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Xamos liked a post in a topic by Palmolive in Official Card Design Contest - CLOSED - Winners Reveal inside
Hi 🙂
I've already sent my take to Kapo on Discord but after people started sharing their ideas on here, I could'nt resist the urgue to post mine too! I honestly have no idea on how to balance a card, I just think the idea of this unit would be badass. It's kinda special from the looks, kinda like Bloodhorn, with nothing similar looking as a T4 unit to it (excapt Swiftclaws and the other medium Dinosaur units haha).
Name: Amii Revenger
Ingame model based on a resized Swiftclaw
Tier & Orbs: T4, Nature Nature Shadow Shadow
Type: Unit
Power: 260
Hit points and Size: 5820 XL
Attack value and Type: 6350, melee, XL
Passive Abilities: Elusive - 10% less effected with crowd control / Rage - longer fights, more damage
Active Abilities: Fearsome Roar - 100 Energy - Enemy Units deal 20% less damage
Explanation of idea behind the card: I've always adored the small dinosaur units in Battleforge so I thought why not resize them for a badass Amii T4 unit? For me, Amii is the oldest fraction in Nyn, maybe they have these giant dinosaurs to protect their cities.
Palmolive liked a post in a topic by Kapo in Official Card Design Contest - CLOSED - Winners Reveal inside
It's time to announce the winners!
First, a big thanks to all involved in the contest, from the participants to the jurors and all in-between - the energy that emerged from the contest was great! Here is a link to the reveal stream, if you don't want to read that much and just want to check the top entries out:
Here are the winners of the Card Idea Contest:
The following entries have achieved platinum tier:
by Metagross31
by Ult
by Maze
by Kapo
The jurors decided to highlight five entries that outperform Gold tier, yet do not make it completely into platinum:
by Laze
by Jolares
by Styxious
by Weak1ings
by ElementG
There were so many excellent entries, re-formatting for presentation in the forums would be days and says of work, severely delaying the winner's announcement. So please click here to view them in a google docs:
If you just want to check out if your entry landed in this tier, here is a shortlist of the Gold Tier winners:
Reminder: Even if your name comes up twice, you will only receive the prize of the highest achieved tier.
The following entries have achieved silver tier:
If you just want to check out if you landed in this tier, here is a "shortlist" of the Silver Tier winners:
Some entries aimed (hopefully intentionally) at meme-worthy content, so the jurors decided to split them off and select the best two of them in a Meme Tier:
by Damo
by WaterMelonLord
The prizes will be sent out within the next days. We all hope that you, even if you did not land in one of the top tiers, enjoyed this contest. This new encyclopedia of creative sparks will assist in the future development of cards for sure!
Best regards,
Skylords Reborn Team
Palmolive liked a post in a topic by Aviat0r in patch the patcher so that the Play button is focused once ready, and you can start by just pressing enter
Thanks for your suggestion. We're currently in the process of developing a completely new version of the Updater which is almost ready to get rolled out. So we won't add any new features in the current version unfortunately.
In the new Updater we can of course take that into consideration. However there's already a feature to activate "Auto start". So you only start the Updater and it will automatically start the game after the update check has been completed. I hope, that this is also a reasonable solution for you. And of course we're always open for any suggestion and improvement. 🙂
DefAnske liked a post in a topic by Palmolive in patch the patcher so that the Play button is focused once ready, and you can start by just pressing enter
I don't wanna sound rude. Use your mouse?
Have a nice one!
Palmolive liked a post in a topic by Kugelsaat in Official Card Design Contest - CLOSED - Winners Reveal inside
Hello Skylords, this is my first entry for the Card Competition.
First if all sorry for anything i may pronounce worng etc. (I´m from Germany)
Scrap-Shed is meant to by a Supporting unit.
Name: Scrap-Shed ( Schrottlaube (german))
Tier & Orbs: T4 / Fire 2x Shadow 2x
Type: Unit
Power: 400
Hit points and Size: 7350 XL
Attack value and Type: 3000 Range
Passive Abilities:
Waste Cannon - Because of the size and it´s polution the Banits start unsing their waste as a weapon. Because the Bandits shoot with what ever they have, every 4th Shot is smelling dump which slows Enemys for 6 sec and lowers their attack 22%
Active Abilities:
Junkyard - When send into battle the Scrap-Shed can switch to stationary mode and cant move. While stationary it drops T1 Bandit units every 7 sec. which attack Enemey in range. When it´s health sink´s below 30% Scrap-Shed is forced to move and can nolonger activate Junkyard.
