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We're Releasing Q4!


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Greetings once again, Skylords, Skyladies and other Skyfolk!

First off, thank you all so much for showing up to the major announcement stream hosted today! We couldn't be more grateful for all your support over the years. For those of you who haven't been able to see it, here's a brief recap and a very important announcement:

  • You can re-watch the stream to catch up over here!
  • We have released a huge update to live servers! This includes the following:
    • 12-player maps are now a thing! We finally got them to work.
    • 2vs2 Ranked is now also a thing!
    • Lots of QoL changes to the Auction House, like refresh rates, setting up multiple auctions at once, and 48h auctions.
    • The ability to play cards from the marketplace in the forge without actually owning them
    • New faction boosters that will help increase your odds for cards of a faction that you like! All 2-color and pure factions now have their own separate boosters costing respectively 475 and 500 BFP.
    • New BFP system that replaces the 30m free booster quest. This system will allow you to earn BFP over time rather than hitting a wall after 30m of play, and will allow those with jobs or less time on their hands to catch up on others in order to give them a chance at auctioning and partaking in the economy. For more details on the BFP system and how it works, check out its most recent thread here.
    • BFP and quests that are missed can be stored up to 3 days (6 quests max, 550 BFP stored max, 100 per day.)
    • Numerous fixes and improvements
    • Please check out this thread for all the details and full patch notes! 
  • We're going to get a brand new updater in the near future, which gives easy access to things such as server selection, the map editor, social links, and much more! Check it out on-stream!
  • PvP players rejoice! We're planning to introduce several pre-built decks to PvP that will be level 120, fully upgraded and charged to get the full PvP experience of being on the same level as your opponents. In the meantime, you can use your rewards earned through PvP to collect and build other decks or refine your current one. These decks cannot be used in PvE.
  • And last, but certainly not least, we are proud to announce the following:

We have finally progressed far enough to announce a release time!

Skylords Reborn 1.0 will be released in Q4 2020! Along with one and only reset.

That's October, November or December, depending on how well we progress and how many bugs and difficulties we still encounter. We are confident we can actually get this done in time, after many years of holding back on release dates. 

Recently, our developers @fiki574, @Aviat0r, but most notably @Ladadoos and @Zyna, have done massive work towards the project, as you can see, and thanks to them we have come very far throughout the past few months despite losing a great help to the project, Kubik. We've made a lot of progress too on design decisions thanks to @MephistoRoss and @Ultrakool and of course we wouldn't be anywhere without your support, be it through helping us by reporting bugs, by supporting us on Patreon, or just for sticking along this long!

Please enjoy the fresh new patch that we released on live servers today, and keep up the positivity! We're ever closer to that sweet gold status and to that final reset, and we're insanely grateful to have come this far. We'll keep you updated on all of our developments through the forums, discord, and also our new Trello! Here you can follow the latest developments, future plans, and our roadmap to 1.0!


That covers it all for now! For some more information you can refer to the Q&A that we did on-stream! 
Stay frosty, stay healthy, stay undead, and stay burning, guardians of Nyn! See you in the forge!

BombSka, Swok, Ultrakool and 12 others like this
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This all sounds wonderful and Im excited, but currently I and many others can not get into the game as we are receiving errors that files are missing,  launcher.exe missing, and worst yet Trojan virus of severe threat is now on or was on my computer and every time I try to log in it appears again ,not happy about that so what is being done to fix these problems?

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15 hours ago, Ghostrider said:

This all sounds wonderful and Im excited, but currently I and many others can not get into the game as we are receiving errors that files are missing,  launcher.exe missing, and worst yet Trojan virus of severe threat is now on or was on my computer and every time I try to log in it appears again ,not happy about that so what is being done to fix these problems?

@Ghostrider You have to add an exception for our files to your anti virus.

"To prevent your anti-virus software from quarantining game files every time, you may want to Whitelist your BattleForge folder (create an exception for your antivirus software to skip your BF folder in scans), or at the very least make sure to whitelist Patcher.exeSkylordsRebornUpdater.exe, Launcher.exe and BattleForge.exe. Don't worry, official updater links will never contain any actual malware. "

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The exception for the anti virus shouldn't be needed anymore since a few patches.

In case you receive any anti virus alerts, please let us know immediately. For a quick fix you could then readd the exception to the anti virus to be able to play the game.



1 hour ago, Darwin1982 said:

Have you created any kind of pre-order for this game ?

What do you mean with pre-order?
If you're asking, if you can already play the game, then the answer is yes. We're in an Open Stress Test right now where everyone is allowed to play. But all your progress will get wiped upon release.

