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Skylords Open #1 03.01.2021


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Hello fellow Skyladies and Skylords!


The release finally happened and we can play this awesome game again. Our community is expanding and more and more challengers step into the sparring grounds but... who will be the Champion? Let us find out with the first 1on1 tournament!



EDIT: Since an overwhelming number of participants entered the tournament the format will be best of one (one match) in round 1-5 and then return to the regular best of 3 (2-3matches) in the winner bracket. The lower bracket will be played best of one round 1-7.


Prize Pool! (stay tuned)

1st place  - 2000 BFP

2nd place - 1200 BFP

3rd place - 800 BFP

4th place - 500 BFP

And one free Boosterpack for everyone participating!

Big thanks to the devs who sponsor the ENTIRE prizepool!



On 03.01.21  starting on 2pm CET (Berlin time), the stream will start about 30 minutes in advance.



The tournament brackets will be on Challonge, so register and join the tournament there. Please use your in game account name to make communication and finding your enemy easier.

The streaming channel that will be covering the tournament is DasToggy on twitch.tv.

In case of problems contact me or one of my mods via Discord, Battleforge or in the stream.


Twitch mods: LynnTaki, Karlmann90

Skylords acc: Karlo




-No bugabuse, cheating or insulting the other players. Penalties may vary from a warning to default loss.

-Disconnection during a game results in a default loss. If both sides agree it is possible to have a remake.

-Not showing up to your match after 15 minutes results in a default loss. The plan is to play a round of matches every ~30 mins.

-After your match, go to Challonge and insert the result. That is done by clicking on your match and selecting the winner/stats . The brackets will be updated automatically.

-The Map Pool is:

1st round: Haladur, 2nd round: Simai, 3rd round: Wazhai, 4th: Elyon, 5th: Lajesh, 6th: Uro and 7th: Yrmia (same pool as in ranked duel). The first match (and only match in best of one) of the round will be played on the fixed map, then it is losers choice.  The winning player (who won the last match in this bo3) also has to lock in his deck first.

-The brackets for the tournament will be shuffled before the tournament starts.

-Use your account name for the tournament. If your Challonge account differs from your Battleforge account name use the "Sign up with an alternate name" feature. Finding your opponent will be a LOT easier this way.

If you do not register for the tournament with your Battleforge name we cannot find you for the booster.



Reply in this thread if you have questions, I will check it out later.



Best regards,


Edited by Toggy
Hirooo, Ultrakool, Deadman and 6 others like this
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Please tell me that you will randomise bracket before the tournament?

I just got seed with MephistoRoss. Wait... actually.... atleast I'll be quickly eliminated and my pride shall not suffer on that.
Draken and Mephisto already signed. Brings memories from 2019.

Edited by Dallarian
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7 hours ago, Dexirian said:

If you ever need casters, I'd be happy to help (I am a semi-professional play-by-play with 7+ years experience). That is, when I'm not playing :)

 Lets have a chat about this in Discord. I will gladly have a cocaster again, especially since the many new players might need extra help with challonge/maps/rules.


17 hours ago, Angel said:

Any chance for a GMT+10-friendly time? :P


Sorry cannot make it perfect for Americans, Europeans and Asians. 2pm Should be the best all around mix (I think).


1 hour ago, nofearek9 said:

can we play with the free pvp decks?

Yes, the free PvP decks are allowed and even recommended.


Greetings, DasToggy

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Hey guys,

Please notice that you should register for the tournament with the same name as your Battleforge name. You can change your name for the tournament under "settings" or in the registration tab. Otherwise your opponent wont be able to find you and the free booster cannot find your account.


See this rule:

-Use your account name for Challonge. If your Challonge account differs from your Battleforge account name use the "Sign up with an alternate name" feature. Finding your opponent will be a LOT easier this way.




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10 minutes ago, nofearek9 said:

same name as battleforge name, you mean ingame nickname or forum nickname ?


Ingame name. I need to be able to find you with a mail and even though I love detective work every now and then finding out the accounts of 50+ guys might take a little too long.




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is there any chance to play the game at a different time?cause i end my shift work exactly at 2 PM berlin time,the same of mine.I live in Messina in Italy.
Please let me know,i would be glad to know something about.
Best regards and happy new year.

Edited by hall9000
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On 12/31/2020 at 9:48 PM, hall9000 said:

Is there any chance to play the game at a different time? cause i end my shift work exactly at 2 PM berlin time,the same of mine.I live in Messina in Italy.

Sorry there is not a lot of time for waiting on players. As long as you show up according to the rules nobody will bat an eye but with that many participants we cannot delay the entire tournament for a single match.




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