Uses Tunderwagon as a base.
Explanation of idea behind the card:
The Thunderwagon is a very cool and fun card, and i think the only one which does not have a counterpart.
MacoWish liked a post in a topic by Palmolive in Official Card Design Contest - CLOSED - Winners Reveal inside
Hi 🙂
I've already sent my take to Kapo on Discord but after people started sharing their ideas on here, I could'nt resist the urgue to post mine too! I honestly have no idea on how to balance a card, I just think the idea of this unit would be badass. It's kinda special from the looks, kinda like Bloodhorn, with nothing similar looking as a T4 unit to it (excapt Swiftclaws and the other medium Dinosaur units haha).
Name: Amii Revenger
Ingame model based on a resized Swiftclaw
Tier & Orbs: T4, Nature Nature Shadow Shadow
Type: Unit
Power: 260
Hit points and Size: 5820 XL
Attack value and Type: 6350, melee, XL
Passive Abilities: Elusive - 10% less effected with crowd control / Rage - longer fights, more damage
Active Abilities: Fearsome Roar - 100 Energy - Enemy Units deal 20% less damage
Explanation of idea behind the card: I've always adored the small dinosaur units in Battleforge so I thought why not resize them for a badass Amii T4 unit? For me, Amii is the oldest fraction in Nyn, maybe they have these giant dinosaurs to protect their cities.
Mynoduesp liked a post in a topic by Palmolive in Official Card Design Contest - CLOSED - Winners Reveal inside
Hi 🙂
I've already sent my take to Kapo on Discord but after people started sharing their ideas on here, I could'nt resist the urgue to post mine too! I honestly have no idea on how to balance a card, I just think the idea of this unit would be badass. It's kinda special from the looks, kinda like Bloodhorn, with nothing similar looking as a T4 unit to it (excapt Swiftclaws and the other medium Dinosaur units haha).
Name: Amii Revenger
Ingame model based on a resized Swiftclaw
Tier & Orbs: T4, Nature Nature Shadow Shadow
Type: Unit
Power: 260
Hit points and Size: 5820 XL
Attack value and Type: 6350, melee, XL
Passive Abilities: Elusive - 10% less effected with crowd control / Rage - longer fights, more damage
Active Abilities: Fearsome Roar - 100 Energy - Enemy Units deal 20% less damage
Explanation of idea behind the card: I've always adored the small dinosaur units in Battleforge so I thought why not resize them for a badass Amii T4 unit? For me, Amii is the oldest fraction in Nyn, maybe they have these giant dinosaurs to protect their cities.
Palmolive liked a post in a topic by UltDragon in Official Card Design Contest - CLOSED - Winners Reveal inside
Name: Twilight Infestation
Tier & Orbs: T3 Fire Nature Fire/Nature
Type: Spell
Power: 100
Spell Effect: Mass Shapeshifting
Infects up to 10 friendly and hostile units within a 25m radius with the Twilight Curse and immediately turns them into Twilight Pests.
While the spell lasts, they will no longer grant ground presence to play out cards or claim structures near to it.
After the spells wear off, they will be retransformed into their actual forms.
Lasts for 15 seconds. Reusable every 30 seconds.
Explanation of idea behind the card:
Twilight needs a CC card, and this fits the transformation theme, expanding on Twilight Curse, mixing with Fleshbender.
Twilight Pests should be the same as Fleshbender, where bugs have similar power and hitpoints to the original unit.
The downside of this spell is that it also affects friendly units, so not exactly the same as Oink.
Dhrkaas liked a post in a topic by Palmolive in Official Card Design Contest - CLOSED - Winners Reveal inside
Hi 🙂
I've already sent my take to Kapo on Discord but after people started sharing their ideas on here, I could'nt resist the urgue to post mine too! I honestly have no idea on how to balance a card, I just think the idea of this unit would be badass. It's kinda special from the looks, kinda like Bloodhorn, with nothing similar looking as a T4 unit to it (excapt Swiftclaws and the other medium Dinosaur units haha).
