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Everything posted by Dallarian

  1. It even counts APM! I am happy to see it working. It currently has some problems with displaying Orbs, and takes a bit of space - a few more replays and it will get very difficult to find something in here, but you already implemented filters I guess it's in early stage of development, so I will feel free to drop some ideas and inspiration: Starcraft replays upload website, has a nice and clean layout: https://drop.sc/ Another tool for Starcraft replays, which automaticly analyses replays - so has same purpose as your website: https://sc2replaystats.com/replay/16682806 While I know nothing about such coding, possibilities of BF replays, and difficulty of the task, a few information could be really nice to see, for example graphs of power bound in units / buildings, total power, total destroyed power and so on - please forgive me my ignorance in IT. I am aware it may be impossible to do, I am just dropping ideas. Consider including game version of the replay - as we get balance patches old replays become unplayable. until further notice I am happy to see such tool to be alive and working! ^^
  2. Is there guide to all expert maps? I guess I have missed it somewhere, could you link it please? In case you mention Missions Briefing, it's not a guide. To my defence, Mark of the Keeper and Nighguards are designed to do what they do, and are strong because of design idea. As long as I promote attemps with every faction, I feel morally okay with mentioning a few MVP cards - not everyone can roll all maps with Homesoil Glyph MA after all. I like to fool myself, that I promote creative approach to the game, through my introduction - which probably nobody have read. But then there are maps like Slave Master and Sunbridge. I am not content with approaches, however, I have not developed other strategies to beat the maps yet. Shame on me - I did go the easy way, and many people like doing it either. Those who like the hard way, focus more on meta and often do speedruns, or, absolutely struggle with maps and complete them within 1-3 hours in a single approach. However, I'd rather more casual players to complete Expert campaign, get reward and continue having fun with the game on replaying rPvE/Standard/Advanced, rather than get extremely frustrated with Expert and have less and less interest in the game. Why? I believe, because many cards are weak, neither competitive nor interesting. I was very happy to use Icefang Raptor once, but that's all purpose I could find for him. That's rather disappointing. And I dare a statement that many maps are badly made, very frustrating and mentally draining - what promotes usage of exploits. Being afk for first 9 minutes of Nightmare Shard to gather power is rather not interesting approach. Unless you use meta solutions, you must use large army and power flows slowly. Torban explained it better than me, though. Many people are not willing to spend their time on trying, they find trial and error a waste of time if you can use a superior tactic. It's a lazy approach, but aren't most of us lazy, particularly when it comes to something what should give us careless fun?
  3. "let me know what you guys think" - "You cannot give anymore reactions today." That describes my view pretty well. I like that you use your own art, we had a few ideas around at some point, but it was all pictures from google graphics. The art hits dark fantasy pretty nicely, and I like the "blurry" parts. They're adding a bit of mistery and magic, and remind me of some in-game cards. <sniff sniff 00110010 01000100 00100000 01100001 01110010 01110100 01101001 01110011 01110100 00111111>
  4. Grinding maps? Certainly Nature / Shadow, with Nightguard, Mana Wing, Ensaring Roots, Giant Wyrm, Unholy Power / Hero, That's current meta. But I have no fun in playing meta stuff.
  5. If you had game on - turn it off and start the game using launcher as always. Launcher updates the game automaticly.
  6. Mynoduesp. His name is Mynoduesp. Feel free to thank him on Discord. If it wasn't for him, I wouldn't even notice myself.
  7. @Ultrakool - your post is weird with double content. There is Promo version of Snapjaws, you can find it out by custom artwork. All Promo cards have star in a corner. However, all available variants of Promo Snapjaws are untradable card, and untradable symbol takes priority over Promo symbol. Yes, Snapjaws from first picture are promo. Yes, they have Promo Star. The Promo Star is hidden below Untradable card bell. Example: All untradable cards spawned as a unit do not have untradable Bell. Therefore, if you spawn starter Sunstriders, they have no symbol in the corner. However, if you spawn Promo Snapjaws in the game, then Promo Star is visible - since no Bell symbol appears on spawned cards.
  8. You are wrong in my view. Battleforge is first of all a card collection game. It is RTS as well, but a very poor one. Normal, successful RTS games do not hide your tech tree behind grind and paywall. If all cards were allowed, I believe the game would be more boring, and card gathering aspect is very important to keep activity. In RTS aspect Battleforge does not have a lot of to offer - very little PvE content and poor PvP mode. It has great ideas and awesome base for mechanics, but it did not receive enough love during initial development. Atleast thanks to excitiment from discovering new cards, there is a bit more live in the game. For example deciding between buying cheaper card than can still fill a role, or saving for more expensive and stronger other card. If we had access to all meta things from the start, we wouldn't even look at half of cards. If many gets get redesign, and we get more PvE content, then diversity would be great and unique experience. However, a lot of development must happen before fraction of this enter the game.
  9. Deleted mail gives you it's all contents, making using AH slightly easier. "Delete all" is present, however I do not use it because I have some important mails in here. Option "Delete all unread / new mails" would be nice. Keep in mind that there is 1 second cooldown after casting a card. I agree with all others, nice suggestions.