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It's coming, the day we have all been waiting for :)

Amazing seeing the progress in the last months. Thougt it would take a lot of time after loosing Kubik, for working into what he did and maybe slowing down because one that took big effort and time into it is never easy to replace... but the opposite happend. You worked fast into it, didn't go low on morale and pushed on, even faster and better. Got a lot of respect for that. Strange sometimes how some negative looking events can do a positive effect sometimes ^_^

Now i wait this little time left, beeing excited and gratefull that i will see this day. Thank you so much for the great news.

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Thank you, this is indeed fabulous news.

Question I'm sure you have thought of, with only 108 views on this update stream, will there be enough players to keep the game alive?

How can you blast this out there so it will get attention and new people will join?

I currently have 32K followers on LinkedIn, but most aren't gamers though I'm happy to lend a shout-out if you feel it would help.

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17 hours ago, FarRockBF said:

Thank you, this is indeed fabulous news.

Question I'm sure you have thought of, with only 108 views on this update stream, will there be enough players to keep the game alive?

How can you blast this out there so it will get attention and new people will join?

I currently have 32K followers on LinkedIn, but most aren't gamers though I'm happy to lend a shout-out if you feel it would help.

It would be cool to have some - even simple (but with some nice graphics) landing site - rather than current forum

Few links is all what is needed there

- how to start playing right now (leading to forum post)

- release date (leading to forum post)

- forum (leading to forums)


The current experience of newcomer is very confusing - you can tell by various questions on discord (end even above here) how to join the game, when can I play etc.

Ladadoos and fiki574 like this
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17 hours ago, FarRockBF said:

Thank you, this is indeed fabulous news.

Question I'm sure you have thought of, with only 108 views on this update stream, will there be enough players to keep the game alive?

How can you blast this out there so it will get attention and new people will join?

I currently have 32K followers on LinkedIn, but most aren't gamers though I'm happy to lend a shout-out if you feel it would help.

Hey. Online concurrent viewers were around 300 on Twitch, idk where it shows 108.

Most of the people are in the shadows waiting, so they should come (in a small part) by themselves. We have some "marketing/ad strategies" in mind, nothing concrete yet.

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Getting some streamers/youtubers involved would probably be a good way to go.

And yup, I'm one of those guys in the shadows. Been waiting for the full launch and final reset, though I probably shouldn't have.

Edited by Mordja
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What are your plans for advertising the game once it is released?

Right now most RTS players don't know about the game.

Do you have contacts within PC Gamer magazine or any other publishers to insure an article about the game?

I have send numerous emails to PC Gamer writers and so far I haven't received even one reply.

What about Steam?

Are you able to add the game to the Steam platform?



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YES! this is what ive been waiting for

Honestly i havent played currently cuz i wanna wait for a stable release and the progress will be reset at that time, so im pretty sure there's lots of other ppl like me out there.

What i mean by that is, dont think ppl have lost interest, trust me when u release 1.0 version and somehow make a big deal of it so ppl like me get noticed u'll have alot of players that day :)


Zyna, Ladadoos and Ultrakool like this
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On 8/22/2020 at 10:07 PM, macabi said:

What are your plans for advertising the game once it is released?

Right now most RTS players don't know about the game.

Do you have contacts within PC Gamer magazine or any other publishers to insure an article about the game?

I have send numerous emails to PC Gamer writers and so far I haven't received even one reply.

What about Steam?

Are you able to add the game to the Steam platform?



We do not have concrete plans for advertising yet, it's mostly just a bunch of ideas. Among these ideas are things like advertising via YouTubers and letting them give scratch card codes among to their subscribers, contacting websites to write articles, etc.

We cannot add this game to the steam platform, since we do not own the rights to the game.

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12 hours ago, Ladadoos said:

There will be a wipe (progression reset) on release, yes.

Are we talking "Upgrades" only? or both "Cards" and "Upgrades"?

Regarding "Advertisement", I would highly recommend approaching PC Gamer Magazine.

An article on this magazine can insure we get enough players to cover all games types 24 hours a day. 


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16 hours ago, Ladadoos said:

Cards, Upgrades, Gold, BFP. Everything related to progression. Just like starting from scratch.

Bummer. :thinking:

During Battleforge days promos were given as rewards.

So How about one promo to  all those players who helped with Beta testing all this time?


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  • Ladadoos changed the title to We're Releasing Q4 https://forum.skylords.eu/index.php?/topic/6862-were-releasing-q4-2020/2020!
  • Ladadoos changed the title to We're Releasing Q4!
  • Zyna unpinned this topic

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