Name: Amii Revenger
Ingame model based on a resized Swiftclaw
Tier & Orbs: T4, Nature Nature Shadow Shadow
Type: Unit
Power: 260
Hit points and Size: 5820 XL
Attack value and Type: 6350, melee, XL
Passive Abilities: Elusive - 10% less effected with crowd control / Rage - longer fights, more damage
Active Abilities: Fearsome Roar - 100 Energy - Enemy Units deal 20% less damage
Explanation of idea behind the card: I've always adored the small dinosaur units in Battleforge so I thought why not resize them for a badass Amii T4 unit? For me, Amii is the oldest fraction in Nyn, maybe they have these giant dinosaurs to protect their cities.
DefAnske liked a post in a topic by Palmolive in Official Card Design Contest - CLOSED - Winners Reveal inside
Hi 🙂
I've already sent my take to Kapo on Discord but after people started sharing their ideas on here, I could'nt resist the urgue to post mine too! I honestly have no idea on how to balance a card, I just think the idea of this unit would be badass. It's kinda special from the looks, kinda like Bloodhorn, with nothing similar looking as a T4 unit to it (excapt Swiftclaws and the other medium Dinosaur units haha).
Name: Amii Revenger
Ingame model based on a resized Swiftclaw
Tier & Orbs: T4, Nature Nature Shadow Shadow
Type: Unit
Power: 260
Hit points and Size: 5820 XL
Attack value and Type: 6350, melee, XL
Passive Abilities: Elusive - 10% less effected with crowd control / Rage - longer fights, more damage
Active Abilities: Fearsome Roar - 100 Energy - Enemy Units deal 20% less damage
Explanation of idea behind the card: I've always adored the small dinosaur units in Battleforge so I thought why not resize them for a badass Amii T4 unit? For me, Amii is the oldest fraction in Nyn, maybe they have these giant dinosaurs to protect their cities.
Palmolive liked a post in a topic by Markus34222 in Official Card Design Contest - CLOSED - Winners Reveal inside
Mock-up #1:
Name: Shadow Arrow
Tier & Orbs: T3, 2 Shadow & 1 Neutral
Type: Spell
Power: 80
Spell Effect:
Sacrifices a own unit to create a shadow arrow with a 20m range and dealing
8 times their power cost up to 2000 dmg in total. Reuseable every 20 seconds
- I miss a more precise soulsplatter
- I think this spell should be T3 because in PvP it could be very OP (I dont play PvP but could well imagine it)
- I could imagine an affinity with bullet impact and with energy refund on enemy unit death
Mock-up #2:
Name: Eclipse
Tier & Orbs: T4, 2 Shadow & 2 Fire
Type: Spell
Power: 350
Spell Effect: Darkness
All enemy units in the game are restricted in their vision radius for 30 seconds.They can only see 5m away and take 15% more damage.
Buildings are not affected by this effect. Has a 60 second cooldown.
- I could visually imagine a change in brightness for the whole map
Palmolive liked a post in a topic by UltDragon in Official Card Design Contest - CLOSED - Winners Reveal inside
Name: Magma Phoenix
Tier & Orbs: T3, Fire Fire Neutral
Type: Unit
Power: 100
Hit points and Size: 700 plus L
Attack value and Type: 3500 plus ranged and special-counter
Passive Abilities:
* Fiery Dive: Unit starts a powerful and quick suicidal attack that deals 1000 damage to enemies in a 25m radius around its target, up to 3500 in total. Unit dies during the attack. Knocks back small and medium units. Affects ground targets only. Deals half the damage against buildings. Has a 6 seconds cool-down after the card was played out.
* Swift: Swift: Moves at high speed.
Explanation of idea behind the card:
You would need 2 phoenix to kill 1 Vulcan or 1 Virtuoso if they are alone, but with 2 phoenix you could kill up to 3 Vulcan / Virtuoso, so high risk, high reward.
And why no reincarnation? Swift will increase the survival rate when going for a target, compared to Shadow Phoenix.
The dive animation should also be a little faster than Shadow Phoenix.
The half damage to buildings is necessary, otherwise you could bomb other players wells and orbs easily.
