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Patch #400029 - 23 May 2021


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Patch #400029

Greetings Skylords, Skyladies, and Skyfolks,

this is a minor update that contains mostly behind the scenes changes that were required for our maintenance we had on the 22nd of May. It also contains a new feature that allows players to see all of the boosters they have opened in the past!

General fixes

  • Fixed postgame screen (after a match) showing a negative BFP gain occasionally. 
  • Players will no longer receive a warning in the middle of their screen that their in-game mailbox is full while in-game.
  • Improved numerous tooltips in the in-game Rankings page.

General changes

  • The selected auction duration will not reset to its default after placing the auction. Instead it will stay at the last selected auction duration.
  • All Snapjaws Promo are now tradeable. They still cannot be obtained from boosters.
  • Changed the `Complete Quests` achievement to reward an All-Editions booster every 20 completed quests.
  • Removed the `Latest Booster` button and replaced it with a `History` button that will open a window showing the complete history of opened boosters for that player.


Timer, Cocofang, Loriens and 4 others like this
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9 hours ago, Cocofang said:

Looking forward to your next project.

So are we :hype:

9 hours ago, Cocofang said:

What was the reward interval on the "Completed Quests" achievement before?

Before it was a, what we call, progressive achievement that rewarded 4 BFP for each step. In other words it means it rewarded 4 BFP for each completed quest but only rewarded the BFP at certain milestones that grew non-linearly in size.

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