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  1. Just a quick idea from me. The problem here is that players that dont know the values are sometimes willing to buy overprices cards bcs they just dont know better. Implement an easy average estimation of a cards price on top of each card in the AH. For example if a card is sold in general for 100 BFP and someone buys all cards of the same kind...lets say 20 cards...the person has to spend 2000 BFP. So in the background this would mean, that the general price or you can also call it recommended price for a card shows up as 100 BFP. If this person now puts in these 20 cards all for 200 BFP each the shown recommended price would not change until the person sells one of these. If the person sells one card for 200 bfp...the formular would be something like (20C*100BFP+1C*200BFP)/21 ~ 105 BFP So by selling 1 card for 200 BFP after buying 20 for 100 BFP the average(recommended) price would only rise by 5 BFP. That means that even new players would be aware of the average price, by looking at the shown recommended price for each card, EVEN IF someone buys all cards of one kind and places them at a absurd high price in the AH. So even if the person puts in the 20 cards for 200 BFP the recommended price would still be showing 100 BFP. It would even show up when you are about to put a card in the AH. You choose a card to sell and the game recommends you a price to sell it for.
  2. SEVERITY: 3LOCATION: Login, Forge, in gameREPRODUCIBILITY: ALWAYSDESCRIPTION: e.g. Login Screen...Login not Login, but 'Anmelden'
  3. Zyna: Tooltip changes will be done post reset. SEVERITY: 3 LOCATION: Forge, in game REPRODUCIBILITY: ALWAYS DESCRIPTION: Wardens Sigil green Affiniti also "may be attached to buildings under construction" as blue is. Or changed so that it doesn't
  4. We need a cue of not 1 minute but 30 minutes or above to prevent that from happening... But if the data of the server just crashing and noone is rly playing helps for the stress test, keep it that way I was at least able to finish one game yesterday, but I think a 30 minute cue would help a lot. Before you are able to press the login button the first time there appears a 30 minute timer that you have to wait. No restarting or other tricks
  5. did 2 games already and opened my 4 boosters...but just saying...hope noone also not the dev expected it not to crash instantly
  6. Ah, thx... but still...if the stream hits 1k marks, you could expect the servers to crash, if you only "allow" 200 slots. Even without a stress test
  7. a release of a stress test is also a release ...dont be so picky
  8. at least 1,3 k people were waiting atm of the release... we should've expected the servers to crash. If they are not able to handle min 1,3 k its kinda pointless
  9. it always shows me "your client has lost the connection to the server"
  10. like already few years ago I wanted to draw for the project...and also create the content for the patreon... but it seems I was to bad or something
  11. So let me just open this topic real quick, since some guys were wondering about me posting it in the chat to many time For all you folks out there that would like some content, while waiting for the open beta
  12. Hey me and my mate would like to participate in the tournament Back in the days we were rank 3 at the 2n2 ladder...we will start all over fresh and clean at SLR. Our game will also be stream, not sure if it would be a german or english stream, we ll see LG Tobbe
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