Palmolive liked a post in a topic by Hrdina_Imperia in Official Card Design Contest - CLOSED - Winners Reveal inside
Wish I could keep it down to single per day 😅 But I promise,, this is the last one (for today). Have to take a break for the upcoming holidays 😄
Name: Twilight Tumor
Tier & Orbs: T4, Nature, Fire, Nature/Fire, Neutral
Type: Unit
Power: 250
Hit points and Size: 7520 and XL, flier
Attack value and Type: 3050
Passive Abilities:
Toxic Pores - Every 4 seconds, 4 openings in the skin shoot independently. Every one deals 190 damage to enemies in a 7m radius, up to 300 in total. Affected units are also weakened by the toxic sludge and deal 30% less damage for 5 seconds..
Infection - Just touching the tumor can be dangerous. Any unit that attacks the Twilight Tumor will be infected for 4 seconds. If the enemy entity dies while under effect of this infection, a small Twilight Tumor will spawn from its corpse. Maximum of 4 smaller tumors can be spawned per single big one.
Slow - Unit has slow movement.
Active Abilities:
Transformation - as usual
Uses enlarged Magma Spore model.
Explanation of idea behind the card:
New flier for the Twilight faction, Twilight Tumor serves as sort of 'mothership', infecting and weakening units around it, while being able to take big punishment. It's damage output is not great though for T4 and it's power cost, which means it needs to be supported in the late stages of the game. If used properly, nice number of smaller tumors can be ammased, which can serve as a meatshield/extra dps for the main units.
Palmolive liked a post in a topic by Riviute in Official Card Design Contest - CLOSED - Winners Reveal inside
Alright I also send my entry to Kapo but I also wanna share my idea so here it goes.
Name: Amii Warmonger
Tier & Orbs: T3, 1Shadow, 1Nature, 1AmiiHybrid
Type: Unit
Power: 140
Hit points and Size: 2000(without Upgrade) and Large
Attack value and Type: 2100 and L(Melee)
Passive Ability:
Elusive: The duration of the immobilizing effects of Freeze and Paralyze is reduced by 10%.
Active Abilities:
Battering Ram: Battering Ram is an active ability with a small aoe that allows the unit to charge into enemies (much like enforcer or strikers) and deals minimal damage (like extremely low) however it knocks back small, medium and large creatures (the knockback could be pretty big, like they were hit by a worldbreaker shot). The ability should be cheap like 10-20Power but with a extremely lenghty cooldown so it cant be spammed and stunlock the opponents.
Power Essence:
Power Essence is a mode switch to the unit. Activating it is permanent and cannot be changed once active, it also disables Arcane Essence. Once activated this unit gets highly resistent to melee damage (Without Upgrades 60%, U1 70%, U2 80%, U3 90%) but also recieves more damage from ranged and magical attacks (Without Upgrades 60%, U1 50%, U2 40%, U3 30%). This ability costs 60Power.
Arcane Essense:
Arcane Essence is a mode switch to the unit. Activating it is permanent and cannot be changed once active, it also disables Power Essence. Once activated this unit gets highly resistent to ranged and magical damage (Without Upgrades 60%, U1 70%, U2 80%, U3 90%) but also recieves more damage from melee attacks (Without Upgrades 60%, U1 50%, U2 40%, U3 30%). This ability costs 60Power.
This card gains more HP with every upgrade. The upgrades also changes the numbers on the Essence abilities.
Explanation of idea behind the card:
The Amii Warmonger should be based of the Abyssal Warden (Large Version) as its a model thats been rarely used so far. This unit comes with a main purpose, to be a battle initiator. Charging into enemies, scattering them and create an opening for your remaining army to strike. Just using this card for the Battering Ram makes it easy to use, but i think that more experienced players with enough map knowledge can also utilize the Essence abilities quite well. This unit was partly inspired by those Bandit Lords that you fight in the mission blight as they also had a anti magic aura. (Guess what kind of device you used to change that ;), thats right Amii).
The abilities also represent shadow and nature quite well, with the Essences having the typical shadow quirk to it, getting stronger in one aspect but also weaker in another, and with nature you have a crowd control ability with a high cooldown as a price. Just like with many other nature cards that are either very pricey or have high cooldowns.
The Art was created by the Art AI DALL-E 2.
