. They still cannot be obtained from boosters. Changed the `Complete Quests` achievement to reward an All-Editions booster every 20 completed quests. Removed the `Latest Booster` button and replaced it with a `History` button that will open a window showing the complete history of opened boosters for that player.
  23. Timer liked a post in a topic by Ladadoos in Patch #400029 - 23 May 2021   
    Patch #400029
    Greetings Skylords, Skyladies, and Skyfolks,

    this is a minor update that contains mostly behind the scenes changes that were required for our maintenance we had on the 22nd of May. It also contains a new feature that allows players to see all of the boosters they have opened in the past!

    General fixes
    Fixed postgame screen (after a match) showing a negative BFP gain occasionally.  Players will no longer receive a warning in the middle of their screen that their in-game mailbox is full while in-game. Improved numerous tooltips in the in-game Rankings page. General changes
    The selected auction duration will not reset to its default after placing the auction. Instead it will stay at the last selected auction duration. All Snapjaws Promo are now tradeable. They still cannot be obtained from boosters. Changed the `Complete Quests` achievement to reward an All-Editions booster every 20 completed quests. Removed the `Latest Booster` button and replaced it with a `History` button that will open a window showing the complete history of opened boosters for that player.
  24. Majora liked a post in a topic by Ladadoos in Patch #400029 - 23 May 2021   
    Patch #400029
    Greetings Skylords, Skyladies, and Skyfolks,

    this is a minor update that contains mostly behind the scenes changes that were required for our maintenance we had on the 22nd of May. It also contains a new feature that allows players to see all of the boosters they have opened in the past!

    General fixes
    Fixed postgame screen (after a match) showing a negative BFP gain occasionally.  Players will no longer receive a warning in the middle of their screen that their in-game mailbox is full while in-game. Improved numerous tooltips in the in-game Rankings page. General changes
    The selected auction duration will not reset to its default after placing the auction. Instead it will stay at the last selected auction duration. All Snapjaws Promo are now tradeable. They still cannot be obtained from boosters. Changed the `Complete Quests` achievement to reward an All-Editions booster every 20 completed quests. Removed the `Latest Booster` button and replaced it with a `History` button that will open a window showing the complete history of opened boosters for that player.
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