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Beta Tester
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Everything posted by shadowxxs77

  1. Such a cool idea! ^^ Excited to see how this works out.
  2. I do agree with removing Wazhai if there is no other option but if they were able to somehow just disable phase towers on that map I would be fine with just keeping it
  3. Pretty bad player here looking for teammate Not sure if I can participate then but I'll be sure to confirm it a day before
  4. Might be my bad English but I don't see any grammar mistakes
  5. SERVER: Kubik's server NAME: Unit models dissapearing SEVERITY: 2, It is pretty annoying and game breaking but can be avoided if you know how to. REPROCUBILITY: I can reproduce it, need others to test if they can aswell DESCRIPTION: When I start the game up windowed, everything works fine untill I try to full screen using alt + enter, all the unit models dissapear of screen, I am still able to move them and you can see the HP bar, green/red circles and the shadows. I'm assuming this is because an old game like this isn't used to a full screen hotkey and it requires the game to be restarted to full screen via options. SCREENSHOT: Not able to screenshot in full screen
  6. Hype :hype:, I will not dissapoint!

  7. This is some seriously insane artwork, thats amazing man! Keep up the great work!
  8. 9/10, I enjoyed that quite a lot only thing from keeping it from being a 10 is I've head a lot of similiar songs lately still a great song! ^^
  9. He has Path of Exile so he is all good in my book ^^
  10. 2 more months, keep the hype going :hypetrain:

    1. Fauchderial


      it January 2018... so it next year ? I'm confused...

    2. shadowxxs77


      Oktober 2017 -> December 2017 -> Januari 2018

         1                          2                       Release date

    3. japoo


      Oh... I missed the memo that they removed November. Dangit...

  11. Only use S units in a PVP Match
  12. This is a great idea, however wouldn't this remove the urge to collect cards and make a deck out of them? Why spent so much effort getting a 120 deck if you could have a random one each 2 weeks? Ofcourse you won't be able to pick them yourself but I can see people not wanting to bother create their own 120 deck if they can get a 120. Therefore I would suggest making it like a 100 deck so you'll benefit more for making your own 120 deck. Nontheless a great idea Edit: Or you have to rent them thats also an option, this way you would save BFP by making your own deck in the long run
  13. Did this test while back, got INFP aswell. Really suprises me, only 1% of the people are INFP IIRC and its the most uncommon one yet its about 25% here
  14. Tbh I doubt that, I'm almost certain I will lose most 1v1's vs you and with the amount of time I've seen anonyme play I'm sure he has a big shot at winning aswell
  15. Its not that they are OP, its that they are exclusive, I personally only played versus them once or twice and have know idea what they're capable of
  16. " I'm active on 21 different Discord servers.. " 1 more server wouldn't hurt
  17. I got 116, idk how to post image tho. Tho I didn't know a few and probably got lucky guessing
  18. 2299 Amount of times I saw this topic in recent updated topics
  19. Just few members left till 10k, great milestone, keep the hype going! :hypetrain:

  20. When you aren't as active anymore on the forums
  21. @MrXLink Happy birthday man! :mrxlink: Words can't describe how grateful I and probably all of us are to you for making this project! Love for all the mods <3 

    1. Lukaznid


      I'm just gonna hijack this update to say:

      Happy Birthday Link! Stay dragony!

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