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Status Replies posted by Ladadoos

  1. Brace for impact from the Age of Mythology group. Seriously though, great game too, highly recommend it if you like the classic RTS format and some real world lore to go with it.



  2. I want to instal the game but everytime i download the installer and try to open it, my windows (Windows 10) tells me that i shouldnt do that because my Windows Defender thinks its dangerous


    1. Ladadoos


      @Garland Unfortunately windows 10 thinks the installer is a virus. All I can tell you is that none of our files we provide our players contain any viruses and we do our best to not trigger false-positive virus detection.

      You can read 2. here for more help 


  3. It's my birthday, been here for so long, nearly there with release cool, also wtf I have to click show all to see me in todays birthdays, I'm important, no I'm not.


  4. I wish tremor was in the starter decks, WAHHHH

    1. Ladadoos


      Maybe if you delete system 32 you get free tremors!!! WAHHH

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  5. watch a trash(ier) Battleforge video... cause why not. Old footage from C# Server though, not current C++ Server! 


  6. Watch a trash Battleforge video... cause why not 

  7. Watch a trash Battleforge video... cause why not 

    1. Ladadoos


      :thinking: explains the overlapping of the different UI elements like the chat over the upgrade window 

    2. (See 17 other replies to this status update)

  8. Watch a trash Battleforge video... cause why not 

    1. Ladadoos


      I am not asking about any resolution, I am asking about his game resolution

    2. (See 17 other replies to this status update)

  9. Watch a trash Battleforge video... cause why not 

    1. Ladadoos


      What resolution was your game when you recorded this :thinking: ?

    2. (See 17 other replies to this status update)

  10. Watch a trash Battleforge video... cause why not 

    1. Ladadoos


      Am I the only one who gets triggered by the fact melon lord clicks and drags the cards to his deck instead of double clicking on them :thinking:

    2. (See 17 other replies to this status update)

  11. Dah fack what happened to everyones forum rep lol rip 

  12. Wooooo happy new year to you all. I wish you all success, happiness and health in the new year 2018, and whether 2017 was good or bad, may 2018 be better! :)

    I am sincerely looking forward to seeing you all in The Forge! <3

    1. Ladadoos


      Happy new year :) 

  13. Best stream Ever.

    Not even the day i got my access can beat this much HYPE.

  14. The cringe is hard... give me as much hate as you want. :lol:

    Read description please.  

    1. Ladadoos


      Nice videos :watermelon: Sound quality on your latest video has improved by a lot, makes it more enjoyable to watch. Perhaps trying to talk in the videos where you got the mic on would be nice, but that's probably because you aren't used to commentating over videos. Nothing time can't fix. Keep it up 

    2. (See 10 other replies to this status update)

  15. If anyone has missed this interesting viral trend here you go. http://storiesforyourscreen.com/annie96-is-typing/

    1. Ladadoos


      Why do I expect a jumpscare at the end of it ?

    2. (See 7 other replies to this status update)

  16. When I'm bored, I go to Ardent Peak Website and i try to link all the flyings Dots.



    1. Ladadoos


      That's a pretty nice thing they got there :P 

    2. (See 12 other replies to this status update)

  17. Mwahahahhahaha. I'll say 2 things:

    1. Gratz Hawk

    2. Rekt :ladadoos:



  18. I'm in :o  After the fail at the contest last year, and i really dont thought that i could win in the "tell us your story" contest. So many big thanks, you made a small metal worker really lucky today :D  Congrats to all the other winners, see you soon :) 

    1. Ladadoos


      Bring your sword and slay those Twilight creatures!

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  19. Oh wow just found out that I am one of the winners see you soon in the Forge :D 

  20. This news is even better than Open Beta news, believe it. It means endless possibilites for the future, cya in Forge REALLY soon.

  21. Working on another little project, but i cant make any progress the following week, maybe i can finish it in 2 weeks :) 

  22. Well I finally uploaded my story. It only has exactly 4000 words. :P 


  23. Well I finally uploaded my story. It only has exactly 4000 words. :P 


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