If something is not well enough explained pls tell.
I also wanna give a quick shoutout to all of you guys who already presented their ideas. They are either absolutely amazing or so weird and strange that you still like it. Love this community so much man. Good luck to everyone! 🙂
Riviute liked a post in a topic by Palmolive in Official Card Design Contest - CLOSED - Winners Reveal inside
Hi 🙂
I've already sent my take to Kapo on Discord but after people started sharing their ideas on here, I could'nt resist the urgue to post mine too! I honestly have no idea on how to balance a card, I just think the idea of this unit would be badass. It's kinda special from the looks, kinda like Bloodhorn, with nothing similar looking as a T4 unit to it (excapt Swiftclaws and the other medium Dinosaur units haha).
Name: Amii Revenger
Ingame model based on a resized Swiftclaw
Tier & Orbs: T4, Nature Nature Shadow Shadow
Type: Unit
Power: 260
Hit points and Size: 5820 XL
Attack value and Type: 6350, melee, XL
Passive Abilities: Elusive - 10% less effected with crowd control / Rage - longer fights, more damage
Active Abilities: Fearsome Roar - 100 Energy - Enemy Units deal 20% less damage
Explanation of idea behind the card: I've always adored the small dinosaur units in Battleforge so I thought why not resize them for a badass Amii T4 unit? For me, Amii is the oldest fraction in Nyn, maybe they have these giant dinosaurs to protect their cities.
Kapo liked a post in a topic by Palmolive in Official Card Design Contest - CLOSED - Winners Reveal inside
Hi 🙂
I've already sent my take to Kapo on Discord but after people started sharing their ideas on here, I could'nt resist the urgue to post mine too! I honestly have no idea on how to balance a card, I just think the idea of this unit would be badass. It's kinda special from the looks, kinda like Bloodhorn, with nothing similar looking as a T4 unit to it (excapt Swiftclaws and the other medium Dinosaur units haha).
Name: Amii Revenger
Ingame model based on a resized Swiftclaw
Tier & Orbs: T4, Nature Nature Shadow Shadow
Type: Unit
Power: 260
Hit points and Size: 5820 XL
Attack value and Type: 6350, melee, XL
Passive Abilities: Elusive - 10% less effected with crowd control / Rage - longer fights, more damage
Active Abilities: Fearsome Roar - 100 Energy - Enemy Units deal 20% less damage
Explanation of idea behind the card: I've always adored the small dinosaur units in Battleforge so I thought why not resize them for a badass Amii T4 unit? For me, Amii is the oldest fraction in Nyn, maybe they have these giant dinosaurs to protect their cities.
Timatijs liked a post in a topic by Palmolive in Official Card Design Contest - CLOSED - Winners Reveal inside
Hi 🙂
I've already sent my take to Kapo on Discord but after people started sharing their ideas on here, I could'nt resist the urgue to post mine too! I honestly have no idea on how to balance a card, I just think the idea of this unit would be badass. It's kinda special from the looks, kinda like Bloodhorn, with nothing similar looking as a T4 unit to it (excapt Swiftclaws and the other medium Dinosaur units haha).
Name: Amii Revenger
Ingame model based on a resized Swiftclaw
Tier & Orbs: T4, Nature Nature Shadow Shadow
Type: Unit
Power: 260
Hit points and Size: 5820 XL
Attack value and Type: 6350, melee, XL
Passive Abilities: Elusive - 10% less effected with crowd control / Rage - longer fights, more damage
Active Abilities: Fearsome Roar - 100 Energy - Enemy Units deal 20% less damage
Explanation of idea behind the card: I've always adored the small dinosaur units in Battleforge so I thought why not resize them for a badass Amii T4 unit? For me, Amii is the oldest fraction in Nyn, maybe they have these giant dinosaurs to protect their cities.
Hrdina_Imperia liked a post in a topic by Palmolive in Official Card Design Contest - CLOSED - Winners Reveal inside
Hi 🙂
I've already sent my take to Kapo on Discord but after people started sharing their ideas on here, I could'nt resist the urgue to post mine too! I honestly have no idea on how to balance a card, I just think the idea of this unit would be badass. It's kinda special from the looks, kinda like Bloodhorn, with nothing similar looking as a T4 unit to it (excapt Swiftclaws and the other medium Dinosaur units haha).
