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About olekkrol

  • Birthday 02/06/1998

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  • Interests
    Guitar, Metal music, drawing, computer games

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Savage (3/34)



  1. Did you logged in since few months? Around december there was last server reset, clearing all accounts and reversing progress, that means you (and all of us) are starting from the beggining.
  2. How hard it would be to implement colorblind mode in skylords? As I'm playing with my friend, and speaking for him, the biggest problems are affinities (green and red affinity cards which luckily are infused or gifted) and red/orange enemy indicators (when you're playing stonekin vs stonekin that can make biggest mess
  3. After today's tournament it is possible to have a lot of nice replays, and I will try to save mine (if I get further than 1st round XDD )
  4. I don't think we should bother now on cheap cards, but more on points inflation and having so many of them around. Gold is not so dangerous like having new players to pay 4X ammount for same cards because of inflation, a lot of bfp around but rewards on same spot.
  5. These are free pvp decks? Or it can include some minor changes with your own cards?
  6. This is not "so stupid" idea, but I'd sink bfp into buying some kind of "holo card" like they print in magic the gathering or pokemon. Making shopping them available when having T3 upgrade and full charges. I'm not saying they should have texture changes (like promo) because that will need more work than necessery, but only staying to art image in cards and just changing it
  7. What was your best packs in booster simulator? Let's open few of them https://allcards.skylords.eu/booster.html and share your screenshots
  8. 2620 Kiwidancer ready to siege wells
  9. Congratulations Ultrakool, you were always so active, and really friendly
  10. One eternity later... Still waiting for release
  11. 2277 looks like it's going to nowhere
  12. I can't ;_; My eyes burns when I want to think about like about firedancer
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