  10. Economics (/ɛkəˈnɒmɪks, iːkə-/) is the social science that studies how people interact with value; in particular, the production, distribution, and consumption of goods and services.[1] In other words, economics is attempt to understand what is happening with prices in different environments, and Battleforge is environment with production and consuption of both goods and services. I dare a statement that economics is a simulation based on reality in order to predict many, including Battleforge marketplace. Can you please explain me why knowledge should be forbidden within Skylords Reborn environment? Your Death Ray example: Thanks to freedom of market, the action is possible to make, and everyone can make such risk. At my time of writing Death Ray is at 95 BFP buyout and is slowly going back to it's usual price. Even with market manipulation, the price comes back to it's usual. Furnace of Flesh is a great example of that. 5 pages of Furnace of Flesh for 500 BFPs was trully impressive, however it took one day for people to restore old, and right now even cheaper price than before 18th Jan. People who do market manipulation will profit only if. other people buy their cards. Therefore any market manipulation is a risk, and massivly buying a card automaticly freezez large amounts of money. If you are looking for a particular card, you will be familiar with it's usual price and able to compare prices. Maze's SMJ is great for cards comparision and let you know how prices change over time. Buying in unstable environment like this is risky, however suggested solution will not help you. I can think of workarounds right now, so even with more complex system there will be ways for determined players to continue their procedeer. While I do not find it ethical to sell normal cards for price of Promo cards, or worse affinities for price of better ones, it's a good live lesson - be careful for yourself, because nobody will do that for you. Limits on prices would be bad as well - in-game marketplace is too dynamic for fixed changes and heavily influenced by many trends. And about trying to control marketplace, buying cards for 3 BFP and selling them for 10 BFP is evil. But isn't 16k BFPs frozen in 130 copies of Furnace of Flesh a punishment on it's own? As time goes on, most cards will get cheaper anyway, while most expensive ones will keep on gaining value. It is a result of some interesting phenomena, but ask more clever people than me to explain it.
  11. I do not want to lose PvP matches only because someone have better charges / upgrades, even if I slightly outplay them in decision making. I believe many players share that thought. However, I think you are familiar with that arguments already. If you grant boosters or other large rewards for playing Collection PvP, then expect PvE players just to grind in afk those matches to get rewards. Actually boosters as a reward can be interesting way to make PvP more popular. For example achievement "Play 100 PvP ranked matches", and reward for it 5-6 boosters. It's juicy enough to make many players interested in completing the achievement, and at the same time, I believe (well, I am naive), popularity of PvP side of the game would significantly increase - players from PvE would experience the gamemode quite and bit, and thanks to larger player base, they may avoid frustration from playing vs significantly superior players. Collection mod ecould benefit from this phenomena as well. But, as the same time such achievement could lead to a lot of frustration and conflict of interests among many PvE players, they would feel forced to complete the achievement to stay on top with boosters, achievements work this way, and I do not think it would be a good thing to force players to play the gamemode.
  12. That's correct. From all units I tested, none have shown similar properly. Thank you for finding another card with same bug, though.
  13. To specify, no other unit with one attack type only I tested (War Eagle, Skyelf Templar, Firesworn) deal splash damage to other targets than specified in description.
  14. Random quests from PvE pool promote all game modes (...). You have 3 days to finish a daily quest and many quests overlap, so completion of them should not be a problem unless it is "play specified map". With minor budget management (having 75 BFPs in advance, for example drained from reserve) allow you to keep buying boosters and other things. However, if for any reason someone would like to reroll their quest to complete it quickly, or do not feel like doing this particular one, I believe it should be possible to reroll quests indefinitely. It's one of foundations of BFP income, and in MMORPG if I dislike one XP spot / it's busy / something happened, I have freedom to go to another, because there are usually 3-5 other locations available. I believe similarly it should be in Skylords Reborn.
  15. If you have a faction you are going to play, then opening faction boosters is better - you get many cards you are going to use. If you are uncertain about faction, then consider opening general boosters or buying certain cards from AH. Many people make profit on opening boosters, however Fire is one of worst ones. It's a lot of about personal preference and your in-game goal, I collected many great cards by opening boosters, but had to supply it with addinotional charges from AH. https://smj.herokuapp.com/boosters
  16. After the redesign, Shrine of Martyrs excellently fills Battleship Shield playstyle, which is more spell heavy than just Ironclad spam - benefits from the building are great and awesome, allowing me to cast spells, Barrage, and keep shield almost indefinately at the same time. For me the change is perfect and nicely fits other recent changes. The idea behind all Shrines is to return void power. Old Shrine of Martyrs did not fullfill the goal, and thanks to the change now it does fit in the archetype. If you liked old Shrine of Martyrs in non-void-manipulated rPvE, and now new variant is useless because every time you have better manipulations always in play, then, both variants are significantly weaker, regardless of change. Please separate those situations, strength of both variants is weakened if mentioned Shrines are commonly in a match. The idea with void manipulation and length of freeze is interesting and may be strong, in sense strong = used. However, I'd keep the idea for some useless Frost Building, for example for Frontier Keep redesign - affinities could work similarly to Time Vortex's affinities, or could have separate, different effects (shield from old Shrine of Martyrs and longer freeze, for example), and let Shrine of Martyrs do it's job and be Frost equivalent to Shrine of Greed, Memory and War. No need to apologise for England, I have forgiven it's deeds long ago. And your English is decent enough to communicate clearly your intentions, mission successful.
  17. Can we have update on the list please? There are a few new faces and I wonder in which cathegory they fall. Also some pictures do not work.
  18. 2964 I have screenshots, can upload here. Wanna see?
  19. 2962 I always liked that "Say something about person above you" had significantly more posts than this one across 2015-2018, even if this thread is aimed at largest number of replies. It reverted now, though. @Bkingn You deserve a separate place in hell.
  20. Was 2nd to answer in another pointless thread.
  21. The code was PROM OMOU NTAI NEER, however it contained Promo Snapjaws. There is no Promo version of Mountaineer yet in the game.
  22. Dallarian

    Ladder Stream

    Make sure to advertise yourself on Discord as well.
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