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I need your PvP Replays for casting! Now!


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Good evening fellow skylords, 

As some might recall @Eirias and I did some commentaries on PvP matches quite a while ago on Eirias YouTube Channel and on the Official SkylordsReborn Channel.

Since the game has entered the realm of the living again, it is also time for me to wake up from my slumber and start annoying Eirias again. Sadly our only way of communication is through the commentary of PvP Replays. 

I am currently still pretty rusty and even though I played some games against top 20 players, many weren't that interesting.

Because there is no real source of new Replays, I wanted to asked all you guys to post or send me or Eirias your PvP Replays for YouTube. 

If you have any good, special or weird games you want the world to know about, just give them to us. 

Rewards: 100 BFP

for each Replay that ends up on Youtube (on top of the fame ;) ) for the one sending the Replay to us.

I hope we can make something work and flooooood the World with Skylords!

Love YaBro0 ❤

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3 hours ago, olekkrol said:

After today's tournament it is possible to have a lot of nice replays, and I will try to save mine (if I get further than 1st round XDD )

I'm always happy to make more rookie reviews :) 
Not a very popular series in the past but with all the new players, maybe that will change!

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I had an 18min match vs Prince_of_Lyr, on Yrmia.
It was an intense back and forth game, maybe that could be an interesting replay for u to cast.

Matchup was pure fire vs stonekin.
I dont want to take bfp for getting my matches casted, feel free to take all of my future replays for your casts if you think they are worth it.

Dark(pure fire) vs Prince_of_Lyr(stonekin).pmv

Edited by Dark_
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  • 2 weeks later...

I had three nice games recently, I added them to the post :-) The one one Wazhai is a nice nature T1 vs Shadow/Frost T2 base trade, the other two are Root Network games. The one vs. Imperial Knight is him practicing with a Stonekin deck and the one vs. Tygwar is vs. Shadow/Frost.

MarbSlonk vs KnightofAlbania.pmv MarbSlonk vs Imperial_Knight (1).pmv MarbSlonk vs Tygwar.pmv

EDIT: My ELO is ~110.000, around the 65th place in 1v1, in case it matters :-)

Edited by MarbSlonk
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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...

I know this might not be the right place to ask, also excuse my ignorance, but is there any repository website that hosts replays uploaded by players? I remember back in the days there was one that allowed us to upload our replays and made it available to the public.

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8 hours ago, NotYetReady said:

I know this might not be the right place to ask, also excuse my ignorance, but is there any repository website that hosts replays uploaded by players? I remember back in the days there was one that allowed us to upload our replays and made it available to the public.

There are a few fan-made websites, which are on different stage of development and have just a few replays.
Devs have access to better tools, but it's not published.

Feel free to check both.
https://skylordshub.info/   - no longer exists
http://replays.bfleague.com/ - works

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