Name: Amii Revenger
Ingame model based on a resized Swiftclaw
Tier & Orbs: T4, Nature Nature Shadow Shadow
Type: Unit
Power: 260
Hit points and Size: 5820 XL
Attack value and Type: 6350, melee, XL
Passive Abilities: Elusive - 10% less effected with crowd control / Rage - longer fights, more damage
Active Abilities: Fearsome Roar - 100 Energy - Enemy Units deal 20% less damage
Explanation of idea behind the card: I've always adored the small dinosaur units in Battleforge so I thought why not resize them for a badass Amii T4 unit? For me, Amii is the oldest fraction in Nyn, maybe they have these giant dinosaurs to protect their cities.
SpiritAlpha liked a post in a topic by Palmolive in Official Card Design Contest - CLOSED - Winners Reveal inside
Hi 🙂
I've already sent my take to Kapo on Discord but after people started sharing their ideas on here, I could'nt resist the urgue to post mine too! I honestly have no idea on how to balance a card, I just think the idea of this unit would be badass. It's kinda special from the looks, kinda like Bloodhorn, with nothing similar looking as a T4 unit to it (excapt Swiftclaws and the other medium Dinosaur units haha).
Name: Amii Revenger
Ingame model based on a resized Swiftclaw
Tier & Orbs: T4, Nature Nature Shadow Shadow
Type: Unit
Power: 260
Hit points and Size: 5820 XL
Attack value and Type: 6350, melee, XL
Passive Abilities: Elusive - 10% less effected with crowd control / Rage - longer fights, more damage
Active Abilities: Fearsome Roar - 100 Energy - Enemy Units deal 20% less damage
Explanation of idea behind the card: I've always adored the small dinosaur units in Battleforge so I thought why not resize them for a badass Amii T4 unit? For me, Amii is the oldest fraction in Nyn, maybe they have these giant dinosaurs to protect their cities.
Metagross31 liked a post in a topic by Palmolive in Official Card Design Contest - CLOSED - Winners Reveal inside
Hi 🙂
I've already sent my take to Kapo on Discord but after people started sharing their ideas on here, I could'nt resist the urgue to post mine too! I honestly have no idea on how to balance a card, I just think the idea of this unit would be badass. It's kinda special from the looks, kinda like Bloodhorn, with nothing similar looking as a T4 unit to it (excapt Swiftclaws and the other medium Dinosaur units haha).
Name: Amii Revenger
Ingame model based on a resized Swiftclaw
Tier & Orbs: T4, Nature Nature Shadow Shadow
Type: Unit
Power: 260
Hit points and Size: 5820 XL
Attack value and Type: 6350, melee, XL
Passive Abilities: Elusive - 10% less effected with crowd control / Rage - longer fights, more damage
Active Abilities: Fearsome Roar - 100 Energy - Enemy Units deal 20% less damage
Explanation of idea behind the card: I've always adored the small dinosaur units in Battleforge so I thought why not resize them for a badass Amii T4 unit? For me, Amii is the oldest fraction in Nyn, maybe they have these giant dinosaurs to protect their cities.
Palmolive liked a post in a topic by Jeckyll in Skylords Reborn - All you need to know!
jou guys. keep up the good work. i know DC during a pve map are still common currently but when the stress test started it was almost impossible to even log in, then you always got the "disconnected from server" when entering the forge. now you can already log in reliably and do stuff in the forge at least =)
Palmolive liked a post in a topic by MephistoRoss in Skylords Reborn - All you need to know!
As just was announced on Discord: Games are not working at the moment, devs are working on it. Please have patience.
Palmolive liked a post in a topic by fiki574 in Stress Test going well
Sorry we didn't meet your expectations with STRESS TEST, but the servers are getting improved every day. We don't force anyone to try to get in and waste their oh-so-precious time, you could also just wait a week or two until the STRESS period passes by and until stuff is more stable.
Palmolive liked a post in a topic by Readymade in Stress Test going well
You joined the community about 2 days ago and we all waited for this for years and your are complaining, that it was a waste of time... dude just leave this forum and uninstall the game
and btw: yes i know that you played BF before and that you uploaded a lot of content on youtube but you don't deserve to play here with such bad manners